How do you clear a password field in Scala Swing - scala-swing

I can't figure out how to clear a scala.swing.PasswordField. I have tried setting the text(String) method to an empty String...
passwordField.text = ""
but it didn't work. It works on a TextField, but not on a PasswordField. I also can not set a new value using the password method...
passwordField.password = "" // not allowed
Any ideas...?

I have already solved the problem using 'peer'.


getDocumentByKey with a number vector doesn't find the document

I have a 2 column sorted view and try to get a document the following code:
var searchArr = new java.util.Vector();
var customerdoc:NotesDocument = viw.getDocumentByKey(searchArr,true);
but the result is null.
If I use only the first element for the key (10000310), then I get (the first) doc with that key. But with the 2-element-vector the lookup returns null.
the same in LotusScript works fine:
Dim searchkey(1) As Double
searchkey(0) = 10000307
searchkey(1) = 45
Set doc = luview.Getdocumentbykey(searchkey, true)
gives me the document I need.
Confusing, for me ....
This is a known bug, hopefully to be fixed in 9.0.2. See this question getDocumentByKey with view category separated by "\\" in XPages
Your LS example uses an array, not a Vector. I am not even sure if it is intended to work with a Vector - never did that. So just use an array here, too, as the key.

Coded UI Test SetProper issues

public HtmlComboBox NetworkSelectBox
HtmlComboBox networkSelectBox = new HtmlComboBox(ConfigVMPage);
networkSelectBox.SearchProperties[HtmlComboBox.PropertyNames.Id] = "vnic";
networkSelectBox.SearchProperties[HtmlComboBox.PropertyNames.Name] = "vnic";
networkSelectBox.FilterProperties[HtmlComboBox.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "style=\"WIDTH: auto\" id=vnic name=vnic r";
return networkSelectBox;
Above is the code I define an UI element and I want to set the property
NetworkSelectBox.SelectedItem = "LabNetworkSwitch";
I've used this way on other elements and all success, but in this one i got the error message
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.ActionNotSupportedOnDisabledControlException: Cannot perform 'SetProperty of SelectedItem with value "LabNetwokrSwitch"' on the disabled or read-only control.
How can I change the control type?
I don't think you want to change the control type. I would suggest trying either waitforready() or find(). What is likely happening is when the control is initially found it is disabled, and find() will sync the actual control with the current networkSelectBox. WaitForReady() is probably the preferable method here though it will implicitly refresh the values of the combo box until it is available for input or the time out has expired.
I doubt you will run into this issue with HtmlComboBoxes but with a couple of WinComboBoxes I have had issues where they could not be set using SelectedItem or SelectedIndex. I ended up doing KeyBoardSendkeys(Combobox,"firstLetterOfItem") until the selected value was correct.

CKEditor dialogs: referencing input fields by ID

Each input field in the CKEditor dialogs are renamed with a unique number, but the number changes depending on what options are visible.
I need to reference 'txtUrl' which has an id something like #35_textInput.
So far I have discovered that something like this should work:
But it doesn't. Please help.
#Rio, your solution was really close! This was the final solution:
var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
return false;
var dialog = this.getDialog();
var elem = dialog.getContentElement('info','txtUrl');
within an onchange part of an element I now use
dialog = this.getDialog();
alert(dialog.getContentElement('info', 'grootte').getInputElement().$.id);
and it gives 'cke_117_select' as a result. (It's a selectbox)
alert(dialog.getContentElement('info', 'txtUrl').getInputElement().$.id);
gives 'cke_107_textInput'.
I think this is what you (or other visitors to this page) are looking for.
SetValueOf still doesn't provide the id, which you may need if you want to do more than fill a text field with a certain text.

Setting author field in SPListItem won't persist

I am trying to copy an SPListItem (with file) from one site collection to another. I do this by creating the file like this:
var archiveFile = newsArchive.Lists[listName].RootFolder.Files.Add(originalItem.File.Name, originalItem.File.OpenBinary());
var archiveItem = archiveFile.Item;
through a utility method I wrote i then set all field values of the new item to correspond with the original item like so
The thing is, this does not persist the Author field.
I tried setting the Author field explicitely in every way imaginable, for instance like so:
string userName = originalItem.GetUser("Created by").LoginName;
SPUser user = newsArchive.SiteUsers[userName];
archiveItem["Author"] = user.ID + ";#" + user.LoginName;
And like so
string userName = originalItem.GetUser("Created by").LoginName;
SPUser user = newsArchive.SiteUsers[userName];
archiveItem["Author"] = user;
But as soon as the SPListItem.Update() method is called, the archiveItem["Author"] field has reverted to sharepoint\system. I'm a bit at a loss here, this should work..
P.S. the SPListItem.GetUser method is an extension method
P.P.S. Code is being run from a timer job...
Edit: Did some more digging by adding a new field to the content type and then setting that field to reflect the Author of the original item, but that is not set either. However, the web.EnsureUser(username) does return the correct user. Is this weird or what!?!
Found the answer, using
SPFieldUserValue val = new SPFieldUserValue(newsArchive, user.ID, user.Name);
archiveItem["Author"] = val;
did the trick!
I've experienced the same problem. Have a look at this question.
The way that worked for me is to wrap the same code you have in your final example in elevated privileges.
Why don't you try replacing:
SPUser user = newsArchive.SiteUsers[userName];
SPUser user = newsArchive.EnsureUser(userName);
Then you will know the user is in the web and also get a reference to them. The SiteUsers collection gives you the users in the site collection - they have not necessarily been added to the web. If SharePoint doesn't find the user it will probably use system account.

SharePoint List Error: "Value does not fall within the expected range"

Hi I am developing using the SharePoint namespace and I ran into the following error when I try to retrieve a URL column from one of my lsits.
"Value does not fall within the expected range"
All I am doing is:
Can someone tell me what I can do about this?
The error definitely means that the field can't be found.
Debug the process and look at the ListItem.Fields.SchemaXML property to find its internal name, it may be saved internally as something other than URL. You can also use the following method to get a list item value.
SPField l_field = l_item.Fields.GetField("URL");
string l_fieldValue = l_item[l_field.Id].ToString();
The GetField method looks for a field by both DisplayName & InternalName.
To get the URL of an SPListItem, use Item.Url.
public static string GetItemURLValue(SPListItem item, string fieldName)
string exit = "";
SPFieldUrlValue link = new SPFieldUrlValue(item[fieldName].ToString());
exit = link.Url;
return exit;
This usually means "URL" is not a field in the list.
If it's a promoted InfoPath column, try deactivating and re-activating the form template to the site. I have noticed that I have to do this whenever I add a new promoted field to an infopath template.
There is a special method for retrieving URLs. Try this:
SPListItem li = ...
SPFieldUrlValue fuv = new SPFieldUrlValue(li[strFieldName].ToString());
return fuv.Url;
Mine is a Windows application. I used to get this exception after I created the set up and tried deploying.
My application needed to write in Excel and then save it. I used reference of COM component 'Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object'. I noticed when I add this reference actually 3 dll's appear in my reference list.
I removed the 'VBIDE' reference and my problem is solved.
If it's just a column name and in "Single line of Text" format, what about:
item["URL"] != null ? item["URL"].ToString() : "Not Found";
