Extract algebraic signs from string - string

I have a string as follows
str <- "- var_a + var_c - var_d"
and I want to change the values in a vector vec
vec <- c(var_a=0, var_b=0, var_c=0, var_d=0, var_e=0)
var_a var_b var_c var_d var_e
0 0 0 0 0
according to str: whenever a variable has a negative sign, set the corresponding entry in vec to -1, if it has a positive sign to 1. My desired output would look like this:
var_a var_b var_c var_d var_e
-1 0 1 -1 0
My idea was to try to loop over all names of vec and use a regex to extract the corresoponding sign in str, but I don't really know how to get the sign, with for
instance lapply(names(vec), grepl, str) I can only see which of the variable are in the string.
Isn't there an easier way, for example with formula or expression ? I also looked at the package Ryacas but could not find what I need.

This works for your example:
splitted <- strsplit(str, " ")[[1]]
signs <- splitted[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
vars <- splitted[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
vec[vars] <- ifelse(signs == "+", 1, -1)
Would the first sign on the first variable be positive, would you have a leading + as in str <- "+ var_a + var_c - var_d"? If not, you will have to handle that separately.

Using scan to read and split data. The scan read data an put it in a vector.
vec <- c(var_a=0, var_b=0, var_c=0, var_d=0, var_e=0)
ll <- scan(text=str,what='string')
## EDIT here to treat the case the first elment is not a sign
## i.e: var_a + var_c - var_d
pos <- ll %in% c('-','+')
if(length(ll[pos]) != length(ll[!pos])) ll <- append(ll,'+',0)
vec[ll[!pos]] <- ifelse(ll[pos] == '-',-1,1)

I like the regex approach, but you have to be careful that the regex is compatible with your variable names. This splits the string on spaces that are preceeded by a letter character (you could use [[:alphanum:]] to be more flexible but I'm not sure if you would have numbers in your string...
# Split variables
args <- strsplit( str , "(?<=[a-z])\\s" , perl = TRUE )[[1]]
# Extract sign and convert to integer
sign <- as.integer( paste0( strtrim(args , 1 ) , 1 ) )
# Match and change the corresponding values of vec
vec[ match( substring( args , first = 3 ) , names(vec) ) ] <- sign
#var_a var_b var_c var_d var_e
# -1 0 1 -1 0

I was thinking of a probably slow approach along the lines of
# set up initial condition
varnames<-c('var_a','var_b','var_c', etc)
# test one by one to see what you get, w/ apologies in advance for evalparse
for (j in 1: length(varnames) ) {
values[j]<- eval(parse(str))
Then the values in values will tell you the sign of the variable in your string.
Ugly but fun to design :-)


Given two strings, how do I find number of reoccurences of one in another?

For example, s1='abc', s2='kokoabckokabckoab'.
Output should be 3. (number of times s1 appears in s2).
Not allowed to use for or strfind. Can only use reshape,repmat,size.
I thought of reshaping s2, so it would contain all of the possible strings of 3s:
s2 =
.... etc
But I'm having troubles from here..
Assuming you have your matrix reshaped into the format you have in your post, you can replicate s1 and stack the string such that it has as many rows as there are in the reshaped s2 matrix, then do an equality operator. Rows that consist of all 1s means that we have found a match and so you would simply search for those rows where the total sum is equal to the total length of s1. Referring back to my post on dividing up a string into overlapping substrings, we can decompose your string into what you have posted in your question like so:
%// Define s1 and s2 here
s1 = 'abc';
len = length(s1);
s2 = 'kokoabckokabckoab';
%// Hankel starts here
c = (1 : len).';
r = (len : length(s2)).';
nr = length(r);
nc = length(c);
x = [ c; r((2:nr)') ]; %-- build vector of user data
cidx = (1:nc)';
ridx = 0:(nr-1);
H = cidx(:,ones(nr,1)) + ridx(ones(nc,1),:); % Hankel subscripts
ind = x(H); % actual data
%// End Hankel script
%// Now get our data
subseqs = s2(ind.');
%// Case where string length is 1
if len == 1
subseqs = subseqs.';
subseqs contains the matrix of overlapping characters that you have alluded to in your post. You've noticed a small bug where if the length of the string is 1, then the algorithm won't work. You need to make sure that the reshaped substring matrix consists of a single column vector. If we ran the above code without checking the length of s1, we would get a row vector, and so simply transpose the result if this is the case.
Now, simply replicate s1 for as many times as we have rows in subseqs so that all of these strings get stacked into a 2D matrix. After, do an equality operator.
eqs = subseqs == repmat(s1, size(subseqs,1), 1);
Now, find the column-wise sum and see which elements are equal to the length of your string. This will produce a single column vector where 1 indicates that we have found a match, and zero otherwise:
sum(eqs, 2) == len
ans =
Finally, to add up how many times the substring matched, you just have to add up all elements in this vector:
out = sum(sum(eqs, 2) == len)
out =
As such, we have two instances where abc is found in your string.
Here is another one,
[a,b] = ismember(s2,s1);
b = [0 0 b 0 0];
a1=circshift(b,[0 -1]);
a2=circshift(b,[0 -2]);
It gives 3 for your input and 4 for my example, and it seems to work well if ismember is okey.
Just for the fun of it: this can be done with nlfilter from the Image Processing Toolbox (I just discovered this function today and am eager to apply it!):
ds1 = double(s1);
ds2 = double(s2);
result = sum(nlfilter(ds2, [1 numel(ds1)], #(x) all(x==ds1)));

R: combinatorial string replacement

I am on the lookout for a gsub based function which would enable me to do combinatorial string replacement, so that if I would have an arbitrary number of string replacement rules
and a target string
it would give me a dataframe with the final string name and the substitutions that were made as in
name x ALK END
3-methylheptane 3 hept ane
5-methylheptane 5 hept ane
3-methyloctane 3 oct ane
5-methyloctane 5 ... ...
3-methylnonane 3
5-methylnonane 5
3-methylheptene 3
5-methylheptene 5
3-methyloctene 3
5-methyloctene 5
3-methylnonene 3
5-methylnonene 5
The target string would be of arbitrary structure, e.g. it could also be string="1-<ALK>anol" or each pattern could occur several times, as in string="<ALK>anedioic acid, di<ALK>yl ester"
What would be the most elegant way to do this kind of thing in R?
How about
d <- do.call(expand.grid, replrules)
d$name <- paste0(d$'<x>', "-", "methyl", d$'<ALK>', d$'<END>')
This seems to work (substituting each of these into the strplit)
string = "<x>-methyl<ALK><END>"
string2 = "<x>-ethyl<ALK>acosane"
string3 = "1-<ALK>anol"
Using Richards regex
d <- do.call(expand.grid, list(replrules, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
names(d) <- gsub("<|>","",names(d))
s <- strsplit(string3, "(<|>)", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
out <- list()
for(i in s) {
out[[i]] <- ifelse (i %in% names(d), d[i], i)
d$name <- do.call(paste0, unlist(out, recursive=F))
This should work for repeat items
d <- do.call(expand.grid, list(replrules, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
names(d) <- gsub("<|>","",names(d))
string4 = "<x>-methyl<ALK><END>oate<ALK>"
s <- strsplit(string4, "(<|>)", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
out <- list()
for(i in seq_along(s)) {
out[[i]] <- ifelse (s[i] %in% names(d), d[s[i]], s[i])
d$name <- do.call(paste0, unlist(out, recursive=F))
Well, I'm not exactly sure we can even produce a "correct" answer to your question, but hopefully this helps give you some ideas.
Okay, so in s, I just split the string where it might be of most importance. Then g gets the first value in each element of r. Then I constructed a data frame as an example. So then dat is a one row example of how it would look.
> (s <- strsplit(string, "(?<=l|\\>)", perl = TRUE)[[1]])
# [1] "<x>" "-methyl" "<ALK>" "<END>"
> g <- sapply(replrules, "[", 1)
> dat <- data.frame(name = paste(append(g, s[2], after = 1), collapse = ""))
> dat[2:4] <- g
> names(dat)[2:4] <- sapply(strsplit(names(g), "<|>"), "[", -1)
> dat
# name x ALK END
# 1 3-methylheptane 3 hept ane

Generating substrings and random strings in R

Please bear with me, I come from a Python background and I am still learning string manipulation in R.
Ok, so lets say I have a string of length 100 with random A, B, C, or D letters:
> df
I would like to do the following two things:
1) Generate a '.txt' file that is comprised of 20-length subsections of the above string, each starting one letter after the previous with their own unique name on the line above it, like this:
... and so forth
2) Take that generated list and from it comprise another list that has the same exact substrings with the only difference being a change of one or two of the A, B, C, or Ds to another A, B, C, or D (any of those four letters only).
So, this:
Would become this:
As you can see, the "C" in the third position became a "B" and the "A" in position 11 became a "D", with no implied relationship between those changed letters. Purely random.
I know this is a convoluted question, but like I said, I am still learning basic text and string manipulation in R.
Thanks in advance.
Create a text file of substrings
n <- 20 # length of substrings
starts <- seq(nchar(df) - 20 + 1)
v1 <- mapply(substr, starts, starts + n - 1, MoreArgs = list(x = df))
names(v1) <- paste0("NAME", seq_along(v1), "\n")
write.table(v1, file = "filename.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "",
col.names = FALSE)
Randomly replace one or two letters (A-D):
myfun <- function() {
idx <- sample(seq(n), sample(1:2, 1))
rep <- sample(LETTERS[1:4], length(idx), replace = TRUE)
return(list(idx = idx, rep = rep))
new <- replicate(length(v1), myfun(), simplify = FALSE)
v2 <- mapply(function(x, y, z) paste(replace(x, y, z), collapse = ""),
strsplit(v1, ""),
lapply(new, "[[", "idx"),
lapply(new, "[[", "rep"))
names(v2) <- paste0(names(v2), ".1")
write.table(v2, file = "filename2.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
col.names = FALSE)
I tried breaking this down into multiple simple steps, hopefully you can get learn a few tricks from this:
# Random data
n<-10 # Number of cuts
# Pick n random numbers between 1 and the length of string-20
# Make your cuts
cuts<-sapply(nums,function(x) substring(df,x,x+20-1))
# Generate some names
# Make it into a matrix, transpose, and then recast into a vector to get alternating names and cuts.
# Drop a file.
write.table(names.and.cuts,'file.txt',quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
# Pick how many changes are going to be made to each cut.
# Pick that number of positions to change
pos.changes<-lapply(changes,function(x) sample(1:20,x))
# Find the letter at each position.
letter.at.change.pos<-lapply(pos.changes,function(x) substring(df,x,x))
# Make a function that takes any letter, and outputs any other letter from c(A-D)
# Make a list of alternate letters.
# Pick one of each
# Find another letter for each
# Make a function to replace character by position
# Inefficient, but who cares.
for (i in 1:length(pos)) substr(str,pos[i],pos[i])<-chars[i]
# Change every letter at pos.changes to letter.changes
# Generate names
# Use the matrix trick to alternate names.Drop a file.
write.table(names.and.mod.cuts,'file2.txt',quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
Also, instead of the rep.by.char function, you could just use strsplit and replace like this:
mod.cuts<-mapply(function(x,y,z) paste(replace(x,y,z),collapse=''),
One way, albeit slowish:
Rgames> foo<-paste(sample(c('a','b','c','d'),20,rep=T),sep='',collapse='')
Rgames> bar<-matrix(unlist(strsplit(foo,'')),ncol=5)
Rgames> bar
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] "c" "c" "a" "c" "a"
[2,] "c" "c" "b" "a" "b"
[3,] "b" "b" "a" "c" "d"
[4,] "c" "b" "a" "c" "c"
Now you can select random indices and replace the selected locations with sample(c('a','b','c','d'),1) . For "true" randomness, I wouldn't even force a change - if your newly drawn letter is the same as the original, so be it.
Like this:
ibar<-sample(1:5,4,rep=T) # one random column number for each row
for ( j in 1: 4) bar[j,ibar[j]]<-sample(c('a','b','c','d'),1)
Then, if necessary, recombine each row using paste
For the first part of your question:
nstrchars <- 20
count<- nchar(df)-nstrchars
length20substrings <- data.frame(length20substrings=sapply(1:count,function(x)substr(df,x,x+20)))
# to save to a text file. I chose not to include row names or a column name in the .txt file file
For the second part:
# create a function that will randomly pick one or two spots in a string and replace
# those spots with one of the other characters present in the string:
changefxn<- function(x){
if (numchanges>1) {
splitstr[id[1]] <- sample(setdiff(charspresent,chars2repl[1]),1)
splitstr[id[2]] <- sample(setdiff(charspresent,chars2repl[2]),1)
else {splitstr[id[1]] <- sample(setdiff(charspresent,chars2repl[1]),1)
# try it out
# apply changefxn to all the substrings from part 1
newstrings <- lapply(length20substrings, function(ii)changefxn(ii))

algorithm/code in R to find pattern from any position in a string

I want to find the pattern from any position in any given string such that the pattern repeats for a threshold number of times at least.
For example for the string "a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw" the pattern should come out to be "aaaab". Another example: for the string "ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000" the pattern should be "0f".
In both cases threshold has been taken as 3 i.e. the pattern should be repeated for at least 3 times.
If someone can suggest an optimized method in R for finding a solution to this problem, please do share with me. Currently I am achieving this by using 3 nested loops, and it's taking a lot of time.
Use regular expressions, which are made for this type of stuff. There may be more optimized ways of doing it, but in terms of easy to write code, it's hard to beat. The data:
vec <- c("a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw","ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000")
The function that does the matching:
find_rep_path <- function(vec, reps) {
regexp <- paste0(c("(.+)", rep("\\1", reps - 1L)), collapse="")
match <- regmatches(vec, regexpr(regexp, vec, perl=T))
substr(match, 1, nchar(match) / reps)
And some tests:
sapply(vec, find_rep_path, reps=3L)
# a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000
# "aaaab" "0f0f"
sapply(vec, find_rep_path, reps=5L)
# $a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw
# character(0)
# $ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000
# [1] "0f"
Note that with threshold as 3, the actual longest pattern for the second string is 0f0f, not 0f (reverts to 0f at threshold 5). In order to do this, I use back references (\\1), and repeat these as many time as necessary to reach threshold. I need to then substr the result because annoyingly base R doesn't have an easy way to get just the captured sub expressions when using perl compatible regular expressions. There is probably a not too hard way to do this, but the substr approach works well in this example.
Also, as per the discussion in #G. Grothendieck's answer, here is the version with the cap on length of pattern, which is just adding the limit argument and the slight modification of the regexp.
find_rep_path <- function(vec, reps, limit) {
regexp <- paste0(c("(.{1,", limit,"})", rep("\\1", reps - 1L)), collapse="")
match <- regmatches(vec, regexpr(regexp, vec, perl=T))
substr(match, 1, nchar(match) / reps)
sapply(vec, find_rep_path, reps=3L, limit=3L)
# a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000
# "a" "0f"
find.string finds substring of maximum length subject to (1) substring must be repeated consecutively at least th times and (2) substring length must be no longer than len.
reps <- function(s, n) paste(rep(s, n), collapse = "") # repeat s n times
find.string <- function(string, th = 3, len = floor(nchar(string)/th)) {
for(k in len:1) {
pat <- paste0("(.{", k, "})", reps("\\1", th-1))
r <- regexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
if (attr(r, "capture.length") > 0) break
if (r > 0) substring(string, r, r + attr(r, "capture.length")-1) else ""
and here are some tests. The last test processes the entire text of James Joyce's Ulysses in 1.4 seconds on my laptop:
> find.string("a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw")
[1] "aaaab"
> find.string("ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000")
[1] "0f0f"
> joyce <- readLines("http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4300/4300-8.txt")
> joycec <- paste(joyce, collapse = " ")
> system.time(result <- find.string2(joycec, len = 25))
user system elapsed
1.36 0.00 1.39
> result
[1] " Hoopsa boyaboy hoopsa!"
Although I developed my answer before having seen BrodieG's, as he points out they are very similar to each other. I have added some features of his to the above to get the solution below and tried the tests again. Unfortunately when I added the variation of his code the James Joyce example no longer works although it does work on the other two examples shown. The problem seems to be in adding the len constraint to the code and may represent a fundamental advantage of the code above (i.e. it can handle such a constraint and such constraints may be essential for very long strings).
find.string2 <- function(string, th = 3, len = floor(nchar(string)/th)) {
pat <- paste0(c("(.", "{1,", len, "})", rep("\\1", th-1)), collapse = "")
r <- regexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
ifelse(r > 0, substring(string, r, r + attr(r, "capture.length")-1), "")
> find.string2("a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw")
[1] "aaaab"
> find.string2("ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000")
[1] "0f0f"
> system.time(result <- find.string2(joycec, len = 25))
user system elapsed
0 0 0
> result
[1] "w"
REVISED The James Joyce test that was supposed to be testing find.string2 was actually using find.string. This is now fixed.
Not optimized (even it is fast) function , but I think it is more R way to do this.
Get all patterns of certains length > threshold : vectorized using mapply and substr
Get the occurrence of these patterns and extract the one with maximum occurrence : vectorized using str_locate_all.
Repeat 1-2 this for all lengths and tkae the one with maximum occurrence.
Here my code. I am creating 2 functions ( steps 1-2) and step 3:
ss = "ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000"
ss <- "a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw"
find_pattern_length <-
patt = mapply(function(x,y) substr(ss,x,y),
res = str_locate_all(ss,unique(patt))
ll = unlist(lapply(res,length))
list(patt = patt[which.max(ll)],
rep = max(ll))
get_pattern_threshold <-
function(ss,threshold =3 ){
res <-
some tests:
[1] "0f0f0"
[1] 6
> get_pattern_threshold('ff00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0000',2)
[1] "f0"
[1] 18
Since you want at least three repetitions, there is a nice O(n^2) approach.
For each possible pattern length d cut string into parts of length d. In case of d=5 it would be:
Now look at each pairs of subsequent strings A[k] and A[k+1]. If they are equal then there is a pattern of at least two repetitions. Then go further (k+2, k+3) and so on. Finally you also check if suffix of A[k-1] and prefix of A[k+n] fit (where k+n is the first string that doesn't match).
Repeat it for each d starting from some upper bound (at most n/3).
You have n/3 possible lengths, then n/d strings of length d to check for each d. It should give complexity O(n (n/d) d)= O(n^2).
Maybe not optimal but I found this cutting idea quite neat ;)
For a bounded pattern (i.e not huge) it's best I think to just create all possible substrings first and then count them. This is if the sub-patterns can overlap. If not change the step fun in the loop.
# all poss strings up to half length of pattern
pat=str_split(pat, "")[[1]][-1]
for(win in 2:reps)
str.vec= c(str.vec, rollapply(data=pat,width=win,FUN=paste0, collapse=""))
# the max length string repeated more than 3 times
NB Whilst I'm lazy and append/grow the str.vec here in a loop, for a larger problem I'm pretty sure the actual length of str.vec is predetermined by the length of the pattern if you care to work it out.
Here is my solution, it's not optimized (build vector with patterns <- c() ; pattern <- c(patterns, x) for example) and can be improve but simpler than yours, I think.
I can't understand which pattern exactly should (I just return the max) be returned but you can adjust the code to what you want exactly.
str <- "a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw"
findPatternMax <- function(str){
nb <- nchar(str):1
length.patt <- rev(nb)
patterns <- c()
for (i in 1:length(nb)){
for (j in 1:nb[i]){
patterns <- c(patterns, substr(str, j, j+(length.patt[i]-1)))
patt.max <- names(which(table(patterns) == max(table(patterns))))
> findPatternMax(str)
[1] "a"
Maybe you want the returned pattern have a min length ?
then you can add a nchar.patt parameter for example :
nchar.patt <- 2 #For a pattern of 2 char min
nb <- nb[length.patt >= nchar.patt]
length.patt <- length.patt[length.patt >= nchar.patt]

Optional capture of balanced brackets in Lua

Let's say I have lines of the form:
int[4] height
char c
char[50] userName
char[50+foo("bar")] userSchool
As you see, the bracketed expression is optional.
Can I parse these strings using Lua's string.match() ?
The following pattern works for lines that contain brackets:
line = "int[4] height"
But is there a pattern that can handle also the optional brackets? The following does not work:
line = "char c"
Can the pattern be written in another way to solve this?
Unlike regular expressions, ? in Lua pattern matches a single character.
You can use the or operator to do the job like this:
line:match('^(%w+)(%b[])%s+(%w+)$') or line:match('^(%w+)%s+(%w+)$')
A little problem with it is that Lua only keeps the first result in an expression. It depends on your needs, use an if statement or you can give the entire string the first capture like this
print(line:match('^((%w+)(%b[])%s+(%w+))$') or line:match('^((%w+)%s+(%w+))$'))
LPeg may be more appropriate for your case, especially if you plan to expand your grammar.
local re = require're'
local p = re.compile( [[
prog <- stmt* -> set
stmt <- S { type } S { name }
type <- name bexp ?
bexp <- '[' ([^][] / bexp)* ']'
name <- %w+
S <- %s*
]], {set = function(...)
local t, args = {}, {...}
for i=1, #args, 2 do t[args[i+1]] = args[i] end
return t
local s = [[
int[4] height
char c
char[50] userName
char[50+foo("bar")] userSchool
for k, v in pairs(p:match(s)) do print(k .. ' = ' .. v) end
c = char
userSchool = char[50+foo("bar")]
height = int[4]
userName = char[50]
