Unexpected ellipsis in syslog or splunk message - log4j

I am logging data to Splunk via log4j and a SyslogAppender. Sometimes the information shows up in Splunk with ellipsis (...) instead of the actual text with some odd spacing. When I log the same event to a RollingFileAppender, it logs normally. Would anyone know why this is happening and how to resolve it?
Thank you!
InboundTxnDate: 20130926 16:53:14:475
...boundTxnTypeCode: UNK

This is how syslog appenders work, they split log message, if it is bigger than 1019 bytes. When log message is split, this message will end with ellipsis and next message starts with ellipsis. Limit of message (1019 bytes) is hardcoded and cannot be changed by no configuration in log4j. Look at RFC 3164 and see source code of SyslogAppender

Would anyone know why this is happening
Ondřej Benkovský answered that very well and I have nothing to add.
how to resolve it?
If the split lines are part of the same event in Splunk, you can join them by editing $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf and adding a stanza like this:
That will join the lines at index time and remove the ellipses.
Note that you'll need to change <spec> as detailed in the document for props.conf.
You can use the regex search command to make sure it's working:
| regex "\.\.\.[\r\n]+\.\.\."


NLog Layout with ${onexception} not displaying literal text

I have a Mail target to send an email for certain log entries. I would like the subject line to be prepended with "EXCEPTION THROWN:" (including the colon) if the log event includes an exception.
My subject line layout is:
${onexception:inner=EXCEPTION THROWN:}AppName Log Event
But the email sent has a subject line of:
AppName Log Event
None of the literal text within the ${onexception} layout renderer is included. And yes, I am sure an exception was passed. See below.
I thought maybe wrapping it in a literal renderer would help:
${onexception:inner=${literal:text=EXCEPTION THROWN:}}AppName Log Event
This gives me:
That's better, but still missing the colon. It demonstrates that the issue isn't with a missing exception - the condition is being met because it's including at least some of the string. It's still stripping the colon, though.
Any ideas?
Ugh, nevermind. Posting here in case anyone else does what I did.
I needed to escape the ":". Once that was done, everything started showing up, even without using the ${literal} renderer:
${onexception:inner=EXCEPTION THROWN\:}AppName Log Event

tailLines and SinceTime in logging api,both not worked simultaneously

I am using container engine, and my pods are hosted there.
I am trying to fetch logs, using log api :
if i used both the query params separately, it works and show the proper result, but if i am using it simultaneously only the top 100 logs are returning, the sinceTime param is get ignored.
my scenario is, i need a log from a specific time, in a chunk like, 100 lines, 100 lines.. like this.
I am not sure, whether it is a bug, or it is not implemented.
I found this from the api reference manual
tailLines - If set, the number of lines from the end of the logs to
show. If not specified, logs are shown from the creation of the
container or sinceSeconds or sinceTime
So, that means if you specify tailLines, it start from the end. I dont see any option explicitly mentioned other than limitBytes. But you will have to play around with it as it does not guarantee number of lines.
tailLines=X tells the server to start that many lines from the end
sinceTime tells the server to start from the specified time
the options are mutually exclusive
Thanks All,
I have later on recognized that, it is not ignoring the sinceTime, as the TailLines intended functionality is return the lines from the last.
So, if i mentioned the sinceTime= 10 PM yesterday, it will return the records from that time..And if also tailLines, is mentioned, so it will return the recent logs from that chunk.
So, it was working as expected. I need to play with LimitBytes for getting the logs in chunk, from that time, Instead of full logs.

logstash custom log that has xml tags inside

I have a custom log file that has plain text as well as xml tags. How do i capture these in separate fields. Here is how it looks like:
1/10/2017 4:16:35 AM :
Error thrown is:
No Error
Request sent is:
Response received is:
1/10/2017 4:16:35 AM :
Error thrown is:
No Error
Request sent is:
<InventoryMgmtRequest xmlns="http://www.af.com/Ecommerce/Worldwide/AvailabilityService/Schemas/InventoryMgmtRequest"><ns0:MsgHeader MessageType="FIXORD" MsgDate="10.01.2017 04:16:32" SystemOfOrigin="ISCS_DE" CommunityID="SG888" xmlns:ns0="http://www.av.com/Ecommerce/Worldwide/AvailabilityService/Schemas/InventoryMgmtRequest"><ns0:OrderID>SCEO4151547</ns0:OrderID><ns0:ReservationID></ns0:ReservationID><ns0:CRD></ns0:CRD></ns0:MsgHeader><ns0:MsgBody xmlns:ns0="http://www.ab.com/Ecommerce/Worldwide/AvailabilityService/Schemas/InventoryMgmtRequest"><ns0:Product Sku="CH562EE" Qty="1" IsExpress="false" IsTangible="true" Region="EMEA" Country="DE"><ns0:ProdType></ns0:ProdType><ns0:LineItemNum>1</ns0:LineItemNum><ns0:JCID></ns0:JCID></ns0:Product><ns0:Product Sku="CH563EE" Qty="1" IsExpress="false" IsTangible="true" Region="EMEA" Country="DE"><ns0:ProdType></ns0:ProdType><ns0:LineItemNum>2</ns0:LineItemNum><ns0:JCID></ns0:JCID></ns0:Product></ns0:MsgBody></InventoryMgmtRequest>
Response received is:
<ns0:InventoryMgmtResponse xmlns:ns0="http://www.ad.com/Ecommerce/Worldwide/AvailabilityService/Schemas/InventoryMgmtResponse"><ns0:MsgHeader MsgDate="10.01.2017 04:16:32" MessageType="FIXORD"><ns0:OrderID>SCEO4151547</ns0:OrderID><ns0:ReservationID /><ns0:ReadyToRelease>true</ns0:ReadyToRelease></ns0:MsgHeader><ns0:MsgBody><ns0:Product SKU="CH562EE" LSPSKU="9432GFT" OutOfStock="false" FulfillmentSite="00ZF" SKUExist="true" Region="EMEA" Country="DE" IsTangible="true"><ns0:EDD>TBA</ns0:EDD><ns0:FutureUsed>false</ns0:FutureUsed><ns0:CurrentQty>7169</ns0:CurrentQty><ns0:FutureQty>-1</ns0:FutureQty></ns0:Product><ns0:Product SKU="CH563EE" LSPSKU="9432GFU" OutOfStock="false" FulfillmentSite="00ZF" SKUExist="true" Region="EMEA" Country="DE" IsTangible="true"><ns0:EDD>TBA</ns0:EDD><ns0:FutureUsed>false</ns0:FutureUsed><ns0:CurrentQty>2389</ns0:CurrentQty><ns0:FutureQty>-1</ns0:FutureQty></ns0:Product></ns0:MsgBody></ns0:InventoryMgmtResponse>
Also I don't want to capture the line separators (line full of **** at the end) in my grok fields.
There is no simple answer here I'm afraid. Logstash and other log processing tools works line by line, each line is an event. If your events span more than one line you can use the multiline codec, which is pretty powerful, but in my experience you are better off trying to get the logs on to single lines at source, this makes it so much easier to write a pattern and get the process working reliably.
The issues you have here are many, but if, for example, one of your messages (sent via TCP) is retransmitted for some reason or simply (sent via UDP) lost, your pattern will break as part of the message that logstash is expecting is not there.
The best thing you can do in my opinion is to try and change the logging process to save to a file as a single line per event. Most logging tools should allow this with the right config options. Ideally, get your application to log in json format, (assuming you're processing logs to save them in elasticsearch) this would involve the lowest overhead on the logstash server to process these logs (as elasticsearch saves them in json format). All you would then need to do is pass each event/log line to the json filter and the fields are generated by the names given to it by your application.

GROK Pattern filtering

Hi I am new to logstash and grok filtering, I have a sample log like this:
1/11/2017 12:00:17 AM :
Error thrown is:
No Error
Request sent is:
webMethod:GetOSSUpdatedOrderHeader|appCode:OSS|regionCode:EMEA|orderKeyList:|lastModifedDateTime:1/10/2017 11:59:13 PM|
I want to filter out the line separator which is a line full of ** (the last line)
Also when I want to be able to capture entire line including ":" in one field. For example in the above log, webMethod:GetOSSUpdatedOrderHeader has to be captured in one field in my grok pattern. Is there a way to achieve this?? TIA. Please refer the attached image for the sample log message
A few tips:
Photos of logs are not a good way to offer someone an example, copy and paste the log
The Grok Debugger is a great way of building your own grok patterns
This should work for the sample log line you pasted in:
However, what you requested, probably isn't quite what you want, as you just want the field content in the result, not the name of the field as well. This should give you more sensible results:
You would then want to process the lastModifedDateTime field with the date filter to get the date stamp in a format logstash can save to.

Log4J print empty line to logfile

In java you could use System.out.println() to print a blank line but how does it work with log4j in a logfile?
There I also want to have one or more blank lines inside the logfile.
I already read the follwing:
log4j how to append blank line
But this is not really helpful because with
you do not print a message but other information like time and so on (the layout of the logger) are still stored inside the logfile. But I just want to have a total empty line.
Can anyone help me please?
Log4j is not designed to write blank lines.
You cannot find this option in the logger, because the logger is independent of his appenders who write to a file or the console or something different.
I think you need to create your custom FileAppender which checks the Logging Message before the writing. If your message.equals("\n"); you append a blank line without the layout by accessing the file by your own and skip the normal logging with the layout. then you can use Logger.debug("\n");
Also it is a bad practice to add blank lines. It is similar to split your Log-Message over several lines. Your want all your Logmessage in one line each, so they are easy to parse for LogViewer-Tools like chainsaw or OtrosLogViewer One exception are Stacktraces.
Create your own appender with empty layout and a logger that uses that appender. Then write the blank line using that logger. Make certain to set the additivity attribute for logger to false so that the root logger doesn't write the message using the formatting of its appenders.
