What is asynchronous process in nodejs?. Take a look at my testing.
+ Person.find(): query on database, it will take time
+ while(): delay for 5s
And the result in console like this serial:
the first: Listening on port 3000
the second: Wait
----third: 0
---------: 4
---------: 2
---------: 2
---------: 3
---------: 1
---------: 1
If we talk this is asynchronous process, why the program stop at while() function in 5s before run console.log('0') and console.log ('4')?
var Product = mongoose.model('Product', ProductSchema);
var myObject = new Object();
Person.find().exec(function (err, docs) {
for (var i=0;i<docs.length;i++)
Product.find({ user: docs[i]._id},function (err, pers) {
myObject[i] = pers;
console.log('Listening on port 3000');
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
while (new Date().getTime() < startTime + 5000); //the program stop here for 5s before priting
console.log('0'); //console.log('0') and console.log('4');
The reason you're getting this order of execution is because the only asynchronous functions you're showing are Person.find().exec() and Product.find().
The order you're seeing is this:
Your variable instantiation is synchronous.
Person.find().exec() is asynchronous and doesn't block the main thread.
The main thread isn't blocked, so console.log('Listening on port 3000') runs.
console.log() is synchronous, so var startTime is set.
console.log('wait'); is synchronous and continues after execution.
The while() loop runs. It blocks the main thread.
The event loop resumes, running console.log('0');.
The listen() and console.log('4') functions are both synchronously run.
The Person.find().exec() finally runs and starts the for loop.
The for loop is also blocks. All iterations complete before continuing.
Since the loop has stopped blocking the main thread, console.log('3') is run.
The callbacks of the asynchronous functions within the loop execute.
As a summary, your program stops at the while() loop because the loop is blocking. If you want to delay execution of code, do so without blocking the main thread by using one of the global timer functions:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
Node works on one process, with the exception of being able to hand off to native code for some asynchronous processing. These are usually I/O calls like network & Db accesses.
Your while (new Date().getTime() < startTime + 5000); will block. However, look at your Product.find() call. You pass it a callback function. Code that works off of callback functions is asynchronous and will let you know when that I/O has completed.
I am new to node.js and little bit confused on understanding the event-loop. As far as i know from https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/doc/topics/event-loop-timers-and-nexttick.md, the event-loop phases only process setTimeout, setInterval, setImmediate, process.nextTick, promises and some I/O callbacks.
My question is, if i have following code:
for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
in which phase the above code will get executed ?
Regular JavaScript code, like the for loop in your example, is executed before the queues are cleared. The first thing node will do is run your code, and will only call callbacks, timeout results, I/O results, and so on after your code finishes.
As an example, you could try this code:
fs.open('filename', 'r', () => {
console.log('File opened.');
for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++);
console.log('Loop complete.');
No matter how big or small your loop variable, 'Loop complete' will always appear before 'File opened'. This is because with only one thread, node can't run the callback you've supplied to the fs.open function until the loop code has finished.
Remember that there isn't a "main" thread that node keeps going back to. Most long-running node programs will run through the code in main.js pretty quickly, and subsequent code is all going to come from callbacks. The purpose of the initial execution is to define how and when those callbacks happen.
In the node event loop doc (https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/event-loop-timers-and-nexttick), the following code is given as an example:
const fs = require('fs');
function someAsyncOperation(callback) {
// Assume this takes 95ms to complete
fs.readFile('/path/to/file', callback);
const timeoutScheduled = Date.now();
setTimeout(() => {
const delay = Date.now() - timeoutScheduled;
console.log(`${delay}ms have passed since I was scheduled`);
}, 100);
// do someAsyncOperation which takes 95 ms to complete
someAsyncOperation(() => {
const startCallback = Date.now();
// 10ms loop
while (Date.now() - startCallback < 10) {
// do nothing
The loop keeps scanning according to phases and after fs.readFile() finishes, the poll queue is is empty, so its callback will be added and immediately executed. The callback holds a blocking 10ms loop before the timer is executed. That is why the delay will display:
105ms have passed since I was scheduled instead of the 100ms you might expect.
Most of your code will live in callbacks so will be executed in the poll phase. If not, like in your example, it will be executed before entering any phases as it will block the event loop.
The caveat are callbacks scheduled by setImmediate that will enter the check phase before resuming the poll phase in the next loop.
At first, I'm a newbie without experience in node js and would like to learn more. I wrote a delay function and I'm interessted, what you as a javascript professional think about it. What is good or bad on it and why?
I try to write a bot. It has 2 function. Function 1 starts function 2. But function 2 shall not start direct afterwards. It has to start with a delay.
Of course I made research for my topic and have found stuff like this:
How Can I Wait In Node.js (Javascript), l need to pause for a period of time
How to create a sleep/delay in nodejs that is Blocking?
Unfortunately I'm not able to understand and use it. Therefore I made my own try. It works on my computer, but should I bring it on a server?
//function 1 (example)
function start(){
delay(2500, 'That could be an answer');
function delay(ms, msg){
var started = new Date();
var now;
var diff = 0;;
while(diff < ms){
now = new Date();
diff = now - started;
console.log('Diff time: '+diff);
console.log('Delay started at: '+started);
console.log('Now time: '+now);
console.log('ms time: '+ms);
console.log('While loop is done.');
//function 2 (example)
function answer(msg){
This is blocking.. your event loop will block executing this code. No other work will be done throughout the 2500 ms interval except for busy waiting inside the loop.
I'm not sure why you would want to do this. What you can do if you want to start function 2 at some point after function 1 is use setTimeout. This way, function 2 will be started after at least the time that you pass as argument to the setTimeout function while allowing other code to execute and not blocking the node event loop.
}, 2500);
it does not work nevertheless. My delay time is more than an hour. Bute function 2 is executed after a couple of seconds.
}, Math.floor(Math.random()*1000*87));
You can use bluebird promises with .delay to maintain your code more clean.
Make your start function a promise then:
start().delay(2500).then(function (result) {
// result = start function return statment
async.forEachSeries(jList, function(json, cb) {
I want to introduce a delay before each entry of the iterator is picked up for execution. I tried a setTimeOut but it is not working.
Any ideas?
in your code the setTimeout sets a timer and a code to run later once the timer is triggered. but your code continues to run and will not stop the thread and wait for the timeout to finish.
so you can go about it 2 ways ...to run some kind of endless loop that waits for the time you want to pass and then continue or set timers to trigger in the interval you want times the index.
then your thread is free to run and its not stuck waiting.
var forEach = require('async-foreach').forEach;
var timeoutLength = 3000;
forEach(["a", "b", "c"], function (item, index) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("each", item, index);
}, timeoutLength * index);
This is a normal example to read a file:
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('./gparted-live-0.18.0-2-i486.iso', function (err, data) {
console.log('All done.');
the code above outputs:
All done.
whereas this is my own version of a callback, I hope it could be async like the file reading code above, but it is not:
var f = function(cb) {
f(function() {
var i = 0;
// Do some very long job.
while(++i < (1<<30)) {}
console.log('Cb comes back.')
console.log('All done.');
the code above outputs:
Cb comes back.
All done.
Up till now, it's clear that in the first version of the file reading code, All done. is always printed before the file is read. However, in the second my home brewed version of code, All done. is always waiting until the very long job is done.
So what on earth is the magic that makes fs.readFile's callback an async call back while mine is not?
var f = function(cb) {
Is not async because it invokes cb immediately.
I think you want
var f = function(cb) {
setImmediate(function(){ cb(); });
In your example the while-loop is occupying the event-loop therefore the function call to console.log('All done.') is queued on the stack. When the event-loop becomes unblocked the subsequent function calls will be called in sequence.
In Mastering Node.js by Sandro Pasquali - Chapter 2, he discusses deferred execution and the event-loop in order to avoid the issue of the event-loop taking hold and blocking execution. I recommend reading that chapter in order to better understand this non-intuitive way of working in Node.js.
From Mastering Node.js...
Node processes JavaScript instructions using a single thread. Within
your JavaScript program no two operations will ever execute at exactly
the same moment, as might happen in a multithreaded environment.
Understanding this fact is essential to understanding how a Node
program, or process, is designed and runs.
The use of setImmediate() can remedy this issue.
You can use setImmediate() to defer the execution of code until the next cycle of the event loop, which I think accomplishes what you want:
var f = function(cb) {
f(function() {
setImmediate(function() {
var i = 0;
// Do some very long job.
while(++i < (1<<30)) {}
console.log('Cb comes back.')
console.log('All done.');
The documentation for setImmediate explains the difference between process.nextTick and setImmediate thusly:
Immediates are queued in the order created, and are popped off the queue once per loop iteration. This is different from process.nextTick which will execute process.maxTickDepth queued callbacks per iteration. setImmediate will yield to the event loop after firing a queued callback to make sure I/O is not being starved. While order is preserved for execution, other I/O events may fire between any two scheduled immediate callbacks.
Edit: Update answer based on #generalhenry's comment.
When I receive an "on" event on the server side, I want to start a task in parallel so it does not block the current event loop thread. Is it possible to do so? How?
I don't want to block the server side loop and I want to be able to send back a message to the client once the task is done, something such as:
client.on('execute-parallel-task', function(msg) {
setTimeout(function() {
// do something that takes a while
// this block should return asap, not waiting for the previous call
I am not sure if setTimeout will do the job.
It depends what the takes a while is. If it takes a while asynchronously (you can tell because you'll have to register a callback or complete handler), and takes a while because it's blocked on something like IO, rather than CPU bound, it'll inherently be parallel.
If however, its something synchronous or CPU bound, whilst you can use setTimeout, setImmediate etc. to send back a message immediately, once the handler for setTimeout or setImmediate executes, your single thread of execution will be stuck handling that; you're not really fixing the problem, merely deferring it.
To exhibit true parallel behaviour, you'll need to launch a child process. You can use the message passing functionality to notify your worker what work to do, and to notify the parent process once the work is complete.
var cp = require('child_process');
var child = cp.fork(__dirname + '/my-child-worker.js');
n.on('message', function(m) {
if (m === "done") {
// Whey!
n.send(/* Job id, or something */);
Then in my-child-worker.js;
process.on('message', function (m) {
switch (m) {
case 'get-x':
// blah
// other jobs
you do not need the setTimeout.
Your function(msg) will be called once the execute parallel task finishes.
if you are designing a task to run in an async manner, you can look at something like the async lib for node.js
Async Node JS Link