How to add automatic signature to code files? - vim

Many code files available on the internet contain signatures. Author, Company, Date Created, Last Edit, Sometimes a drawn symbol too and a description of license or whatever this is called.
Is there a way to create this in common text editors? Vim or Gedit for example.

See :help skeleton for a primitive way of doing this. It won't leave you placeholders that you can jump to or anything, for that you'd be better off with a snippet plugin. Skeletons are usually good enough for this sort of thing.


How to design plain tex data entry helpers such as autocompletion and syntax highlighting

There are some files like GEDCOM and ADIF that are plain text files, but many people tend to work with them through GUIs. Say I wanted to do data entry on these files directly without any GUI.There are a number of things that make this a little dangerous. Things like misspellings of necessary file-grammar, missing a necessary key, incorrect types for values, etc. There is also something to be said for the additional difficulty of having to type additional characters relative to a GUI.
From what I can tell by thinking about this for 15mins ;) is that having the following would make the job of plain text entry much easier.
A formatter. I think of something like Python's Black which is a CLI that can be run on a file. It can let users know of bad formatting and can provide fixes.
A linter. I think of flake8 to ensure the styling matches the standard.
Autocomplete. The file type examples I showed above have a dictionary of key words. To save on typing it would be nice to have autocomplete.
Syntax Highlighting. Having a way to know if my data entry is good or bad in real-time would be helpful.
It seems like requirements 1-2 could be solved by making a file specific CLIs that combs through plain text files.
Requirement 4 seems IDE specific. vim and vscode allow users to make syntax highlighting plugins. The problem is that this is normally solved by connecting to a language server. When you are not looking for a language server, but for key words and proper values in a plain text file how does let their IDE know that to look for? Is this just a regex soup solution or is there a better way?
Requirement 3 may also be IDE specific, but the same question applies as for requirement 4. When there is not a language server how can I let an IDE know what/how to autocomplete?
Any examples of plain text data entry made easier would be appreciated.

Vim-Sexp - How do I move each inner form to a new line?

I have the awesome vim-sexp and vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people plugins installed, and I've come across a situation I'm not sure how to solve.
Suppose I have the following form:
(alimony barbara (code determinant) eclair final-countdown)
How can I transform that to:
(code determinant)
I can go ahead and insert a newline before every inner-form/element, but that is a bit tedious. There should be a way with or without the sexp plugin
This is an old question, but maybe an updated answer will help someone who comes here in the future.
You don't have to write the program mentioned by Kaz. Others have already done it. I have not tried them, but here are a few:
joker. (The last one does more than code formatting.)
As Kaz suggests, once installed, you can pipe code to a formatter using !. You can even bind this operation to a key combination. Some of the formatters offer suggestions about how to do this sort of thing.
In addition, some vim IDE plugins, such as vim-iced provide support for using an external formatter.
A productive way to get this behavior would be, rather than fighting with Vim modules and extensions, to write a Lisp program which reads S-expressions and outputs them reformatted in the desired way. To use that program out of Vim, just pipe a range of lines into it using the ! command.

How to change a variable name automatically across the project in VIM?

In eclipse, if you change a variable name, eclipse will automatically change this variable's name in whole project.
Can vim do that too?
Vim is a text editor, not an IDE. Though it has some notion of a filetype's syntax, it does not fully parse nor understand the language's full syntax. Refactorings, even simple ones like Rename identifier, do require such full understanding (to be 100% correct).
There are attempts at refactoring support in Vim, most language-specific, some also generic. But I'd advise to keep using a real IDE for this (for its comfort, safety, and correctness), and instead use Vim only for simple, text-based replacements, using :bufdo substitute/... or macros, as described here.
Sort of.
Because it is not an IDE and thus doesn't understand anything about your code, Vim only sees text where you see a variable name. It can't infer anything from the scope or whatever. Without the use of some external program, renaming a variable in Vim is usually done with a buffer-wide or project-wide search/replace.
Since you didn't tell us what language you are working with we can't tell you if there is a language-specific solution for your needs.
try this plugin -> Clighter, for c-family rename-refactoring. It's based on clang, but there are limitations. Still in development

creating tags for a script language for easy browsing in vim

I use ctags+Vim for a lot of my projects and I really like the ability to easily browse through large chunks of code quickly.
I am also using Stata, a statistical package, which has a script language. Even though you can have routines in the code, its code tends to be series of commands that perform data and statistics operations. And the code files can be very long. So I always find myself in need of a way to browse it efficiently.
Since I use Vim, I can use marks. But I was wondering if I could use ctags to do this. That is, I want to create a tag marker which (1) won't cause a problem when I run the script (2) easy to introduce to ctags.
Because it is supposed to not break the script, it needs to be a comment. In Stata, comment lines start with * and flow comments can be made by /* ..... */.
It would be great, for example, have sections in the code, marked by comments:
* Section: Data
And ctags picks up "Data Manipulation" as the tag. So I can see a list of sections and jump to them easily without the needs for creating marks.
Is there anyway to do this? I'd appreciate any comments.
You need a way to generate a tags database for your Stata files. The format is simple, see :help tags-file-format. The default tags program, Exuberant Ctags can be extended with regular expressions (--langmap, --regex); that probably only yields an approximate parsing for complex languages, but it should suffice for custom section marks; maybe you could even directly extract interesting language keywords.

Text editor and text-file-based hyperlinks

It seems that some text editors and IDEs are starting to get more "browser-like" in their features. Specifically, one such feature is the ability to treat ordinary text in an open text buffer as a hyperlink to another file, resource, or even a runnable command.
Programming this as an editor plugin or macro
Since this seems like a good idea, I have started programming some scripts and editor addons to do this very kind of thing, so that the user of a text editor can open or operate on links of the following style:
href="c:/files/foobar.txt" (click to open file)
href="c:/files/foobar.txt" jumpto="34" (jump to a line number)
href="c:/files/foobar.txt" find="Lorem" (jump to 1st line containing word)
href="find_in_files://c:/files" find="Lorem" (show all matching lines)
[[find_in_files://find=Lorem;exten=*.htm*]] (alternate syntax option)
href="redir://c:/files/feebar.txt" (replace current edit buffer)
href="run://c:/files/foobar.jpg" (open in default image editor)
[[run://c:/files/foobar.jpg;runwith=foo.exe]] (alternate syntax option)
Is there any kind of emerging convention for forming text-based hyperlinks?
If there is a convention for this kind of thing, is there a published specification?
Is there an implementation of this idea in your favorite editor/IDE?
Is there an alternate pre-existing approach for this idea that does not use hyperlinks?
How is this feature handled in the "grand-daddy" editors? (Vim, Emacs)
It looks like the question could have been clarified, but it turns out that Emacs Org mode is one specific example of what I was looking for that answers all of my questions.
Emacs' Org-Mode has support for all kinds of Hyperlinks.
There are several script for Vim that add hyperlinks and markup. One of the most popular is Viki.
URLs, such as (notice SO automatically links that), and sometimes a "www." prefix, just because it's so common. Email addresses are another example commonly recognized.
But not this quasi-xml-attribute stuff you have.
Of course not; once you try and make plain text follow some convention, you no longer have plain text.
Yes, see #5.
Yes, see #5.
It's extremely common for editors, especially programmers' editors, to have scripts, macros, tools, or whatever-they-want-to-call-it. Usually these are not controlled directly by the text in the file, but may use the file, filename, selection, cursor position, directory of the current file, etc. I expect many good programmers use such features without thinking about them anymore.
Mostly it sounds like you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Surely the jumpto="34" and find="Lorem" could be replaced with web-browser-style # and ? marks.
So your second and third example would look like so:
href="c:/files/foobar.txt#34" (jump to a line number)
href="c:/files/foobar.txt?Lorem" (jump to 1st line containing word)
Although, as Roger Pate says above, it does sound like you're solving a problem that doesn't exist.
Emacs also has "find-file-at-point", which you can invoke with M-x ffap
See also LinkD. Nothing fancy like Org. Simple, small.
