Install Lazarus on Raspberry Pi - linux

I want to develop with Lazarus on Raspberry Pi, but until now I can't.
Here I've read this:
In the Raspbian OS it is easy to install Lazarus and Free Pascal. In order to do this simply open a terminal window and type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install fpc
sudo apt-get install lazarus
I've tryed to install FPC for Linux ARM, but the installer didn't work.
Moreover I dont't know where to get Lazarus for Linux ARM.
It seems that Lazarus and FPC for Linux are target to x86/x64 and not fot ARM.
Can someone help me where can I download one single bundled of binaries (Lazarus + FPC) that install out of the box (without the need of source compilation) in the same way as the Windows version?
Another question: is that possible to cross-compile from Windows to Raspbian?
I've done cross-compilations many times but between other OSs.
Thank you

If you use the shell commands from above (those that begin with "sudo apt-get") you don't have to install anything in addition. Lazarus and FPC should be readily installed and available from the "Programming" section of the LXDE start menu.


Trying to install Linux kernel headers but getting an error

I am trying to follow the NVIDIA Driver Installation Quickstart Guide:
The first instruction says:
The kernel headers and development packages for the currently running
kernel can be installed with:$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
When I try this I get the error:
Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra
Couldn't find any package by glob 'linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra'
Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra'
I'm not sure how to proceed.
Your version of Ubuntu is running a tegra kernel. The headers for this kernel are not in the Ubuntu repositories (or any other repositories you may have enabled). You will probably need to these before proceeding with the driver installation.
However. NVIDIA Tegra is a small SoC (system on chip) processor AFAIK. Like a Jetson Nano or something. The instructions you linked are for NVIDIA Tesla GPUs which are data center GPUs. Again, AFAIK. Check you are following the right instructions. Also, in those instructions, look at: 'Section 1.1 - Pre-installation requirements', and this pre install checklist.
Here is a list of all the different kernel headers in the Ubuntu 20.04 repos (not the same I know). tegra is not there.
Before you can install the appropriate kernel headers, update your packages index. First use the update command.
sudo apt-get update
then run sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) again. If this doesn't work, try out
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
which should install the right version.

Install package managers over SSH & FTP

i have an device running on Pure Linux, there is no Package installer installed on that, the only thing i have is SSH and therefore also an Terminal. Commands like apt-get, dpkg, yum dont work.
How do i install apt-get over SSH? I've saw some suggestions that use yum, make or dpkg to install apt-get, but since i've neither of them...
For debian based systems exists a tool called apt-offline. That's perfect in that scenario.

How to make LLVM-3.7 default on Raspberry Pi?

I'm on the default Raspbian OS and sudo apt-get install llvm seems to install llvm-3.5 with a bunch of soft links (like llvm-link pointing to llvm-link-3.5) However, I'd like to install llvm-3.7 and have it treated as the "default" LLVM by the system. I've tried fiddling around with update-alternatives but couldn't get it to work. Help will be appreciated.
PS: I need 3.7 over 3.5 because of

How to do this linux command in windows?

Basically I'm trying to install libpq-dev but I've only found ways to do it in Linux. I've tried to install Cygwin but it takes quite a long time here at work, I currently don't have permanent internet connection at home, so I can't download at home.
Anyways, here is the Linux command that I'm trying to do in Windows:
sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev
Please pardon my noobness in using the command-prompt.
There is a manual for this.
To install from package (recommended):
Microsoft Windows
Jason Erickson maintains a packaged Windows port of Psycopg with installation executable. Download. Double click. Done.

installing specific packages on ns2

I want to install ns2 on my computer. After trying in some ways like:installing on Ubuntu 13.10, or installing via cygwin on 64 bits windows 7, I faced with problems such as unable to find ns.exe in ns-2.26 or other versions directory of cygwin. Now I've installed win XP sp3 on VMware, and ns2 on cygwin in this windows environment. Now most of those problems(with Ubuntu 13.10 or cygwin on win7) are solved but i need to have these packages "XFree86"(all of them) and "mansim" on ns2 (v2.26). The problem here, is that i don't know where and how can i download and install them and not sure whether it's possible or not. I've googled it but can't find useful idea. Thanks in advance and sorry for bad English.
Solved you say? Why then be interested in the year 2002 XFree86?
I.e. XFree86 hasn't been used in a new OS release since then : Redhat 9 and other OS´s from that year. (The latest OS with XFree86 was RHEL3, based on Redhat 9.)
Cygwin: If you have X (The GUI Desktop), you also have the "x-packages". (xorg-***, libX*)
Ubuntu: You'd usually not download software. 'apt' is used for that.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install g++ g++-4.4 autoconf libtool libxmu-dev xgraph
.... When 'libxmu-dev' is installed, you have all the required X-libraries for ns2.
Mannasim: There's an old patch for ns-2.29.3.
But what we mostly use today is the patch for ns-2.35. Or the complete "ns235-mannasim":
$ git clone git://
Mannasim INFO:!searchin/ns-users/mannasim|sort:date
