Trying to install Linux kernel headers but getting an error - linux

I am trying to follow the NVIDIA Driver Installation Quickstart Guide:
The first instruction says:
The kernel headers and development packages for the currently running
kernel can be installed with:$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
When I try this I get the error:
Unable to locate package linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra
Couldn't find any package by glob 'linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra'
Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-4.9.140-tegra'
I'm not sure how to proceed.

Your version of Ubuntu is running a tegra kernel. The headers for this kernel are not in the Ubuntu repositories (or any other repositories you may have enabled). You will probably need to these before proceeding with the driver installation.
However. NVIDIA Tegra is a small SoC (system on chip) processor AFAIK. Like a Jetson Nano or something. The instructions you linked are for NVIDIA Tesla GPUs which are data center GPUs. Again, AFAIK. Check you are following the right instructions. Also, in those instructions, look at: 'Section 1.1 - Pre-installation requirements', and this pre install checklist.
Here is a list of all the different kernel headers in the Ubuntu 20.04 repos (not the same I know). tegra is not there.

Before you can install the appropriate kernel headers, update your packages index. First use the update command.
sudo apt-get update
then run sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) again. If this doesn't work, try out
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
which should install the right version.


VirtualBox: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) | Fedora 36

After full reinstalling Fedora to version 36 I have got this error:
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)
The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver is either not loaded or not set up correctly. Please try setting it up again by executing
as root.
If your system has EFI Secure Boot enabled you may also need to sign the kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) before you can load them. Please see your Linux system's documentation for more information.
where: suplibOsInit what: 3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) - The support driver is not installed. On Linux, open returned ENOENT
Commands from other topics don't work:
sudo dnf reinstall kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms qt5-qtx11extras elfutils-libelf-devel zlib-devel
systemctl restart vboxdrv
sudo dnf reinstall VirtualBox-6.1
sudo /sbin/vboxconfig
What do I need to do? Thanks
Please try:
$ sudo dnf -y install #development-tools
$ sudo dnf install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms -y
The problem maybe it is that the kernels have different versions on devel and headers. You should probably check this right before everything else.
Now if you want to create a virtual machine based on Linux, I strongly recommend you to use "KVM", it's the easiest way and it should work without any trouble.
This is related: rc-1908
you just need to install the "linux-devel" packages (worked in fedora 37)
sudo dnf install linux-devel

How to enable KVM on Nvidia Jetson Nano / How to build kernel with KVM support?

I am trying to run firecracker, a KVM virtualization tool, on my Nvidia Jetson Nano. However, it fails on the creation of the KVM device. It turns out there's no /dev/kvm, so I guess the kernel wasn't compiled with KVM support, or there should be an option somewhere to enable KVM.
I'm running the official ubuntu image provided by them.
I found the kernel + config file here: but I need to know which configurations I need to add to enable KVM support and also if adding these configurations is enough to get KVM running.
I recently made a tutorial on this:
But basically, you need to add your configurations
CONFIG_VHOST_NET is not needed but you'll likely want it for sharing the host's connection with the guest.
#Installs dependencies for getting/building the kernel
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential bc git curl wget xxd kmod libssl-dev
Then compiling the kernel and the kernel modules (you need the modules), and replacing them in the /boot folder, it will work

Yum cannot find the package I want to install

I am trying to a simple command sudo yum install SDL2. I know that this package exists as per the SDL website:
Red Hat-based systems (including Fedora) can simply do "sudo yum install SDL2" to get the library installed system-wide, or "sudo yum install SDL2-devel" to get headers and other build requirements ready for compiling your own SDL programs.
However, when I try to execute my command, I get the following:
Setting up Install Process
No package SDL2 available.
Error: Nothing to do
I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga). How can I go about getting yum to locate this package?
ONLY SDL is available on redhat 5.3
uname -r
yum search sdl-devel --verbose
SDL-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : base
With Fedora 26, SDL2 is available in repo fedora
uname -r
dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="fedora" search sdl2-devel --verbose
SDL2-devel.x86_64 : Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
Repo : fedora

Installing CUDA 7.5 on CentOS 7 - Unable to locate the kernel source

First of all, all of this is done as root. I've been trying to install the CUDA 7.5 drivers on a CentOS 7 SATA DOM. The issue I'm running into is the following:
Installing the NVIDIA display driver...
The driver installation is unable to locate the kernel source. Please make sure that the kernel source packages are installed and set up correctly.
If you know that the kernel source packages are installed and set up correctly, you may pass the location of the kernel source with the '--kernel-source-path' flag.
I have tried to point to the kernel source path (I may be pointing to the wrong path; I'm a new Linux user) with the following command:
$ ./ --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64
Same issue as before. I've read online that other people with this issue is due to kernel version mismatch. That, however is not the case:
$ uname -r
$ rpm -q kernel-devel kernel-headers
$ ls /usr/src/kernels
$ ls /usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64/
arch block crypto drivers firmware fs include init ipc Kconfig kernel lib Makefile mm Module.symvers net samples scripts security sound tools usr virt
I've also tried to install different versions of gcc and still no dice.
Any help would be appreciated.
I figure it out. It turns out I needed to install DKMS from the EPEL repository. Here are the commands I used:
sudo yum install epel-release
yum install --enablerepo=epel dkms

System crash after oracle installation with yum

recently i tried to install oracle on my linux with apt (I never used yum before) using fast manual:
And after command:
sudo yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
I got error:
Failed: ca-certificates.noarch 0:2010.63-3.el6_1.5 chkconfig.x86_64 0: file-libs.x86_64 0:5.04-15.el6 filesystem.x86_64 0:2.4.30-3.el6
initscripts.x86_64 0:9.03.38-1.0.1.el6_4.2
And something gone wrong because command like: ps, top are crashing
login#Ass-K55VJ:/etc/yum/repos.d$ ps -e
ps: relocation error: ps: symbol procps_number_version, version _3_2_5 not defined in file with link time reference
login#Ass-K55VJ:/etc/yum/repos.d$ top
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
then I tryied to uninstall oracle and dependencies but after command:
sudo yum remove oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
No module named yum
Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.
It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
current version of Python, which is:
2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jul 10 2013, 06:42:56) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)]
If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to the yum faq at:
So it seems like yum install in my system new libraries but didn't link it correctly? I dont know what do in this moment because it seems like armagedon on my ubuntu...
Does this mean you're on ubuntu and tried to install rpm packages using yum? The manual you used is for Oracle Linux 6, why would you try that on ubuntu?
rpm packages are not compatible with debian based systems like ubuntu, which use deb packages. So you've probably screwed your system big time, overwriting important system libraries with incompatible ones.
If apt-get is still working, then you can try to reinstall (apt-get --reinstall install) the equivalent libraries to the ones mentioned in the install manual you linked to - naming isn't always the same for rpm and deb packages. dpkg -l should help you see which the correct installed libraries are. I'd start with the C libraries (libc) etc.
But if apt-get is screwed also, then you'd need to download the packages manually from an ubuntu mirror and install them using dpkg, but I think a reinstall (or restore from backup if you have one) would be the best option.
