Chrome closes the tooltip dialog box immediately when firing server side validation - xpages

The extlib tooltip dialog box work fine on IE and Firefox but but not Chrome. When the tooltip dialog box is opened, click on Save button without entering any values to any mandatory fields, it expects the error message list being displayed. However, Chrome closes it immediately. Any ideas how to stop it?


How do you click a button in a browser popup window

I'm new to using Watir and have a problem. Within my browser page there is an option to add a note. This brings up a window within the browser which has the following id:
span id="ui-id-2" class="ui-dialog-title">Add Note</span
I can't work out how to use the controls within this window such as the 'Save' button as Watir doesn't seem to recognise either the window or the controls
So if I wanted to use same type of Save button within the main browser it would be fine; I'd just use browser.button(:id=> "Save").click.
Trying to use it within the popup though won't work as Watir can't recognise it within the popup. Any ideas appreciated!

ScrollTo() not scrolling in FireFox

Here I am with another FireFox anomaly…
As I enter data on the page, the Save button scrolls out of view, so before clicking the Save button, I call Save.ScrollTo() – this works fine in Chrome and Edge, but FF does not scroll. If I use ScrollUp(), FireFox does scroll up, so do you have some more magic so the scrollTo works in Firefox?
Here’s the trace log:
2021-09-01 16:57:30.7167 TRACE Scroll to "Save" button
2021-09-01 16:57:30.7183 TRACE - Execute behavior ScrollUsingMoveToElementAttribute against "Save" button
2021-09-01 16:57:30.7207 TRACE - - Find visible element by XPath ".//*[self::input[#type='button' or #type='submit' or #type='reset'] or self::button][normalize-space(.) = 'Save' or normalize-space(#value) = 'Save']" in FirefoxDriver
2021-09-01 16:57:31.0289 INFO Click "Save" button
You can apply [ScrollUsingScrollIntoView] attribute to Save button. It will execute element.scrollIntoView() JavaScript to perform scrolling.

Handling Modal Dialog box from webpage in watir

So I'm writing a watir-webdriver test script, and my webpage is using javascript:window.print to present a modal window that I want to interact with. When I click the link that presents the modal window, watir-webdriver just sits there until eventually it times out and i see a Timeout::Error on the console window. This is before attempting to interact with the new window at all. how do I tell it to move on without waiting?
After that whole execution is not responsive. Its not proceeding with next execution it gets struck there. tried the below solution too
element.focus element.send_keys :return
but no luck, Could anyone know how to resolve this modal dialogbox from webpage.
I am using Firefox with Watir-webdriver.
browser.a:(:href => 'javascript:window.print()').click
this opens the Print dialog box. Which is the normal print dialog box from teh Firefox browser.
It just waits here and doesn't execute anything after that till i click manually or it timesout.

How to click on radio button which is on Popup using Coded UI

I m automating a page where there is a popup and on that there is radio button and a submit button, when i click on radio button my test fail giving error that hidden object cannot be performed action like click but its visible (not hidden) where as when i click on submit button on same popup is click. i have checked its properties but there is nothing which i can change it just have simple id,name,value which is changing dynamicly and for that i have even used regex
please help me out
It's possible that there is another radio button on the page with similar properties. Is this a recorded object? Is the popup window listed as the parent?
Can you post the Regex you are using, the control's properties, and the properties of the popup window?
if your are using IE whose version is > 9.0.19 then there was a patch release by Microsoft to overcome this issue

prevent popup from opening new window in Ie6

I create a popup using in IE6. Created popup contains a link to other page, which i want to show in the same popup window, but after clicking on the link, the target page is displayed in another brand new popup, so i have 2 popups opened at that moment.
How can i make a new page loaded in the same popup that holds a link to it?
a href="somepage.html" target="_self"
didn't help
a onclick="window.location.href = ''"
is an option ?
