ScrollTo() not scrolling in FireFox - atata

Here I am with another FireFox anomaly…
As I enter data on the page, the Save button scrolls out of view, so before clicking the Save button, I call Save.ScrollTo() – this works fine in Chrome and Edge, but FF does not scroll. If I use ScrollUp(), FireFox does scroll up, so do you have some more magic so the scrollTo works in Firefox?
Here’s the trace log:
2021-09-01 16:57:30.7167 TRACE Scroll to "Save" button
2021-09-01 16:57:30.7183 TRACE - Execute behavior ScrollUsingMoveToElementAttribute against "Save" button
2021-09-01 16:57:30.7207 TRACE - - Find visible element by XPath ".//*[self::input[#type='button' or #type='submit' or #type='reset'] or self::button][normalize-space(.) = 'Save' or normalize-space(#value) = 'Save']" in FirefoxDriver
2021-09-01 16:57:31.0289 INFO Click "Save" button

You can apply [ScrollUsingScrollIntoView] attribute to Save button. It will execute element.scrollIntoView() JavaScript to perform scrolling.


How do you click a button in a browser popup window

I'm new to using Watir and have a problem. Within my browser page there is an option to add a note. This brings up a window within the browser which has the following id:
span id="ui-id-2" class="ui-dialog-title">Add Note</span
I can't work out how to use the controls within this window such as the 'Save' button as Watir doesn't seem to recognise either the window or the controls
So if I wanted to use same type of Save button within the main browser it would be fine; I'd just use browser.button(:id=> "Save").click.
Trying to use it within the popup though won't work as Watir can't recognise it within the popup. Any ideas appreciated!

Button on Popup form with few more user defined fields

When I cilck on a button on main toolbar, I am displaying a popup form (PXSmartPanel) with few fields on it. Whenever I click on the main toolbar button, I want first the control should go to the popup form and based on buttons on popup form (Ok/Cancel), it should perform the action.
However, I tried that but eventually when I click on button on main toolbar, it first executes the code behind for that button and then shows popup.
Any suggestions?
Found the solution. You can use AskExt method of your DAC class to show popup first and then execute your code.
You can also use px:PXSmartPanel with AskExt. With help of PXSmartPanel you can customize your screen, and even add some buttons to your pop up. Here I wrote "short" manual how to do it.

Using Chrome Extension contextMenu, how to open a small view right next to the context menu on click?

This question has a couple bits to it. Basically I want to make the context menu behave like a sidebar that pops out a box with html.
Get the height and location of a users context menu?
Open an interactable html view next to the menu without closing the menu?
Close both the menu and popout on off-click.
So a user can right click on the page,
and then click the contextMenu item to open a page that can hold html

tooltip shown with page load / popup position under chrome extension icon

I am creating a browser action chrome extension - the user need to press a button.
I want that with any page load a tool tip will appear on the icon telling the user what he can do by pressing the button.
Can I show a tooltip with any page load? or - I thought I can open a popup that explains the icon with content script - the question is how can I place this popup near the icon - can i some how know the position of the icon?
Thank you!

Chrome closes the tooltip dialog box immediately when firing server side validation

The extlib tooltip dialog box work fine on IE and Firefox but but not Chrome. When the tooltip dialog box is opened, click on Save button without entering any values to any mandatory fields, it expects the error message list being displayed. However, Chrome closes it immediately. Any ideas how to stop it?
