Stop Thread started by QtConcurrent::run? - multithreading

Is it possible to stop a Thread by its associated QFuture Object ?
Currently i've been starting a video capturing process like this.
this->cameraThreadRepresentation = QtConcurrent::run(this,&MainWindow::startLiveCapturing);
Inside the startLiveCapturing-Method an infinite loop is running that captures images and displays them. So if the user wants to stop that process he should simply press a button and that operation stops.
But it seems that i can not stop this thread by calling the cancel method like this ?
What i am doing wrong and how can i stop that thread or operation.

From the documentation of QtConcurrent::run:
Note that the QFuture returned by QtConcurrent::run() does not support canceling, pausing, or progress reporting. The QFuture returned can only be used to query for the running/finished status and the return value of the function.
What you could do is have a button press set a boolean flag in your main window and build your infinite loop like this:
_aborted = false;
forever // Qt syntax for "while( 1 )"
if( _aborted ) return;
// do your actual work here

Why don't you create a boolean flag that you can test inside your capturing loop and when it is set, it jumps out and the thread exits?
Something like:
MainWindow::onCancelClick() // a slot
QMutexLocker locker(&cancelMutex);
stopCapturing = true;
And then for your threaded function:
QMutexLocker locker(&cancelMutex);
if (stopCapturing) break;

as Qt Document said, you can not use cancel() function fir QConcurrent::run() but you can cancel tasks by this answer :


Kotlin: Why isn't job.invokeOnCompletion() block running on main thread?

In my Android application I have code that should run periodically in its own coroutine and should be cancelable.
for this I have the following functions:
startJob(): Initializes the job, sets up invokeOnCompletion() and starts the work loop in the respective scope
private fun startJob() {
if (::myJob.isInitialized && myJob.isActive) {
myJob= Job()
myJob.invokeOnCompletion {
it?.message.let {
var msg = it
if (msg.isNullOrBlank()) {
msg = "Job stopped. Reason unknown"
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + myJob).launch {
workloop(): The main work loop. Do some work in a loop with a set delay in each iteration:
private suspend fun workloop() {
while (true) {
// doing some stuff here
myJobCompleted: do some finalizing. For now simply log a message for testing.
private fun myJobCompleted(msg: String) {
try {
catch (e:Exception){
println("debug: " + e.message)
Running this and calling myJob.Cancel() will throw the following exception in myJobCompleted():
debug: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
I'm curious as to why this code isn't running on the main thread, since startJob() IS called from the main thread?
Furthermore: is there a option similar to using a CancellationTokenSource in c#, where the job is not immediately cancelled, but a cancellation request can be checked each iteration of the while loop?
Immediately breaking off the job, regardless of what it is doing (although it will pretty much always be waiting for the delay on cancellation) doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
It is not the contract of Job.invokeOnCompletion to run on the same thread where Job is created. Moreover, such a contract would be impossible to implement.
You can't expect an arbitrary piece of code to run on an arbitrary thread, just because there was some earlier method invocation on that thread. The ability of the Android main GUI thread to execute code submitted from the outside is special, and involves the existence a top-level event loop.
In the world of coroutines, what controls thread assignment is the coroutine context, while clearly you are outside of any context when creating the job. So the way to fix it is to explicitly launch(Dispatchers.Main) a coroutine from within invokeOnCompletion.
About you question on cancellation, you can use withContext(NonCancellable) to surround the part of code you want to protect from cancellation.

How can I mitigate a race condition between the UI thread and a DispatcherTimer.Tick event?

I believe I have a race condition in this code sample but am unsure how to mitigate it.
My scenario is that XAsync() always runs on the UI thread. Within XAsync(), I set m_importantMemberVariable and then start a timer; there's a 1 second delay before the timer fires.
My concern is the timer's tick event calls a method on m_importantMemberVariable. However, in the 1 second interval between starting the timer and Tick firing, XAsync() could be called again and overwrite m_importantMemberVariable.
Code example:
task<void> BobViewModel::XAsync()
return create_task(CreateSomethingAsync())
.then([this](SomethingAsync^ aThing)
this->m_importantMemberVariable = aThing;
// Timer has 1 second delay.
}, task_continuation_context::use_current())
.then([activity](task<void> result)
// more continuations...
void BobViewModel::OnTimerTick(Object^, Object^)
// Stopping the timer and detaching the event handler
// so timer only fires once.
m_myDispatcherTimer->Tick -= m_impressionTimerToken;
m_myDispatcherTimer = { 0 };
// * Possible race condition *
Question: Assuming I'm correct about a race condition, is there a way to mitigate it?
My understanding is the tick event would fire on the UI thread so synchronization primitives won't help (as the UI thread would already have access).
All your operations are on the UI thread, so they've already been serialized (synchronized) for you. A simple flag will suffice:
bool m_busy; // set to false in constructor
task<void> BobViewModel::XAsync()
if (m_busy)
m_busy = true;
// the rest of your code...
void BobViewModel::OnTimerTick(Object^, Object^)
m_busy = false;
// the rest of your code...
Just make sure you handle any exceptions such that you set m_busy back to false if something goes horribly wrong.
The answer to this question suggests using compare_exchange_strong with a std::atomic to ensure only one thread executes a function at a time. The problems with that approach, for this question, are:
1. The DispatcherTimer Tick event fires outside of the task continuation block, and can fire after the continuation completes.
2. A constraint on this problem is for the timer to only fire once.
Some alternative solutions are:
Use compare_exchange_strong but replace DispatcherTimer with create_delayed_task
Assuming the work doesn't have to happen on the UI thread, you can use create_delayed_task to delay work within a task continuation.
Object^ importantVariable
return create_delayed_task(
Then, from the task continuation, simply:
return UseImportantVariableAsync(m_importantMemberVariable);
Use a lambda for the DispatcherTimer's Tick event and capture 'aThing' from the question's example (instead of referencing the member variable in the handler). To only fire the timer once, assign the DispathcerTimer.Tick handler within a std::call_once block so only the first caller gets to do it.

Without AsyncTask, running a thread in background and updating the UI Thread

I was trying to update the recycler view content from a background thread in Kotlin. I am not using AsyncTask.
Here is my code, i want to know if there is any better way than this:
In my MainActivity, i have progressThread as a member variable.
var progressThread = Thread()
Then in my method where i want to run the thread first i am defining
progressThread = Thread (
Runnable { {
try {
while (i <= 100 && !progressThread.isInterrupted) {
//Some Logic
runOnUiThread {
//this runs in ui thread
}catch (e:InterruptedException){
after that i am starting it in the same method as
and for stopping it, i have a listener to cancel the progress and in the callback of that listener, i have written:
Coroutines are stable now,:
Old Answer
Yes, you can do this using doAsync from kotlin anko library that is fairly simple and easy to use.
add following line in module level gradle file:
compile "org.jetbrains.anko:anko-commons:0.10.0"
Code example:
val future = doAsync {
// do your background thread task
result = someTask()
uiThread {
// use result here if you want to update ui
code block written in uiThread will only be executed if your Activity or Fragment is in foreground mode (It is lifecycle aware). So if you are trying to stop thread because you don't want your ui code to execute when Activity is in background, then this is an ideal case for you.
As you can check doAsync returns a Future object so you can cancel the background task, by cancel() function:
pass true if you want to stop the thread even when it has started executing.
If you have more specialised case to handle stopping case then you can do the same thing as in your example.
You can use Kotlin Coroutines also but its in Experimental phase, still you can try it out:

.wait() on a task in c++/cx throws exception

I have a function which calls Concurrency::create_task to perform some work in the background. Inside that task, there is a need to call a connectAsync method on the StreamSocket class in order to connect a socket to a device. Once the device is connected, I need to grab some references to things inside the connected socket (like input and output streams).
Since it is an asynchronous method and will return an IAsyncAction, I need to create another task on the connectAsync function that I can wait on. This works without waiting, but complications arise when I try to wait() on this inner task in order to error check.
Concurrency::create_task( Windows::Devices::Bluetooth::Rfcomm::RfcommDeviceService::FromIdAsync( device_->Id ) )
.then( [ this ]( Windows::Devices::Bluetooth::Rfcomm::RfcommDeviceService ^device_service_ )
_device_service = device_service_;
_stream_socket = ref new Windows::Networking::Sockets::StreamSocket();
// Connect the socket
auto inner_task = Concurrency::create_task( _stream_socket->ConnectAsync(
Windows::Networking::Sockets::SocketProtectionLevel::BluetoothEncryptionAllowNullAuthentication ) )
.then( [ this ]()
//grab references to streams, other things.
} ).wait(); //throws exception here, but task executes
Basically, I have figured out that the same thread (presumably the UI) that creates the initial task to connect, also executes that task AND the inner task. Whenever I attempt to call .wait() on the inner task from the outer one, I immediately get an exception. However, the inner task will then finish and connect successfully to the device.
Why are my async chains executing on the UI thread? How can i properly wait on these tasks?
In general you should avoid .wait() and just continue the asynchronous chain. If you need to block for some reason, the only fool-proof mechanism would be to explicitly run your code from a background thread (eg, the WinRT thread pool).
You could try using the .then() overload that takes a task_options and pass concurrency::task_options(concurrency::task_continuation_context::use_arbitrary()), but that doesn't guarantee the continuation will run on another thread; it just says that it's OK if it does so -- see documentation here.
You could set an event and have the main thread wait for it. I have done this with some IO async operations. Here is a basic example of using the thread pool, using an event to wait on the work:
Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers::Event m_logFileCreatedEvent;
m_logFileCreatedEvent.Attach(CreateEventEx(nullptr, nullptr, CREATE_EVENT_MANUAL_RESET, WRITE_OWNER | EVENT_ALL_ACCESS));
long x = 10000000;
auto workItem = ref new WorkItemHandler(
[&m_logFileCreatedEvent, &x](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ workItem)
while (x--);
auto asyncAction = ThreadPool::RunAsync(workItem);
WaitForSingleObjectEx(m_logFileCreatedEvent.Get(), INFINITE, FALSE);
long i = x;
Here is a similar example except it includes a bit of Windows Runtime async IO:
std::shared_ptr<Concurrency::event> _completed = std::make_shared<Concurrency::event>();
int i;
auto workItem = ref new WorkItemHandler(
[_completed, &i](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ workItem)
Windows::Storage::StorageFolder^ _picturesLibrary = Windows::Storage::KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary;
Concurrency::task<Windows::Storage::StorageFile^> _getFileObjectTask(_picturesLibrary->GetFileAsync(L"art.bmp"));
auto _task2 = _getFileObjectTask.then([_completed, &i](Windows::Storage::StorageFile^ file)
i = 90210;
auto asyncAction = ThreadPool::RunAsync(workItem);
int j = i;
I tried using an event to wait on Windows Runtime Async work, but it blocked. That's why I had to use the threadpool.

MFC/Activex and fire it's evnet after waitforsingleobject

my project is a dialog base and activeX container that have event .
when i call a function of activex and wait to fire it's event (with WaitForSingleObject), the application stops and the event doesn't happen until time-out, after time out it will happen.
void COcxTesDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, L"testEvent");
DWORD res = ::WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 10000);
if(res != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
AfxMessageBox(L"Time Out");
AfxMessageBox(L"before Time Out");
//--- to do some works after ocx event
void COcxTesDlg::ocxEventFunc()
i always see 'Time Out' MessageBox, but if i don't call the WaitForSingleObject() the ocxEventFunc() happens sooner than 1000ms
i want to do some works after event without waiting a lot of time.
please help me.
Of course it does: you are asking your program to wait, and it waits.
Based on your description of what you are trying to do, your design is fundamentally broken: You are inside a message handler, in your main thread and you call WaitForSingleObject. That suspends execution of that thread, which handles all the user interface - and your program if you have only one thread - until the event is signaled or until the timeout expires.
You should rethink your design. Without knowing more it's not easy to suggest alternatives. One possibility is this:
Make a note of the start time (e.g. call GetTickCountEx and store the result).
Loop while start_time - current_time < timeout value. Inside the loop call WaitForSingleObject with 0 for the timeout. That call will not block and will return immediately: if it returns WAIT_OBJECT_0 then the OCX has completed. If it returns WAIT_TIMEOUT it means the OCX hasn't completed. You can then do whatever work you want.
You already have a function that is called when the event happens. Use it.
void COcxTesDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
void COcxTesDlg::ocxEventFunc()
//--- to do some works after ocx event
