Blue color table border using docx4j - colors

I'm using docx4j to create a docx file. I want my table border to be blue colored but it is only showing to do this?
Here is my code:
table.setTblPr(new TblPr());
CTBorder border = new CTBorder();
border.setSz(new BigInteger("0"));
border.setSpace(new BigInteger("0"));
TblBorders borders = new TblBorders();

You need to set the color attribute of the border in question. Your example code appears to have you setting a colour of 'FFF' which obviously won't work if it needs to be blue! I would suggest trying a straight blue in hex and going from there. For example a (very) standard blue would be:
CTBorder border = new CTBorder();


wxpython, richtextctrl: How to remove borders in a table?

I want to display a richtextctrl table without borders. I can change some attributes of the table (e.g. font), but I haven't figured out how to change the attributes of the margins. I tried to color the frames with the background color. The font changes but the frame color does not:
font = self.GetFont()
attr = rt.RichTextAttr()
attr.GetTextBoxAttr().GetBorder().GetLeft().SetColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)) #the program passes but nothing changes.
table = self.WriteTable(5, 2, cellAttr=attr)
The full code can be found here: Setting properties for table and cell in RichTextctrl
I'm attaching a picture of what it looks like:
At the top is the current output, below is the table as I would like to display it.
How to do it, please?

How to set UIDatePicker background color to white in xamarin.ios for ios 14?

I am hiding a label by a UIDatePicker in a xamarin.ios app. I changed the style of the datepicker label but can't change the background to white. Here is my code:
datePickerDateFrom.Frame = lblFromDate.Frame;
datePickerDateFrom.Subviews[0].Subviews[0].SetValueForKey(UIColor.White, new NSString("backgroundColor"));
datePickerDateFrom.Subviews[0].Subviews[0].TintColor = UIColor.Black;
datePickerDateFrom.Subviews[0].Subviews[0].Layer.BorderWidth = 1;
datePickerDateFrom.Subviews[0].Subviews[0].Layer.CornerRadius = 6;
datePickerDateFrom.Subviews[0].Subviews[0].Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(0, 184, 212).CGColor;
And the result is:
Any other color works but if I set the color to white it remains this ash color that's why sometimes there is a color difference inside the blue border when the short date format is selected. I don't know is it possible to align the value inside the frame and specify any fixed date format(as sometimes it displays 3 letter of month name when gets larger space). For now changing the background color to white would be a great help. Thanks in advance.

Is there any way to give gradient color to normal color property in flutter?

I am using Bar Chart of fl_chart plugin. I want to give gradient color to bar graph. Below is the line where I want give color.
BarChartRodData(y: 12, color: Color(0xFF639ed1),width: 12)
But it is not possible to set gradient color to the ##color## property unless it is colors.
Is there any way to set gradient color to color property?? Please help me..
If you pass just one color, the solid color will be used, or if you pass more than one color, we use gradient mode to draw. then the gradientFrom, gradientTo and gradientColorStops
For an example ,
final List<Color> color = <Color>[];
final List<double> stops = <double>[];
Please refer for BarChartRodData class variables

How to adjust style of table cell border?

When I add a cell to a table, I can manipulate its thickness (borderBottomSize), its color (borderBottomColor) but not its style (dashed, dotted, longdashed, ...).
When I read the code, the PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Cell extends the PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Border.
And the border class has the attribute borderBottomStyle.
But how to configure that?
I also looked into the PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Line, there I can find some "dashStyles", but none of them are working...
My question: How to change style of border (from strong line to for example dotted)?
You can define the style of the border by using the cell style property borderStyle. By default, it's set to solid, but you can use other values like dashed, dotted, double, etc. Sadly, this feature is not documented so I don't know all the available styles.
Don't forget to add a border size as well, otherwise no border will be rendered.
Example for a dotted cell:
$dottedCell = $tableRow->addCell($cellWidth, ['borderStyle' => 'dotted', 'borderSize' => 6]);

Rounded corner when change LoadMoreElement background color in Monotouch Dialog

I'm trying using this code :
LoadMoreElement elm = new LoadMoreElement (normalCaption, loadingCaption, tapped);
elm.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue; // new UIColor (27,109,192,1);
elm.TextColor = UIColor.White;
This results in a complete blue rectangular cell with no rounded corners.
What I'm missing?
The LoadMoreElement is only intended to be used in the middle of the table, not on the corners.
If you want to use it, you will need to write custom code to render the corners, you can see some sample code in the ImageElements.
