Rounded corner when change LoadMoreElement background color in Monotouch Dialog - xamarin.ios

I'm trying using this code :
LoadMoreElement elm = new LoadMoreElement (normalCaption, loadingCaption, tapped);
elm.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue; // new UIColor (27,109,192,1);
elm.TextColor = UIColor.White;
This results in a complete blue rectangular cell with no rounded corners.
What I'm missing?

The LoadMoreElement is only intended to be used in the middle of the table, not on the corners.
If you want to use it, you will need to write custom code to render the corners, you can see some sample code in the ImageElements.


How to identify colour of an icon of presence

I am new to espresso .My test scenario involves to check the colour of the icon during the presence.For example if person X in available there is small green icon next to his name, if he is busy icon change to red
I am not quit sure how I can test colour of the specific icon
I do understand I need to use drawable but not sure how
You can try something like this. Try to find the element(probably in your case) and then try to get the background color of the element. Now compare it with the expected color.
Sample code for a button where green as background color is being verified.
Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
Drawable buttonBackground = btn.getBackground();
ColorDrawable btn_color = (ColorDrawable) btn.getBackground();
int color = btn_color.getColor();
if (color == {
log("color is green");
Hope it helps :)

Adding nested stackviews programmatically using xamarin.ios c#

I am creating a app for both android and ios using xamarin and mvvmcross.
In the ios app I want to add outer vertical stackview having nested horizontal stackviews. Basically I just want to create a basic person details screen where will be Label on left and textfield on right which will go in one horizontal stackview and like this there will many horizontal stackviews nested in outer vertical stackview.
I am looking for such example on internet but seems most of the examples are in swift but I was hardly able to find some in c#.
Can someone please help.
UIStackView leverages the power of Auto Layout and Size Classes to manage a stack of subviews, either horizontally or vertically, which dynamically responds to the orientation and screen size of the iOS device. You can learn about it through this documentation.
In your case, we can construct a vertical stack to place several horizontal stack:
UIStackView verticalStack = new UIStackView();
verticalStack.Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical;
verticalStack.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
// Use auto layout to embed this super vertical stack in the View. Also there's no need to set the height constraint, vertical stack will automatically adjust that depending on its content
verticalStack.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor).Active = true;
verticalStack.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(TopLayoutGuide.GetBottomAnchor()).Active = true;
verticalStack.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor).Active = true;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
// Here try to put some horizontal stack with Label on left and textfield on right in the father stack.
UIStackView horizontalStack = new UIStackView();
horizontalStack.Distribution = UIStackViewDistribution.EqualSpacing;
horizontalStack.Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Horizontal;
// UIStackView should use AddArrangedSubview() to add subviews.
UILabel textLabel = new UILabel();
textLabel.Text = "text";
UITextField textField = new UITextField();
textField.Placeholder = "enter text";
But if every horizontal stack's subViews are almost the same style and layouts. Why not try to use UITableView? You just need to set the single cell's contents and layouts, then use it in the tableView. Moreover this control is reused and scrollable.

AndroidPlot - Labels and text

I am a non-developer product manager for an application built in both Android and iOS. We have a bar graph in iOS that provides text for the content of the graph. It displays Totals for each bar, and percentages for each segment of each bar.
In Android, using AndroidPlot (so I understand) we just display the bars with different color segments and no percent totals or totals. I am told by the developer that we can't show more.
I would display the images here, but stackoverflow tells me I don't have enough reputation points to do this. I have created a link to my dropbox with the images
Is it possible to use AndroidPlot to emulate this iOS chart or at least represent to same information to the end user?
Your developer is more or less correct but you have options. Androidplot's BarRenderer by default provides only an optional label at the top of each bar, which in your iOS images is occupied by the "available", "new", "used" and "rent" label. That label appears to be unused in your Android screenshot so one option would be to utilize those labels do display your totals.
As far as exactly matching the iOS implementation with Androidplot, the missing piece is the ability to add additional labels horizontally and vertically along the side of each bar. You can extend BarRenderer to do this by overriding it's onRender(...) method. Here's a link for your developer that shows where in the code he'll want to modify onRender(...).
I'd suggest these modifications to add the vertical labels:
Invoke to store the default orientation of the Canvas.
Use Canvas.translate(leftX, bottom) to center on the bottom left point of the bar
Rotate the Canvas 90 degrees using Canvas.rotate(90) to enable vertical text drawing
Draw whatever text is needed along the side of the plot; 0,0 now corresponds to the bottom left corner of the bar so start there when invoking canvas.drawText(x,y).
Invoke Canvas.restore() to restore the canvas' original orientation.
After implementing the above, adding horizontal "%" labels should be self evident but if you run into trouble feel free to ask more questions along the way.
Here's a very basic implementation of the above. First the drawVerticalText method:
* #param canvas
* #param paint paint used to draw the text
* #param text the text to be drawn
* #param x x-coord of where the text should be drawn
* #param y y-coord of where the text should be drawn
protected void drawVerticalText(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, String text, float x, float y) {
// record the state of the canvas before the draw:;
// center the canvas on our drawing coords:
canvas.translate(x, y);
// rotate into the desired "vertical" orientation:
// draw the text; note that we are drawing at 0, 0 and *not* x, y.
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, paint);
// restore the canvas state:
All that's left is to invoke this method where necessary. In your case it should be done once per BarGroup and should maintain a consistent position on the y axis. I added the following code to the STACKED case in BarRenderer.onRender(...), immediately above the break:
// needed some paint to draw with so I'll just create it here for now:
Paint paint = new Paint();
basePositionY - PixelUtils.dpToPix(50)); // offset so the text doesnt intersect with the origin
Here's a screenshot of the result...sorry it's so huge:
Personally, I don't care for the fixed y-position of these vertical labels and would prefer them to float along the upper part of the bars. To accomplish this I modify my invocation of drawVerticalText(...) to look like this:
// needed some paint to draw with so I'll just create it here for now:
Paint paint = new Paint();
// right-justify the text so it doesnt extend beyond the top of the bar
Which produces this result:

Blue color table border using docx4j

I'm using docx4j to create a docx file. I want my table border to be blue colored but it is only showing to do this?
Here is my code:
table.setTblPr(new TblPr());
CTBorder border = new CTBorder();
border.setSz(new BigInteger("0"));
border.setSpace(new BigInteger("0"));
TblBorders borders = new TblBorders();
You need to set the color attribute of the border in question. Your example code appears to have you setting a colour of 'FFF' which obviously won't work if it needs to be blue! I would suggest trying a straight blue in hex and going from there. For example a (very) standard blue would be:
CTBorder border = new CTBorder();

Flot pie charts - externally selecting slices

I found this solution.
If type of chart is pie, how specify parameters (x,y) of highlight(x, y)?
Sorry for my bad English.
Unfortunately, flot doesn't expose the pie highlighting code to the user. So we are pretty much out of luck, but what may work for you is synthesizing a click event at the appropriate place on the page:
$("#highligher").click(function () {
var e = jQuery.Event('click');
e.pageX = 250; //add a made up x/y coordinate to the click event
e.pageY = 250;
$('#plot canvas:first').trigger(e); //trigger the click event on the canvas
Here it is in action:
The problem is you have to know where the slice you want to highlight is already. This would be easy enough to set if the graph is static. If it's a dynamic graph, you'd have to dig into the source of the pie code to figure out how to calculate where the pie slice is. It might be easier in that case to just have a copy of all the pie functions and manually draw on the pie overlay.
Just got this working by altering a few things...
I changed highlight and unhighlight in jquery.flot.pie.js to pieHighlight and pieUnhighlight.
Then, after these two lines in jquery.flot.pie.js...
plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function(plot, options) {
if ( {
I added...
plot.highlight = pieHighlight;
plot.unhighlight = pieUnhighlight;
We're maintaining selection state outside of the chart (as a backbone model). When a selection event (click) occurs, we set the selected slice in the model. When selection changes, we refresh the chart using a selection color for the pie slices that are selected.
var data = [];
var color = slice.index == selected ? '#FF0000' : '#0000FF';
The snippet above uses blue for all non-selected slices, red for the selected slice. Your color logic will be more sophisticated.
NOTE: You can also use rgba CSS for the colors, which gives a really nice effect. For example:
var color = slice.index == selected ? 'rgba(0,0,255,1)' : 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)';
