How to send automatic email notification to user two days before expiry date - sharepoint

In SharePoint 2007 document library I want to send automatic email notification to user two days before expiry date.
After expiry date document will remain in the library.
Any suggestions would really be appreciated.

You just need to create workflow in SharePoint designer. During creation of an item the workflow starts and waits until execution date. If expiry date can be changed you need another action which cancels old workflow (with old date) and starts new one (with need date).
Here you can find instruction how it can be done in SPD

Create a SharePoint Designer (SPD) workflow
Select your task list
Set it to run on Create
Click Next
In the Actions section add these three actions:
- Add time to date
- Pause until date
- Send email
My example looks like this after the properties are set:
Add -7 days to Tasks:Due Date (Output to Variable: ReminderDate)
then Pause until Variable: Reminder Date
then Email this message (you can hard code the address or use the assigned to... )
Notes for this very simple example:
- If someone edits the task and sets a new due date, this workflow will still send the reminder based on the old date.
- It does not check to see if the Due Date is at least two days in the future.


How can I update Customer Status when the last invoice for that customer is more than 24 months old

I want to set up a scheduled script or a workflow in NetSuite that will automatically change the customer status from "Customer-Closed Won" to "Customer-Closed Lost" if their last invoice is more than 2 years old.
Is this possible with the normal workflow setup or do I need to use a bundle?
You will want to create a scheduled script that runs at some interval - say every Sunday morning. This script can call a saved search that looks at all invoices grouped by customer and max invoice date. The customer status of "customer-closed won" could be a criterion so that you don't look at the ones you already set to "lost". The script can then update all such customer to the "lost" status.
You will also want to write a workflow or user-event on a SO so that if such a "lost" customer creates a new Sales Order, you reset their status to "won"
The simplest way to do this is with a pair of workflows.
One workflow triggers on a schedule and uses a saved search that identifies customer-closed-won where the last invoice (and sales order?) was earlier than your cutoff. It has just a single action that resets the customer status.
The other is a workflow on sales that sets the customer status back to customer-closed-won when a Sales Order is approved (or an invoice is created). This also has a single action that changes the status.
If you don't have workflows available under customization go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. Click SuiteCloud and enable SuiteFlow

Send an email through Sharepoint workflow one week before a date

I need a workflow to track a due date on an issues list and one week before due date send a reminder email.
My workflow is
Add -7 days to CurrentItem:DueDate (Output to Variable:date1)
then pause until Variable:Date1
then email CurrentItem:Responsible
with the email being sent to
CurrentItem:Responsible returned as an email address, semicolon delimited.
This currently isn't emailing my user, but the workflow is completing after the seven day point is reached.
Is there a better way to set up this workflow, or why might this workflow complete but not send the email?
A lot of things can go wrong with mailing from WF.
I would check if the SharePoint-User you have selected actually has an email (and the right one) assigned in SP.
Eventually you can write the mail-address to the log, after the pause, so you really can see if the WF finds it.
In this blog, you can write the mail-address to the log,
Declare due date =29/02/2016 & minus 7 days stored in date variable
This remainder mail through users or author of the item,
Site workflow has been created .we ll run this action site level
Please click Here

How to trigger Javascript in CRM VIew Refreshing?

I create one javascript function For calculate the No.Of Days from created Date and show in one Field.
And I add that script in Form Load and as well Form Save Actions.It was Working Fine.
Now My question is,I need to trigger that javascript function grid's(view) refresh.Or I need to calculate and show the No Of Days Field without opening Form.
Now the noofdays field affected when the form will getting open.
I need noofdays field automatically updated From the Created on date?How to do this...Thanks in Advance
Trigger an javaScript function without opening the from is not possible.
If i understood correctly, you want to display the time period between the creation and current date in days.
If so:
A Solution would be:
On creation of the record the noofdays field will always be 1 or 0. However you look at it.
So you can fill that field on creation per default to 1 per Plugin, JS, or simply per workflow.
Now you need to update this field each day via workflow.
The workflow must retrieve all records, calcualte and update the noofdays field.
I reccomend to run this workflow after midnight.
The other solution: (I do not reccomend)
Create an Plugin which is registerd to the message "retrieve" and "retrieve multiple".
If the message is triggered, check if you are in the right entity and fake the output of the noofdays field or update it.

Creating periodic/looping workflows

I have a list named reminder_list which has a DateTime field called reminder date.
I want to create a SharePoint designer workflow on that list which will run everyday and check if the reminder date field is equal to current date or not,if it is equal then it will send an email.
Is this possible to do? Anyone any ideas?
You can't do it using SharePoint Workflows. You should use Custom Timer Jobs instead, see:

How to send email at specied time and date in crm 2011

after selecting lead and if Email button from ribbon is selected , then email form opens , here is it possible to set time and date for email to be send.
i tried "Actual start , Actual end , Due date etc" but mails sends immediatly after send button is pressed.
Is there any other ways to set Date and time for sending email.
Thanks in Advance.
I don't think there is a great out of the box solution for what you are looking for. However, depending on which version of CRM you are using (online vs on premise) You can create workflow that will fire off of one of those date fields being set (or a custom one) and wait until that specified time. To actually send it you will have create a workflow assembly (on prem only at this time I believe) to send that e-mail record out.
If it is online or you want to not add any code you can still do this trick. There are some drawbacks such as the e-mail would be text only, not able to recreate the activity party lists and some other things. Here is what I would do.
Create a new entity called Scheduled E-mail
Create all of the e-mail fields that you need to recreate as well as a date field to send the e-mail out by.
Create the workflow on the Scheduled E-mail entity to wait until the specified date.
After the step use the "Send E-mail" step to send the e-mail and copy over all of the fields you need.
This isn't a perfect solution, but will work with no code.
Hope this helps!
