How can I update Customer Status when the last invoice for that customer is more than 24 months old - netsuite

I want to set up a scheduled script or a workflow in NetSuite that will automatically change the customer status from "Customer-Closed Won" to "Customer-Closed Lost" if their last invoice is more than 2 years old.
Is this possible with the normal workflow setup or do I need to use a bundle?

You will want to create a scheduled script that runs at some interval - say every Sunday morning. This script can call a saved search that looks at all invoices grouped by customer and max invoice date. The customer status of "customer-closed won" could be a criterion so that you don't look at the ones you already set to "lost". The script can then update all such customer to the "lost" status.
You will also want to write a workflow or user-event on a SO so that if such a "lost" customer creates a new Sales Order, you reset their status to "won"

The simplest way to do this is with a pair of workflows.
One workflow triggers on a schedule and uses a saved search that identifies customer-closed-won where the last invoice (and sales order?) was earlier than your cutoff. It has just a single action that resets the customer status.
The other is a workflow on sales that sets the customer status back to customer-closed-won when a Sales Order is approved (or an invoice is created). This also has a single action that changes the status.
If you don't have workflows available under customization go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. Click SuiteCloud and enable SuiteFlow


Netsuite Sales orders suddenly have an additional step (complete) when done through CSV import

I am updating my company's system so that it supports dropshipping items. Ever since I switched to this type of item it asks me to complete the order after I approved it. what is it that I am missing so that I can skip this step altogether, is it even possible to skip the step, or to complete multiple orders at the same time (like how you can approve multiple orders)?
It bears mentioning the Company operates in Mexico.
the steps I take are as follow:
I create and save a sales order, that is, I put in the client, the document and reference number, and the item, as well as a couple of custom fields
the next screen asks me to approve the order, I do it and it creates the matching purchase order
then instead of being able to invoice, I first have to "complete" which takes me to an order fulfillment form
I save that and the order can be invoiced.
Ideally, after approval, I would just be able to invoice
Generally a sales order is not invoicable until it's been fulfilled.
You can override that at a whole account level by going to
Setup -> Accounting -> Accounting Preferences
Order Management tab
scroll to Invoicing
check 'Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment'
Be aware this is a system level setting and if you used to be able to invoice before fulfillment someone else in your company may have unchecked this setting in the recent past.
Alternatively at the individual item level you can use the 'Can be fulfilled/received' checkbox to allow invoicing without fulfilling. Note that 'Can be fulfilled/received' may not be changed after an item has been ordered.
Normally (US/Canada) an order should not be invoiced until it is shipped. Customer Deposits on Sales Orders are the preferred way to handle pre-payment for GAAP etc reasons.

Total a SharePoint Column to include in an email sent by Power Automate

I've built a SharePoint calendar that I'm using to track employee vacation time. The employee logs into a PowerApp, enters their information (including the amount of hours they are requesting off) and clicks a submit button. When the submit button is clicked a flow is triggered which generates a "Send an Email with options" to obtain the manager's approval.
What I'm trying to do is total the number of hours that an employee has already taken off for the current calendar year. I need an action that will reference the same list and find all items where the:
Start Date is in the current calendar year
Employee Name is the same as the employee requesting the time off
Status = Approved
And return the sum of the Total Hours Used column for the approved entries for that particular employee.
The idea is that the email that is sent to the manager should tell the manager how much time the employee has been approved to take off so far this year.
I started to construct a Get SharePoint Items action, however, I'm not sure if it will work. Here is what I have:
Anyone have any thoughts?
You have to iterate through all the items & sum it up using Apply to each, Compose and Increment variable pieces together. Read more
For detailed learning - Iterate and get all items from a SharePoint Large List or Library using Microsoft Flow (no-code solution)

On which context inventory gets changed in Netsuite

I have created a custom checkbox and I have to mark it to true whenever any thing is changed on the record. My problem is I do not have to use lastmodified date because lastmodified is not working as all the items are coming in search. Whenever an item is shipped, it's inventory is changed but i would like to know on which context it changes. It is possible to do with workflow. How?
Inventory change is via different record types in NetSuite, and will not be via item.
I think you will need to write User Event Script or workflow on following record types to detect all Inventory changes:
1) Item Fulfillment
2) Item Receipt
3) Item Transfer
4) Inventory Adjustment
Apart from these there are other mechanism to make an impact on inventory, I am not sure if NetSuite allows user event script or workflows on these:
1) Inventory worksheet
2) Physical Count
For the case of Item being shipped from a Sales Order an Item Fulfillment is created, so, you can deploye your workdlow or user event on Item Fulfillment in that case.
Edit: Transfer Order isn't applicable as #bknights suggested. Inventory alterations would be actually made by Item Fulfillment/Receipt records in case of Transfer Orders.

SharePoint List - Daily email even when there are no changes?

(As far as I know) SharePoint list alerts only fire off due to a change. If I want an email to go out daily even if there were no changes, I figured I could create a calculated field that does today's date minus the "Start Date". It will increment by 1 every day. Will this cause a daily change email to go out? If not, does anyone have a trick for emailing out a list daily even when there are no changes? Thanks!
This will not cause the alert to go out. Calculated fields are only calculated when the list is accessed. The only way I see to do this is to create a site level workflow with a tool like Nintex or create a timer job that can generate the email you want. Nintex Workflows can be scheduled to run on a regular basis. Workflows created with SharePoint Designer cannot be scheduled out of the box.

How to send automatic email notification to user two days before expiry date

In SharePoint 2007 document library I want to send automatic email notification to user two days before expiry date.
After expiry date document will remain in the library.
Any suggestions would really be appreciated.
You just need to create workflow in SharePoint designer. During creation of an item the workflow starts and waits until execution date. If expiry date can be changed you need another action which cancels old workflow (with old date) and starts new one (with need date).
Here you can find instruction how it can be done in SPD
Create a SharePoint Designer (SPD) workflow
Select your task list
Set it to run on Create
Click Next
In the Actions section add these three actions:
- Add time to date
- Pause until date
- Send email
My example looks like this after the properties are set:
Add -7 days to Tasks:Due Date (Output to Variable: ReminderDate)
then Pause until Variable: Reminder Date
then Email this message (you can hard code the address or use the assigned to... )
Notes for this very simple example:
- If someone edits the task and sets a new due date, this workflow will still send the reminder based on the old date.
- It does not check to see if the Due Date is at least two days in the future.
