Wide Character Font Rendering in Windows Browsers - browser

I made a custom font to display text so that it looks like the keys on a computer keyboard and embedded it in a website.
All is good on MacOS, but the wide characters render incorrectly on Chrome, IE and FF on Windows. Is this a bug with the browsers? Is something wrong with the font?


How much text can UITextView hold?

I have an uneditable UITextView that displays user-entered text.
What happens if the text is very long? Will it crash my app?
Should I paginate the text? How do iPhone web browsers like Safari, Chrome, or Firefox handle this issue?
Is there something like UITableView functionality for UITextView?

Samsung Internet browser causing issues with font-face and svg image

I am having a weird problem with #font-face and svg images specifically on the Samsung Internet Browser on a webpage I am developing. It has some pretty strange issues.
Part 1: The font-face problem.
I am using 2 font-faces. For some reason in the footer area they load perfectly fine. But in other parts of the document they don't. Example:
Image of footer area
On this image, the blockquote is displayed with the correct font, below that the Follow Us part uses the second font-face and it displays correctly too. The About Us heading uses the same font-face as the blockquote element but it doesn't display correctly. Now, the second image:
Image of header area
The problem here is that the About Us huge heading uses the same font as the Follow us text in the footer area (visible in image 1), but it's not displaying correctly.
Part 2: The SVG image problem
In the Image of header area if you focus on the upper border of the text container below About Us you can see that there's a very deformed SVG logo that says Petit Délice. If I open the image in a new tab it displays correctly, but inside the page it doesn't. I was thinking of using png substitution for browsers without svg support but from what I can see it wouldn't be of use in this case as the browser does support SVG.
Now, these two issues only occur in that specific browser and from what I've been able to check it happens in Android 4.2 and 4.4 on Samsung phones.
The site works perfectly fine on Chrome (both Android and iOS), Firefox and on Safari, but the customer has a Samsung phone and for some reason uses the s*itty browser it has by default which is causing me severe headaches.
You can check the site on this link

developing web interface in illustrator; font aliasing

illustrator shows the font/text aliased compared to the way the browser interprets it
the difference is noticeable here
(in chrome:)
the bottom is illustrator, and as you can see, it's a bit bolder and smoother.. is there a setting I can change in illustrator so I can see how it will look when I actually output it to the website ?
if I disable Aliasing artwork, it looks completely off.
this is more evident when the text is bigger, as well.
No, Illustrator has it's own text anti-aliasing modes that differ from what your browser shows you. However, the differences between your examples are minor compared to how different browsers and operating systems render the same fonts.
Preview the image in save for web and devices. (file -> save for web & devices) I'm assuming you're exporting the image traditionally through file -> export, but save for web & devices shows you how the image will look on the web. The reason it looks different is because illustrator is a vector-based design program, unlike photoshop which is bitmap, or pixel based. This means that text in illustrator has infinite resolution until you export it as an image. If you want a cleaner look for text, go to save for web & devices and select "type optimized" from the menu next to the "apply" button on the right side of the screen. Then hit "apply" and then "save".

Text based site for mobile phones?

I tested my site on a mobile device and it loaded pretty quickly. However i had to scroll right to see all of the text. The text was pretty big as well.
How can i redesign my site so i dont need to do any scrolling and have smaller text? I know i I seen this before but i cant remember what site did it.
i removed my css and the device scrolled right until the end of my largest div. So i need css to solve this? What css do i need to make the text not big and not cause the user to scroll (horz) no matter how small his screen is?
Also do i detect the user agent in .NET and link an alternative css file or do i detect which css to use elsewhere?
yes you should design an own css-file for the mobile version of your website. either you check the useragent if it's a handheld or you work with the css media type handheld (which is not supported by older browsers) to load the different css-file.
with css you can also replace images with text

Working arround font rendering issues in all major browsers

Since long time i been having a real problem with the different ways that each browser display text.
Sure you have noticed that even when you create a stylesheet specifying everything about the font properties, still every browser display the same text with some differences, the usual problem is the font weight, that even if you specify it different browsers display it different ways.
I would like to know if some as come with a solution. Not turning the text into a image.
This is a example of the problem. On the left Firefox and right IE. However i have defined in the CSS font family, weight, size and still they render the fonts different.
Do you mean that on one browser its bold and another one its normal? A reset should fix that, but if it doesn't, it might be something overriding that.
If you're talking about fonts looking different, it is possible - for example, since Google Chrome / Chromium sandboxes the renderer process, the font rendering won't be affected by other parts of the system, and I believe that it uses some sort of special font rendering. To be honest, on my Linux install, I do get bolder fonts on Chromium, but Firefox displays them fine.
There's SIFR (as pointed above), but it needs Flash and it is a bit heavy. There's also Cufon http://cufon.shoqolate.com/ that uses Javascript. Could you show a screencast so we know what's the problem? Thanks.
SIFR is a good solution, as long as you're only trying to control the appearance of small chunks of text (headings, design elements, etc.)
Beyond that, browsers are perfectly allowed to render text any way they want, and getting it pixel-perfect between browsers and operating systems is usually not even desirable for larger chunks of text. Users will have different accessibility settings and anti-aliasing settings which are tuned to the way they want to read text, and in general websites should try to respect that.
You can use SIFR.
Although this problem is already about a week old, here is a solution that I found, that might be related:
If you're not using jQuery, try removing the filter attribute from the elements that are displaying non-Cleartype'd text and it should work, according to that blog post.
