How much text can UITextView hold? - pagination

I have an uneditable UITextView that displays user-entered text.
What happens if the text is very long? Will it crash my app?
Should I paginate the text? How do iPhone web browsers like Safari, Chrome, or Firefox handle this issue?
Is there something like UITableView functionality for UITextView?


Set height for dojo text area in xpages

I have a dojo text area which I'm binding it to a field. I saw that on browser, its height is OK but if I open the xpage in the Notes client its height is twice bigger. I tried adding height property for the text area, but it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance!
Browsers Firefox and XPiNC (XPages in Notes Client - that is XULrunner based on Firefox) show Dojo Text Area (dijit.form.Textarea) always with at least two rows even it contains only one line of text.
Other browsers like Chrome and IE work like expected.
You don't have a chance to change that behavior with style "height"/"minHeight" or parameter "rows".
The only solution I found is to create an own Textarea widget. But I am not sure if it's worth it...
This issue shows up only for contents with one line. As soon as you have two or more text lines Dojo Text Area's height adapts exactly - for all browsers.
Try setting the height using css styles, that should do it.
In case css should not be working here try using the classic HTML attributes 'cols' and 'rows'. I don't have Domino Designer ata hand right now, so I can't tell whether those attributes are available. If not you could add them yourself using the 'attrs' group.

Wide Character Font Rendering in Windows Browsers

I made a custom font to display text so that it looks like the keys on a computer keyboard and embedded it in a website.
All is good on MacOS, but the wide characters render incorrectly on Chrome, IE and FF on Windows. Is this a bug with the browsers? Is something wrong with the font?

layout quirks switching between portrait/landscape

I know this type of question has been asked many times before but I haven't found an answer to my specific issue yet so I thought i would post.
It's really a bit of a quirk I guess rather than anything else but I have designed a responsive site that resizes nicely in a browser when you resize the window and works perfectly when you load it up in either portrait or landscape on a mobile. However when you load it in portrait and then turn the mobile into landscape some mobile browsers don't load up the correct styling for the new screen size - BUT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN LIKE THIS FOR ALL BROWSERS! So far I have tested it on an Android 4.0.4 version phone using the standard Android browser and it resizes correctly when switching orientations but then on the same phone using google chrome as the browser it applies different styling BUT if you refresh the page it then applies the correct styling.
So my question is how can I force the mobile browser to render the page correctly on orientation change without having to reload the page?
The site in question is and im using the viewport meta tag and setting it to width=device-width and an initial scale of 1 then calling media queries at certain max pixel widths to alter positioning and layout for various different screen sizes which can be seen in my stylesheet1.css here

Text based site for mobile phones?

I tested my site on a mobile device and it loaded pretty quickly. However i had to scroll right to see all of the text. The text was pretty big as well.
How can i redesign my site so i dont need to do any scrolling and have smaller text? I know i I seen this before but i cant remember what site did it.
i removed my css and the device scrolled right until the end of my largest div. So i need css to solve this? What css do i need to make the text not big and not cause the user to scroll (horz) no matter how small his screen is?
Also do i detect the user agent in .NET and link an alternative css file or do i detect which css to use elsewhere?
yes you should design an own css-file for the mobile version of your website. either you check the useragent if it's a handheld or you work with the css media type handheld (which is not supported by older browsers) to load the different css-file.
with css you can also replace images with text

WPG browser text size or zoom

Is it possible to adjust the "size" of the browsers controls rendered output, ie text size or zoom out?
Im wanting a small browser visible on a form just as a preview to what a html page will render like.
so Id like it to be as small as possible
any ideas on doing this?
Not outside of badly supported proprietary land.
