At the page, it talks about the (->) a monad.
What is this monad? The use of symbols makes it hard to google.
This is a Reader monad. You can think of it as
type Reader r = (->) r -- Reader r a == (->) r a == r -> a
instance Monad (Reader r) where
return a = const a
m >>= f = \r -> f (m r) r
And do computations like:
double :: Num r => Reader r r
double = do
v <- id
return (2*v)
It is the function monad, and it's a bit weird to understand. It's also sometimes called the Reader monad, by the way. I think the best way to illustrate how it works is through an example:
f1 :: Double -> Double
f1 x = 10 * x + x ** 2 + 3 * x ** 3
f2 :: Double -> Double
f2 = do
x1 <- (10 *)
x2 <- (** 2)
x3 <- (** 3)
return $ x1 + x2 + 3 * x3
If you try out both of these, you'll see that you get the same output from both. So what exactly is going on? When you "extract" a value from a function, you get what can be considered its "return value". I put quotes around it because when you return a value from this monad, the value you return is a function.
For an example like this, the implicit argument to f2 gets passed to each <- as an implicit argument. It can be fairly useful if you have a lot of sub expressions with the same argument. As the Reader monad, it is generally used to supply read-only config values.
I'm trying to understand Haskell monads and wrote this test program, which compiles and works as expected:
divide :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
divide _ 0 = Left "Divide by zero error
divide numerator denom = Right (numerator `div` denom)
processNumsMonadically :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
processNumsMonadically n d = divide n d >>= \q -> return (q+1)
When I try using the word bind instead of the >>= operator in the latter function definition:
processNumsMonadically n d = bind (divide n d) (\q -> return (q+1))
I get the error:
Not in scope: 'bind'
What is the correct way to use the word bind?
This isn't a part of Prelude; it resides in Control.Monad.Extra, a part of monad-extras package.
However, you can call operators in prefix manner (like named functions) easily:
processNumsMonadically n d = (>>=) (divide n d) (\q -> return (q+1))
You could also just use do notation:
processNumsMonadically n d = do
q <- divide n d
return (q+1)
But while we're at it, I'd write using a Functor:
processNumsMonadically n d = fmap (+1) (divide n d)
or Applicative syntax:
processNumsMonadically n d = (+1) <$> divide n d
You could also lift the +1 to avoid the need for return and the lambda.
As a personal style remark, bind used as a word isn't idiomatic, and IMHO you shouldn't use it.
I use System.Random and System.Random.Shuffle to shuffle the order of characters in a string, I shuffle it using:
shuffle' string (length string) g
g being a getStdGen.
Now the problem is that the shuffle can result in an order that's identical to the original order, resulting in a string that isn't really shuffled, so when this happens I want to just shuffle it recursively until it hits a a shuffled string that's not the original string (which should usually happen on the first or second try), but this means I need to create a new random number generator on each recursion so it wont just shuffle it exactly the same way every time.
But how do I do that? Defining a
newg = newStdGen
in "where", and using it results in:
Could not deduce (RandomGen (IO StdGen))
arising from a use of shuffle'
from the context (Eq a)
bound by the inferred type of
shuffleString :: Eq a => IO StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
at Jumble.hs:(15,1)-(22,18)
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (RandomGen (IO StdGen))
In the expression: shuffle' string (length string) g
In an equation for `shuffled':
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
In an equation for `shuffleString':
shuffleString g string
= if shuffled == original then
shuffleString newg shuffled
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
original = string
newg = newStdGen
Couldn't match expected type `IO StdGen' with actual type `StdGen'
In the first argument of `jumble', namely `g'
In the first argument of `map', namely `(jumble g)'
In the expression: (map (jumble g) word_list)
I'm very new to Haskell and functional programming in general and have only learned the basics, one thing that might be relevant which I don't know yet is the difference between "x = value", "x <- value", and "let x = value".
Complete code:
import System.Random
import System.Random.Shuffle
middle :: [Char] -> [Char]
middle word
| length word >= 4 = (init (tail word))
| otherwise = word
shuffleString g string =
if shuffled == original
then shuffleString g shuffled
else shuffled
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
original = string
jumble g word
| length word >= 4 = h ++ m ++ l
| otherwise = word
h = [(head word)]
m = (shuffleString g (middle word))
l = [(last word)]
main = do
g <- getStdGen
putStrLn "Hello, what would you like to jumble?"
text <- getLine
-- let text = "Example text"
let word_list = words text
let jumbled = (map (jumble g) word_list)
let output = unwords jumbled
putStrLn output
This is pretty simple, you know that g has type StdGen, which is an instance of the RandomGen typeclass. The RandomGen typeclass has the functions next :: g -> (Int, g), genRange :: g -> (Int, Int), and split :: g -> (g, g). Two of these functions return a new random generator, namely next and split. For your purposes, you can use either quite easily to get a new generator, but I would just recommend using next for simplicity. You could rewrite your shuffleString function to something like
shuffleString :: RandomGen g => g -> String -> String
shuffleString g string =
if shuffled == original
then shuffleString (snd $ next g) shuffled
else shuffled
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
original = string
End of answer to this question
One thing that might be relevant which I don't know yet is the difference between "x = value", "x <- value", and "let x = value".
These three different forms of assignment are used in different contexts. At the top level of your code, you can define functions and values using the simple x = value syntax. These statements are not being "executed" inside any context other than the current module, and most people would find it pedantic to have to write
module Main where
let main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, World"
putStrLn "Exiting now"
since there isn't any ambiguity at this level. It also helps to delimit this context since it is only at the top level that you can declare data types, type aliases, and type classes, these can not be declared inside functions.
The second form, let x = value, actually comes in two variants, the let x = value in <expr> inside pure functions, and simply let x = value inside monadic functions (do notation). For example:
myFunc :: Int -> Int
myFunc x =
let y = x + 2
z = y * y
in z * z
Lets you store intermediate results, so you get a faster execution than
myFuncBad :: Int -> Int
myFuncBad x = (x + 2) * (x + 2) * (x + 2) * (x + 2)
But the former is also equivalent to
myFunc :: Int -> Int
myFunc x = z * z
y = x + 2
z = y * y
There are subtle difference between let ... in ... and where ..., but you don't need to worry about it at this point, other than the following is only possible using let ... in ..., not where ...:
myFunc x = (\y -> let z = y * y in z * z) (x + 2)
The let ... syntax (without the in ...) is used only in monadic do notation to perform much the same purpose, but usually using values bound inside it:
something :: IO Int
something = do
putStr "Enter an int: "
x <- getLine
let y = myFunc (read x)
return (y * y)
This simply allows y to be available to all proceeding statements in the function, and the in ... part is not needed because it's not ambiguous at this point.
The final form of x <- value is used especially in monadic do notation, and is specifically for extracting a value out of its monadic context. That may sound complicated, so here's a simple example. Take the function getLine. It has the type IO String, meaning it performs an IO action that returns a String. The types IO String and String are not the same, you can't call length getLine, because length doesn't work for IO String, but it does for String. However, we frequently want that String value inside the IO context, without having to worry about it being wrapped in the IO monad. This is what the <- is for. In this function
main = do
line <- getLine
print (length line)
getLine still has the type IO String, but line now has the type String, and can be fed into functions that expect a String. Whenever you see x <- something, the something is a monadic context, and x is the value being extracted from that context.
So why does Haskell have so many different ways of defining values? It all comes down to its type system, which tries really hard to ensure that you can't accidentally launch the missiles, or corrupt a file system, or do something you didn't really intend to do. It also helps to visually separate what is an action, and what is a computation in source code, so that at a glance you can tell if an action is being performed or not. It does take a while to get used to, and there are probably valid arguments that it could be simplified, but changing anything would also break backwards compatibility.
And that concludes today's episode of Way Too Much Information(tm)
(Note: To other readers, if I've said something incorrect or potentially misleading, please feel free to edit or leave a comment pointing out the mistake. I don't pretend to be perfect in my descriptions of Haskell syntax.)
I am working with Haskell and maybe monads but I am a little bit confused with them
here is my code but I am getting error and I do not know how to improve my code.
doAdd :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
doAdd x y = do
result <- x + y
return result
Let's look critically at the type of the function that you're writing:
doAdd :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
The point of the Maybe monad is to work with types that are wrapped with a Maybe type constructor. In your case, the two Int arguments are just plain Ints, and the + function always produces an Int so there is no need for the monad.
If instead, your function took Maybe Int as its arguments, then you could use do notation to handle the Nothing case behind the scenes:
doAdd :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
doAdd mx my = do x <- mx
y <- my
return (x + y)
example1 = doAdd (Just 1) (Just 3) -- => Just 4
example2 = doAdd (Just 1) Nothing -- => Nothing
example3 = doAdd Nothing (Just 3) -- => Nothing
example4 = doAdd Nothing Nothing -- => Nothing
But we can extract a pattern from this: what you are doing, more generically, is taking a function ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) and adapting it to work in the case where the arguments it wants are "inside" a monad. We can abstract away from the specific function (+) and the specific monad (Maybe) and get this generic function:
liftM2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
liftM2 f ma mb = do a <- ma
b <- mb
return (f a b)
Now with liftM2 you can write:
doAdd :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
doAdd = liftM2 (+)
The reason why I chose the name liftM2 is because this is actually a library function—you don't need to write it, you can import the Control.Monad module and you'll get it for free.
What would be a better example of using the Maybe monad? When you have an operation that, unlike +, can intrinsically can produce a Maybe result. One idea would be if you wanted to catch division by 0 mistakes. You could write a "safe" version of the div function:
-- | Returns `Nothing` if second argument is zero.
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv _ 0 = Nothing
safeDiv x y = Just (x `div` y)
Now in this case the monad does become more useful:
-- | This function tests whether `x` is divisible by `y`. Returns `Nothing` if
-- division by zero.
divisibleBy :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Bool
divisibleBy x y = do z <- safeDiv x y
let x' = z * y
return (x == x')
Another more interesting monad example is if you have operations that return more than one value—for example, positive and negative square roots:
-- Compute both square roots of x.
allSqrt x = [sqrt x, -(sqrt x)]
-- Example: add the square roots of 5 to those of 7.
example = do x <- allSqrt 5
y <- allSqrt 7
return (x + y)
Or using liftM2 from above:
example = liftM2 (+) (allSqrt 5) (allSqrt 7)
So anyway, a good rule of thumb is this: never "pollute" a function with a monad type if it doesn't really need it. Your original doAdd—and even my rewritten version—are a violation of this rule of thumb, because what the function does is adding, but adding has nothing to do with Maybe—the Nothing handling is just a behavior that we add on top of the core function (+). The reason for this rule of thumb is that any function that does not use monads can be generically adapted to add the behavior of any monad you want, using utility functions like liftM2 (and many other similar utility functions).
On the other hand, safeDiv and allSqrt are examples where you can't really write the function you want without using Maybe or []; if you are dealing with a function like that, then monads are often a convenient abstraction for eliminating boilerplate code.
A better example might be
justPositive :: Num a => a -> Maybe a
justPositive x
| x <= 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just x
addPositives x y = do
x' <- justPositive x
y' <- justPositive y
return $ x' + y'
This will filter out any non-positive values passed into the function using do notation
That isn't how you'd write that code. The <- operator is for getting a value out of a monad. The result of x + y is just a number, not a monad wrapping a number.
Do notation is actually completely wasteful here. If you were bound and determined to write it that way, it would have to look like this:
doAdd x y = do
let result = x + y
return result
But that's just a longwinded version of this:
doAdd x y = return $ x + y
Which is in turn equivalent to
doAdd x y = Just $ x + y
Which is how you'd actually write something like this.
The use case you give doesn't justify do notation, but this is a more common use case- You can chain functions of this type together.
func::Int->Int->Maybe Int -- func would be a function like divide, which is undefined for division by zero
main = do
result1 <- func 1 2
result2 <- func 3 4
result3 <- func result1 result2
return result3
This is the whole point of monads anyway, chaining together functions of type a->m a.
When used this way, the Maybe monad acts much like exceptions in Java (you can use Either if you want to propagate a message up).
How do you increment a variable in a functional programming language?
For example, I want to do:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let i = 0
i = i + 1
print i
Expected output:
Simple way is to introduce shadowing of a variable name:
main :: IO () -- another way, simpler, specific to monads:
main = do main = do
let i = 0 let i = 0
let j = i i <- return (i+1)
let i = j+1 print i
print i -- because monadic bind is non-recursive
Prints 1.
Just writing let i = i+1 doesn't work because let in Haskell makes recursive definitions — it is actually Scheme's letrec. The i in the right-hand side of let i = i+1 refers to the i in its left hand side — not to the upper level i as might be intended. So we break that equation up by introducing another variable, j.
Another, simpler way is to use monadic bind, <- in the do-notation. This is possible because monadic bind is not recursive.
In both cases we introduce new variable under the same name, thus "shadowing" the old entity, i.e. making it no longer accessible.
How to "think functional"
One thing to understand here is that functional programming with pure — immutable — values (like we have in Haskell) forces us to make time explicit in our code.
In imperative setting time is implicit. We "change" our vars — but any change is sequential. We can never change what that var was a moment ago — only what it will be from now on.
In pure functional programming this is just made explicit. One of the simplest forms this can take is with using lists of values as records of sequential change in imperative programming. Even simpler is to use different variables altogether to represent different values of an entity at different points in time (cf. single assignment and static single assignment form, or SSA).
So instead of "changing" something that can't really be changed anyway, we make an augmented copy of it, and pass that around, using it in place of the old thing.
As a general rule, you don't (and you don't need to). However, in the interests of completeness.
import Data.IORef
main = do
i <- newIORef 0 -- new IORef i
modifyIORef i (+1) -- increase it by 1
readIORef i >>= print -- print it
However, any answer that says you need to use something like MVar, IORef, STRef etc. is wrong. There is a purely functional way to do this, which in this small rapidly written example doesn't really look very nice.
import Control.Monad.State
type Lens a b = ((a -> b -> a), (a -> b))
setL = fst
getL = snd
modifyL :: Lens a b -> a -> (b -> b) -> a
modifyL lens x f = setL lens x (f (getL lens x))
lensComp :: Lens b c -> Lens a b -> Lens a c
lensComp (set1, get1) (set2, get2) = -- Compose two lenses
(\s x -> set2 s (set1 (get2 s) x) -- Not needed here
, get1 . get2) -- But added for completeness
(+=) :: (Num b) => Lens a b -> Lens a b -> State a ()
x += y = do
s <- get
put (modifyL x s (+ (getL y s)))
swap :: Lens a b -> Lens a b -> State a ()
swap x y = do
s <- get
let x' = getL x s
let y' = getL y s
put (setL y (setL x s y') x')
nFibs :: Int -> Int
nFibs n = evalState (nFibs_ n) (0,1)
nFibs_ :: Int -> State (Int,Int) Int
nFibs_ 0 = fmap snd get -- The second Int is our result
nFibs_ n = do
x += y -- Add y to x
swap x y -- Swap them
nFibs_ (n-1) -- Repeat
where x = ((\(x,y) x' -> (x', y)), fst)
y = ((\(x,y) y' -> (x, y')), snd)
There are several solutions to translate imperative i=i+1 programming to functional programming. Recursive function solution is the recommended way in functional programming, creating a state is almost never what you want to do.
After a while you will learn that you can use [1..] if you need a index for example, but it takes a lot of time and practice to think functionally instead of imperatively.
Here's a other way to do something similar as i=i+1 not identical because there aren't any destructive updates. Note that the State monad example is just for illustration, you probably want [1..] instead:
module Count where
import Control.Monad.State
count :: Int -> Int
count c = c+1
count' :: State Int Int
count' = do
c <- get
put (c+1)
return (c+1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- purely functional, value-modifying (state-passing) way:
print $ count . count . count . count . count . count $ 0
-- purely functional, State Monad way
print $ (`evalState` 0) $ do {
count' ; count' ; count' ; count' ; count' ; count' }
Note: This is not an ideal answer but hey, sometimes it might be a little good to give anything at all.
A simple function to increase the variable would suffice.
For example:
incVal :: Integer -> Integer
incVal x = x + 1
main = do
let i = 1
print (incVal i)
Or even an anonymous function to do it.
A simple question:
given the definitions, (From Haskell SOE)
do x — el; el\ ...; en
=> el »= \x — do e2\ ...; en
do let decllist; el\...; en
=> let decllist in do e2\ ...; en
it seems that these two constructs are the same:
do let x = e1
do x <- e1
both evaluate e1, bind it to e2, and then evaluate e2.
Let's do a simple example in the Maybe monad:
foo = do
let x = Just 1
return x
bar = do
x <- Just 1
return x
Desugaring both, we get
foo = let x = Just 1 in return x -- do notation desugaring
= return (Just 1) -- let
= Just (Just 1) -- definition of return for the Maybe monad
bar = let ok x = return x in Just 1 >>= ok -- do notation desugaring
= let ok x = return x in ok 1 -- definition of >>= for the Maybe monad
= return 1 -- definiton of ok
= Just 1 -- definition of return for the Maybe monad
For reference, I am using the translation from section 3.14 of the Haskell 2010 Report.
No, they are not the same. For example,
do let x = getLine
print x
translates to
let x = getLine in print x
this is a type error, as x will have the type IO String. We're asking to print the computation itself, not its result.
do x <- getLine
print x
translates to
getLine >>= \x -> print x
Here x is bound as the result of the computation and its type is String, so this type checks.
In do-notation, let just binds values to names like it always does, while <- is used to perform monadic binding, which is binding a name to the result of a computation.
Assuming e1 is a computation of type Monad m => m a, then let x = e1 and x <- e1 mean somewhat different things.
In the let-version, when you use x within a do-expression, you are dealing with a value of type Monad m => m a.
In the other version, when you use x within a do expression, you are dealing with a value of type a (since do-notation implicitly handles mapping over the monad).
For example:
e :: IO Int
f :: Int -> Int
-- the following will result in a type error, since f operates on `Int`, not `IO Int`:
g = do let x = e
return $ f x
-- the following will work:
g' = do x <- e
return $ f x
No. x <- e1 translates to e1 >>= \x ->, an incomplete expression; the let expression is just a normal let. Or are you asking if let and (>>=) are the same thing? They very much aren't: (>>=) exposes the thing wrapped by a monad to a function, which must produce something wrapped in the monad. In other words, with x <- e1, e1's type must be IO a for some a, but with let x = e1 e1's type is just a; in both cases the type of x will be a.