Difference b/w event.on() and event.once() in nodejs - node.js

I'm testing the plus_one app, and while running it, I just wanted to clarify my concepts on event.once() and event.on()
This is plus_one.js
> process.stdin.resume();
var number;
and this is test_plus_one.js
var spawn=require('child_process').spawn;
var child=spawn('node',['plus_one.js']);
var number=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
console.log('child replied to '+number+' with '+data);
I get few maxlistener offset warning while using child.stdin.on() but this is not the case when using child.stdin.once(), why is this happening ?
Is it because child.stdin is listening to previous inputs ? but in that case maxlistener offset should be set more frequently, but its only happening for once or twice in a minute.

Using EventEmitter.on(), you attach a full listener, versus when you use EventEmitter.once(), it is a one time listener that will detach after firing once. Listeners that only fire once don't count towards the max listener count.

According to the latest official docs https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_eventemitter_defaultmaxlisteners. The .once() listener does count to the maxlisteners.
emitter.setMaxListeners(emitter.getMaxListeners() + 1);
emitter.once('event', () => {
// do stuff
emitter.setMaxListeners(Math.max(emitter.getMaxListeners() - 1, 0));


socket.on event gets triggered multiple times

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var server = app.listen(3000);
var replyFromBot;
var socket = require('socket.io');
var io = socket(server);
io.sockets.on('connection' , newConnection);
function newConnection(socket) {
listen = true;
socket.on('Quest' ,reply);
function reply(data) {
replyFromBot = bot.reply("local-user", data);
console.log(socket.id+ " "+replyFromBot);
socket.emit('Ans' , replyFromBot);
i've created a server based chat-bot application using node.js socket.io and express but the thing is for first time when i call socket.on it gets executed once and for 2nd time it gets executed twice for 3rd thrice and so on i've tackled this issue by setting a flag on my client so that it would display only once. i just wants to know is my code logically correct i mean is this a good code? because if the client ask a question for 10th time than listeners array will have 10+9+8....+1 listeners it would go on increasing depending upon number of questions clients asked. which is not good
i tried using removeListener it just removes listener once and it dosent call back for 2nd time. what do you guys recommend? do i go with this or is there any other way to add the listener when socket.on called and remove it when it gets executed and again add listener for the next time it gets called
client code:
function reply() {
socket.emit('Quest' , Quest);
flag = true;
socket.on('Ans', function(replyFromBot) {
if(flag) {
var para = document.createElement("p2");
x = document.getElementById("MiddleBox");
x.scrollTop = x.scrollHeight;
flag = false;
The problem is caused by your client code. Each time you call the reply() function in the client you set up an additional socket.on('Ans', ...) event handler which means they accumulate. You can change that to socket.once() and it will remove itself each time after it get the Ans message. You can then also remove your flag variable.
function reply() {
socket.emit('Quest' , Quest);
// change this to .once()
socket.once('Ans', function(replyFromBot) {
var para = document.createElement("p2");
x = document.getElementById("MiddleBox");
x.scrollTop = x.scrollHeight;
Socket.io is not really built as a request/response system which is what you are trying to use it as. An even better way to implement this would be to use the ack capability that socket.io has so you can get a direct response back to your Quest message you send.
You also need to fix your shared variables replyFromBot and listen on your server because those are concurrency problems waiting to happen as soon as you have multiple users using your server.
Better Solution
A better solution would be to use the ack capability that socket.io has to get a direct response to a message you sent. To do that, you'd change your server to this:
function newConnection(socket) {
socket.on('Quest', function(data, fn) {
let replyFromBot = bot.reply("local-user", data);
console.log(socket.id+ " "+replyFromBot);
// send ack response
And, change your client code to this:
function reply() {
socket.emit('Quest', Quest, function(replyFromBot) {
var para = document.createElement("p2");
x = document.getElementById("MiddleBox");
x.scrollTop = x.scrollHeight;
Doing it this way, you're hooking into a direct reply from the message so it works as request/response much better than the way you were doing it.
Instead of socket.on('Quest' ,reply); try socket.once('Quest' ,reply);
The bug in your code is that each time newConnection() is called node registers a event listener 'Quest'. So first time newConnection() is called the number of event listener with event 'Quest' is one, the second time function is called, number of event listener increases to two and so on
socket.once() ensures that number of event listener bound to socket with event 'Quest' registered is exactly one

Node.js WebSockets 'hiccups' and freezes

I have a Node.js server using WebSockets for my game. Everything works well apart from one thing. With more players the game starts freezing. It looks as if the packets stop coming, gather up and then all are received at once.
What could be causing this and how do I stop that from happening? Any help is very much appreciated!!
EDIT: Also, it doesn't happen all the time, it's not often either. I think it only happens when players are shooting.
this.wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
if (!originIsAllowed(ws.upgradeReq.headers.origin)) {
// Make sure we only accept requests from an allowed origin
console.log(new Date() + 'Connection from origin ' + ws.upgradeReq.headers.origin + ' rejected.');
}else {
console.log(new Date() + "New connection from " + ws._socket.remoteAddress);
self.emit('connect', new SocketIOClient(ws));
WebSocketsClient.prototype.send = function(data) {
if(this.socket.readyState == 1) {
//Inside constructor
var self = this;
this.socket.onmessage = function incoming(event) {
self.emit('message', event.data);
this.socket.onerror = function () {
this.socket.onclose = function() {
Another edit:
I have WireShark, but I don't really know how to get helpful information from it. I do have a Linux VPS which has the game running, and I can see some graphs from it. It does show maximum incoming packets (294.86 p/s) and outgoing (201.53 p/s). There are quite a few 'very steep mountains', which might be the lag spikes that the game is experiencing. The graph also shows 20-40 p/s. Here's another (day's) graph: Link

child_process spawn Race condition possibility in nodejs

I'm starting to learn and use node and I like it but I'm not really sure how certain features work. Maybe you can help me resolve one such issue:
I want to spawn local scripts and programs from my node server upon rest commands. looking at the fs library I saw the example below of how to spawn a child process and add some pipes/event handlers on it.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
ps = spawn('ps', ['ax']),
grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
ps.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
ps.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('ps stderr: ' + data);
ps.on('close', function (code) {
if (code !== 0) {
console.log('ps process exited with code ' + code);
grep.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('' + data);
grep.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('grep stderr: ' + data);
grep.on('close', function (code) {
if (code !== 0) {
console.log('grep process exited with code ' + code);
What's weird to me is that I don't understand how I can be guaranteed that the event handler code will be registered before the program starts to run. It's not like there's a 'resume' function that you run to start up the child. Isn't this a race condition? Granted the condition would be minisculy small and would almost never hit because its such a short snipping of code afterward but still, if it is I'd rather not code it this way out of good habits.
1) if it's not a race condition why?
2) if it is a race condition how could I write it the right way?
Thanks for your time!
Given the slight conflict and ambiguity in the accepted answer's comments, the sample and output below tells me two things:
The child process (referring to the node object returned by spawn) emits no events even though the real underlying process is live / executing.
The pipes for the IPC are setup before the child process is executed.
Both are obvious. The conflict is w.r.t. interpretation of the OP's question:-
Actually 'yes', this is the epitome of a data race condition if one needs to consider the real child process's side effects. But 'no', there's no data race as far as IPC pipe plumbing is concerned. The data is written to a buffer and retrieved as a (bigger) blob as and when (as already well described) the context completes allowing the event loop to continue.
The first data event seen below pushes not 1 but 5 chunks written to stdout by the child process whilst we were blocking.. thus nothing is lost.
let t = () => (new Date()).toTimeString().split(' ')[0]
let p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
console.log(`[${t()}|info] spawning`);
let cp = spawn('bash', ['-c', 'for x in `seq 1 1 10`; do printf "$x\n"; sleep 1; done']);
let resolved = false;
if (cp === undefined)
cp.on('error', (err) => {
console.log(`error: ${err}`);
cp.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
if (!resolved) {
console.log(`[${t()}|info] spawn succeeded`);
resolved = true;
process.stdout.write(`[${t()}|data] ${data}`);
let ts = parseInt(Date.now() / 1000);
while (parseInt(Date.now() / 1000) - ts < 5) {
// waste some cycles in the current context
ts--; ts++;
console.log(`[${t()}|info] synchronous time wasted`);
[18:54:18|info] spawning
[18:54:23|info] synchronous time wasted
[18:54:23|info] spawn succeeded
[18:54:23|data] 1
[18:54:23|data] 6
[18:54:24|data] 7
[18:54:25|data] 8
[18:54:26|data] 9
[18:54:27|data] 10
It is not a race condition. Node.js is single threaded and handles events on a first come first serve basis. New events are put at the end of the event loop. Node will execute your code in a synchronous manner, part of which will involve setting up event emitters. When these event emitters emit events, they will be put to the end of the queue, and will not be handled until Node finishes executing whatever piece of code its currently working on, which happens to be the same code that registers the listener. Therefore, the listener will always be registered before the event is handled.

Close listener after idle time

I've a simple nodejs server that is started automatically.
It uses express to host the endpoint, which is started with a simple app.listen(port); command.
Since I've an automatic startup, I'd like to shutdown the server after an idle period - say 3 mins.
I've coded it manually just using the function below, which is called on each app.post:
//Idle timer
var timer;
function resetIdleTimer() {
if (timer != null) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(function () {
logger.info('idle shutdown');
}, 3 * 60 * 1000);
This seems a little crude though, so I wondered if there is an neater way (some sort of timer within express maybe).
Looking in the express docs I didn't see an easy way to configure this.
Is there a neater way to have this idle shutdown implemented?
app.listen() returns a wrapped HTTP server (as can be seen here in the source), on which you can then the .close() method.
var app = express();
var server = app.listen(port);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3 * 60 * 1000);
This will prevent the server from accepting new connection. When it has stopped serving existing connections, it will gracefully stop. This will then stop Nodejs entirely.
Edit: You might also find this GitHub issue relevant.
Take a look at forever . You can require it as a module into your application and it provides you with some functions that can help you achieve what you are looking for (such as forever.stop(index) which terminates the node process running at that index. Before terminating the process, you could retrieve the list of processes and manipulate the strings in order to get the uptime. Then, I would monitor the time that passes between server calls. If there is a gap of 3 minutes between requests, I would call forever.stop() in order to terminate the process.
I dont think it's "crude" to use your timer solution; I would take a slightly different tack:
app.timeOutDate = new Date().valueOf() + 1000*60*3; // 3 minutes from now, in ms
function quitIfTimedout(req, res, next){
if(new Date().valueOf() > app.timeOutDate){
logger.info('idle shutdown');
} else {
app.timeOutDate = new Date().valueOf() + 1000*60*3; //reset
app.all('*', quitIfTimedout);
however this wont actually quit after 3 minutes, it would instead quit on the next request after 3 minutes. so that might not solve your problem

How to process a net.Stream using node.js?

I am trying to learn about streams in node.js!
var net = require("net");
var server = net.createServer(function(conn) {
# echo the user input!
server.listen("1111", function() {
console.log("port 1111 opened");
telnet test
The server currently echos the user's input
$ telnet localhost 1111
desired output
To demonstrate where/how I should process the stream on the server side, I would like to wrap the user's input in {} before echoing it back
$ telnet localhost 1111
This will basically accomplish the exact output you've requested:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(c) {
c.on('data', function(d) {
c.write('{' + d.trim() + '}\n');
First let me call your attention to c.setEncoding('utf8'). This will set a flag on the connection that will automatically convert the incoming Buffer to a String in the utf8 space. This works well for your example, but just note that for improved performance between Sockets it would be better to perform Buffer manipulations.
Simulating the entirety of .pipe() will take a bit more code.
.pipe() is a method of the Stream prototype, which can be found in lib/stream.js. If you take a look at the file you'll see quite a bit more code than what I've shown above. For demonstration, here's an excerpt:
function ondata(chunk) {
if (dest.writable) {
if (false === dest.write(chunk) && source.pause) {
source.on('data', ondata);
First a check is made if the destination is writable. If not, then there is no reason to attempt writing the data. Next the check if dest.write === false. From the documentation:
[.write] returns true if the entire data was flushed successfully to the kernel buffer. Returns false if all or part of the data was queued in user memory.
Since Streams live in kernel space, outside of the v8 memory space, it is possible to crash your machine by filling up memory (instead of just crashing the node app). So checking if the message has drained is a safety prevention mechanism. If it hasn't finished draining, then the source will be paused until the drain event is emitted. Here is the drain event:
function ondrain() {
if (source.readable && source.resume) {
dest.on('drain', ondrain);
Now there is a lot more we could cover with how .pipe() handles errors, cleans up its own event emitters, etc. but I think we've covered the basics.
Note: When sending a large string, it is possible that it will be sent in multiple packets. For this reason it may be necessary to do something like the following:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(c) {
var tmp = '';
c.on('data', function(d) {
if (d.charCodeAt(d.length - 1) !== 10) {
tmp += d;
} else {
c.write('{' + tmp + d.trim() + '}\n');
tmp = '';
Here we use the assumption that the string is ended by the new line character (\n, or ascii character code 10). We check the end of the message to see if this is the case. If not, then we temporarily store the message from the connection until the new line character is received.
This may not be a problem for your application, but thought it would be worth noting.
you can do something like
conn.on 'data', (d) ->
conn.write "{#{d}}"
the .pipe method is basically just attaching the data event of the input stream to write to the output stream
I'm not sure about net() actually, but I imagine it's quite similar to http:
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream'});
http.get(options, function(resp){
resp.on('data', function(chunk){
res.write("event: meetup\n");
res.write("data: "+chunk.toString()+"\n\n");
}).on("error", function(e){
console.log("Got error: " + e.message);
