How to join an existing activity playing media in chrome app - google-cast

So assuming you've already launched media on the receiver from an iOS/Android/Web app, how can another web app join this activity and control the media? I noticed that the cast API has a 'JOIN_ACTIVITY' in it, but there's nothing that currently uses it. Nor do you know the activity's ID to join it..
This is similar to How to check if a ChromeCast Session is already in progress however, this answer does not help to connect to an existing application
However, using the javascript API, even if you know your app is running I can't find a way to connect to it without re-launching

I managed to get some answers from the Google engineering team:
We allow clients to reconnect to the same session if they are launched
from the same origin (i.e. We don't
have the support in the V1 protocol stack to implement this across
multiple browsers. We can hard code something for V1 like mapping
origins to app ids, but it will still be some eng effort to add the
API support as well.
In short, the functionality from Android and iOS is currently missing from the Chrome SDK... hope it comes out soon.
EDIT: To update this, now that the official public SDK has been released, this is now supported!


Nodejs send metrics of how many people are using my app

So i'm designing a new application with Nodejs and packaging into an executable then putting a release in github, I want to be able to monitor how many people are using my executable?
I was thinking about creating an api server and my application just make a call to that API service but I thought there might be something already out there any help?
The easiest way is to connect third party services that do that. The most famous one is Google Analytics
You just need to create your developer account and embed a few lines of tracking code. After that you can see full info about your visitors including their location.

Chrome Extension Connect To Amazon MWS

Whats the best way to connect a chrome extension to the Amazon MWS API's?
Should I store the credentials inside the javascript files?
How would I encrypt the credentials?
I have done this a few times with various clients, whether they be web apps, or windows, or IOS clients. Doesn't matter, you create an API that your front ends will call and your API handles all the communication with MWS, hiding your access and secret keys from the client.
I used to use a chrome plugin that talked to MWS to get pricing info. I wanted to figure out how they did it, so I looked at all their javascript and figured it out, including their keys. They quickly released a new version that called back to their servers, essentially following the method I describe above.

Best chatting framework for a flutter-node.js pair?

I am working on a flutter app with a node.js backend. I need to implement a real time chat service and also intend to store the chat data in mongodb database.The number of options I have considered are :
Long polling
Third party services like pusher or pubnub(Both does n't have sdk for flutter
so any advice would be appreciated)
Firebase (Easy to implement with flutter but I am confused how should I store data on mongodb then ? Api rquest for every message ?)
I need a quick solution for the initial phase of the application but also need to think whether I can extend it later(With increase in users)
Thanks in Advance
Ankit, we're working on a flutter SDK at Ably, however it's not ready for prime time. Get in touch with the team if you're serious about this requirement as it's possible this work can be accelerated forwards.
Otherwise, check the list of Ably Realtime SDKs in a few months as you may find we have a Flutter SDK by then.
Good luck with your service.

Set up Google Analytics to track a command line Node app

I'd like to use Google Analytics to track usage of a command line Node app. Tracking will be strictly opt-in. I'd like to track basic usage, plus which operating system and version of Node was used.
I've found the Measurement Protocol, but I'm wondering whats the best way to set up Google Analytics.
You can choose from Web or App - App seems the best fit, but then I'm sent to Firebase to set up an iOS, Android or Web app. None of these are correct. So is 'Web' the best way to track my app usage? Or is Google Analytics not the right approach?
Seems like the best approach is Google Measurement Protocol. There's a Node library for it.
Really Google Analytics is completely designed around web apps and more recently mobile apps, it has concepts like "page views" which don't make sense for CLIs, and Firebase Analytics is only for Android and iOS.
You might be able to shoehorn he CLI use case for some purposes. Alternatively, you could consider using a cloud database like Firebase real-time DB to capture your own events.
Google analytics really isnt designed for something like this. You have only two options web app where everything is page based. vs using a mobile app where everything is screen based. Home, about, help.
I have done this before with several console applications, a custom SSIS task (dll) and an arduino project. I chose mobile application mainly because i thought it was closer. I know of someone who did the same with an actions on google project.
In the end what you use will be up to you. Just consider what it is you want to track exactly and lay it out before you start.
If you choose mobile make sure you send Screen views and not page views. The Google analytics website is split you cant mix and match the hit type.
Workaround for createing moble account without firebase.
create a new web property on Google analytics type Web
create a new view under that web property type mobile.
We made Console Cat for this exact purpose! It's built from the ground up to track telemetry / analytics for CLIs including things like flags, command duration, version, etc.

Is it possible to make a receiver app for chrome tab

I'm posting here because I didn't find any satisfying answer anywhere.
The question is quiet simple. I see a lot of application implementing the cast feature on Android. The issue is that even if I have a brand new smart TV, it actually doesn't support the cast feature of the majority of my apps.
For example, my TV has a Youtube app so I can cast youtube videos from the youtube app on my phone to my TV.
Now I would like to cast my favorite streaming app to my TV but my TV is not found. So I'm thinking, okay let's try to make an app for my TV that will receive that kind of command.
I know that I can make an app for my TV. Before starting that ambitious project, I want to be sure that the google cast sdk will allow me to write such receiver app.
Do you think this is possible ? Or do we really need one receiver app for every emitter app ?
YouTube uses its own discovery protocol beyond what the Cast SDK supports. Apps need to integrate the Cast SDK in their senders and implement receivers that support their authentication and DRM.
