Best chatting framework for a flutter-node.js pair? - node.js

I am working on a flutter app with a node.js backend. I need to implement a real time chat service and also intend to store the chat data in mongodb database.The number of options I have considered are :
Long polling
Third party services like pusher or pubnub(Both does n't have sdk for flutter
so any advice would be appreciated)
Firebase (Easy to implement with flutter but I am confused how should I store data on mongodb then ? Api rquest for every message ?)
I need a quick solution for the initial phase of the application but also need to think whether I can extend it later(With increase in users)
Thanks in Advance

Ankit, we're working on a flutter SDK at Ably, however it's not ready for prime time. Get in touch with the team if you're serious about this requirement as it's possible this work can be accelerated forwards.
Otherwise, check the list of Ably Realtime SDKs in a few months as you may find we have a Flutter SDK by then.
Good luck with your service.


Is it possible to make a receiver app for chrome tab

I'm posting here because I didn't find any satisfying answer anywhere.
The question is quiet simple. I see a lot of application implementing the cast feature on Android. The issue is that even if I have a brand new smart TV, it actually doesn't support the cast feature of the majority of my apps.
For example, my TV has a Youtube app so I can cast youtube videos from the youtube app on my phone to my TV.
Now I would like to cast my favorite streaming app to my TV but my TV is not found. So I'm thinking, okay let's try to make an app for my TV that will receive that kind of command.
I know that I can make an app for my TV. Before starting that ambitious project, I want to be sure that the google cast sdk will allow me to write such receiver app.
Do you think this is possible ? Or do we really need one receiver app for every emitter app ?
YouTube uses its own discovery protocol beyond what the Cast SDK supports. Apps need to integrate the Cast SDK in their senders and implement receivers that support their authentication and DRM.

How to develop Spotify Desktop Applications, now Libspotify is discontinued

have done my due diligence, and not found any other posts that answer this question, but as usual, if you know a similar question, point me that way!
I noticed a long time back that Libspotify has been dicontinued:
So, my question is - what should we do for developing Desktop applications?
They do state: "We hope to be able to provide you with a new library for other platforms." But, this has been going on since 2015!
I have seen many projects in GitHub still using Libspotify - so what should we do? An update was promised "in the upcoming months" but I've not seen anything yet.
What should we do for developing Desktop Applications?
We at Spotify don't currently provide playback as part of our platform offering outside of our iOS and Android SDKs, and I don't have any updates on that at the moment. As mentioned on the website, we hope to be able to provide playback SDKs for more platforms in the future. We don't support any new development on libspotify.
You can use the Spotify Web API to interact with Spotify in a variety of ways, including getting information about metadata, and accessing/modifying user libraries and playlists, which may be useful. You can also use the Applescript API to control playback on macOS, which may also help.
The Spotify Web API is pretty straight forward to use. Of course it defines the protocol rather than implements it so it is OS independent.
I put together a few classes to help unwrap some of the JSON parameters simply. These were written in Swift for macOS.

ServiceStack to expose service to multiple clients?

Recently I made the decision to move from Xamarin.Android to native Android development. In the previous Xamarin project I used their walkthrough to call a WCF service from Android with basicHttpBinding, primary purpose in this case to upload a DTO with an image byte array. I'm now trying to figure the best way to do the same (or better) from Android without Xamarin.
Can ServiceStack help me expose a WCF or ASMX service such that most any client (in my case WPF/Silverlight, iOS, Android) can connect to it with the most appropriate message format (SOAP, REST, etc)? If so please point to the best sample for quick adaptation of an existing WCF service hosted in IIS. I'm hoping to get implement quickly for a demo in one week, then circle back and spend more time learning it.
Sincere thanks

How to join an existing activity playing media in chrome app

So assuming you've already launched media on the receiver from an iOS/Android/Web app, how can another web app join this activity and control the media? I noticed that the cast API has a 'JOIN_ACTIVITY' in it, but there's nothing that currently uses it. Nor do you know the activity's ID to join it..
This is similar to How to check if a ChromeCast Session is already in progress however, this answer does not help to connect to an existing application
However, using the javascript API, even if you know your app is running I can't find a way to connect to it without re-launching
I managed to get some answers from the Google engineering team:
We allow clients to reconnect to the same session if they are launched
from the same origin (i.e. We don't
have the support in the V1 protocol stack to implement this across
multiple browsers. We can hard code something for V1 like mapping
origins to app ids, but it will still be some eng effort to add the
API support as well.
In short, the functionality from Android and iOS is currently missing from the Chrome SDK... hope it comes out soon.
EDIT: To update this, now that the official public SDK has been released, this is now supported!

using Spotify's webAPI in an iOS app

So I'm in the process of developing an iOS app and I wanted to use the Spotify web API for searching and looking up songs in Spotify. However, I can't really tell if that is how to do it or if there would be better ways to do it and wanted to clarify before I began. Thanks in advance!
If you'd like the use the Web API, it works just the same as any other JSON REST API, so a lot of the tutorials out there for doing that on iOS will help you just fine. For converting between JSON and Objective-C data structures, newer iOS versions have NSJSONSerialization, otherwise I can recommend the open-source TouchJSON.
Also, you might want to look at CocoaLibSpotify, which is an Objective-C library for interacting with the Spotify service in a much more integrated way than the Web API — including music streaming. However, it does require a Spotify user be logged in to use.
