Design Approach for Custom Control in C# - c#-4.0

Am Creating a user control which will have a button, textbox and label. And i have created some delegates for Button and Textbox.
Now, i need some properties like assign text, visibility and some
other at runtime. For this whether shall i creating a Button itself
as property (or) creating each property for text and visibility. Which one is a good approach ?
I have created some custom events for Button. Now i have to avoid
the default events which is like OnClick e.t.c. Is it possible ?


How to interact with control properties after a call to a managed action?

I have a managed action with returns bool when a button is pressed.
Depending on if true / false is returned I want to be able to change the properties of controls on the dialog. Not limited to just the text value.
Is this possible, for example the visibility, etc?
It is possible, however you will have to make sure there is a set-property control event (after your managed code custom action do-event) that touches a property related to anything you want the UI to update. If you change a property value within the managed code, or via the wrapper InstallShield provides, the Windows Installer UI doesn't track the change and update in response.
So, for example, you could wire your return value to the property RETURNVALUE, and then add a control event that sets better named properties like MYCONTROLTEXT or SHOWMYCONTROL; the control or its conditions would be wired to those better named properties.

How to pass var variable to custom control

I want to create a generic action bar custom control with Save, Edit, Delete, ... buttons.
How can I pass var variable from xpage to a custom control?
I successfully transferred document object to custom control and I can Save the changes made in document, but I can't delete it with same object.
Delete is not working:
message="Do you want to delete?"
<><![CDATA[#{javascript:var page = sessionScope.get("prevview");
return (page=='')?'home.xsp':page}]]> </>
I tried also with:
but also didn't work.
When you define a custom control, you can specify control properties. These properties then show up in the property editor when you insert the custom control into an XPage or another control. You can specify the data type and allow them to repeat.
This is saver than to rely on scoped variables. Check Chris' introduction and the XPages 101 session or and many more for inspiration
You can do it for example with a Scoped Variable. If the variable value is specific to that XPage (and user) viewScope is probably the best.
The above options are the best way to do that, but keep in mind that if you define a variable in a scriptblock or somewhere else in the Xpage, you will be able to access this variable from your code in the CustomControl, too. I think that's because the XPage und the custom Controls are kind of merged when compiled. Keep that in mind, this can lead to very nasty problems, especially with recycling issues.
What is the purpose of this variable ? If its a variable to control which buttons are being shown it would be best to create properties for each button / section. These properties can be computed to either return true or false.
If you want to pass the code that a button should execute I would advice you to generate button bars for the most common locations ( aka actions ) and add custom buttons on the button bar by using a facet (Editable area its called in the designer) .On this facet you'll drag a panel on which the buttons are being placed.

Can I create a custom DialogPreference based on a pre-existing custom Dialog?

In my Android project I've already created a custom dialog: A class named SelectColorDialog, extending Dialog, that allows the user to view a large matrix of color cells in order to select a particular color. The dialog returns the selected color value (as Integer) to the dialog initiator – typically an Activity – via a callback function.
I've a similar custom dialog, SelectTypefaceDialog, to allow easy font selection. A list of available typefaces are shown, as ListView rows, each identified by name and with an associated short sample text rendered in that typeface. The available typefaces include usual droid fonts, such as NORMAL, MONOSPACE, etc. as well as any externally sourced TTF font files that the user cares to load into a particular subdirectory on the SDCard.
These custom dialogs were not initially designed to be used directly in conjunction with SharedPreferences, preferences definition XML files or with any PreferenceActivity. Instead of, each dialog can be popped up from any activity, via the user pressing a button or via a menu item. The activity classes that create these dialogs also have internal callback classes, selection event listeners, to detect when the user selects a color or font.
These two dialogs do not have OK and Cancel buttons. Instead, the user just clicks on an item - a view of some kind - in the dialog to select the corresponding color or typeface value (implicit OK) or else presses the device’s back button to dismiss the dialog with no action taken (implicit Cancel).
I would now like to go further and incorporate these two custom dialogs into the shared preferences framework via a preferences.XML and an associated PreferenceActivity.
I would prefer to base two DialogPreference subclasses directly on these existing dialogs if possible, but I cannot see how to do so. I suspect that I cannot, and that I'll need to start all over again, and copy or adapt all the java code that is presently in the custom dialog classes – for color or font display and selection – directly into the custom DialogPreference classes instead, perhaps by overriding onCreateDialogView() and/or other methods?
This question may be a bit old, but I hope to help those, looking at the same problem in future: just extend Preference instead of DialogPreference. DialogPreference is designed badly and expected "official" way to use custom Dialog - overriding protected showDialog method does not work, because this single method contains half of class logic.

Conditional Client Side Validation?

I have a radio button group that gets it's values using an #Dblookup. In addition to the name to appear in the radio button group, the document also has a field to determine if another field on the xPage should be displayed or not.
If the field is displayed then it should be required.
I can do the conditional validation just fine in SSJS using an #DbLookup to lookup the document selected in the radio button group.
But I would like to be able to do it CS so it is faster and so it looks like my other validations. Is there anyway to do this?
If a field is not rendered then the node will not exist in the DOM. Your CS javascript would need to examine the DOM and look for the node, normally by looking for a specific ID. As Xpages changes the ID's sent to the browser your validation function would either need to be computed so it would know what ID to look for or you would need to look for it in some other unique way ( like add a css class name to just that field and then do a DOM search for nodes with that class name )
Once you can determine if the field has been rendered then you can run your usual CS validation routine against the other field.
If you're using client-side validation throughout your app, setting the required property on the field should achieve what you need.
If not, it may be worth looking at the Extension Library Dojo Validation Text Box. All the Extension Library Dojo control run client-side validation, even if validation is set as server-side at application level. Bear in mind that for the Dojo Validation Text Box, just setting the required property is not enough. You need to add more specific validation.
After that, the key is to ensure the partial refresh event on your radio group is set to skip validation. I haven't tried, but I believe that should achieve what you need. calendar customisation

i am trying to write my own application and using the ext,net.
i am trying to add the calendar of from the (remote data )
how can i , when creating a new event, 1st i want to add more fields than the class event contains.
and i want to customize the pop up window when editing , or creating a new event. so i would be able to add all the custom fields that i want and resave in database.
or if it is possible to change all the form that goes pop up, for the add, edit , new events.
any way to d3o that?
You can do that by extending Ext.Net.DateField control.
For changing control rendering and adding custom fields to control you have to inherit from Ext.Net.DateField class and write own ExtJs extenstion for ExtJs DateField.
For changing Events you have to extend Ext.Net.DateFieldListeners and add them to your new control. Of course, you have to add appropriate code to ExtJs control extension.
To do that you can look through Ext.NET source code.
But this is not easy.
More easy in some ways is to just override css and add extraparameters to DirectEvent or DirectMethods. If you want to add some properties to instance of control you can use CustomConfig property. And if some logic of your control is working not as much as you want you can override it by ExtJs Ext.override method.
