ext.net calendar customisation - ext.net

i am trying to write my own application and using the ext,net.
i am trying to add the calendar of ext.net from the ext.examples.net (remote data )
how can i , when creating a new event, 1st i want to add more fields than the class event contains.
and i want to customize the pop up window when editing , or creating a new event. so i would be able to add all the custom fields that i want and resave in database.
or if it is possible to change all the form that goes pop up, for the add, edit , new events.
any way to d3o that?

You can do that by extending Ext.Net.DateField control.
For changing control rendering and adding custom fields to control you have to inherit from Ext.Net.DateField class and write own ExtJs extenstion for ExtJs DateField.
For changing Events you have to extend Ext.Net.DateFieldListeners and add them to your new control. Of course, you have to add appropriate code to ExtJs control extension.
To do that you can look through Ext.NET source code.
But this is not easy.
More easy in some ways is to just override css and add extraparameters to DirectEvent or DirectMethods. If you want to add some properties to instance of control you can use CustomConfig property. And if some logic of your control is working not as much as you want you can override it by ExtJs Ext.override method.


Proper Kentico object for non-user-editable block of static html/javascript

The Situation: I've got a mid-sized chunk of html/javascript that contains an authentication script/input (it's a text input, radio control, and a combo box and a few buttons). What it is is less important than the concept that it's a mass of static client side code that the marketing department can pretty easily accidentally the whole thing.
The Desire: I want the users to be able to add it as a whole to a page, but not be able to modify it. When something needs to change, I want to change it in one place and have it be changed on all the pages.
What I've Tried: Widget with a default text. It works, but feels wrong. Users can edit it, and if they do when I fix it one place it doesn't propagate to all the instances. I'm a bit of a Kentico noob, but it seems like there should be a better way to do this.
Also note: I'm using portal engine if that makes a difference.
A widget is the proper usage. What you make your widget inherit from is the key in this case. I'd suggest creating a new widget based on a static HTML webpart. This way you can set the static HTML markup and hide the property from the content editor on the front end. You can do this by going to the Properties tab of the widget and setting the visibility of the field on the form. Don't delete the field, just hide it. It should be a checkbox that says hide on public form or editing form.
** Edit **
As I read through my answer and comments, I realized I meant to say clone the static HTML webpart and set its default text to your javascript. Then create a widget based on that cloned webpart. The text will reside in the web part and will allow you to update it in one place later, if needed.
I will not do it this way because you will be not able to make changes in the future. You can better create a new webpart this can be an empty webpart and then create a custom layout. In this layout you can put you're code. In this way you can always change you're code in the future and then it will be changed on all the places where the widget is placed.
I'd use a new widget based on the Static HTML webpart (make the field read only or hide it as Brenden mentioned), but store the data in a new custom setting.
no coding needed (only a macro to read the custom setting)
able to edit the script on the fly on any instance in the settings module. If you have multiple of these settings you won't need to go through all kinds of widgets to adjust their default setting but find them on a central place.
In this case I think it makes sense to create a custom web part to store all your code in it and use it that way. If you want to achieve it without creating a custom web part, you have to store the code in some non-web part and not widget specific object. I like the suggestion of creating a custom setting. You can then access this custom setting via a macro. This macro can be used as a default property of a newly created web part (inherited e.g. from the static text web part, you'd use the text property). You may as well create a widget out of it. Another approach is to use Kentico localization keys as a workaround. you can create a key in the Localization application and access it again, via a macro, e.g. {?customkey.myhtml?}. The approach with a custom setting however sounds cleaner to me.
This syntax should be working to access a custom setting value via macro:

Design Approach for Custom Control in C#

Am Creating a user control which will have a button, textbox and label. And i have created some delegates for Button and Textbox.
Now, i need some properties like assign text, visibility and some
other at runtime. For this whether shall i creating a Button itself
as property (or) creating each property for text and visibility. Which one is a good approach ?
I have created some custom events for Button. Now i have to avoid
the default events which is like OnClick e.t.c. Is it possible ?

How to pass var variable to custom control

I want to create a generic action bar custom control with Save, Edit, Delete, ... buttons.
How can I pass var variable from xpage to a custom control?
I successfully transferred document object to custom control and I can Save the changes made in document, but I can't delete it with same object.
Delete is not working:
message="Do you want to delete?"
<xp:this.name><![CDATA[#{javascript:var page = sessionScope.get("prevview");
return (page=='')?'home.xsp':page}]]> </xp:this.name>
I tried also with:
but also didn't work.
When you define a custom control, you can specify control properties. These properties then show up in the property editor when you insert the custom control into an XPage or another control. You can specify the data type and allow them to repeat.
This is saver than to rely on scoped variables. Check Chris' introduction and the XPages 101 session or and many more for inspiration
You can do it for example with a Scoped Variable. If the variable value is specific to that XPage (and user) viewScope is probably the best.
The above options are the best way to do that, but keep in mind that if you define a variable in a scriptblock or somewhere else in the Xpage, you will be able to access this variable from your code in the CustomControl, too. I think that's because the XPage und the custom Controls are kind of merged when compiled. Keep that in mind, this can lead to very nasty problems, especially with recycling issues.
What is the purpose of this variable ? If its a variable to control which buttons are being shown it would be best to create properties for each button / section. These properties can be computed to either return true or false.
If you want to pass the code that a button should execute I would advice you to generate button bars for the most common locations ( aka actions ) and add custom buttons on the button bar by using a facet (Editable area its called in the designer) .On this facet you'll drag a panel on which the buttons are being placed.

Opening different xpages forms from a view panel

I have an Xpages application that pulls data from another .nsf file. I have a view panel linked to a view in that db. The view has documents with several different forms in it. I want to be able to open each document in it's own form(xpage).
How do I write a computed At Runtime, open selected document using: statement that will select the correct Xpage to present the document.
If you use the Data View component instead of a View Panel, you can compute the pageName attribute, referencing the var attribute to return a different value for each row based on the document that row represents. The flexibility of the Data View component also makes it easier to make your app look more like a modern web application and less like an Excel spreadsheet. As an additional bonus, the mobile theme invokes a renderer that makes each Data View instance look like a native mobile list, so using Data Views instead of View Panels simplifies mobile development.
You have 2 options:
use "use xpage associated with form" and edit the form's property
use a SSJS formula to compute the Form. You provide a variable name in the view control var to access a view row as XSPViewEntry. If the Form is in a view column even one you don't display you use .getColumnValue otherwise getDocument.getItemValueString
Does that work for you?
Maybe this mothed can help you: Unable to get document page name for
Hope this helps
I had a similar problem today. I use only one form but 3 different xpages for associated with this form. I have 3 different document types in the view. I used rowData the get the type of the document.
var v=rowData.getColumnValue("form");
if(v.indexOf("x")> -1){var page ="x.xsp"}
else if(v.indexOf("y") > -1){var page = "y.xsp"}
else{var page = "z.xsp"}
var page = "x.xsp"
So to your view you can create a column with the value of the form and you can use it.
I have used the extension library Dynamic View control which has an event you can code to get a handle to the NotesViewEntry which was selected. See the demo database page Domino_DynamicView.xsp and the Custom Event Handler tab for an example.
Note, in 8.5.3 (I have not upgraded yet) if you add or edit the eventHandler for onColumnClick it will be added to the XPages source as an xe:eventHandler. It needs to be an xp:eventHandler to work. The way to do it is to copy the code in the source from the exiting event and delete it. Recreate the event and update the code. Then go back into the source and change the tags within the eventHandler to xp:.

XPages templating dialog boxes

I am currently on a project redesigning an existing traditional domino web application to XPages. This application contains a web form with quite a lot of helper dialog boxes. Also notifications and validation and confirmation is done through dialogboxes.
I know I can create a custom control for each dialog box and add it to the Xpage and call the show. I even managed to load it dynamically using a dynamic content control with a facet for each dialog. Since the dialog cc contains a show() in the onClientLoad. It is easy to open a dialog by switching the content of the dynamic content control.
Still, adding all these custom controls to my XPages feels inefficient and really clutters the design tab. What's your take?
I would prefer setting the content of the dialog dynamically (Like in traditional domino you would define a form for each dialog). Is that possible?
If not is it possible to load a custom control dynamically (Like using a computed subform)?
Also for confirmation boxes I need the OK button to execute different code for each confirm. What would be the best way to implement that? Add custom parameter "functionOnOk" to the "dlgConfirm" custom control and evaluate that in the submit button?
PS: I am still using panels with dojoType=dijit.DialogBox, but will change those to extlib dialog boxes. For the confirm and messageboxes I am now using client side dijit.Dialogs with mark-up in code, but I would like the markup in XPages as well.
I know there are issues with panels with dijit.Dialog, because Dojo moves the dialog in the DOM, which prevents any SSJS in the dialog running. I don't know if that's also an issue with dijit.DialogBox, but I suspect it could be. Jeremy Hodge did some code to workaround that.
However, I would strongly recommend using the Extension Library control. Client-side dijit.Dialogs are likely to be much more difficult to code and will not allow any SSJS interaction. I'm not aware of any Dojo properties not available in the Extension Library control, and the Extension Library control also allows you to open or close the dialog both in CSJS or SSJS. It also allows you to specify an area to refresh on close.
In terms of the properties, preload is there purely to speed up showing. Are you using the refreshOnShow property? This ensures the URL or content is refreshed each time the dialog is shown. The Extension Library chapter on dialogs has a table covering all the properties. You can set the URL to point to another XPage or another web page. This may allow you to use the Dynamic Content control to pass parameters to switch the content that should appear.
In terms of the code behind the OK button, if you use the Extension Library dialog, you have all the functionality you would have outside the dialog.
