I am using Apache POI 3.9 for parsing excel file.
In one of the cell which I am trying to read 'Name' has been used in the formula specified for this cell (formula is sum of value at name cell + value of current cell). These names have been defined in 'Name manager' of excel.
When I am trying to read this value via POI I am getting 'circular`ref'.
Can anyone please advise me on how to read the value of the formula cell where 'name' is used?
I am using Pandas to load data from an Excel file. However, the data is lookup from another Excel file.
Is it possible to retain the cell value and remove the VLOOKUP function?
I am using:
Excel (Microsoft 365)
Windows 10
Yes, I would just select the cells then copy : paste.special values and that will leave you the result of each vlookup. Do this for the row, column or cell as needed.
I have a excel sheet with the custom format value 24-09-2019. Some versions of excel sheet supports this format. If the dd-mm-yyyy format is present in the excel sheet the cell type is numeric.
If it is not present then the cell type is string. I need to get the value from the cell.
I have an Excel workbook that contains numeric values and some of them have been transformed by Excel auto format feature into the date values. I do not know the original numeric values and neither do I have access to the .txt version of that file.
Is there a way to calculate the value from the date? For example, what value was substituted by Excel to get: 08.01.2014.
This is not related to applying VALUE function to the date of changing cell format to "General."
If the value '42248' has somehow gotten into A1, then in another cell enter:
to retrieve the 1.9
I'm using Apachi POI 3.9 to process excel sheet. I've set the cell value as "12/2/1990". But when i set the cell value as Java Date instance, it was not properly set. when i open the file i found cell's format has been changed to General. How Can i set Date values (MM/dd/yyyy)in a Cell as Excel Date ??
I am populating a number of columns based on a lookup using OFFSET and MATCH. I want to add error handling so that the appropriate values are displayed in each of these columns - how can I do this in Excel and in Excel VBA?
Here are the details of the formula that I use:
I enter this formula as an array formula for the entire range B2:E100
I use the customerNumber in column A2 to fetch a 4 columns related to the customer in another sheet - CustomerMaster.
Now, if there is an error, I want all the 4 cells to have some value like "Unknown".
Something like the following
will work (at least if you have Excel 2007 or later).