Send Selected File Information to SharePoint Form in Dialog Box - sharepoint

I currently have a custom button in my SharePoint 2013 ribbon which should open a dialog box with a form. The button is only enabled when two or more files are selected. I would like to know how to send information about the selected files to the form.

You can send the selected files/item information to the form using query string parameters.
When u add custom action, in element.xml there is CommanUIHandler element in which you can define tokens as query string parameters to be replaced when custom action is clicked.
{SelectedItemId} and {ItemId} tokens can be your use.


How to pass radio button values and checkbox values through a URL using Powerforms?

I am having trouble pre filling information from a current application onto a PowerForm. I have managed to transfer almost all of the data from the application fields onto specified fields on the PowerForm template so the applicant can just add sensitive information and sign the form.
The issue is I need to pre fill text boxes with the values of check boxes and radio button from the online application.
I am aware you can do this through the URL, but i do not know the recipient's identity in advance. Does that matter?
Someone mentioned to do the following
but what do i set the value for the radio buttons and check boxes.
I do have custom tags on my template and I want the values from the check boxes and radio buttons to pre fill in those custom tags.
if this is confusing i do apologize but I can clarify some more if needed
You can pass parameters on the URL of a Powerform to update various fields in DocuSign.
The complete list of options for these is available here:
For your case, you need to update the value of a tag which is called EnvelopeField in the URL, so if you do this:
EnvelopeField_<EnvelopeFieldName>=<value> as part of the URL, where EnvelopeFieldName is the name of your specific checkbox, you should be able to do that (value will be true/false)

Outlook web addIn dropdown menu

I have created the Outlook Web Add-in project and trying th create the dropdown menu by following the link under
It seems that dropdown menu just take static list. What i want to do is i have webservices which is returning some destination and link of that destionation . I want to display the list of all those destination under the dropdown and by clicking one of it, it opens the link into task pane.
Any tips ? how to display from webservice in dropdown menu.
It is not currently possible to dynamically populate the dropdowns, your best bet would be to have a single taskpane action, then render a selector page that dynamically shows the available options, then navigate to the page associated with that option. Feel free to upvote this User Voice suggestion to let us know that this feature is important to you.

Make few fields of SharePoint list infopath form read only

My requirement is New form should have all fields editable and Edit form should have few fields read-only (Like ID entered by user in New form for the item).
How is it possible through form customization done using Infopath.
You could have a checkbox or any bool control that gets checked when a form is initially filled out and submitted to a SharePoint list, have it change value "on-submit". When the form loads just add a rule that if 'existingForm' (or whatever you name the control) is checked and if it is then disable/or hide the control.
You could disable the controls, or you could hide them completely and display their values through a calculated field/value which is normally hidden.

"Hidden" columns in Sharepoint 2007

I'm trying to make a custom list for inquiries, where users will fill in some information such as "Name", "Reason" etc. When they've finished filling in the information and added the item, the administrator will then go through the item, and fill in some new columns that the user hasn't been able to fill in.
I hope you understand me, otherwise you're more than welcome to ask questions!
With SharePoint designer 2007, you can use the SPSecurityTrimmedControl who enable you to show/hide form field (or site action...).
Syntax :
<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl PermissionsString="ManageLists" runat="server">
For the PermissionsString, all values HERE
You'll need to use SharePoint Designer. You will create custom new and edit forms. This way when the user fills in the new form, only certain fields will appear. Then when the administrator edits the item using the edit form, they will have access to more fields.
Please see this link for more information.
Try making a copy of the form you wish to edit by copying and pasting to the same folder. Then click on the web part for the form and the code above will highlight . Look for tags IsVisible and change it from "true" to "false". This will hide the default form. Do not delete the original form.
Click on the web part in the design view then press your right arrow. This will move the cursor to right after the web part but still within the web part zone. Go to the Insert menu, select SharePoint Controls then Custom List form. A small dialog window will appear, select the list name from the first drop down, then select the content type from the second drop down. Finally select which form you want to insert, New, Edit or Display. Click OK. The new form will be displayed under the default form, and you will then see all of the fields in order and you can add or remove as you like.
If one did not want to edit the pages, couldn't one use Jquery to hide the fields? I have done this with SPservices. to check the user credentials if you will and then if matched display the hidden fields... all this is done from a web part...just a thought...I actually learned something great today.. great replies.

Fill Value of textbox on the basis of other textbox Infopath

i am new to infopath. i want to set the value of textbox b based on the value of other textbox a from SharePoint list. In Infopath vsta, textbox a onchanged event i am setting the value of textbox b which work ok as far as i check through preview on infopath.
But when i deploy this simple form through administration approve template as content type to my sharepoint document library. the form opens in the web browser but on change event of textbox a is not working (asynchronously). instead it works when i hit the submit button.
submission logic is to submit this form to document library.
in infopath configuration i have given the form full trust level.
Any Idea why its not working as expected. or is this any other solution apart from infopath programming?
Text box properties -> browser forms -> "Always".
Presence of the OnChanged event handler does not trigger postback (which is needed as code runs on server, not in the browser).
