Azure FTP Issue - cannot upload files - azure

I cannot connect to my Azure Ftp account. i see the folder i try to upload files to, the site folder using FileZilla like i always do, but I see that most of the files fail to upload.
Does anybody else has similar issues?

FTP on Azure only works with "passive mode".
Check out this link and follow every step to set up passive mode.
You will also need to tell your FTP client to keep the connection alive so that it doesn't start a second connection while the first connection is still alive. To set this in FileZilla client, go to Edit, Settings, Connection, FTP, and check "Send FTP keep-alive commands" checkbox.
Hope this helps!


You do not have permission to view this directory or page Azure and FTP (Filezilla error)

I am getting the following error message when I try to view an azure website I created: 'You do not have permission to view this directory or page.'
When I click on the URL I created in Microsoft Azure, it also disconnects me from the FTP that I have set up with this error messsage: 'Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted' I thought I fixed this setting by going into Filezilla FTP Settings and changing it from Passive to Active
I don't know if these things are related to each other or causing one of the things to happen, but I don't understand what to do or what is broken?
Update: I got the error message 'You do not have permission to view this directory or page.' to work by changing the name of my html file from 'index2.html' to 'index.html' but it isn't playing my html file correctly. It has changed into a small black box, rather than filling up the whole screen and it is just a black box with a play button, but it doesn't play.Azure website
I fixed it. I uploaded my video to Wistia and then added the Inline Embed code to my index.html file, then added my files to Filezilla, and then the hosting site from Azure finally worked.
I am glad you fixed the issue. If you see the issue again, could you please restart the website and check once.
For testing/debugging purposes you can turn on the Azure detailed messaging, and turn back off when its ready for production. To do so, you have to follow these two steps,
Login to Azure > App Services (left side menu) > Your Web App > Diagnostics logs (search box is at the top if you can't find it), then turn on Detailed Error Messages or turn on all of the loging options, up to you.
Now add the following in your Web Config file,
In your Web Config file add BEFORE system.web closing tag, . Similarly, add BEFORE . Finally, upload the Web Config to Azure and cross your fingers.
If you follow the steps correctly, that will show the error messages in detail and hopefully from there

The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period while creating FTP in Azure

I have an Azure logic app, inside that i am creating FTP (when file is added or modified) but after creation of FTP connection, i am unable to see the folder name inside the folder box with the error "The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period".
Did you follow the steps in the doc create the FTP connector?
I think the problem is you didn't open the passive mode, the mode is a prerequisite asked in the doc. Due to environmental constraints, I couldn't open the passive mode, you could try it. And you need make sure you server is accessible from the internet.
If you still have questions, please let me know.

Error trying to FTP files to Azure

I am trying to FTP some file to my Azure web site using FileZilla. However it doesn't seem to be connecting. It keeps getting blocked at the "Initializing TLS..." message.
Here's a screenshot of the log from FileZilla.
Here are my FileZilla settings.
Any ideas what's wrong?
Few details to make it work.
First I don't think you need Encryption : make it a simple (unsecured) connexion. Lame my FileZilla is in french for exact terms.
Second, you're user shall more looks like "blah-blah\$blah-blah" as shown in your connection profile in Azure Portal.
Last, and really least, port 21 is default port and could be erase.
Hope you'll figure this out !

Settings.txt with connection string gets removed after publish into Azure

I published my NopCommerce application to azure. as you may know connection string is defined in the settings.txt file under the app_data. It is also published with all files but strange thing is that when I open the settings.txt file. connections string is removed.
It should look like this
DataProvider: SQL Server CE
DataConnectionString: Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Nop.Db.sdf;Persist Security Info=False
but published version looks like that
Any idea why is that happening? or is there another way to copy directly? I am new on Azure and I couldn't find published files even.
you can see the file system and edit \ upload files by using the SCM endpoint, there is good information in this blog:
Basically you take the url for your site http://<your_site> and add scm to the url so it will be: http://<your_site> Browsing to this location will give you access to a file browser as well as a set of diagnostics tools.

Slackbox - the requested URL could not be retrieved - access denied

I have slackbox running locally, have created a Spotify dev application and have successfully authenticated slackbox. It says I am logged in at http://localhost:5000/. All of my variables have been set, including the slack token, in an .env file via dotenv.
All seems well there.
On the slack side, I have created a slash command mapped to /spotify that POSTs to http://localhost:5000/store. The slash command shows up in my command description list when typing.
When I attempt to use it though, I get an access denied message in chat, I'm assuming due to cross-domain issues:
ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved Access Denied.
According to their docs - - running this locally should work. I also run a Hubot bot locally and it integrates fine with the same slack room.
Any help is appreciated!
Slack’s outgoing slash command requests need to be sent to a public facing url, which is a problem if we want to receive these messages to our local development server.
How do we solve this?
One way is with the use of a secure tunnel which acts as a public HTTPS URL for our local development server. Problem solved!
Who provides this service?
ForwardHQ provide the best user experience, including a browser extension for setting up a local tunnel in one click. They have a free 7 day trial.
My preferred option is ngrok. It’s free for one concurrent tunnel client, with no time restriction. Woop! Its a little harder to use but it does the job.
