Error trying to FTP files to Azure - azure

I am trying to FTP some file to my Azure web site using FileZilla. However it doesn't seem to be connecting. It keeps getting blocked at the "Initializing TLS..." message.
Here's a screenshot of the log from FileZilla.
Here are my FileZilla settings.
Any ideas what's wrong?

Few details to make it work.
First I don't think you need Encryption : make it a simple (unsecured) connexion. Lame my FileZilla is in french for exact terms.
Second, you're user shall more looks like "blah-blah\$blah-blah" as shown in your connection profile in Azure Portal.
Last, and really least, port 21 is default port and could be erase.
Hope you'll figure this out !


Same IIS local host labelled different name when loggin using differenit Alias

When I logged in to the same IIS using different alias, the name on the local host is different. I didn't change or do anything differently since the creation of this IIS. How it shows different names on different login account is unexplainable.
May I know if I make change on my end to match the one on the role account, it will not break things on this server. I checked with other admins, they see what the role account sees. I am the only person that has name mismatched (it shows DEV instead of PROD).
This is what I see when I log in as me under IIS connection DEVAPP01 (.../Luu). And this is what I see when I log in as a role account PRODAPP01 (..../roleAccountp1 So sorry the website doesn't allow me to post image yet. I'm new to stackoverflow and hope I can get some advice here.
Changing the label is easy but I would like to make sure it doesn't break anything since this is PROD environment. Thx
I figured this out (with the help from our cloud team of course). I was told that at one point, the server was named DEVAPP01, later it was renamed to something else and I still connected to the wrong name on the same server. To solve this problem, I:
In the IIS under connection, select Connect to Server and put in the right IIS name which is PRDAPP01, once I got in there, I saw two IIS 1) DEVAPP01 and 2) PRDAPP01
Select the wrong IIS name which was DEVAPP01 and right click and select Remove Connection (this option seated below Refresh)
Problem solved!!!
Thanks to my great cloud team from my company.

Remote server returned an error 404 Share Point connection Manager on SSIS tool

I'm trying to read data from Share Point online. I'm using KingwaySoft SharePoint Drivers on SSIS.
I'm getting below error even though with provided credentials
what could be the reason?
do I have to change the URL pattern?
I have added /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/ at the end of the site URL.
like :
The ideal service URL that you would need to provide should include the base site and subsite, if necessary, and no other details.
Give it a try and if the error persists, please reach out to our support team with the screenshot of the SharePoint connection manager configuration.

You do not have permission to view this directory or page Azure and FTP (Filezilla error)

I am getting the following error message when I try to view an azure website I created: 'You do not have permission to view this directory or page.'
When I click on the URL I created in Microsoft Azure, it also disconnects me from the FTP that I have set up with this error messsage: 'Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted' I thought I fixed this setting by going into Filezilla FTP Settings and changing it from Passive to Active
I don't know if these things are related to each other or causing one of the things to happen, but I don't understand what to do or what is broken?
Update: I got the error message 'You do not have permission to view this directory or page.' to work by changing the name of my html file from 'index2.html' to 'index.html' but it isn't playing my html file correctly. It has changed into a small black box, rather than filling up the whole screen and it is just a black box with a play button, but it doesn't play.Azure website
I fixed it. I uploaded my video to Wistia and then added the Inline Embed code to my index.html file, then added my files to Filezilla, and then the hosting site from Azure finally worked.
I am glad you fixed the issue. If you see the issue again, could you please restart the website and check once.
For testing/debugging purposes you can turn on the Azure detailed messaging, and turn back off when its ready for production. To do so, you have to follow these two steps,
Login to Azure > App Services (left side menu) > Your Web App > Diagnostics logs (search box is at the top if you can't find it), then turn on Detailed Error Messages or turn on all of the loging options, up to you.
Now add the following in your Web Config file,
In your Web Config file add BEFORE system.web closing tag, . Similarly, add BEFORE . Finally, upload the Web Config to Azure and cross your fingers.
If you follow the steps correctly, that will show the error messages in detail and hopefully from there

IIS 6 is throwing a "500 - Internal Server Error" for some users but not others

I had written a mini App in asp classic this week. It worked perfectly on the test server connecting to the test data base. Then yesterday evening I moved it from the test server to the live server updating the connection strings to the live db.
I published it as an application to the default website in the default app pool. Then I tested it and it worked perfectly.
This morning however both myself and another user receive a 500 -internal Server error when we try and save changes to the database(there appears to be no issue reading from the db) yet my two other collogues have no issue at all.
Even more odd is that the same thing is happening on the test server where the code hasn't been changed in weeks. But this morning I cannot commit to the db from there either.
I have attempt to enable more detailed error tracking and logging but the property options for the server are seem unavailable when i tried to set up custom Active Server Pages (ASP) error pages off online tutorials.
The server is used by a lot of people so I was wondering is their a permission issue depending on the user that restricts writting to the database. Or something else that may have changed to allow some users to write data and others to receive the error.
Im very knew to IIS so it may be something glaringly obvious that I haven't considered.
This article should help you:
In earlier versions of IIS, error messages from classic ASP scripts
were sent to a Web browser, by default. Because these error messages
might reveal sensitive information to malicious users, IIS 7 and above
disables this feature by default. When your classic ASP scripts
encounter an error in IIS, you receive the following error message by
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.

Azure FTP Issue - cannot upload files

I cannot connect to my Azure Ftp account. i see the folder i try to upload files to, the site folder using FileZilla like i always do, but I see that most of the files fail to upload.
Does anybody else has similar issues?
FTP on Azure only works with "passive mode".
Check out this link and follow every step to set up passive mode.
You will also need to tell your FTP client to keep the connection alive so that it doesn't start a second connection while the first connection is still alive. To set this in FileZilla client, go to Edit, Settings, Connection, FTP, and check "Send FTP keep-alive commands" checkbox.
Hope this helps!
