How to undo up to last write in vim? - vim

Let me pose the question this way. I open a new file in vim, (version 1)
and then use <Esc>:w<Enter> to write the file. Then made changes (version 2)
... edit1
... edit2 //and large number of changes here and there in code
then I save changes using <Esc>:w<Enter>.
Is there a way to undo changes to version 1 directly (Since it was a last save) i.e., without constantly pressing u for undoing

From Vim's help:
:earlier {N}f Go to older text state {N} file writes before.
When changes were made since the last write
":earlier 1f" will revert the text to the state when
it was written. Otherwise it will go to the write
before that.
When at the state of the first file write, or when
the file was not written, ":earlier 1f" will go to
before the first change.
So, if you didn't make changes after the second save, you can do what you want with:
:earlier 1f
On the other hand, if you did unsaved changes after the second save, then:
:earlier 2f
will solve your problem.
See :help :earlier, :help :undolist.

You can get all the way back to when you first opened the file pretty easily. Just type a number before u.
10000u, will undo 10000 times. If that's not enough try 1000000u :)
If you want to undo bit by bit, you can do it in any increment, try 5u.
If you just want to reload the file from disk use :e.

Put this into your .vimrc.
In normal mode shift u will undo till previous save. Pressing again it will undo till the save before that. You can still go back to original point with a lot of <C-R> if you dint made any changes.
nnoremap U :ea 1f<CR>


How to save buffer (preferably if changed) and then close the buffer but not VIM?

So, I just realized I could use marks with capital letters to go to different files. That's great! However, I'm trying to find a way to close the buffer and return to the previous one. Say I go to my header file to change or add the declaration of the function I'm writing, and then I'd like to save the file, but only if there's changes to it, to go back to working on the contents of the function. How can I do this?
There's :x, but it also quits VIM
There's :bd!, but it doesnt save the changes
There's :bw, but that's even worse (unfortunately that's w[ipeout], not w[rite]...)
There's ctrl+O, but it doesnt seem to work when I edit the file (also, it doesnt actually close the buffer)
There's :up followed by :bd, but that's two commands and VIM's about efficiency, so I'd prefer a single command if it exists
There's a few other options and variants, but none that do what I wanted, afaik
It feels like this should be simple enough to do with one command, preferably without macros/plugins/functions/snippets/etc; as close to vanilla as possible. I get the feeling I'm missing something obvious.
You could concatenate commands like so:
I'd like to save the file, but only if there's changes to it
to go back to working on the contents of the function
Press Ctrl^, or enter the command :e[dit] #
I'd prefer a single command if it exists
Set an option :set autowrite and then Vim will save the current buffer on pressing Ctrl^ automatically.

Vim: load changes from previous unsaved session

I have edited file X and closed the file without saving it. Now when I try to open file X vim alerts "No write since last change...".
Is there a way to get those changes back?
Below explanation from :help message
*E37* *E89*
No write since last change (add ! to override)
No write since last change for buffer {N} (add ! to override)
You are trying to |abandon| a file that has changes. Vim protects you from
losing your work. You can either write the changed file with ":w", or, if you
are sure, |abandon| it anyway, and lose all the changes. This can be done by
adding a '!' character just after the command you used. Example: >
:e other_file
changes to: >
:e! other_file
No write since last change for buffer "{name}"
This appears when you try to exit Vim while some buffers are changed. You
will either have to write the changed buffer (with |:w|), or use a command to
abandon the buffer forcefully, e.g., with ":qa!". Careful, make sure you
don't throw away changes you really want to keep. You might have forgotten
about a buffer, especially when 'hidden' is set.
[No write since last change]
This appears when executing a shell command while at least one buffer was
changed. To avoid the message reset the 'warn' option.

Vim Undo command (the one with the with capital U)

I don't understand how the undo line command works.
The documentation says Undo all latest changes on one line.
What is the definition of all latest changes here?
One behaviour I have noticed is that sometimes U undoes all writes after the very first write on a line. But this is not consistent. For example, when I open a new file and edit the first line, writing multiple times, the U command undoes every single change.
I haven't been able to find anything concrete from my google searches either.
In my understanding all latest changes means going back the change history until a change in a different line is encountered, and stop there. So if you start with an empty buffer and edit only one line (repeatedly), all additions will be wiped by U.
Vim generally merges near changes occurring in the same line; these appear as a single entry in :changes.
U: return the last line which was modified to its original state (reverse all changes in last modified line)

Undo all changes since opening buffer in vim

How can I undo all changes since opening a buffer? I imagine there may be some form of :earlier that does this.
UPDATE: Many are suggesting solutions for traversing to earlier file writes. This isn't what I asked for. I want to return to the original state the file was in when I originally loaded it into a buffer, no matter how many writes were made since then.
To revert the current buffer to the original state prior to the very
first change recorded in its undo list (see :help undo-tree), one
can use the following two consecutive invocations of the :undo
The first command (:undo 1) reverts to the state of the buffer just
after the very first registered change, while the second command
(:undo) reverts that first change itself.
Starting with version 8.1 (see :helpg Patch 8.0.1441), Vim accepts
the change number 0 as a valid argument to the :undo command,
finally providing a way to refer to the state prior to any registered
changes. This makes it possible to achieve the same effect in
a single-command invocation:
You can use the
command to get into the earliest saved state. See :help edit! for more information.
You can also check something like gundo.vim (can be found here), which displays the whole undo tree graphically, and you can easily jump between points. Then there is the histwin plugin which I did not used yet, but offers similar functionality.
In vim 8.1+ as well as in neovim, you can just use :u0
From the documentation
:u[ndo] {N} Jump to after change number {N}. See |undo-branches|
for the meaning of {N}. {not in Vi}
If you type
:u 1
it appears to go to after the first change; pressing u or typing :u will then go back to the change.
Otherwise, you can use a very large count to :earlier or g-
:earlier 100000000 or 100000000g-
If you put this into a mapping/command, it could do any of these without too much trouble.
:nnoremap <C-F12> :earlier 100000000<CR>
To access previously saved file status, I think the following work :
:earlier 1f
From the documentation :
:earlier {N}f Go to older text state {N} file writes before.
When changes were made since the last write
":earlier 1f" will revert the text to the state when
it was written. Otherwise it will go to the write
before that.
When at the state of the first file write, or when
the file was not written, ":earlier 1f" will go to
before the first change.
:earlier {N}m Go to older text state about {N} minutes before.
That should help... And even you have {N}h which is about {N} hours before.
A graphic solution:
The Gundo plugin allows visual comparison of changes in the undo history.
Open Gundo's "undo history pane", type G go to the last line, then we can back to the original file.

How is the undo tree used in Vim?

This answer says:
Vim's undo/redo system is unbeatable. Type something, undo, type something else, and you can still get back the first thing you typed because Vim uses an undo tree rather than a stack. In almost every other program, the history of the first thing you typed is lost in this circumstance.
This is the first I hear of this. How can I backtrack along the tree?
See also :h undo-redo, which lists all the commands and their usage.
There are two ways to traverse the undo tree. One is to go "back in time". g+ and g- will traverse all of the nodes in the tree in chronological or reverse-chronological order (which can be a bit confusing, because it can jump arbitrarily between undo branches, but if you do g- long enough you'll always get where you need to go eventually). :earlier and :later take a time descriptor like 7m or 1h; again this can jump you arbitrarily between undo branches.
The other way is to jump to specific nodes in the tree using :undo n where n is a number of an action. (All actions, i.e. text additions, deletions, replacements, are numbered sequentially as you do them.) You can look up the number of the actions on the leaves of the undo tree via :undolist. This will let you jump between branches easily. You can then use u and Ctrl-R to move up and down that branch.
There are some good examples in the Vim help. The best way to figure out how this works is to play with it a bit.
I'm a bit late to the party,
but I figured I'd mention that I wrote an undo tree visualization plugin for Vim :
Personally I found that graphing the tree like this was the only way I could make sense of it.
This page explains everything you need to know:
If you're using vim, you can navigate through the undo tree using:
u: (undo) move back in the undo tree
Ctrl+R: (redo) move forward in the undo tree
Other ways of bringing document back or forward in time:
:earlier 15m: move back in time 15 minutes
:later 15m: move front in time 15 minutes
I'm aware this question has been answered, but I thought I'd add an example.
Create a new file and type:
this is a line
undol will display the undo tree. At this point you haven't undone anything
number changes when saved
1 1 14:50:36
now press ESC and modify the line to:
this is a old line
switch to normal mode and press u (undo), this should remove "old". If you check undol, at this point you still have only one branch.
now modify the line so it says:
this is a new line
Now :undol shows:
number changes when saved
2 2 87 seconds ago
3 2 3 seconds ago
You can switch to the first branch by typing
:u 2
this will move you to the end of the branch associated with number 2. You can move along this branch with g+ and g-. At this point g+ will do nothing (you are at the leaf). If you press g- “old" will be removed (you are traversing the first undo tree). That is if you remove “old” with g- and press g+ again, “old" will be redone.
If you type
:u 3
You will jump to the leaf of the second undo branch and it will read:
this is a new line
A lot of this is summed up here:
Besides using gundo.vim I like to mention g+ and g-
The package undotree is written in pure vimscript so no requirement.
And add this to your vimrc before it is too late:
set nobackup
set noswapfile
set nowritebackup
set undolevels=10000 " use many levels of undo
set history=10000 " After nocompatible
if has('persistent_undo')
set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo
set undofile
