Bash script that prints out contents of a binary file, one word at a time, without xxd - linux

I'd like to create a BASH script that reads a binary file, word (32-bits) by word and pass that word to an application called devmem.
Right now, I have:
for (( i=0; i<${num_words}; i++ ))
val=$(dd if=${file_name} skip=${i} count=1 bs=4 2>/dev/null)
echo -e "${val}" # Weird output...
devmem ${some_address} 32 ${val}
${val} has some weird (ASCII?) format character representations that looks like a diamond with a question mark.
If I replace the "val=" line with:
val=$(dd ... | xxd -r -p)
I get my desired output.
What is the easiest way of replicating the functionality of xxd using BASH?
Note: I'm working on an embedded Linux project where the requirements don't allow me to install xxd.
This script is performance driven, please correct me if I'm wrong in my approach, but for this reason I chose (dd -> binary word -> devmem) instead of (hexdump -> file, parse file -> devmem).
- Regardless of the optimal route for my end goal, this exercise has been giving me some trouble and I'd very much appreciate someone helping me figure out how to do this.

As I see you shouldn't use '|' or echo, because they are both ASCII tools. Instead I think '>' could work for you.
I think devmem is a bash function or alias, so I would try something like this:
for (( i=0; i<${num_words}; i++ ))
dd if=${file_name} skip=${i} count=1 bs=4 2>/dev/null 1> binary_file
# echo -e "${val}" # Weird output...
devmem ${some_address} 32 $(cat binary_file)
"As cat simply catenates streams of bytes, it can be also used to concatenate binary files, where it will just concatenate sequence of bytes." wiki
Or you can alter devmem to accept file as input...I hope this will help!


File redirection fails in Bash script, but not Bash terminal

I am having a problem where cmd1 works, but not cmd2 in my Bash script ending in .sh. I have made the Bash script executable.
Additionally, I can execute cmd2 just fine from my Bash terminal. I have tried to make a minimally reproducible example, but my larger goal is to run a complicated executable with command line arguments and pass output to a file that may or may not exist (rather than displaying the output in the terminal).
Replacing > with >> also gives the same error in the script, but not the terminal.
My Bash script:
cmd1="cat test.txt"
cmd2="cat test.txt > a"
echo $cmd1
echo $cmd2
test.txt has the words "dog" and "cat" on two separate lines without quotes.
Short answer: see BashFAQ #50: I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!.
Long answer: the shell expands variable references (like $cmd1) toward the end of the process of parsing a command line, after it's done parsing redirects (like > a is supposed to be) and quotes and escapes and... In fact, the only thing it does with the expanded value is word splitting (e.g. treating cat test.txt > a as "cat" followed by "test.txt", ">", and finally "a", rather than a single string) and wildcard expansion (e.g. if $cmd expanded to cat *.txt, it'd replace the *.txt part with a list of matching files). (And it skips word splitting and wildcard expansion if the variable is in double-quotes.)
Partly as a result of this, the best way to store commands in variables is: don't. That's not what they're for; variables are for data, not commands. What you should do instead, though, depends on why you were storing the command in a variable.
If there's no real reason to store the command in a variable, then just use the command directly. For conditional redirects, just use a standard if statement:
if [ -f a ]; then
cat test.txt > a
cat test.txt
If you need to define the command at one point, and use it later; or want to use the same command over and over without having to write it out in full each time, use a function:
cmd2() {
cat test.txt > a
It sounds like you may need to be able to define the command differently depending on some condition, you can actually do that with a function as well:
if [ -f a ]; then
cmd() {
cat test.txt > a
cmd() {
cat test.txt
Alternately, you can wrap the command (without redirect) in a function, then use a conditional to control whether it redirects:
cmd() {
cat test.txt
if [ -f a ]; then
cmd > a
It's also possible to wrap a conditional redirect into a function itself, then pipe output to it:
maybe_redirect_to() {
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
cat > "$1"
cat test.txt | maybe_redirect_to a
(This creates an extra cat process that isn't really doing anything useful, but if it makes the script cleaner, I'd consider that worth it. In this particular case, you could minimize the stray cats by using maybe_redirect_to a < test.txt.)
As a last resort, you can store the command string in a variable, and use eval to parse it. eval basically re-runs the shell parsing process from the beginning, meaning that it'll recognize things like redirects in the string. But eval has a well-deserved reputation as a bug magnet, because it's easy for it to treat parts of the string you thought were just data as command syntax, which can cause some really weird (& dangerous) bugs.
If you must use eval, at least double-quote the variable reference, so it runs through the parsing process just once, rather than sort-of-once-and-a-half as it would unquoted. Here's an example of what I mean:
cmd3="echo '5 * 3 = 15'"
eval "$cmd3"
# prints: 5 * 3 = 15
eval $cmd3
# prints: 5 [list of files in the current directory] 3 = 15
# ...unless there are any files with shell metacharacters in their names, in
# which case something more complicated might happen.
BashFAQ #50 discusses some other possible reasons and solutions. Note that the array approach will not work here, since arrays also get expanded after redirects are parsed.
If you pop an 'eval' in front of $cmd2 it should work as expected:
cmd2="cat test.txt > a"
eval $cmd2
If you're not sure about the operation of a script you could always use the debug mode to see if you can determine the error.
bash -x scriptname
This will run the command and display the output of variable evaluations. Hopefully this will reveal any issues with syntax.

formatting issue in printf script

I have a file stv.txt containing some names
For example stv.txt is as follows:
I want to generate another file by using these names and adding some extra text to them.I have written a script as follows
for i in `cat stvv.txt`;
do printf 'if(!strcmp("$i",optarg))' > my_file;
desired output
how can I get the correct result?
This is a working solution.
1 All symbols inside single quotes is considered a string. 2 When using printf, do not surround the variable with quotes. (in this example)
The code below should fix it,
for i in `cat stvv.txt`;
printf 'if(!strcmp('$i',optarg))' > my_file;
basically, break the printf statement into three parts.
1: the string 'if(!strcmp('
2: $i (no quotes)
3: the string ',optarg))'
hope that helps!
To insert a string into a printf format, use %s in the format string:
$ for line in $(cat stvv.txt); do printf 'if(!strcmp("%s",optarg))\n' "$line"; done
The code $(cat stvv.txt) will perform word splitting and pathname expansion on the contents of stvv.txt. You probably don't want that. It is generally safer to use a while read ... done <stvv.txt loop such as this one:
$ while read -r line; do printf 'if(!strcmp("%s",optarg))\n' "$line"; done <stvv.txt
Aside on cat
If you are using bash, then $(cat stvv.txt) could be replaced with the more efficient $(<stvv.txt). This question, however, is tagged shell not bash. The cat form is POSIX and therefore portable to all POSIX shells while the bash form is not.

Bash while read loop extremely slow compared to cat, why?

A simple test script here:
while read LINE; do
if [[ $(($LINECOUNT % 1000)) -eq 0 ]]; then echo $LINECOUNT; fi
When I do cat my450klinefile.txt | myscript the CPU locks up at 100% and it can process about 1000 lines a second. About 5 minutes to process what cat my450klinefile.txt >/dev/null does in half a second.
Is there a more efficient way to do essentially this. I just need to read a line from stdin, count the bytes, and write it out to a named pipe. But the speed of even this example is impossibly slow.
Every 1Gb of input lines I need to do a few more complex scripting actions (close and open some pipes that the data is being feed to).
The reason while read is so slow is that the shell is required to make a system call for every byte. It cannot read a large buffer from the pipe, because the shell must not read more than one line from the input stream and therefore must compare each character against a newline. If you run strace on a while read loop, you can see this behavior. This behavior is desirable, because it makes it possible to reliably do things like:
while read size; do test "$size" -gt 0 || break; dd bs="$size" count=1 of=file$(( i++ )); done
in which the commands inside the loop are reading from the same stream that the shell reads from. If the shell consumed a big chunk of data by reading large buffers, the inner commands would not have access to that data. An unfortunate side-effect is that read is absurdly slow.
It's because the bash script is interpreted and not really optimised for speed in this case. You're usually better off using one of the external tools such as:
awk 'NR%1000==0{print}' inputFile
which matches your "print every 1000 lines" sample.
If you wanted to (for each line) output the line count in characters followed by the line itself, and pipe it through another process, you could also do that:
awk '{print length($0)" "$0}' inputFile | someOtherProcess
Tools like awk, sed, grep, cut and the more powerful perl are far more suited to these tasks than an interpreted shell script.
The perl solution for count bytes of each string:
perl -p -e '
use Encode;
print length(Encode::encode_utf8($_))."\n";$_=""'
for example:
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=100 |
perl -p -e 'use Encode;print length(Encode::encode_utf8($_))."\n";$_=""' |
works for me as 7.7Mb/s
to compare how much script used:
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=100 >/dev/null
run as 9.1Mb/s
seems script not so slow :)
Not really sure what your script is supposed to do. So this might not be an answer to your question but more of a generic tip.
Don't cat your file and pipe it to your script, instead when reading from a file with a bash script do it like this:
while read line
echo $line
done <file.txt

How to loop an executable command in the terminal in Linux?

Let me first describe my situation, I am working on a Linux platform and have a collection of .bmp files that add one to the picture number from filename0022.bmp up to filename0680.bmp. So a total of 658 pictures. I want to be able to run each of these pictures through a .exe file that operates on the picture then kicks out the file to a file specified by the user, it also has some threshold arguments: lower, upper. So the typical call for the executable is:
./filter inputfile outputfile lower upper
Is there a way that I can loop this call over all the files just from the terminal or by creating some kind of bash script? My problem is similar to this: Execute a command over multiple files with a batch file but this time I am working in a Linux command line terminal.
You may be interested in looking into bash scripting.
You can execute commands in a for loop directly from the shell.
A simple loop to generate the numbers you specifically mentioned. For example, from the shell:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> echo "filename${i}.bmp"
> done
This will give you a list from filename22.bmp to filename680.bmp. That simply handles the iteration of the range you had mentioned. This doesn't cover zero padding numbers. To do this you can use printf. The printf syntax is printf format argument. We can use the $i variable from our previous loop as the argument and apply the %Wd format where W is the width. Prefixing the W placeholder will specify the character to use. Example:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> echo "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp"
> done
In the above $() acts as a variable, executing commands to obtain the value opposed to a predefined value.
This should now give you the filenames you had specified. We can take that and apply it to the actual application:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> ./filter "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp" lower upper
> done
This can be rewritten to form one line:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do ./filter "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp" lower upper ; done
One thing to note from the question, .exe files are generally compiled in COFF format where linux expects an ELF format executable.
here is a simple example:
for i in {1..100}; do echo "Hello Linux Terminal"; done
to append to a file:(>> is used to append, you can also use > to overwrite)
for i in {1..100}; do echo "Hello Linux Terminal" >> file.txt; done
You can try something like this...
#! /bin/bash
for ((a=022; a <= 658 ; a++))
printf "./filter filename%04d.bmp outputfile lower upper" $a | "sh"
You can leverage xargs for iterating:
ls | xargs -i ./filter {} {}_out lower upper
{} corresponds to one line output from the pipe, here it's the inputfile name.
Output files wouldbe named with postfix '_out'.
You can test that AS-IS in your shell :
for i in *; do
echo "$i" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
If you have a special path, change * by your path + a glob : Ex :
for i in /home/me/*.exe; do ...
This while prepend the name of the output images like filtered_filename0055.bmp
for i in *; do
./filter $i filtered_$i lower upper

Bash script to copy numbered files in reverse order

I have a sequence of files:
Can you help me with a bash script that copies the images in reverse order so that the final result is:
image004.jpg <-- copy of image003.jpg
image005.jpg <-- copy of image002.jpg
image006.jpg <-- copy of image001.jpg
The text in parentheses is not part of the file name.
Why do I need it? I am creating video from a sequence of images and would like the video to play "forwards" and then "backwards" (looping the resulting video).
You can use printf to print a number with leading 0s.
$ printf '%03d\n' 1
$ printf '%03d\n' 2
$ printf '%03d\n' 3
Throwing that into a for loop yields:
for ((i=1; i<=MAX; i++)); do
cp $(printf 'image%03d.jpg' $i) $(printf 'image%03d.jpg' $((MAX-i+1)))
I think that I'd use an array for this... that way, you don't have to hard code a value for $MAX.
image=( image*.jpg )
for i in ${image[*]}
num=${i:5:3} # grab the digits
compliment=$(printf '%03d' $(echo $MAX-$num | bc))
ln $i copy_of_image$compliment.jpg
I used 'bc' for arithmetic because bash interprets leading 0s as an indicator that the number is octal, and the parameter expansion in bash isn't powerful enough to strip them without jumping through hoops. I could have done that in sed, but as long as I was calling something outside of bash, it made just as much sense to do the arithmetic directly.
I suppose that Kuegelman's script could have done something like this:
MAX=(ls image*.jpg | wc -l)
That script has bigger problems though, because it's overwriting half of the images:
cp image001.jpg image006.jpg # wait wait!!! what happened to image006.jpg???
Also, once you get above 007, you run into the octal problem.
