Bash script to copy numbered files in reverse order - linux

I have a sequence of files:
Can you help me with a bash script that copies the images in reverse order so that the final result is:
image004.jpg <-- copy of image003.jpg
image005.jpg <-- copy of image002.jpg
image006.jpg <-- copy of image001.jpg
The text in parentheses is not part of the file name.
Why do I need it? I am creating video from a sequence of images and would like the video to play "forwards" and then "backwards" (looping the resulting video).

You can use printf to print a number with leading 0s.
$ printf '%03d\n' 1
$ printf '%03d\n' 2
$ printf '%03d\n' 3
Throwing that into a for loop yields:
for ((i=1; i<=MAX; i++)); do
cp $(printf 'image%03d.jpg' $i) $(printf 'image%03d.jpg' $((MAX-i+1)))

I think that I'd use an array for this... that way, you don't have to hard code a value for $MAX.
image=( image*.jpg )
for i in ${image[*]}
num=${i:5:3} # grab the digits
compliment=$(printf '%03d' $(echo $MAX-$num | bc))
ln $i copy_of_image$compliment.jpg
I used 'bc' for arithmetic because bash interprets leading 0s as an indicator that the number is octal, and the parameter expansion in bash isn't powerful enough to strip them without jumping through hoops. I could have done that in sed, but as long as I was calling something outside of bash, it made just as much sense to do the arithmetic directly.
I suppose that Kuegelman's script could have done something like this:
MAX=(ls image*.jpg | wc -l)
That script has bigger problems though, because it's overwriting half of the images:
cp image001.jpg image006.jpg # wait wait!!! what happened to image006.jpg???
Also, once you get above 007, you run into the octal problem.


eliminate subshells for faster process?

I've read that scripts that are calling for a subshell are slow, which would explain why my script are slow.
for example here, where I'm running a loop that gets an number from an array, is this running a subshell everytime, and can this be solved without using subshells?
until [[ -z $kik ]];do
kik=$(echo ${modes[$mmode,2]} | cut -d "," -f $mloop)
filename=$(basename "$f")
# is all these lines
# also triggering
pros2=$(echo "100/$totpix*$xcolorall" | bc -l)
IFS='.' read -r pros5 pros6 <<< "$pros2"
#subshells and if,
# is it possible to circumvent it?
#and more of the same code..
the pros2 variable is calculating percent, how many % xcolorall are of totpix and the kik variable is getting a number from the array modes, informing the loop about what color it should count in this loop.
I suspect these are the main hoggers, is there anyway to do this without subshells?
You can replace all the subshells and extern commands shown in your question with bash built-ins.
kik=$(echo ${modes[$mmode,2]} | cut -d "," -f $mloop) can be replaced by
mapfile -d, -t -s$((mloop-1)) -n1 kik <<< "${modes[$mmode,2]}".
If $mmode is constant here, better replace the whole loop with
while IFS=, read -r kik; do ...; done <<< "${modes[$mmode,2]}".
filename=$(basename "$f") can be replaced by
filename=${f##*/} which runs 100 times faster, see benchmark.
pros2=$(echo "100/$totpix*$xcolorall" | bc -l) can be replaced by
(( pros2 = 100 * xcolorall / totpix )) if you don't care for the decimals, or by
precision=2; (( pros = 10**precision * 100 * xcolorall / totpix )); printf -v pros "%0${precision}d" "$pros"; pros="${pros:0: -precision}.${pros: -precision}" if you want 2 decimal places.
Of course you can leave out the last commands (for turning 12345 into 123.45) until you really need the decimal number.
But if speed really matters, write the script in another language. I think awk, perl, or python would be a good match here.

Wordlist Generator in Bash

I am trying to create a wordlist consisting of the same password followed by a 4-digit numeric pin. The pin goes through every possible combination of 10,000 variations. The desired output should be like this:
UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ 1111
UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ 1112
UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ 1113
and so on.
I created a shell script that almost get this, but awk doesn't seem to like having a variable passed through it, and seems to just print out every combination when called. This is the shell script:
# Creates 10,000 lines of the bandit24pass and every possible combination
# Of 4 digits pin
PASS=$( echo {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} | awk '{print $I}' )
for I in {1..10000};
echo "$USER $PASS"
I though $I would translate to $1 for the first run of the loop, and increment upwards through each iteration. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I though $I would translate to $1 for the first run of the loop, and increment upwards through each iteration.
No, command substitutions are expanded once; like, when you do foo=$(echo), foo is an empty line, not a reference to echo.
This whole task could be achieved by a single call to printf btw.
printf 'UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ %s\n' {1111..9999}
Tyr this
$echo $user
$for i in {1000..9999}; do echo $user $i; done;

How do I add the first 2 letters of every line in a file to a list using bash?

I have a file ($ScriptName). I want the first 2 charactors of every line to be in a list (Starters). I am using a bash script.
How would I do this?
I have declared my array like this:
array=() #Empty array
Using guidence from this:
I am using manjaro 19 and the latest kernel.
To get the first two characters from each line, you can use
cut -c1,2 "$ScriptName"
-c1,2 means "output characters in positions 1 and 2"
I'm not sure what you mean by a "list". If you just want to create a file with the results, use redirection:
cut -c1,2 "$ScriptName" > Starters
If you want to populate an array, just use
while IFS= read -r starter ; do Starters+=("$starter") ; done < <(cut -c1,2 "$ScriptName")
Moreover, if you're interested in letters rather than characters, you can use sed to remove non-letters from each line and then use the solution shown above.
sed 's/[^[:alpha:]]//g' "$ScriptName" | cut -c1,2
Try this Shellcheck-clean (except for a missing initialization of ScriptName) pure Bash code:
while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do
Starters+=( "${line:0:2}" )
done < "$ScriptName"
See Arrays [Bash Hackers Wiki] for information about using arrays in Bash.
See BashFAQ/001 (How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?)
for information about reading files line-by-line in Bash.
See Removing part of a string (BashFAQ/100 (How do I do string manipulation in bash?)) (particularly the bit about "range notation") for an explanation of ${line:0:2}".
The mapfile bash built-in command combined with cut makes it simple:
cut -c1,2 "$ScriptName" | mapfile Starters

Finding a line that shows in a file only once

Assuming that I have files with 100 lines. There are a lot of lines that repeat themselves in the file, and only one line that does not.
I want to find the line that shows only once. Is there a command for that or do I have to build some complicated loop as below?
My code so far:
var="$(wc -l <$filename )"
echo "length:" $var
#cp ex4.txt ex4_copy.txt
for((index=0; index < var; index++));
one="$(head -n $index $filename | tail -1)"
for((index2=0; index2 < var; index2++));
two="$(head -n $index2 $filename | tail -1)"
if [ "$one" == "$two" ]; then
echo $one"is "$counter" times in the text: "
If I understood your question correctly, then
sort repeat_lines.txt | uniq -u should do the trick.
e.g. for file containing:
it will output c.
For further reference, see sort manpage, uniq manpage.
You've got a reasonable answer that uses standard shell tools sort and uniq. That's probably the solution you want to use, if you want something that is portable and doesn't require bash.
But an alternative would be to use functionality built into your bash shell. One method might be to use an associative array, which is a feature of bash 4 and above.
$ cat file.txt
$ declare -A lines
$ while read -r x; do ((lines[$x]++)); done < file.txt
$ for x in "${!lines[#]}"; do [[ ${lines["$x"]} -gt 1 ]] && unset lines["$x"]; done
$ declare -p lines
declare -A lines='([c]="1" )'
What we're doing here is:
declare -A creates the associative array. This is the bash 4 feature I mentioned.
The while loop reads each line of the file, and increments a counter that uses the content of a line of the file as the key in the associative array.
The for loop steps through the array, deleting any element whose counter is greater than 1.
declare -p prints the details of an array in a predictable, re-usable format. You could alternately use another for loop to step through the remaining array elements (of which there might be only one) in order to do something with them.
Note that this solution, while fine for small files (say, up to a few thousand lines), may not scale well for very large files of, say, millions of lines. Bash isn't the fastest at reading input this way, and one must be cognizant of memory limits when using arrays.
The sort alternative has the benefit of memory optimization using files on disk for extremely large files, at the expense of speed.
If you're dealing with files of only a few hundred lines, then it's hard to predict which solution will be faster. In the end, the form of output may dictate your choice of solution. The sort | uniq pipe generates a list to standard output. The bash solution above generates the same list as keys in an array. Otherwise, they are functionally equivalent.

How to loop an executable command in the terminal in Linux?

Let me first describe my situation, I am working on a Linux platform and have a collection of .bmp files that add one to the picture number from filename0022.bmp up to filename0680.bmp. So a total of 658 pictures. I want to be able to run each of these pictures through a .exe file that operates on the picture then kicks out the file to a file specified by the user, it also has some threshold arguments: lower, upper. So the typical call for the executable is:
./filter inputfile outputfile lower upper
Is there a way that I can loop this call over all the files just from the terminal or by creating some kind of bash script? My problem is similar to this: Execute a command over multiple files with a batch file but this time I am working in a Linux command line terminal.
You may be interested in looking into bash scripting.
You can execute commands in a for loop directly from the shell.
A simple loop to generate the numbers you specifically mentioned. For example, from the shell:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> echo "filename${i}.bmp"
> done
This will give you a list from filename22.bmp to filename680.bmp. That simply handles the iteration of the range you had mentioned. This doesn't cover zero padding numbers. To do this you can use printf. The printf syntax is printf format argument. We can use the $i variable from our previous loop as the argument and apply the %Wd format where W is the width. Prefixing the W placeholder will specify the character to use. Example:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> echo "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp"
> done
In the above $() acts as a variable, executing commands to obtain the value opposed to a predefined value.
This should now give you the filenames you had specified. We can take that and apply it to the actual application:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> ./filter "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp" lower upper
> done
This can be rewritten to form one line:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do ./filter "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp" lower upper ; done
One thing to note from the question, .exe files are generally compiled in COFF format where linux expects an ELF format executable.
here is a simple example:
for i in {1..100}; do echo "Hello Linux Terminal"; done
to append to a file:(>> is used to append, you can also use > to overwrite)
for i in {1..100}; do echo "Hello Linux Terminal" >> file.txt; done
You can try something like this...
#! /bin/bash
for ((a=022; a <= 658 ; a++))
printf "./filter filename%04d.bmp outputfile lower upper" $a | "sh"
You can leverage xargs for iterating:
ls | xargs -i ./filter {} {}_out lower upper
{} corresponds to one line output from the pipe, here it's the inputfile name.
Output files wouldbe named with postfix '_out'.
You can test that AS-IS in your shell :
for i in *; do
echo "$i" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
If you have a special path, change * by your path + a glob : Ex :
for i in /home/me/*.exe; do ...
This while prepend the name of the output images like filtered_filename0055.bmp
for i in *; do
./filter $i filtered_$i lower upper
