Setting commandLink value through ManagedBean - jsf

I have been using primefaces in JSF and trying to set commandLink value through managedbean class.
<p:commandLink value="#{loginBean.userClass}" id="userclass" action="{user.userClassAction}" />
public String getUserClass()
return "userClass";
I am asking that, is this correct way to that process from server side
Any suggestion for this .. Is this format correct , if so how can i use it appropriate way.

What do you want to achieve? The value is the text of the link. It would be "userClass" in this case and I'm not sure this makes sense here.
If you want to change the css class you may do that via the styleClass attribute.
If you really want to have some kind of dynamic text for the link. Then yes, using a managed bean is probably the only (non-hacky) way to do so.
If you only want to care about internationalization, then you better use the standard java-way for that. Using .properties files, referencing them via #{msg['key']} and declaring them for JSF via:


Embed JSF code in a xhtml

I need to complete a xhtml page with some JSF code (with p:panel and p:datatables, etc.) from a managed bean, but I'm not sure that is possible.
My attemps:
<h:outputText escape="true" value="#{controller.jsfString}"/>
It's not be able to understand "p:" components, only simple html.
<ui:include src="#{controller.jsfString}">
It expects a xhtml path, not a String.
I don't know what else try... Is it even possible?
It's not be able to understand "p:" components, only simple html.
Of course it is not!
The h:outputText value is evaluated at view render time, so if you render JSF tags, they won't be evaluated again since rendering is done.
In principle, it could have been possible to add JSF tags this way using the JSTL <c:out>, but it is not available in JSF facelets.
Anyway, just tell yourself that it prevents you from making bad design.
We'll need more information regarding what the controller is supposed to output in order to help you.
Here p means prime-faces u need to include prime-faces dependency in pom and enable tag lib for prime-faces in XHTML then u can use the all the prime-faces components.

PrimeFaces - Set a JSF component as mandatory

I am using PrimeFaces and JSF - I need to be able to set a component on the page as mandatory in response to an AJAX event. Is the best way to accomplish this using the following code or is there also a way to accomplish it using JQuery ?
UIInput componentToChange = (UIInput) facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent("ComponentId");
Just set the component's required attribute with the desired EL expression.
<h:inputText ... required="#{bean.required}" />
There are even EL ways without needing an additional bean property, but it's impossible to propose one based on the sparse information provided so far.
Use findComponent() with care. Think twice if it really can't be done just in the view (XHTML) side.

JSF set property on ManagedBean in included Faceltes page

I am new to JSF and getting very confused doing something trivial. I am making up this example here to elaborate what I am want to do:
I have a xhtml fragment, say, stockQuoteFragment.xhtml, which is backed by a ManagedBean, say, has property stockID and a method getStockQuote() which has all the logic to get the stockQuote for the value set on stockID property. stockQuoteFragment.xhtml displays #stockQuoteService.stockQuote.
Now I have another page Home.xhtml page with backing bean with a method getUserFavoriteStockID(). I want to include content of stockQuoteFragment.xhtml in Home.xhtml passing in the value of #homeBackingBean.userFavoriteStockID to StockQuoteService.setStockID().
I am not sure how to do this in JSF/Facelets. With simple JSPs I could do this easily with a JSP include and include parameters
...According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute var does not accept any expressions.
I have just tried it.
But if you use pure XML based JSF with tags, you can easily use <ui:param> as discussed here. I use JSF in JSP and for me there is no help (<c:set> is mostly useless).
Can I just do this in Home.xhtml before I ui:include stockQuoteFragment.xhtml into it:
<c:set var="#{StockQuoteService.stockID}" value="#homeBackingBean.userFavoriteStockID"/>
will that work?

Can I use <f:setPropertyActionListener> inside an autoComplete component?

Can I use <f:setPropertyActionListener> inside an autoComplete component?
The autoComplete uses the managedbean mbAC for example and I want to send the cliCod from it to another bean with:
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{targetBean.cliCod}" value="#{mbAC}" />
Is <f:setPropertyActionListener> the right way to do this?
The <f:setPropertyActionListener> works only inside a component implementing ActionSource interface, such as <h:commandButton>, <h:commandLink>. It's unclear what autocomplete component you're talking about, but the PrimeFaces <p:autoComplete> doesn't implement it.
You need to look for an alternate solution, such as placing the bean in the right scope and/or using #ManagedProperty and/or using <p:ajax> instead. The exact solution depends on the concrete functional requirement which you didn't tell anything about.
In the future questions it would be more helpful for us and yourself if you ask how to achieve the given functional requirement instead of asking how to achieve a solution of which you thought that it's the right solution but which after all isn't.

UIComponent#getValue() obtained via binding is not available in validator of another component

I'm trying to figure out why an f:attribute tag's value isn't passed when attached to h:inputSecret tag. I'm quite new to jsf, but as far as I know attributes can be attached to any kind of component. Here is the code:
<h:inputSecret id="passw" value="#{advertAdder.userPass}"
required="true" validator="#{advertAdder.validatePasswords}">
<f:attribute name="confirmedPass" value="#{advertAdder.passConfirmator.value}"/>
<h:inputSecret id="passwConfirm" required="true"
and the method that wants to acces this attribute:
public void validatePasswords(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
if (!value.equals(component.getAttributes().get("confirmedPass")))
FacesMessage mess = new FacesMessage("Password and it's confirmation are not the same!");
context.addMessage(component.getClientId(context), mess);
((UIInput) component).setValid(false);
In above code component.getAttributes() always returns map with only two attributes:
javax.faces.component.VIEW_LOCATION_KEY and com.sun.faces.facelets.MARK_ID.
I've added attribute tag to a h:commandButton to check it, and then everything was fine. Am I missing something or it's not possible to add an attribute to non-action tag?
I'm using Mojarra 2.0.2 and Glassfish 3.0.1.
Thanks in advance.
Input components are processed in the order as they appear in the component tree. The UIInput#getValue() is only available when the component is already been processed. Otherwise you need to use UIInput#getSubmittedValue() instead.
<f:attribute name="confirmedPass" value="#{advertAdder.passConfirmator.submittedValue}"/>
Note that this gives you the unconverted and unvalidated value back. It would make somewhat more sense to put the validator on the confirm password field instead and pass the value of the first password field along. See also JSF Validator compare to Strings for Equality and JSF doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround?
Alternatively, you can also try out the OmniFaces <o:validateEqual> component. You can find a concrete example in this article.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, it's unnecessary to bind the component to the bean this way. Replace all occurrences of #{advertAdder.passConfirmator} by #{passConfirmator}. Keep the controller free of properties which are never internally used.
