This question is close to ground covered elsewhere, but I haven't found anything that addresses it specifically (at least not in a way that I'm able to understand).
I'd like to update state in a way that depends on various random choices. Because of the instance of the RandomSource typeclass that I'm using, all of these random choices live in the IO monad, as below:
main :: IO Int
main = do
a <- pickRand [1..7]
return a
where pickRand lst = runRVar (choice lst) DevRandom
What I'd like to do is something like the following: store a state of type [Int], and if the randomly chosen list element a is greater than 3 , push it onto the state. Any tips?
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Random.RVar
import Data.Random.Source.DevRandom
import Data.Random.List
myFun :: StateT [Int] IO ()
myFun = do
lst <- get
r <- liftIO $ runRVar (randomElement lst) DevRandom
put $ if r > 3 then (r:lst) else lst
return ()
main :: IO ()
main = evalStateT myFun [1..10] >>= print
I'm just starting to experiment with monad transformers so I may have missed something trivial. Anyway: how can I print from inside the ST monad?
Example code: I want to create code that is almost as fast as C, by reading and writing as quickly as possible to memory, with C-like for loops. I have an ST monad action that safely mutates an unboxed array that I run with runSTUArray.
My question is, how can I use IO actions inside the ST action? If it was a State monad action, I could use the StateT transformer to lift the IO actions to, but how is that done for the ST monad?
Example: ST. -- how can I print form inside the ST monad?
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Array.Base ( STUArray(STUArray), newArray, readArray, writeArray )
import Data.Array.ST (runSTUArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed ( elems )
import Control.Monad (forM_)
test :: IO ()
test = print . elems $ runSTUArray action
action :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
action = do
arr <- newArray (1,10) 1
forM_ [3..10] $ \i -> do
-- liftIO . print $ "i is " ++ show i. --- <--- How should I do this?
x1 <- readArray arr (i-1)
x2 <- readArray arr (i-2)
writeArray arr i (x1+x2)
return arr
Example: StateT, -- here it is possible to lift the print to use it inside the monad/
import Data.Array.IArray (listArray, (!), (//), elems)
import Data.Array (Array)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT (runStateT), get, put)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
test :: IO ()
test = do
let n = listArray (1,10) [1..] :: Array Int Int
(_,x) <- runStateT action n
print $ elems x
return ()
where action = do
forM_ [3..10] $ \i -> do
x <- get
liftIO . print $ "i is " ++ show i. -- <--- here printing works fine
put (x // [(i, x!(i-1) + x!(i-2))])
You don't print from an ST action, you print from an IO action. Luckily for you, there are IOUArrays -- and they are even STUArrays under the hood, so there can be no fear of performance lost.
I was wondering if it is possible in Haskell to define a function which upon calling gives the next element of an (infinite) list, so for example:
Prelude> func
Prelude> func
Is it possible to have such a function in Haskell, and if there is, can you give me an example?
You could do a Stateful thing like this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- This is not a function! The misleading name func comes from the question text.
func :: MonadState [a] m => m a
func = state (fromJust . uncons)
exampleUsage :: State [Int] (Int, Int)
exampleUsage = do
x <- func
y <- func
return (x, y)
You can try it in ghci:
> evalState exampleUsage [1..]
(1, 2)
However, at a high level, I would suggest rethinking your requirements. func is not very idiomatic at all; simply working with the infinite list directly is generally going to be much clearer, have lower (syntactic) overhead, and lead to better generated code. For example:
exampleUsage' :: [a] -> (a, a)
exampleUsage' (x:y:_) = (x,y)
N.B. this is two lines of code with no extensions or imports, compared to the previous 11 lines of code including a language extension and three imports. Usage is also simplified; you can drop the call to evalState entirely and be done.
> exampleUsage' [1..]
(1, 2)
You can use mutable references and the IO monad (or other stateful monad). This can be made rather pretty via partial application:
Prelude> import Data.IORef
Prelude Data.IORef> ref <- newIORef 0
Prelude Data.IORef> let func = readIORef ref >>= \r -> writeIORef ref (r+1) >> return r
Prelude Data.IORef> func
Prelude Data.IORef> func
Or closer to what you requested:
Prelude Data.IORef> ref2 <- newIORef [0..]
Prelude Data.IORef> let func2 = readIORef ref2 >>= \(x:xs) -> writeIORef ref2 xs >> return x
Prelude Data.IORef> func2
Prelude Data.IORef> func2
It sounds like you are looking for something like other languages' Iterator or Generator constructs. If so, this seems like a good use case for the conduit library. Note that there are options (e.g. pipes); however, conduit may be a good starting point for you.
If you are trying to operate only over lists, using the State Monad may be a simpler answer (as Daniel suggests); however, if you are looking for a more general solution, conduit (or the like) may indeed be the answer.
The func you are searching for is therefore most likely the await function.
Here's a simple example -
import Prelude
import Conduit
import Data.MonoTraversable
main :: IO ()
main = runConduit (source .| consume) >>= print
source :: Monad m => Producer m (Element [Integer])
source = yieldMany [0..]
consume :: Monad m => ConduitM i o m (Maybe (i, i))
consume = do
mx <- await
my <- await
return $ (,) <$> mx <*> my
And its output -
λ main
Just (0,1)
EDITED 2015-11-29: see bottom
I'm trying to write an application that has a do-last-action-again button. The command in question can ask for input, and my thought for how to accomplish this was to just rerun the resulting monad with memoized IO.
There are lots of posts on SO with similar questions, but none of the solutions seem to work here.
I lifted the memoIO code from this SO answer, and changed the implementation to run over MonadIO.
-- Memoize an IO function
memoIO :: MonadIO m => m a -> m (m a)
memoIO action = do
ref <- liftIO $ newMVar Nothing
return $ do
x <- maybe action return =<< liftIO (takeMVar ref)
liftIO . putMVar ref $ Just x
return x
I've got a small repro of my app's approach, the only real difference being my app has a big transformer stack instead of just running in IO:
-- Global variable to contain the action we want to repeat
actionToRepeat :: IORef (IO String)
actionToRepeat = unsafePerformIO . newIORef $ return ""
-- Run an action and store it as the action to repeat
repeatable :: IO String -> IO String
repeatable action = do
writeIORef actionToRepeat action
-- Run the last action stored by repeatable
doRepeat :: IO String
doRepeat = do
x <- readIORef actionToRepeat
The idea being I can store an action with memoized IO in an IORef (via repeatable) when I record what was last done, and then do it again it out with doRepeat.
I test this via:
-- IO function to memoize
getName :: IO String
getName = do
putStr "name> "
main :: IO ()
main = do
repeatable $ do
memoized <- memoIO getName
name <- memoized
putStr "hello "
putStrLn name
return name
return ()
with expected output:
name> isovector
hello isovector
hello isovector
but actual output:
name> isovector
hello isovector
name> wasnt memoized
hello wasnt memoized
I'm not entirely sure what the issue is, or even how to go about debugging this. Gun to my head, I'd assume lazy evaluation is biting me somewhere, but I can't figure out where.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT 2015-11-29: My intended use case for this is to implement the repeat last change operator in a vim-clone. Each action can perform an arbitrary number of arbitrary IO calls, and I would like it to be able to specify which ones should be memoized (reading a file, probably not. asking the user for input, yes).
the problem is in main you are creating a new memo each time you call the action
you need to move memoized <- memoIO getName up above the action
main :: IO ()
main = do
memoized <- memoIO getName --moved above repeatable $ do
repeatable $ do
--it was here
name <- memoized
putStr "hello "
putStrLn name
return name
return ()
edit: is this acceptable
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
{-# NOINLINE actionToRepeat #-}
actionToRepeat :: IORef (IO String)
actionToRepeat = unsafePerformIO . newIORef $ return ""
type Repeatable a = IO (IO a)
-- Run an action and store the Repeatable part of the action
repeatable :: Repeatable String -> IO String
repeatable action = do
repeatAction <- action
writeIORef actionToRepeat repeatAction
-- Run the last action stored by repeatable
doRepeat :: IO String
doRepeat = do
x <- readIORef actionToRepeat
-- everything before (return $ do) is run just once
hello :: Repeatable String
hello = do
putStr "name> "
name <- getLine
return $ do
putStr "hello "
putStrLn name
return name
main :: IO ()
main = do
repeatable hello
return ()
I came up with a solution. It requires wrapping the original monad in a new transformer which records the results of IO and injects them the next time the underlying monad is run.
Posting it here so my answer is complete.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Monad.RWS
-- | A monad transformer adding the ability to record the results
-- of IO actions and later replay them.
newtype ReplayT m a =
ReplayT { runReplayT :: RWST () [Dynamic] [Dynamic] m a }
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadIO
, MonadState [Dynamic]
, MonadWriter [Dynamic]
, MonadTrans
-- | Removes the first element from a list State and returns it.
dequeue :: MonadState [r] m
=> m (Maybe r)
dequeue = do
get >>= \case
[] -> return Nothing
(x:xs) -> do
put xs
return $ Just x
-- | Marks an IO action to be memoized after its first invocation.
sample :: ( MonadIO m
, Typeable r)
=> IO r
-> ReplayT m r
sample action = do
a <- dequeue >>= \case
Just x -> return . fromJust $ fromDynamic x
Nothing -> liftIO action
tell [toDyn a]
return a
-- | Runs an action and records all of its sampled IO. Returns a
-- action which when invoked will use the recorded IO.
record :: Monad m
=> ReplayT m a
-> m (m a)
record action = do
(a, w) <- evalRWST (runReplayT action) () []
return $ do
evalRWST (runReplayT action) () w
return a
In the following code, how can I replace put 1 with some code that insert nondeterministically 1 or 2 in the state?
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
test :: StateT Int [] Int
test = do
put 1
v <- get
return v
Your monad stack signature is already the correct one.
Lift a computation from the [] monad and bind to its value. This will fork the computation:
test :: StateT Int [] Int
test = do
s <- lift [1,2,3]
put s
v <- get
return v
Testing to see it works:
*Main> runStateT test 10
Not only there are many results, but the state gets included in the nondeterminism as well.
If test had had type ListT (State Int) Int, only the results would have been nondetermistic, the state would have been shared among all the branches in the computation:
test :: ListT (State Int) Int
test = do
s <- ListT $ return [1,2,3]
put s
v <- get
return v
The result:
*Main> runState (runListT test) 10
maybe you want something like this instead:
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import System.Random (randomIO)
test :: StateT Int IO Int
test = do
put1 <- liftIO $ randomIO
put (if put1 then 1 else 2)
v <- get
return v
This will use the global generator to set 1 or 2 at random
I have the following code:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
type T = StateT Int IO Int
someMaybe = Just 3
f :: T
f = do
x <- get
val <- lift $ do
val <- someMaybe
-- more code in Maybe monad
-- return 4
return 3
When I use do notation inside to work in Maybe monad it fails. From the error it gives it looks like type signature for this do doesn't match. However I have no idea how to fix it. I tried some lift combinations, but none of them worked and I don't want to guess anymore.
The problem is that Maybe is not part of your transformer stack. If your transformer only knows about StateT Int and IO, it does not know anything about how to lift Maybe.
You can fix this by changing your type T to something like:
type T = StateT Int (MaybeT IO) Int
(You'll need to import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.)
You will also need to change your inner do to work with MaybeT rather than Maybe. This means wrapping raw Maybe a values with MaybeT . return:
f :: T
f = do
x <- get
val <- lift $ do
val <- MaybeT $ return someMaybe
-- more code in Maybe monad
return 4
return 3
This is a little awkward, so you probably want to write a function like liftMaybe:
liftMaybe = MaybeT . return
If you used lift to lift IO a values in other parts of your code, this will now break because you have three levels in your transformer stack now. You will get an error that looks like this:
Couldn't match expected type `MaybeT IO t0'
with actual type `IO String'
To fix this, you should use liftIO for all your raw IO a values. This uses a typeclass to life IO actions through any number of transformer layers.
In response to your comment: if you only have a bit of code depending on Maybe, it would be easier just to put the result of the do notation into a variable and match against that:
let maybeVal = do val <- someMaybe
-- more Maybe code
return 4
case maybeVal of
Just res -> ...
Nothing -> ...
This means that the Maybe code will not be able to do an IO. You can also naturally use a function like fromMaybe instead of case.
If you want to run the code in the inner do purely in the Maybe monad, you will not have access to the StateT Int or IO monads (which might be a good thing). Doing so will return a Maybe value, which you will have to scrutinize:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
type T = StateT Int IO Int
someMaybe = Just 3
f :: T
f = do
x <- get
-- no need to use bind
let mval = do
-- this code is purely in the Maybe monad
val <- someMaybe
-- more code in Maybe monad
return 4
-- scrutinize the resulting Maybe value now we are back in the StateT monad
case mval of
Just val -> liftIO . putStrLn $ "I got " ++ show val
Nothing -> liftIO . putStrLn $ "I got a rock"
return 3