How should I deploy PrimeFaces 3.5 into Glassfish 3.1.2? - jsf

When I deploy the jar file or Zip file it displays and error message saying there is no installed container capable of handling this application(I use admin console)

Primefaces is a JSF library, not an EAR/WAR/EJB-jar module. It is supposed to be deployed along with the application (i.e. within an EAR/WAR), not separately on the server. Include it in you application and it will available after deployment.


How to deploy dependencies with XPages Runtime in Bluemix

I uploaded my project to Bluemix using IBM Domino Designer, the XPages runtime started fine. During testing, I hit the URL and I received a message
"The application /gittest.nsf requires org.openntf.xsp.debugtoolbar.library. This library cannot be found."
I use a UpdateSite on premises and this application also uses jars in the lib\ext folder on the Domino server.
How do I deploy external jars with the XPages runtime?
How do I deploy my servers updatesite?
When I build locally, I have a c:\sharedlib folder where I have Spring Boot, Hibernate, a Service jar with DAO. In my designer, the project is configured to use the external jars. On the server, I have these jars in the lib\ext folder.
I also use some openNTF projects in UpdateSites (like the error sampled here).
Please advise!
You need to put all the osgi plugins in a folder named 'shared-plugins' this directory should be at the same level as the Manifest.yaml file in your project's deployments folder.
More details see the blog of Oliver Busse

Apache Karaf Deploying .War File

My purpose is to run a JSF application on OSGI Framework. So, I am trying to deploy a WAR file to a servlet container for OSGi web applications, called PAX-WEB. I have a proper working JSF implementation working on WildFly 8.0 application server. I succesfully created OSGi-ified WAR file from this application. When I try to deploy it into PAX-WEB using Maven the following error occurs:
missing requirement: javax.servlet.annotation
I have these JARs in /lib folder of my application: jsf-api-2.1.7, jsf-impl-2.1.7, jsp-api-2.1, jstl-1.2. When I add javax.servlet-api-3.0.1.jar to my WAR file and re-deploy it, this time the following error occurs:
javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet cannot be cast to javax.servlet.Servlet
With this error, I can run my JSF page, but it is not displaying JSF tags.
You're mixing two issues here.
One, your framework setup is missing the servlet classes. So in that case I propose to use the pax-web-jetty-bundle. It's an uber bundle and also contains and exports the servlet classes. In that case make sure you don't have the servlet jars in your framework setup available. Btw. taking a look at the samples and Integration tests of Pax Web itself helps already to understand which libraries are needed.
The second issue you are facing is an issue of adding the servlet classes to the war, this is per OSGi and servlet spec forbidden to do.
So without any further knowledge of your scenario you might be better of with using the Apache Karaf server (it uses Pax Web), cause there all infrastructure bundles are already included and known to work together.
One more thing, you get more and better feedback at the ops4j mailinglist.

Is it possible to deploy JSF application on Bluemix?

I have installed IBM Bluemix tools on Eclipse and created a 'Hello World' JSF and EAR project. While creating I have chosen a Bluemix runtime environment. Now I try to deploy EAR from Eclipse, it successfully deployed and started but when I try to open it I get the following error:
Not Found The application or context root for this request has not been found: [Ljava.lang.Object;#bdb04149
What have I missed? Is there comprehensive tutorial to deploy Java EE web applications on Bluemix available anywhere?
You can deploy complete EAR files on Bluemix yes. Using the eclipse tools also makes it much easier. This link has steps on how you can do this
Further down the page (you can use the menu on the left too) there are steps on how to push an EAR. It might be with pushing a complete Liberty profile to get finer control on the application behavior. This link has further details on pushing Liberty apps and the profile itself
If you deployed an EAR (containing your JSF app) you need to add the web module name to the URL, for example, if your project is called testJSF, your URL will look like this:
And of course, if your web page is not called you need to add the web page name as well, for example:

Tomcat 6, Primefaces, JSF

A very strange issue happening.
I have developed an application under JSF and Primefaces on tomcat 6 on my local computer. Everything works perfect.
But when I deploy the application on remote tomcat 6 (Under enterprise RedHat Linux), the primefaces stops working. The funniest part:
the response takes a lot of time, and it returns the generated html (so it seems like it calls the lifecycle). But no components are rendered (there is plain lot of html intermixed with javascript functions) - p:tabView and other components` contents are rendered as simple lines of text.
But as for the Javascript, it states - ReferenceError: PrimeFaces is not defined.
Catalina log file states nothing.
I have no idea what it can be. Is there any idea?
1) Check what dependencies your project has in eclipse build path. Verify all of them are available in your remote server . All the dependencies in build path should be copied to the lib folder in war file you are generating(unless they are runtime like tomcat,jdk etc).
2) Verify your web.xml and faces-config.xml is same in your eclipse and war deployed in remote.
If it doesn't work then you can compare the temp folder in your eclipse to the war you are deploying contains everything that is in local.
You can find your local war by searching for your project file in eclipse under your workspace
The problem was security for Tomcat. It did not allow any redirections so the js-files were listed in the links but nothing was fetched. Problem was solved by reinstalling tomcat.

Classloading conflicts with apache commons classes for app deployed to WAS 6.1

I have an app that uses apache-commons-collections v3.2.1. When I deploy the war file using the WAS 6.1 Integrated Solutions Console I get errors because the commons-collections.jar file in isclite.ear gets loaded before the one that I bundle with my .war file. The problem is that my application requires v3.0.0+ of commons collections. The one in isclite.ear is version 2.1.
So, can I deploy into WAS 6.1 without involving isclite? Can I just drop a war file into a directory somewhere? Is there an option I can select in the process of deploying through the admin interface to skip or remove the isclite.ear dependency?
I had a very similar problem with ColdFusion where a jar in the server was a different version than the one that was needed by my application. I had to call a non-delegating loader (one that doesn't ask the parent to first load the class before loading the requested jar). The loader I used is open source. You can find out about it at
