ADFS and two Servers on two domains - iframe - prompted twice? - sharepoint

My employer has a local ADFS server. We are using o365/SharePoint Online with ADFS so when you attempt to access a SharePoint cloud site you are take to login page on our network.
I need to develop a simple ASP.NET C# website hosted locally on a server on a network.
At a high level what is entailed in using ADFS on websites? And can it be set so that the same login page is used?
If I have a webpage on a local webserver authenticated by the same ADFS and Iframe that page inside a sharePoint web page authenticated by the same ADFS. Should the page with render without authenticating?

1) I'd recommend checking into Windows Identify Foundation (WIF). Although your app will need to run under TLS/SSL, you probably will just need to run the FedUtil.exe application to generate your application's metadata for ADFS to consume when creating an RP.
2) In theory this might work, but the Iframe'd page will still redirect to ADFS momentarily to get an authentication token. It is just that the login page won't be displayed.


How to Create Custom.aspx for Windows Authentication for Sharepoint2019

I am Using Sharepoint2019 On-Premise
I am looking to use separate .aspx page for authenticate users for Sharepoint2019,
I tried the Form-Based Authentication( and it works for authentication but the user profiles are not getting synced from our current Active Directory, so i would like the go back to the windows authentication but instead of pop-up should i would like the .aspx
I want to Use this page for Windows Authentication :-
I Do Not Want This SIgn in pop-up
can any one please guide me to accomplish this task.
One suggestion to look at would be to use AD FS and Web Application Proxy. This solution would require you to configure Kerberos Constrained Delegation for the SharePoint Web Application. In addition, the WAP server(s) need to be joined to Active Directory. Finally, on AD FS you would set up a non-claims aware relying party.
DNS for your Web Application would be pointed at the WAP server (or load balancer routing to WAP) and users would log in there using an FBA experience but still using Windows auth on the back end.
You need an external system that can pass non-Windows auth and translate it to Windows auth. AD FS + WAP is one example of doing so. Because the back end is still Windows auth, other services that leverage Windows auth will continue to work without any changes to your farm.
See here :-
See on how to create a non-claims aware relying party.
For TLS setup, see
it is quite tricky, as Microsoft Designed in that for the windows authentication, but any how if you can use the Form Base Authentication.
Here is the Link where Microsoft posted how to implement the Form Based Authentication.
Configure forms-based authentication for a claims-based Web application

How to log out from an Azure app-proxied website

I have an IIS website on a server internal to my domain that is also published via azure application proxy, which is secured using windows authentication. Our AD structure is hosted locally and published to Azure AD via AD connect.
Users visiting from outside the domain are authenticated first via the page.
My problem is that users external to the domain are on shared devices and need to change users occasionally, and I can't figure out how to do that.
I have read that navigating to an url like{tenant id}/oauth2/logout?client_id={client id}&post_logout_redirect_uri={???} is supposed to achieve this, but after arriving at the login page and logging in as a different user, when we return to the site the user turns out not to be the user that authenticated, but remains the same user as before the attempt to change the user.
I have also read that deleting the cookies named like AzureAppProxyUserSessionCookie, AzureAppProxyAnalyticCookie and AzureAppProxyAccessCookie can help, but doing so does not seem to make any difference.
I thought that perhaps the browser was auto-authenticating or pre filling in forms etc, but turning those features off does not affect anything.
My questions are:
Are any log-off / log-on via Azure AD event logs kept that I can view, and if so, where?
How are you meant to log-off for my scenario?

Facebook app for website

Help me..
I'm implementing a web application in my local server and after i will publish my application to download and can use every one.So I need to give a social experience to user with my web application(user can update his fan pages through my web application). So i created a facebook application. But I'm still in problem what is site url in application. This is not for my own web site. This is for all download users. Then how can I create a facebook application to achieve this.
With a facebook Canvas App, site url is where the actual application is hosted.
So, if your web application was fully functional at, that would be the site URL.
I created a facebook app last year and it's a web based application that is wholly contained within my webserver, the site url points to it's landing page.
I think you want to make this application downloadable like wordpress framework so that others can host the application on their server and use it.
So probably best way is to have a admin section like in wordpress, user who download and implement you application on his or her server can provide their own application access token.
Insted of hard-coding your own access code into your download application framework
In admin section create a tab to register your application with facebook, which will redirect user to the where he/she can register their application and after registration they can put their access token back in you application framework admin section. you can store this details in some table and fetch it where ever you need it for authentication.
hope this logic helps for you.

Authentication in a SharePoint environment

We are developing a Intranet portal that uses integrated authentication, but a few sections of the site will be exposed to users who are not in the domain. For those users we plan to use anonymous access. However, our display logic for the entire application is based on the user logged into the portal, so we are not fully comfortable with this approach. The URL has to be same for both types of users and transitioning between both the environments has to be seamless.
We tried using user controls in pages to authenticate but things didnt pan out. When the page is reached the standard windows authentication grey box pops up.
Is there any way to intercept the request at the IIS level like an HTTP application?
If applicable we would disable anonymous access and for unauthenticated users we will impersonate with a least privileged domain account and redirect to the home page.
SharePoint isn't really designed for the scenario you describe of mixing types of authentication. It dedicates a web application to one type of authentication. You can then 'extend' that web application to use another type of authentication on another address. For example, your intranet portal would use Windows authentication. It could then be extended to use anonymous authentication on another port or domain name.
One option for what you describe is to configure two separate web applications. One is for users that need to authenticate. The other is for anonymous access. Configure the content in the appropriate locations and link between the two as necessary. Users within your domain should not receive a login prompt when connecting to the authenticated site if you use this approach. Users outside your domain will receive a login box and won't be able to access.
Consider using forms authentication for users outside your domain if they need to access your intranet. (Once again the 'forms authenticated' part of your site would be extended to a unique domain name or port.) This would mean they will be prompted to enter their credentials in a form on the page when first connecting.
Read more about authentication on the Authentication Resource Center.
A couple of final points... If you can use SharePoint's default authentication mechanisms rather than writing your own controls, use them as they are well tested and secure. Also, don't be tempted to change SharePoint's IIS settings unless you are certain there is no other way to do what you need. SharePoint regularly updates these itself and may overwrite your changes (or give you grief in other ways).

Has anyone been able to get SharePoint using NTLM working with SQUID as a reverse proxy?

We have a SQUID reverse proxy and a MOSS 2007 portal. All sites are using NTLM.
We cannot get it working with SQUID as a reverse proxy.
Any ideas where to start?
Can you switch to Kerberos instead of NTLM?
You're encountering the "Double-Hop Issue", whereby NTLM authentication cannot traverse proxies or servers.
This is outlined at this location:
And over here:;en-us;329986
Double-Hop Issue
The double-hop issue is when the ASPX page tries to use resources that are located on a server that is different from the IIS server. In our case, the first "hop" is from the web browser client to the IIS ASPX page; the second hop is to the AD. The AD requires a primary token. Therefore, the IIS server must know the password for the client to pass a primary token to the AD. If the IIS server has a secondary token, the NTAUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS account credentials are used. This account is not a domain account and has very limited access to the AD.
The double-hop using a secondary token occurs, for example, when the browser client is authenticated to the IIS ASPX page by using NTLM authentication. In this example, the IIS server has a hashed version of the password as a result of using NTLM. If IIS turns around and passes the credentials to the AD, IIS is passing a hashed password. The AD cannot verify the password and, instead, authenticates by using the NTAUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON.
On the other hand, if your browser client is authenticated to the IIS ASPX page by using Basic authentication, the IIS server has the client password and can make a primary token to pass to the AD. The AD can verify the password and does authenticate as the domain user.
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
264921 ( How IIS authenticates browser clients
If switching to Kerberos is not an option, have you investigated the Squid NTLM project?
you can use HAProxy for load balancing
