Accented characters using JavaFX on Linux - linux

I'm developing an application and just noticed that not a single accented character, for example, the Brazilian Portuguese "é", neither "ã" are displayed when I'm running the JavaFX application on Linux.
BUT, if I copy/paste those characters they appear normally, so I don't think it's an encoding problem.
On the other hand, the exactly same code works on Windows and those characters are displayed normally.
Is this a known bug?
Thanks in advance.

I've seen this problem in a project which a team member was using Eclipse on Windows, with default encoding to ISO-8859-1, while I was using UTF-8 on Linux.
So, if you're using Eclipse, check your encoding at Window > Preferences > General > Workspace, then Text file encoding group.


Persian (Arabic) Support for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code does not seem to display Persian or Arabic scripts nicely in the terminal window. I can confirm that on Linux, but not sure about macOS or Windows. Instead of displaying right-to-left languages from right to left, it chains characters to each other from left to right. I tried changing its terminal to one with good Persian support like Konsole from the settings, but it didn't work. Is there a way to solve this or do we have to request project maintainers to add the support?
A screen shot is attached to show the problem.
I had the same problems use the package linked below. You can use it to first convert the text and copy that and paste it into the terminal for input. I made it to correctly organize the Arabic characters and display them correctly. The library supports,
Arabic, Farsi, and English characters and symbols.
Check it out.

Special characters on MFC dialog form

I can see special characters ąęį when I do form design on static text label:
These character are changed while running:
If I set these characters in programming way I have:
How can I ensure that the correct characters are displayed instead of question marks as shown in the screenshot above?
My project is Multi-Byte. I found that in another computer I can see special characters. Why?
You need to use Unicode character set for this to work correctly, and my guess is that you're using MBCS character set now.
You could change it in the project properties. Refer to this screenshot:
Visual studio editor is fully Unicode, meaning it could display such special characters as you type when you're designing the dialog. However, if your application is not built with Unicode support, it won't be able to display thsoe characters when it runs. Thich is why you see the ??? replacing the Unicode text when you run the application.
If you get different results on different computers this is obviously due to differences in system settings.
The setting that controls this is called "Language for non-Unicode programs", and can be found under Control Panel, Language, Change date, time or number formats. Unfortunately it's a global setting (ie cannot be set per application or programmatically) and requires a re-boot.
Consider making your application Unicode, if possible (and meaningful cost- or effort-wise).

Accented characters in Chrome Packaged app webview not showing up

I am developing a Chrome Packaged app that has a webview in it. The problem is that I cannot type any sort of accented character (such as é, ç, ê) in a text input that is inside the webview. When I try to type é, for instance, I only get e in the text field. Strangely I can copy and paste accented characters into the webview text field without a problem.
Text inputs that are outside the webview work ok. This issue only seems to happen when running the packaged app on Mac OSX (It works fine on Windows). Other official sample apps that use webviews also have the same issue.
I have already checked if UTF-8 is being used by both the app and the webview itself, and it is.
Any idea of what might be happening?
Like lazyboy commented, this has been fixed since Chrome 34. It was actually a bug in previous versions of Chrome.

How to display unicode strings of variables in Netbeans

I recently changed into Netbeans for developing my C++ codes, but I faced a strange problem. While trying to watch the program step by step, Netbeans doesn't show the value of Unicode variables correctly, while it doesn't have any problem with ASCII characters.
I checked the settings of my environment, but I couldn't find anything helpful.
Could anyone tell me how I can solve the problem? (I use Netbeans in ubuntu)
Are you having an issue seeing the output in the console? If so, take a look at: Netbeans console does not display Bangla unicode characters for a possible solution.

Typing accented characters in JavaFX 2 applications not working?

I'm developing a javafx-2 application and I want the user to be able to type Greek accented characters in a Textfield using a 'dead key'. Unfortunately, the accents are ignored. The javafx-2 samples provided by oracle behave the same way.
I've only checked on a mac running Lion. Java Swing applications don't have this problem. I have installed the latest JRE provided by apple (1.6.0_31-b04-414).
You may want to try JavaFX 2.1 (dev preview:
I had no problems with Greek accented characters there:
UPD: Typing these characters works as well in 2.1, see screenshot with characters entered from keyboard using dead keys for Greek Polytonic keyboard:
I am having the same problem with FX8. One solution would be to write a textproperty listener to take care of that, unless it is fixed later on. Coming from Swing it is true I did not have that problem either. I am using Windows7.
