How to display unicode strings of variables in Netbeans - linux

I recently changed into Netbeans for developing my C++ codes, but I faced a strange problem. While trying to watch the program step by step, Netbeans doesn't show the value of Unicode variables correctly, while it doesn't have any problem with ASCII characters.
I checked the settings of my environment, but I couldn't find anything helpful.
Could anyone tell me how I can solve the problem? (I use Netbeans in ubuntu)

Are you having an issue seeing the output in the console? If so, take a look at: Netbeans console does not display Bangla unicode characters for a possible solution.


Android Studio IDE issue (font/encoding: abcd -> cdef)

Installed Android Studio maybe week ago. All was great.
Then yesterday have tried to open it. Something strange happened: all english letters are shifted right in alphabet (abcd -> cdef).
Loaded IDE start
It reminds me of encoding problems (I use ukrainian windows, but another apps (Latin / Cyrillic) are working without problems).
Have checked Language and Regional settings, but everything is fine with it (as I think). Tried to change IDE encoding to UTF-8 too - nothing changed.
Encoding error detector site(online-decoder) gives me nothing... Searching on abcd to cdef and other encoding problems too... Have not found anything similar, but maybe i have tried to search in wrong direction. At least now i have "encrypted" IDE, and can spend some time to get familiar with this "language" :D
How to solve this?
- Win7 64 bit.
- Android Studio 2.3.1
I think that it can be because i have changed system font and maybe something gone wrong. Will try to change it back to original.
EDIT: After changing system font back to original All is OK. But anyway that is strange that most of the apps supports ISOCPEUR, and Android Studio doesn't.

qt creator editing missing some characters (blank) Linux

Im running a fedora 18 box and just installed Qt Creator 3.0,
as well as trying 2.8.1. Both versions, when I pull up my source
code, there are many characters missing in patterns. It looks like
15-25% of the code has sections "missing"
I think its a graphics problem maybe, but I can find no articles online
about this issue so far. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
EDIT: Here's the image. Also using vim they look fine. Im compiling and running
from an xterm window due to qcreator's issue (unfortunately). if I 'file' the source
files, they are: C source, ASCII text

Accented characters using JavaFX on Linux

I'm developing an application and just noticed that not a single accented character, for example, the Brazilian Portuguese "é", neither "ã" are displayed when I'm running the JavaFX application on Linux.
BUT, if I copy/paste those characters they appear normally, so I don't think it's an encoding problem.
On the other hand, the exactly same code works on Windows and those characters are displayed normally.
Is this a known bug?
Thanks in advance.
I've seen this problem in a project which a team member was using Eclipse on Windows, with default encoding to ISO-8859-1, while I was using UTF-8 on Linux.
So, if you're using Eclipse, check your encoding at Window > Preferences > General > Workspace, then Text file encoding group.

Typing accented characters in JavaFX 2 applications not working?

I'm developing a javafx-2 application and I want the user to be able to type Greek accented characters in a Textfield using a 'dead key'. Unfortunately, the accents are ignored. The javafx-2 samples provided by oracle behave the same way.
I've only checked on a mac running Lion. Java Swing applications don't have this problem. I have installed the latest JRE provided by apple (1.6.0_31-b04-414).
You may want to try JavaFX 2.1 (dev preview:
I had no problems with Greek accented characters there:
UPD: Typing these characters works as well in 2.1, see screenshot with characters entered from keyboard using dead keys for Greek Polytonic keyboard:
I am having the same problem with FX8. One solution would be to write a textproperty listener to take care of that, unless it is fixed later on. Coming from Swing it is true I did not have that problem either. I am using Windows7.

eclipse xml error

i am programming in eclipse for the first time and when i create a blackberry project i am getting this error in BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml as
Description Resource Path Location Type
InvalidRegex: Pattern value '([a-zA-Z_]{1,63}[\s-a-zA-Z_0-9.]{0,63}[;]?)*' is not a valid regular expression. The reported error was: ''-' is an invalid character range. Write '-'.' at column '19'. BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml /sample Unknown XML Problem
please help me out
thanks in advance.
I have had the same problem earlier with my first project on BlackBerry using the Eclipse provided on the site.
Though I took a lot of time to get a workaround for this, the solution is surprisingly simple.
Uninstall the JDK 7.x from your Windows system, adjust your path variables to point to another JDK version, preferably 6. There could be other dependencies in your Eclipse environment which need to be set independently to point to the new JDK (try Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs in your Eclipse and voila!)
see? let us know if you still face the problem..
I'm having the same problem as you are. There is a post regarding this issue at
I haven't been able to solve the problem yet, and I am clueless as to what may be causing it. The answers at the blackberry support forums didn't work for me at all. But do try them out. Best of luck.
The deprecated version of the blackberry development IDE for eclipse (version 1.1 of the pluggin) works fine, but is not available for download anymore.
