How to search values in table in Mysql Workbench? - search

I am using Mysql Workbench v 5.2.47 CE.
I cannot find any option to search in a db table using GUI.
In phpMyAdmin, there is a Search button, that shows form with all table columns, so I can filter the search results according value in some columns. IS there any alternative in Workbench?
I really cannot find it and programme Help hints didn't help me.
thanks for any help

In the new 6.0 release we added a search feature that should do what you want. So upgrade and then start the search wizard via Database -> Search Table Data.


Dowload Table in Excel via Power query

I need to download this table in Excel
via Power Query and make an automatic update connection. But for some reason it does not work because it does not recognize the table as such. I do not know why any suggestion?

Power Query : Data Source Connection issue

I am using Power Query for Excel and I am trying to connect MySQL database which is hosted on AWS. While trying to connect, I am getting an ERROR in query editor saying "DataSource.Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
My Excel and Power Query both has 32-bit version.
Is there any issue in setting up Data Source?
Just had the same problem. 64 bit Excel and latest version of PowerQuery. The cause of mine was that I had copied and pasted the output of a PowerQuery query into a new Excel sheet. This created a shadow second data connection invisible to the PowerQuery pane.
To fix it I had to go to the Data ribbon > click Connections, highlight the second query (named [YourQueryName]1) and click the Remove button. After that things went back to normal.
You may want to Send-A-Frown from inside Power Query to get in direct contact with the developers.
Please check that you have the latest version of Power Query installed. It might help to upgrade MySQL drivers too.

PostgreSQL: Copy/paste resulting with headers into Excel without code

I used MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (MS SQL) where I could right click the query result, copy/paste it with headers to Excel for easy exploration. Now with PG Admin (PostgreSQL) I have to do export (File > Export > CSV) then bunch of Excel steps (Text To Columns).
Is there an easy way to copy/paste the query result with headers into Excel?
For pgAdmin 4, there is an option to "Copy with headers". It is a drop-down beside the copy button in the Query Tool menu:
PgAdmin seems to make semi colon the default field separator. Excel seems to like tabs by default.
You could try and change excel or each time just do the "text to columns" feature.
I personally would go to Preferences->Query tool->Results grid and change the following
Result copy quote character: "
Result copy field separator: Tab
Copy column names: True
This will make it more behave more like sql management studio.
There's a lot of different ways to accomplish what you want here. The question is a bit confusing because you are talking about Excel, but then you table about '/var/lib/postgres/myfile1.csv', which makes me think you are now using some favor of Linux.
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with pgAdminIII 1.16.0. And I have Open Office installed with LibreOffice as the Excel replacement.
I'm not sure why you want to take the information out of the grid in pgAdminIII, but assuming just wanting to take the data and move it over to a spreadsheet to play it for some reason, then about the easiest way to do it is run your query and click the upper left corner of the results (which just like a spreadsheet selects everything) and copy. Then, you should be able to open LibreOffice and paste in the information. It will bring up the same dialog as you would see when importing a CSV file.
Also, you should be able to start psql and then do a "COPY" command. If you get a permissions error, then try the suggested "\COPY" instead. Please see the PostgreSQL docs. Here is a link to a wiki page here.
If I'm missing what you are trying to do, please ask questions in the comments section, and I'll try to improve my answer accordingly.
You have to set your query tool output to text not the grid data. That way the Column names and the query results are all in the same cut past text file. When you do this you are no longer doing CSV. The whole results and field names comes over as a text file in the cut and paste process.
Answering to quite an old post:
The answer by #Phillip Fleischer seems to be the best way, at least in pgAdmin III. But for pgAdmin III version 1.22.2 (the one I am using), instead of Preferences..., the settings mentioned were seen under File > Options > Query tool > Results grid.

How can I list all tables in a database with Squirrel SQL?

I use Squirrel SQL to connect to a JavaDB/Derby database on my desktop. I can run SQL queries.
But how can I list all tables in the database? And preferably all column and column types.
Sometimes I noticed that doing the above may not result in the tables showing. Before I figured this out, my table node will not be expandable and I can never get a list of the tables.
After a lot of searching on the internet, I learnt that you need to choose the schema from the catalog drop down box located at the upper left portion of the squirrel sql client before the icons to be able to get the table list for that particular schema.
Hope that helps.
You can do it easily from the GUI. After you open your session, click the Objects tab, then expand the tree. Expand the db, schema, and then table nodes, and you'll see all of your tables. If you click on a particular table node, a table will open to the right. By clicking the Columns tab, you can get the column names, types, and other meta data.
Or are you looking for SQL commands?
I know this is quite an old question. I was stuck with this for the last 3 days (google search results didn't help) I'm using Squirrel 3.4 and had to connect to a old DB2 database. I could connect to the DB but could not see the tables for 3 days. Finally got it, here is what worked for me -
Edit Alias Properties -> click properties - select the radio button
"Specify schema loading and caching" -> click on "Connect database
and refresh Schema table".
Once you do this all the schema's are loaded in the pop up window.
Select the ones you need and change the option to 'Load and cache'.
Reconnect to this session.
Select the schema name from the catalog drop down and refresh
We had this issue using SQuirreL SQL Client with Amazon Redshift PostgreSQL.
A short-term solution just was to use:
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
RJ.'s solution worked for some machines (thanks) and not others
In the end we realized it was a driver issue. We needed
postgresql-8.4-...jar from

Search all tables in Oracle DB

I am using Oracle 10g at the moment. I want to search through all the tables for a certain word or phrase.
How would I go about searching all the tables for the word of phrase?
Check out Oracle Text(10g edition).
