Search all tables in Oracle DB - search

I am using Oracle 10g at the moment. I want to search through all the tables for a certain word or phrase.
How would I go about searching all the tables for the word of phrase?

Check out Oracle Text(10g edition).


Advice on which PostgreSQL indexes to use to search for text?

I have some tables in scheme of PostgreSQL. I need to find text in some tables at the same time. I need find the same phrases in different tables and also different phrases in different tables. In the end I need to join this tables and give id from the main table. Which solution is the best? P.S. Tables will update frequently.

Importing data from excel to multiple tables in Oracle DB

I have an excel sheet with a single workbook with data in it. The data is around 1000 rows and 50 columns. I need to import these data to an Oracle DB every week. Here comes the problem, the columns in the sheet belongs to different tables with some columns go in multiple tables. I use SQL Developer V. Thanks in advance for the help.
Note: I created a temp table and copied all data to it, then wrote the query to push each column to its respective tables. But, I feel its complex and think it won't work. Is there any better way.
PL/SQL Developer has special tool for tasks like this, calls ODBC Importer (Menu 'Tools'-> ODBC Importer).
For use it you have to set Excel File in USER / System DSN field and your domain user and password, and push Connect after.
After connection developer will ask you path of excel file, and after you can create table in heiborhood tab for your dataset.
Or, you can use sql loader. Ask google how to. It's easy.

Excel to Sql 2005 from Win 7 x86

I have to import excel to sql 2005 with a win7 os x86 it does not support DTS,SSIS,anything Import, Export is also not present in sql 2005 and there are millions of records that too in a very different rows like say after 50 records the cell breaks into 1 or 2 gives the subheadline and again too many records so there are millions of records how should i do it?
Consider posting a sample of the data for a better answer.
Simply, you should force the data into normalised tables, and then use your favourite tool to push them into SQL Server. If you have no additional tools, then you can use the Bulk copy (bcp) utilities to move large volumes of delimited or fixed format data into tables - fast.
You can, either:
Export the workbooks into text files and process them with scripts into the form you require, or
Use VBA or alternative automation techniques in Excel to generate the normalised tables to import into the database
You can learn about the process in Database normalization.

How to search values in table in Mysql Workbench?

I am using Mysql Workbench v 5.2.47 CE.
I cannot find any option to search in a db table using GUI.
In phpMyAdmin, there is a Search button, that shows form with all table columns, so I can filter the search results according value in some columns. IS there any alternative in Workbench?
I really cannot find it and programme Help hints didn't help me.
thanks for any help
In the new 6.0 release we added a search feature that should do what you want. So upgrade and then start the search wizard via Database -> Search Table Data.

How can I list all tables in a database with Squirrel SQL?

I use Squirrel SQL to connect to a JavaDB/Derby database on my desktop. I can run SQL queries.
But how can I list all tables in the database? And preferably all column and column types.
Sometimes I noticed that doing the above may not result in the tables showing. Before I figured this out, my table node will not be expandable and I can never get a list of the tables.
After a lot of searching on the internet, I learnt that you need to choose the schema from the catalog drop down box located at the upper left portion of the squirrel sql client before the icons to be able to get the table list for that particular schema.
Hope that helps.
You can do it easily from the GUI. After you open your session, click the Objects tab, then expand the tree. Expand the db, schema, and then table nodes, and you'll see all of your tables. If you click on a particular table node, a table will open to the right. By clicking the Columns tab, you can get the column names, types, and other meta data.
Or are you looking for SQL commands?
I know this is quite an old question. I was stuck with this for the last 3 days (google search results didn't help) I'm using Squirrel 3.4 and had to connect to a old DB2 database. I could connect to the DB but could not see the tables for 3 days. Finally got it, here is what worked for me -
Edit Alias Properties -> click properties - select the radio button
"Specify schema loading and caching" -> click on "Connect database
and refresh Schema table".
Once you do this all the schema's are loaded in the pop up window.
Select the ones you need and change the option to 'Load and cache'.
Reconnect to this session.
Select the schema name from the catalog drop down and refresh
We had this issue using SQuirreL SQL Client with Amazon Redshift PostgreSQL.
A short-term solution just was to use:
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
RJ.'s solution worked for some machines (thanks) and not others
In the end we realized it was a driver issue. We needed
postgresql-8.4-...jar from
