Launch a particular app to download content from webview in Windows8.1 - winrt-xaml

I want to lauch in C#
event to download an attachment in email e.g. gmail.
So i wrote another app using BackgroundDownloader to download attachment.
But how to launch it when i click on attachment, every time it opens IE metro style.
All i got on internet was Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri)
what is URI for a Windows8 app?
Even MSDN community didn't answer it when i asked question there?

Instead of launching uri I just wrote a BackgroundDownlaoder in Unviewablw content event.
So no need to launch a second application.


Pepper Robot Web Debugging

We're trying to show a web page on pepper's tablet, but something goes wrong. How can we get the browser's error messages to debug the web page?
We know js 1.5 is implemented, so we installed all kind of polyfills for Promises, forEach, etc. But no luck. How can we get meaningful debugging info?
I create a git for showing a web page and send event with the module ALMemory ( see it for an example). For debugging, it is more complicated but you can also try this. You can create a template for showing web page and connect directly it to your robot. For example, you install it on your pc and create a web-page template with python service-tabletpage my-package-name MyServiceName. A package will be create in a file output. Open this app on choregraphe and install it on the robot. You can after that launch on your computer the web page (double click on index.html, name by default) and just adding at the end of the url ?robot=ip_of_the_robot. You can now debug your code.

Cannot set/change default icon for a Chrome webapp (created using Apps Script) in Chrome desktop launcher

I wrote a simple Google Apps script and published it in the Chrome Web Store as an app (I guess "hosted" app. You can find the link here: I followed the instructions mentioned here:
I specified all the required items in the checklist, AFAIK, including icons of the required size. The item is listed and I can download it. However, when it is added in the Chrome desktop launcher, it has the default "apps script" blue icon:
I want to change this but can't find any way to do so. The link above specifies that there is a way to do this for a new tab page (sec. Updating a web app's icon on the New Tab Page). First of all, I cannot see any link that says "specify an alternative image" anywhere as they say. Could someone elaborate on this. Secondly, is there a similar way to change the launcher icon for apps script webapps?
Ok, I found it. Here's the info for someone else who may have the same question: The link appears in the window just after you click "Publish>Register in Chrome Web Store..." in the apps script editor itself. It's not there in the developer dashboard. You can host the image publicly on any site which provides direct links, like imgur.
This will change the icon in the Chrome new page tab (or in "chrome://apps/") as well as the desktop launcher. Cheers :)

How to launch windows applications from a website

I want to know if it's possible to launch windows applications from a website. If it is possible, how? Sort of like battlelog for battlefield, when a button is pushed it opens an application.
Edit: This is for personal use
Try this:
Make each button be a link to download a company template file for the given application. For example, the "Excel" button would download and the user should be prompted to open it with Excel.
For instance, try clicking one of the links here:
Linking to static files on the web server should be sufficient, so long as your server sends the correct MIME-Type or Content-Type.
HOPE it helps!
Take a look at this thread. it should point you in the right direction. In short you can do this in IE using ActiveX objects. But I must warn you that it is a very bad idea

How is Spotify able to open the desktop app via the Gmail inbox view?

This is the first time I've ever seen a button like this (see right side). Clicking on that button launches Spotify. How is Spotify able to do this for their emails? Can this be done with other applications right now?
Disclaimer: I am a Spotify employee, but I haven't worked on this feature personally.
Google recently added support for markup that lets you embed interactive actions in your messages. You can see the blog post about this or the developer reference. The basic concept is that you embed some structured JSON data in your message, as in this example.
We embed markup in our notification emails that links to the Spotify Open site. For example, here's a link for Passenger — Holes:
If you have the Spotify desktop app installed, a redirect on that page to a spotify:track: URI will open the linked track in the desktop.
I would say that it is probably either a feature of Gmail or Spotify has installed some kind of browser plugin that inserts this button onto any page that it wants.
Just like torrents, browsers can associate certain header types with specific programs for example torrents use the magnet:// url which the browser associates with an installed bit torrent client.
So I would assume that this button launches a url like spotify://this-is-a-song-name-987897/ which launches the Spotify program on your computer.

How to launch a chrome packaged app using a URL scheme

I have a chrome packaged app that I update form time to time - when I'm creating an update I want to send email to subscribed customers with a link the that extension -that will launch it.
Anyone knows if there is a chrome url scheme i can use?
Currently this is not possible, but there is an API proposal and an implementation being developed for a chrome-app://appid URL schema that would do pretty much what you describe.
Follow the status here
I also want to be able to do this. It seems that one possible solution is to install both an extension and a packaged app, and have the extension register a context menu that then communicates with the app, or something similar.
