How to calculate area of intersection of an arbitrary triangle with a square? - geometry

So, I've been struggling with a frankly now infuriating problem all day today.
Given a set of verticies of a triangle on a plane (just 3 points, 6 free parameters), I need to calculate the area of intersection of this triangle with the unit square defined by {0,0} and {1,1}. (I choose this because any square in 2D can be transformed to this, and the same transformation can move the 3 vertices).
So, now the problem is simplified down to only 6 parameters, 3 points... which I think is short enough that I'd be willing to code up the full solution / find the full solution.
( I would like this to run on a GPU for literally more than 2 million triangles every <0.5 seconds, if possible. as for the need for simplification / no data structures / libraries)
In terms of my attempt at the solution, I've... got a list of ways I've come up with, none of which seem fast or ... specific to the nice case (too general).
Option 1: Find the enclosed polygon, it can be anything from a triangle up to a 6-gon. Do this by use of some intersection of convex polygon in O(n) time algorithms that I found. Then I would sort these intersection points (new vertices, up to 7 of them O(n log n) ), in either CW or CCw order, so that I can run a simple area algorithm on the points (based on Greens function) (O(n) again). This is the fastest i can come with for an arbitrary convex n-gon intersecting with another m-gon. However... my problem is definitely not that complex, its a special case, so it should have a better solution...
Option 2:
Since I know its a triangle and unit square, i can simply find the list of intersection points in a more brute force way (rather than using some algorithm that is ... frankly a little frustrating to implement, as listed above)
There are only 19 points to check. 4 points are corners of square inside of triangle. 3 points are triangle inside square. And then for each line of the triangle, each will intersect 4 lines from the square (eg. y=0, y=1, x=0, x=1 lines). that is another 12 points. so, 12+3+4 = 19 points to check.
Once I have the, at most 6, at fewest 3, points that do this intersection, i can then follow up with one of two methods that I can think of.
2a: Sort them by increasing x value, and simply decompose the shape into its sub triangle / 4-gon shapes, each with an easy formula based on the limiting top and bottom lines. sum up the areas.
or 2b: Again sort the intersection points in some cyclic way, and then calculate the area based on greens function.
Unfortunately, this still ends up being just as complex as far as I can tell. I can start breaking up all the cases a little more, for finding the intersection points, since i know its just 0s and 1s for the square, which makes the math drop out some terms.. but it's not necessarily simple.
Option 3: Start separating the problem based on various conditions. Eg. 0, 1, 2, or 3 points of triangle inside square. And then for each case, run through all possible number of intersections, and then for each of those cases of polygon shapes, write down the area solution uniquely.
Option 4: some formula with heaviside step functions. This is the one I want the most probably, I suspect it'll be a little... big, but maybe I'm optimistic that it is possible, and that it would be the fastest computationally run time once I have the formula.
--- Overall, I know that it can be solved using some high level library (clipper for instance). I also realize that writing general solutions isn't so hard when using data structures of various kinds (linked list, followed by sorting it). And all those cases would be okay, if I just needed to do this a few times. But, since I need to run it as an image processing step, on the order of >9 * 1024*1024 times per image, and I'm taking images at .. lets say 1 fps (technically I will want to push this speed up as fast as possible, but lower bound is 1 second to calculate 9 million of these triangle intersection area problems). This might not be possible on a CPU, which is fine, I'll probably end up implementing it in Cuda anyways, but I do want to push the limit of speed on this problem.
Edit: So, I ended up going with Option 2b. Since there are only 19 intersections possible, of which at most 6 will define the shape, I first find those 3 to 6 verticies. Then i sort them in a cyclic (CCW) order. And then I find the area by calculating the area of that polygon.
Here is my test code I wrote to do that (it's for Igor, but should be readable as pseudocode) Unfortunately it's a little long winded, but.. I think other than my crappy sorting algorithm (shouldn't be more than 20 swaps though, so not so much overhead for writing better sorting)... other than that sorting, I don't think I can make it any faster. Though, I am open to any suggestions or oversights I might have had in chosing this option.
function calculateAreaUnitSquare(xPos, yPos)
wave xPos
wave yPos
// First, make array of destination. Only 7 possible results at most for this geometry.
Make/o/N=(7) outputVertexX = NaN
Make/o/N=(7) outputVertexY = NaN
variable pointsfound = 0
// Check 4 corners of square
// Do this by checking each corner against the parameterized plane described by basis vectors p2-p0 and p1-p0.
// (eg. project onto point - p0 onto p2-p0 and onto p1-p0. Using appropriate parameterization scaling (not unit).
// Once we have the parameterizations, then it's possible to check if it is inside the triangle, by checking that u and v are bounded by u>0, v>0 1-u-v > 0
variable denom = yPos[0]*xPos[1]-xPos[0]*yPos[1]-yPos[0]*xPos[2]+yPos[1]*xPos[2]+xPos[0]*yPos[2]-xPos[1]*yPos[2]
//variable u00 = yPos[0]*xPos[1]-xPos[0]*yPos[1]-yPos[0]*Xx+yPos[1]*Xx+xPos[0]*Yx-xPos[1]*Yx
//variable v00 = -yPos[2]*Xx+yPos[0]*(Xx-xPos[2])+xPos[0]*(yPos[2]-Yx)+yPos[2]*Yx
variable u00 = (yPos[0]*xPos[1]-xPos[0]*yPos[1])/denom
variable v00 = (yPos[0]*(-xPos[2])+xPos[0]*(yPos[2]))/denom
variable u01 =(yPos[0]*xPos[1]-xPos[0]*yPos[1]+xPos[0]-xPos[1])/denom
variable v01 =(yPos[0]*(-xPos[2])+xPos[0]*(yPos[2]-1)+xPos[2])/denom
variable u11 = (yPos[0]*xPos[1]-xPos[0]*yPos[1]-yPos[0]+yPos[1]+xPos[0]-xPos[1])/denom
variable v11 = (-yPos[2]+yPos[0]*(1-xPos[2])+xPos[0]*(yPos[2]-1)+xPos[2])/denom
variable u10 = (yPos[0]*xPos[1]-xPos[0]*yPos[1]-yPos[0]+yPos[1])/denom
variable v10 = (-yPos[2]+yPos[0]*(1-xPos[2])+xPos[0]*(yPos[2]))/denom
if(u00 >= 0 && v00 >=0 && (1-u00-v00) >=0)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = 0
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = 0
if(u01 >= 0 && v01 >=0 && (1-u01-v01) >=0)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = 0
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = 1
if(u10 >= 0 && v10 >=0 && (1-u10-v10) >=0)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = 1
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = 0
if(u11 >= 0 && v11 >=0 && (1-u11-v11) >=0)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = 1
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = 1
// Check 3 points for triangle. This is easy, just see if its bounded in the unit square. if it is, add it.
variable i = 0
for(i=0; i<3; i+=1)
if(xPos[i] >= 0 && xPos[i] <= 1 )
if(yPos[i] >=0 && yPos[i] <=1)
if(!((xPos[i] == 0 || xPos[i] == 1) && (yPos[i] == 0 || yPos[i] == 1) ))
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = xPos[i]
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = yPos[i]
// Check intersections.
// Procedure is: loop over 3 lines of triangle.
// For each line
// Check if vertical
// If not vertical, find y intercept with x=0 and x=1 lines.
// if y intercept is between 0 and 1, then add the point
// Check if horizontal
// if not horizontal, find x intercept with y=0 and y=1 lines
// if x intercept is between 0 and 1, then add the point
for(i=0; i<3; i+=1)
variable iN = mod(i+1,3)
if(xPos[i] != xPos[iN])
variable tx0 = xPos[i]/(xPos[i] - xPos[iN])
variable tx1 = (xPos[i]-1)/(xPos[i] - xPos[iN])
if(tx0 >0 && tx0 < 1)
variable yInt = (yPos[iN]-yPos[i])*tx0+yPos[i]
if(yInt > 0 && yInt <1)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = 0
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = yInt
if(tx1 >0 && tx1 < 1)
yInt = (yPos[iN]-yPos[i])*tx1+yPos[i]
if(yInt > 0 && yInt <1)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = 1
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = yInt
if(yPos[i] != yPos[iN])
variable ty0 = yPos[i]/(yPos[i] - yPos[iN])
variable ty1 = (yPos[i]-1)/(yPos[i] - yPos[iN])
if(ty0 >0 && ty0 < 1)
variable xInt = (xPos[iN]-xPos[i])*ty0+xPos[i]
if(xInt > 0 && xInt <1)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = xInt
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = 0
if(ty1 >0 && ty1 < 1)
xInt = (xPos[iN]-xPos[i])*ty1+xPos[i]
if(xInt > 0 && xInt <1)
outputVertexX[pointsfound] = xInt
outputVertexY[pointsfound] = 1
// Now we have all 6 verticies that we need. Next step: find the lowest y point of the verticies
// if there are multiple with same low y point, find lowest X of these.
// swap this vertex to be first vertex.
variable lowY = 1
variable lowX = 1
variable m = 0;
for (i=0; i<pointsfound ; i+=1)
if (outputVertexY[i] < lowY)
lowY = outputVertexY[i]
lowX = outputVertexX[i]
elseif(outputVertexY[i] == lowY)
if(outputVertexX[i] < lowX)
lowY = outputVertexY[i]
lowX = outputVertexX[i]
outputVertexX[m] = outputVertexX[0]
outputVertexY[m] = outputVertexY[0]
outputVertexX[0] = lowX
outputVertexY[0] = lowY
// now we have the bottom left corner point, (bottom prefered).
// calculate the cos(theta) of unit x hat vector to the other verticies
make/o/N=(pointsfound) angles = (p!=0)?( (outputVertexX[p]-lowX) / sqrt( (outputVertexX[p]-lowX)^2+(outputVertexY[p]-lowY)^2) ) : 0
// Now sort the remaining verticies based on this angle offset. This will orient the points for a convex polygon in its maximal size / ccw orientation
// (This sort is crappy, but there will be in theory, at most 25 swaps. Which in the grand sceme of operations, isn't so bad.
variable j
for(i=1; i<pointsfound; i+=1)
for(j=i+1; j<pointsfound; j+=1)
if( angles[j] > angles[i] )
variable tempX = outputVertexX[j]
variable tempY = outputVertexY[j]
outputVertexX[j] = outputVertexX[i]
outputVertexY[j] =outputVertexY[i]
outputVertexX[i] = tempX
outputVertexY[i] = tempY
variable tempA = angles[j]
angles[j] = angles[i]
angles[i] = tempA
// Now the list is ordered!
// now calculate the area given a list of CCW oriented points on a convex polygon.
// has a simple and easy math formula :
variable totA = 0
for(i = 0; i<pointsfound; i+=1)
totA += outputVertexX[i]*outputVertexY[mod(i+1,pointsfound)] - outputVertexY[i]*outputVertexX[mod(i+1,pointsfound)]
totA /= 2
return totA

I think the Cohen-Sutherland line-clipping algorithm is your friend here.
First off check the bounding box of the triangle against the square to catch the trivial cases (triangle inside square, triangle outside square).
Next check for the case where the square lies completely within the triangle.
Next consider your triangle vertices A, B and C in clockwise order. Clip the line segments AB, BC and CA against the square. They will either be altered such that they lie within the square or are found to lie outside, in which case they can be ignored.
You now have an ordered list of up to three line segments that define the some of the edges intersection polygon. It is easy to work out how to traverse from one edge to the next to find the other edges of the intersection polygon. Consider the endpoint of one line segment (e) against the start of the next (s)
If e is coincident with s, as would be the case when a triangle vertex lies within the square, then no traversal is required.
If e and s differ, then we need to traverse clockwise around the boundary of the square.
Note that this traversal will be in clockwise order, so there is no need to compute the vertices of the intersection shape, sort them into order and then compute the area. The area can be computed as you go without having to store the vertices.
Consider the following examples:
In the first case:
We clip the lines AB, BC and CA against the square, producing the line segments ab>ba and ca>ac
ab>ba forms the first edge of the intersection polygon
To traverse from ba to ca: ba lies on y=1, while ca does not, so the next edge is ca>(1,1)
(1,1) and ca both lie on x=1, so the next edge is (1,1)>ca
The next edge is a line segment we already have, ca>ac
ac and ab are coincident, so no traversal is needed (you might be as well just computing the area for a degenerate edge and avoiding the branch in these cases)
In the second case, clipping the triangle edges against the square gives us ab>ba, bc>cb and ca>ac. Traversal between these segments is trivial as the start and end points lie on the same square edges.
In the third case the traversal from ba to ca goes through two square vertices, but it is still a simple matter of comparing the square edges on which they lie:
ba lies on y=1, ca does not, so next vertex is (1,1)
(1,1) lies on x=1, ca does not, so next vertex is (1,0)
(1,0) lies on y=0, as does ca, so next vertex is ca.

Given the large number of triangles I would recommend scanline algorithm: sort all the points 1st by X and 2nd by Y, then proceed in X direction with a "scan line" that keeps a heap of Y-sorted intersections of all lines with that line. This approach has been widely used for Boolean operations on large collections of polygons: operations such as AND, OR, XOR, INSIDE, OUTSIDE, etc. all take O(n*log(n)).
It should be fairly straightforward to augment Boolean AND operation, implemented with the scanline algorithm to find the areas you need. The complexity will remain O(n*log(n)) on the number of triangles. The algorithm would also apply to intersections with arbitrary collections of arbitrary polygons, in case you would need to extend to that.
On the 2nd thought, if you don't need anything other than the triangle areas, you could do that in O(n), and scanline may be an overkill.

I came to this question late, but I think I've come up with a more fully flushed out solution along the lines of ryanm's answer. I'll give an outline of for others trying to do this problem at least somewhat efficiently.
First you have two trivial cases to check:
1) Triangle lies entirely within the square
2) Square lies entirely within the triangle (Just check if all corners are inside the triangle)
If neither is true, then things get interesting.
First, use either the Cohen-Sutherland or Liang-Barsky algorithm to clip each edge of the triangle to the square. (The linked article contains a nice bit of code that you can essentially just copy-paste if you're using C).
Given a triangle edge, these algorithms will output either a clipped edge or a flag denoting that the edge lies entirely outside the square. If all edges lie outsize the square, then the triangle and the square are disjoint.
Otherwise, we know that the endpoints of the clipped edges constitute at least some of the vertices of the polygon representing the intersection.
We can avoid a tedious case-wise treatment by making a simple observation. All other vertices of the intersection polygon, if any, will be corners of the square that lie inside the triangle.
Simply put, the vertices of the intersection polygon will be the (unique) endpoints of the clipped triangle edges in addition to the corners of the square inside the triangle.
We'll assume that we want to order these vertices in a counter-clockwise fashion. Since the intersection polygon will always be convex, we can compute its centroid (the mean over all vertex positions) which will lie inside the polygon.
Then to each vertex, we can assign an angle using the atan2 function where the inputs are the y- and x- coordinates of the vector obtained by subtracting the centroid from the position of the vertex (i.e. the vector from the centroid to the vertex).
Finally, the vertices can be sorted in ascending order based on the values of the assigned angles, which constitutes a counter-clockwise ordering. Successive pairs of vertices correspond to the polygon edges.


Given a list of points of a polygon how do find which ones are part of a concave angle?

I have a list of consecutive points and I need to find the coordinates of a polygon some size larger. I can calculate each of the points in the new polygon if it has convex angles, but I'm not sure how to adjust for when the angles are concave.
Concave angles can be treated in exactly the same way as convex ones: For each vertex you generate lines that are parallel to the two original segments but shifted by your offset value. Then the vertex is replaced with the intersection of these two lines.
The difficulty is that the resulting polygon can have intersections if the original one has one or more concave angles. There are different ways to handle these intersections. Generally they can produce inner contours (holes in the polygon) but maybe you are only interested in the outer contour.
In any case you have to find the intersection points first. If you don't find any, you are finished.
Otherwise find a start point of which you can be sure that it is on the outer contour. In many cases you can take the one with smallest X coordinate for that. Then trace the polygon contour until you get to the first intersection. Add the intersection to the polygon. If you are only interested in the outer contour, then skip all following vertices until you get back to the intersection point. Then continue to add the vertexes to the resulting polygon until you get to the next intersection and so on.
If you also need the inner contours (holes) it gets a bit more complicated, but I guess you can figure this out.
I also need to add that you should pe prepared for special cases like (almost) duplicate edges that cause numerical problems. Generally this is not a trivial task, so if possible, try to find a suitable polygon library.
For this problem I found a relatively simple solution for figuring out whether the calculated point was inside or outside the original polygon. Check to see whether the newly formed line intersects the original polygon's line. A formula can be found here
Suppose your polygon is given in counter-clockwise order. Let P1=(x1,y1), P2=(x2,y2) and P3=(x3,y3) be consecutive vertices. You want to know if the angle at P2 is “concave” i.e. more than 180 degrees. Let V1=(x4,y4)=P2-P1 and V2=(x5,y5)=P3-P2. Compute the “cross product” V1 x V2 = (x4.y5-x5.y4). This is negative iff the angle is concave.
Here is a code in C# that receives a list of Vector2D representing the ordered points of a polygon and returns a list with the angles of each vertex. It first checks if the points are clockwise or counterclockwise, and then it loops through the points calculating the sign of the cross product (z) for each triple of angles, and compare the value of the cross product to the clockwise function result to check if the calculated angle to that point needs to be the calculated angle or adjusted to 360-angle. The IsClockwise function was obtained in this discussion: How to determine if a list of polygon points are in clockwise order?
public bool IsClockwise(List<Vector2> vertices)
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vector2 v1 = vertices[i];
Vector2 v2 = vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.Count];
sum += (v2.x - v1.x) * (v2.y + v1.y);
return sum > 0.0;
List<float> estimatePolygonAngles(List<Vector2> vertices)
if (vertices.Count < 3)
return null;
//1. check if the points are clockwise or counterclockwise:
int clockwise = (IsClockwise(vertices) ? 1 : -1);
List<float> angles = new List<float>();
List<float> crossProductsSigns = new List<float>();
Vector2 v1, v2;
//2. calculate the angles between each triple of vertices (first and last angles are computed separetely because index of the array):
v1 = vertices[vertices.Count - 1] - vertices[0];
v2 = vertices[1] - vertices[0];
angles.Add(Vector2.Angle(v1, v2));
crossProductsSigns.Add(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count-1; i++)
v1 = vertices[i-1] - vertices[i];
v2 = vertices[i+1] - vertices[i];
angles.Add(Vector2.Angle(v1, v2));
crossProductsSigns.Add(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
v1 = vertices[vertices.Count - 2] - vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
v2 = vertices[0] - vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
angles.Add(Vector2.Angle(v1, v2));
crossProductsSigns.Add(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
//3. for each computed angle, check if the cross product is the same as the as the direction provided by the clockwise function, if dont, the angle must be adjusted to 360-angle
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
if (crossProductsSigns[i] != clockwise)
angles[i] = 360.0f - angles[i];
return angles;

What is the fastest way to find the center of an irregular convex polygon?

I'm interested in a fast way to calculate the rotation-independent center of a simple, convex, (non-intersecting) 2D polygon.
The example below (on the left) shows the mean center (sum of all points divided by the total), and the desired result on the right.
Some options I've already considered.
bound-box center (depends on rotation, and ignores points based on their relation to the axis).
Straight skeleton - too slow to calculate.
I've found a way which works reasonably well, (weight the points by the edge-lengths) - but this means a square-root call for every edge - which I'd like to avoid.(Will post as an answer, even though I'm not entirely satisfied with it).
Note, I'm aware of this questions similarity with:What is the fastest way to find the "visual" center of an irregularly shaped polygon?
However having to handle convex polygons increases the complexity of the problem significantly.
The points of the polygon can be weighted by their edge length which compensates for un-even point distribution.
This works for convex polygons too but in that case the center point isn't guaranteed to be inside the polygon.
def poly_center(poly):
sum_center = (0, 0)
sum_weight = 0.0
for point in poly:
weight = ((point - +
(point - point.prev).length)
sum_center += point * weight
sum_weight += weight
return sum_center / sum_weight
Note, we can pre-calculate all edge lengths to halve the number of length calculations, or reuse the previous edge-length for half+1 length calculations. This is just written as an example to show the logic.
Including this answer for completeness since its the best method I've found so far.
There is no much better way than the accumulation of coordinates weighted by the edge length, which indeed takes N square roots.
If you accept an approximation, it is possible to skip some of the vertices by curve simplification, as follows:
decide of a deviation tolerance;
start from vertex 0 and jump to vertex M (say M=N/2);
check if the deviation along the polyline from 0 to M exceeds the tolerance (for this, compute the height of the triangle formed by the vertices 0, M/2, M);
if the deviation is exceeded, repeat recursively with 0, M/4, M/2 and M/2, 3M/4, M;
if the deviation is not exceeded, assume that the shape is straight between 0 and M.
continue until the end of the polygon.
Where the points are dense (like the left edge on your example), you should get some speedup.
I think its easiest to do something with the center of masses of the delaunay triangulation of the polygon points. i.e.
def _centroid_poly(poly):
T = spatial.Delaunay(poly).simplices
n = T.shape[0]
W = np.zeros(n)
C = 0
for m in range(n):
sp = poly[T[m,:],:]
W[m] = spatial.ConvexHull(sp).volume
C += W[m] +np.mean(sp, axis = 0)
return C / np.sum(W)
This works well for me!

Positioning random points on a 2D plane

So here's a little bit of geometry for you. I've been stuck on this for a while now:
I need to write a script (in C#, but feel free to answer in whatever script you'd like) that generates random points. A points has to values, x and y.
I must generate N points total (where N > 1 and is also randomly up to 100).
point 1 must be x = 0, y = 0. point 2 must be of distance 1 from point 1. So that Root(x2 + y2) = 1.
point 3 must be of distance 1 from point 2 and so on and so forth.
Now here's the tricky part - point N must be of distance 1 from point 1. So if you were to connect all points into a single shape, you'd get a closed shape with each vertices being the same length.
(vertices may cross and you may even have two points at exactly the same location. As long as it's random).
Any idea how you'd do that?
I would do it with simulation of chain there are 2 basic ways one is start from regular polygon and then randomize one point a bit (rotate a bit) then iterate the rest to maintain the segment size=1.
The second one is start with full random open chain (like in MBo answer) and then iteratively change the angles until the last point is on desired distance from first point. I think the second approach is a bit simpler to code...
If you want something more complicated then you can generate M random points and handle them as closed Bezier curve cubic patches loop control points. Then just find N equidistant points on it (this is hard task) and rescale the whole thing to match segment line size = 1
If you want to try first approach then
Regular polygon start (closed loop)
Start with regular polygon (equidistant points on circle). So divide circle to N angular segments. Select radius r so line length match l=1
so r=0.5/cos(pi/N) ... from half angle triangle
Make function to rotate i-th point by some single small step
So just rotate the i-th point around (i-1)th point with radius 1 and then iteratively change the {i+1,...N} points to match segments sizes
you can exploit symmetry to avoid bullet #2
but this will lead not to very random result for small N. Just inverse rotation of 2 touching segments for random point p(i) and loop this many times.
to make it more random you can apply symmetry on whole parts (between 2 random points) instead of on 2 lines only
The second approach is like this:
create randomized open chain (like in MBo's answer)
so all segments are already with size=1.0. Remember also the angle not just position
i-th point iteration
for simplicity let the points be called p1,p2,
compute d0=||pn-p1|-1.0|
rotate point pi left by some small da angle step
compute dl=||pn-p1|-1.0|
rotate point pi right by 2.0*da
compute dr=||pn-p1|-1.0|
rotate point pi to original position ... left by da
now chose direction closer to the solution (min dl,dr,d0) so:
if d0 is minimal do not change this point at all and stop
if dl is minimal then rotate left by da while dl is lowering
if dr is minimal then rotate right by da while dr is lowering
loop bullet #2 while the d=||pn-p0|-1.0| is lowering then change da to da*=0.1 and loop again. Stop if da step is too small or no change in d after loop iteration.
Booth solutions are not precise your distances will be very close to 1.0 but can be +/- some error dependent on the last da step size. If you rotate point pi then just add/sub angle to all pi,pi+1,pi+2, points
Edit: This is not an answer, closeness has not been taken into account.
It is known that Cos(Fi)^2 + Sin(Fi)^2 = 1 for any angle Fi
So you may use the next approach:
P[0].X = 0
P[0].Y = 0
for i = 1 .. N - 1:
RandomAngle = 2 * Pi * Random(0..1)
P[i].X = P[i-1].X + Cos(RandomAngle)
P[i].Y = P[i-1].Y + Sin(RandomAngle)

How do I QUICKLY find the closest intersection in 2D between a ray and m polylines?

How do I find the closest intersection in 2D between a ray:
x = x0 + t*cos(a), y = y0 + t*sin(a)
and m polylines:
{(x1,y1), (x2,y2), ..., (xn,yn)}
I started by looping trough all linesegments and for each linesegment;
{(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} solving:
x1 + u*(x2-x1) = x0 + t*cos(a)
y1 + u*(y2-y1) = y0 + t*sin(a)
by Cramer's rule, and afterward sorting the intersections on distance, but that was slow :-(
BTW: the polylines happens to be monotonically increasing in x.
Coordinate system transformation
I suggest you first transform your setup to something with easier coordinates:
Take your point p = (x, y).
Move it by (-x0, -y0) so that the ray now starts at the center.
Rotate it by -a so that the ray now lies on the x axis.
So far the above operations have cost you four additions and four multiplications per point:
ca = cos(a) # computed only once
sa = sin(a) # likewise
x' = x - x0
y' = y - y0
x'' = x'*ca + y'*sa
y'' = y'*ca - x'*sa
Checking for intersections
Now you know that a segment of the polyline will only intersect the ray if the sign of its y'' value changes, i.e. y1'' * y2'' < 0. You could even postpone the computation of the x'' values until after this check. Furthermore, the segment will only intersect the ray if the intersection of the segment with the x axis occurs for x > 0, which can only happen if either value is greater than zero, i.e. x1'' > 0 or x2'' > 0. If both x'' are greater than zero, then you know there is an intersection.
The following paragraph is kind of optional, don't worry if you don't understand it, there is an alternative noted later on.
If one x'' is positive but the other is negative, then you have to check further. Suppose that the sign of y'' changed from negative to positive, i.e. y1'' < 0 < y2''. The line from p1'' to p2'' will intersect the x axis at x > 0 if and only if the triangle formed by p1'', p2'' and the origin is oriented counter-clockwise. You can determine the orientation of that triangle by examining the sign of the determinant x1''*y2'' - x2''*y1'', it will be positive for a counter-clockwise triangle. If the direction of the sign change is different, the orientation has to be different as well. So to take this together, you can check whether
(x1'' * y2'' - x2'' * y1'') * y2'' > 0
If that is the case, then you have an intersection. Notice that there were no costly divisions involved so far.
Computing intersections
As you want to not only decide whether an intersection exists, but actually find a specific one, you now have to compute that intersection. Let's call it p3. It must satisfy the equations
(x2'' - x3'')/(y2'' - y3'') = (x1'' - x3'')/(y1'' - y3'') and
y3'' = 0
which results in
x3'' = (x1'' * y1'' - x2'' * y2'')/(y1'' - y2'')
Instead of the triangle orientation check from the previous paragraph, you could always compute this x3'' value and discard any results where it turns out to be negative. Less code, but more divisions. Benchmark if in doubt about performance.
To find the point closest to the origin of the ray, you take the result with minimal x3'' value, which you can then transform back into its original position:
x3 = x3''*ca + x0
y3 = x3''*sa + y0
There you are.
Note that all of the above assumed that all numbers were either positive or negative. If you have zeros, it depends on the exact interpretation of what you actually want to compute, how you want to handle these border cases.
To avoid checking intersection with all segments, some space partition is needed, like Quadtree, BSP tree. With space partition it is needed to check ray intersection with space partitions.
In this case, since points are sorted by x-coordinate, it is possible to make space partition with boxes (min x, min y)-(max x, max y) for parts of polyline. Root box is min-max of all points, and it is split in 2 boxes for first and second part of a polyline. Number of segments in parts is same or one box has one more segment. This box splitting is done recursively until only one segment is in a box.
To check ray intersection start with root box and check is it intersected with a ray, if it is than check 2 sub-boxes for an intersection and first test closer sub-box then farther sub-box.
Checking ray-box intersection is checking if ray is crossing axis aligned line between 2 positions. That is done for 4 box boundaries.

Best fit square to quadrilateral

I've got a shape consisting of four points, A, B, C and D, of which the only their position is known. The goal is to transform these points to have specific angles and offsets relative to each other.
For example: A(-1,-1) B(2,-1) C(1,1) D(-2,1), which should be transformed to a perfect square (all angles 90) with offsets between AB, BC, CD and AD all being 2. The result should be a square slightly rotated counter-clockwise.
What would be the most efficient way to do this?
I'm using this for a simple block simulation program.
As Mark alluded, we can use constrained optimization to find the side 2 square that minimizes the square of the distance to the corners of the original.
We need to minimize f = (a-A)^2 + (b-B)^2 + (c-C)^2 + (d-D)^2 (where the square is actually a dot product of the vector argument with itself) subject to some constraints.
Following the method of Lagrange multipliers, I chose the following distance constraints:
g1 = (a-b)^2 - 4
g2 = (c-b)^2 - 4
g3 = (d-c)^2 - 4
and the following angle constraints:
g4 = (b-a).(c-b)
g5 = (c-b).(d-c)
A quick napkin sketch should convince you that these constraints are sufficient.
We then want to minimize f subject to the g's all being zero.
The Lagrange function is:
L = f + Sum(i = 1 to 5, li gi)
where the lis are the Lagrange multipliers.
The gradient is non-linear, so we have to take a hessian and use multivariate Newton's method to iterate to a solution.
Here's the solution I got (red) for the data given (black):
This took 5 iterations, after which the L2 norm of the step was 6.5106e-9.
While Codie CodeMonkey's solution is a perfectly valid one (and a great use case for the Lagrangian Multipliers at that), I believe that it's worth mentioning that if the side length is not given this particular problem actually has a closed form solution.
We would like to minimise the distance between the corners of our fitted square and the ones of the given quadrilateral. This is equivalent to minimising the cost function:
f(x1,...,y4) = (x1-ax)^2+(y1-ay)^2 + (x2-bx)^2+(y2-by)^2 +
(x3-cx)^2+(y3-cy)^2 + (x4-dx)^2+(y4-dy)^2
Where Pi = (xi,yi) are the corners of the fitted square and A = (ax,ay) through D = (dx,dy) represent the given corners of the quadrilateral in clockwise order. Since we are fitting a square we have certain contraints regarding the positions of the four corners. Actually, if two opposite corners are given, they are enough to describe a unique square (save for the mirror image on the diagonal).
Parametrization of the points
This means that two opposite corners are enough to represent our target square. We can parametrise the two remaining corners using the components of the first two. In the above example we express P2 and P4 in terms of P1 = (x1,y1) and P3 = (x3,y3). If you need a visualisation of the geometrical intuition behind the parametrisation of a square you can play with the interactive version.
P2 = (x2,y2) = ( (x1+x3-y3+y1)/2 , (y1+y3-x1+x3)/2 )
P4 = (x4,y4) = ( (x1+x3+y3-y1)/2 , (y1+y3+x1-x3)/2 )
Substituting for x2,x4,y2,y4 means that f(x1,...,y4) can be rewritten to:
f(x1,x3,y1,y3) = (x1-ax)^2+(y1-ay)^2 + ((x1+x3-y3+y1)/2-bx)^2+((y1+y3-x1+x3)/2-by)^2 +
(x3-cx)^2+(y3-cy)^2 + ((x1+x3+y3-y1)/2-dx)^2+((y1+y3+x1-x3)/2-dy)^2
a function which only depends on x1,x3,y1,y3. To find the minimum of the resulting function we then set the partial derivatives of f(x1,x3,y1,y3) equal to zero. They are the following:
df/dx1 = 4x1-dy-dx+by-bx-2ax = 0 --> x1 = ( dy+dx-by+bx+2ax)/4
df/dx3 = 4x3+dy-dx-by-bx-2cx = 0 --> x3 = (-dy+dx+by+bx+2cx)/4
df/dy1 = 4y1-dy+dx-by-bx-2ay = 0 --> y1 = ( dy-dx+by+bx+2ay)/4
df/dy3 = 4y3-dy-dx-2cy-by+bx = 0 --> y3 = ( dy+dx+by-bx+2cy)/4
You may see where this is going, as simple rearrangment of the terms leads to the final solution.
Final solution
