How to submit xml data to a web site? - xpages

I am using a third party to process transactions. They have an api that says XML content should submitted via an HTTP POST variable named “XML”.
I know how to create the xml, but not sure how to post it to their site. They have a destination url. Can you tell me how to do the Post to their site?

You need to carefully check. Usually you just post XML to an URL. However in this case (indicated by the variable name) it seems that a (typically only used for html forms) form post is needed.
The easiest way is to create a html form with that one field, something like this:
<form method="post" action="http://their url" name="payload">
<input type="hidden" id="XML" name="XML" />
Then you can fill the field with your XML and do a payload.submit()
Let us know how it goes


JMeter Office360 online : JavaScript required to sign in error while authorization

When I try to login on sharepoint360 online site using JMeter, it gives JavaScript required to sign in error in response. I got below code in response.
<noscript>JavaScript required to sign in</noscript>
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnBack() {}
function DoSubmit() {
var subt = false;
if (!subt) {
subt = true;
<body onload="javascript:DoSubmit();">
<form name="fmHF" id="fmHF" action="" method="post" target="_self">
<input type="hidden" name="t" id="t" value="EgBZAgMAAAAEgAAAAwABJaEZDRmSdbQKqL6rJyYKAN1Z0valM74LOhnXMHkbILiqeyEyWkHmbZ3hVG8XvpXOVLvlnylOzhJx8KQgSsuO0d6P2quRRU168QMumuqH/qvLVkpZ5mPiBDDyI8l1z+E4++pxZ3H37uIevfjckj40rTlGYJ85aT0/nxcqDxlL6pxKStDm9GKNI81ypsDKv7dMEqg9lRDjJO5qmNEDiCP8jPB3WWke5pVqcn6c1MbnbHzKU2uHzekZqjxAflfvWu5LS9R+N6jciFZvicn8P0EV0LZHqmjXgUsoVMdn9gGemJYnQCoIbkk7Oo9DPaqXRsxApY5sqCwotEJvZ45AaBNAQkgBYABIAQAAAxBYNSeVFbxuVhW8blZOoQcACgAgAAAhAGtrQHNmd3Byb2R1Y3RkZXYub25taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tAGMAAC1rayVzZndwcm9kdWN0ZGV2Lm9ubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbUBwYXNzcG9ydC5jb20AAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB0t1bGRlZXAABUt1bWFyAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAD//////////wAAFbxuVpUsb1YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANADEyMy42My42NS42NgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAQAAAQAAAQAAAADU1N9WAQAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANwBodHRwczovL3BvcnRhbC5taWNyb3NvZnRvbmxpbmUuY29tL0NoYW5nZVBhc3N3b3JkLmFzcHgA/////wAAAAAAAA==">
Thanks in advance.
As per Apache JMeter Homepage
JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does
You need to extract the "value" attribute of that "t" hidden input and pass it along with other request parameters. I would recommend using CSS/JQuery Extractor or XPath Extractor for this.
Relevant configurations:
CSS/JQuery Extractor
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. t
CSS/JQuery Expression: input[id=t]
Attribute: value
XPath Extractor
Use Tidy - check. If response is XHTML compliant it is not required however.
Reference Name: again, any JMeter Variable name, i.e. t
XPath Expression: //input[#id='t']/#value
Refer the extracted value as ${t} where required
Handle any other dynamic parameters similarly and you should be good to go. JMeter doesn't execute JavaScript but it can capture and execute JavaScript-driven HTTP requests. Given you perform load testing you shouldn't worry about what is happened in browser as JavaScript is being executed on client side only. See ASP.NET Login Testing with JMeter article for more detailed explanation and instructions.
Looking at how sharepoint authentication works, I believe you need to implement authentication using HTTP Request, instead of using login page, as explained here. Basically you will need 2 HTTP requests: first to extract the SAML token, and second to receive authentication cookies, which you can then use in the following HTTP requests, as you normally do.

Faces in ADF can't get the request parameters

I have an ADF web application with Faces 1.2
In my managed bean I am trying to access the parameters of the post request, but always getting null.
This is my post form that I am posting to the Faces:
<form name="input" action="http://127.0.01:7072/myapplication/faces/login.jspx" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="user" id="user" value="myUserName"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
But I always get null and the method of the form I get is: GET, strange!
when you make a request for a URL like:
ADF framework respone you by a "HTTP Error 302 Moved temporarily" response and redirect you to the URL like :
so your first POST request is omit and browser send an other request to the new URL that ADF returned in response, so because POST method send parameter in the request body the browser dont resend them in new Get request
so i think there is no way for you to get parameters direcly in side the ADF page ! :(
but i think the best way is to create a Servlet and get you param in it and put them to session and then redirect the user from servlet to your ADF page :)
I managed reading the request parameters through including my parsing operations in the filter mappings that my application was using.
In a very abnormal way FacesContext always rejected revealing the current parameters, till now it's a mystery for me why it's designed liked that, even through its external context ...

Post Form Form Theme to Custom Controller in Orchard CMS

How to Post Form in View Folder of my Custom Theme .The Senerio is I want to Post my Custom Form data.the form is in footer view of my Custom Theme ..So i had to post the data to Controller then save it into db but my question is how to Post Form data form theme view to my controller .The Controller resides in my Custom Module
In Orchard, there is a default route that uses the module name as the area. So you should be able to post to your custom controller using a url like this: /ModuleName/ControllerName/Method
So without using the html form helpers, it would be something like this...
<form action='/ModuleName/ControllerName/Action' method='POST'>
<input name="someValue" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

How to programmatically send POST request to JSF page without using HTML form?

I have very simple JSF bean like shown below:
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
public class Sample {
public static final String NAME="df";
private String text = "text-test";
public void sampleM(){
System.out.println("Test: "+text);
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
And JSF form connected with this component:
<h:form id="sampleForm">
<h:commandButton id="sampleButton" action="#{df.sampleM()}" value="ok" />
Now, I would like to programmatically send POST request to this form.
According to my investigation the key here are POST parameters.
Selected properly gives proper results (String 'Test: text-test' is printed on serwer's console).
So the question is: How should I select POST data that was correct?
JSF form shown above produces this HTML form:
<form id="sampleForm" name="sampleForm" method="post" action="/pages/main/main.smnet" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input type="hidden" name="sampleForm" value="sampleForm" />
<input id="sampleForm:sampleButton" type="submit" name="sampleForm:sampleButton" value="ok" />
<input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" id="javax.faces.ViewState" value="j_id65" autocomplete="off" />
So these parameters are corrent.
But how can I find out what parameters (name and value) will be sufficient for any other component?
For example: when I send POST data the same like in shown HTML form but with different 'javax.faces.ViewState' parameter value, component method will not be executed.
I understand that you're basically asking how to submit a JSF form programmatically using some HTTP client such as or Apache HttpComponents Client, right?
You need to send a GET request first and make sure that you maintain the same HTTP session (basically, the JSESSIONID cookie) across requests. Let your HTTP client extract the Set-Cookie header from the response of the first GET request, obtain the JSESSIONID cookie from it and send it back as Cookie header of subsequent POST requests. This will maintain the HTTP session in the server side, otherwise JSF will treat it as a "View Expired" which may return either on a decently configured JSF web application a HTTP 500 error page with ViewExpiredException, or on a badly configured JSF web application behave as a page refresh.
As part of JSF's stateful nature and implied CSRF attack prevention, the forms must be submitted with a valid javax.faces.ViewState value as the client has retrieved itself on the initial GET request. You also need to make sure that you send the name=value pair of all other hidden fields and particularly the one of the submit button along as well.
So, if your initial GET request gives you this HTML back
<form id="sampleForm" name="sampleForm" method="post" action="/pages/main/main.smnet" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input type="hidden" name="sampleForm" value="sampleForm" />
<input id="sampleForm:sampleButton" type="submit" name="sampleForm:sampleButton" value="ok" />
<input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" id="javax.faces.ViewState" value="j_id65" autocomplete="off" />
then you need to parse it (Jsoup may be helpful in this) and extract the following request parameters:
Finally send a POST request on /pages/main/main.smnet with exactly those request parameters (and the JSESSIONID cookie!). Be careful though, it's possible that a (poor) JSF developer has skipped e.g. id="sampleButton" from the <h:commandButton> and then JSF would autogenerate one which looks like in this format sampleForm:j_id42. You can't hardcode them as the value may change depending on the component's position in the server side tree and you would then really need to parse it out the obtained HTML.
Nonetheless, it's wise to contact the site owner/admin and ask if there isn't a web service API available for the task you had in mind. A decent Java EE website which uses a JSF application for a HTML frontend usually also uses a separate JAX-RS application for a REST frontend. It is much more easy and reliable to extract information via such a web service API than by scraping a HTML document.
See also:
How can i programmatically upload a file to a website? (this also concerns JSF)
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests

Sharepoint webpart upload file whitout using "runat server"

For uploading a file in sharepoint I use a webpart and an automatically generated form.
the tag for the upload file:
<input type="file" id="uploadfile" name="uploadfile" />
When I try to pick it up after posting, the file isn't accessible with the Request.Files attribute (Request.Files["uploadfile"]). (Request.Files looks like null on sharepoint)
Is there a solution in sharepoint without using the "runat=server" on the input tag?
To upload files to sharepoint you need to set enctype (enctype="multipart/form-data") on the form tag. Sharepoint doesn't add it when you use .
When using non ASP.NET controls, you can use 'this.Page.Form.Enctype = "multipart/form-data";' On Page_Load to add the enctype.
Is there a reason why you can't just use the ASP.NET FileUpload control? This will do all the hard work for you.
You can access a stream for the file via the FileContent property or as an array of bytes via the FileBytes property. Its filename is available via the FileName property.
