Repeating block in Twig - twig

Is there anyway to repeat one block in twig like this:
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} | MyBusiness</title>
<meta name="title" content="{% block title %}{% endblock %} | MyBusiness"/>
In order to only declare the two blocks once? Like that:
{% block title %}
The title I want to show in each title and metaTitle tags.{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

You can use an already defined block by writing {{ block('blockName') }}. So for your example you would do it like this:
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} | MyBusiness</title>
<meta name="title" content="{{ block('title') }} | MyBusiness"/>
See the documentation which points out nearly exact the same example


How to render HTML to a variable

I need to render a list of HTML elements with content and put it into a variable. How can I do this efficient in twig?
e.g. I need to render the post tracking URLs from an order which can have several shippings / parcels.
{% for delivery in order.deliveries %}
{% for trackingCode in delivery.getTrackingCodes() %}
{{ trackingCode }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Instead of printing this directly into the output I like first to put this rendered output into a variable like
{% set output = ... %}
{{ output }}
How can I do this in twig?
Just the concatenate the html to the output variable. Keep in mind you'll need to define to the variable outside the for-loop in order to use it outside the loop.
{% set foo = '' %}
{% for i in 1..10 %}
{% set foo = foo ~ ''~i~'' %}
{% endfor %}
{{ foo|raw }}
After long search I found a better more efficient way
you can use {% set var %} with {% endset %} as a whole output block. Means the whole output will be set to the variable. This makes the life much easier and readable.
{% set trackingText %}
{% for delivery in order.deliveries %}
{% for trackingCode in delivery.getTrackingCodes() %}
{{ trackingCode }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% if trackingText|trim is not empty %}
You can track the delivery by using the following URL:<br/>
{{ trackingText }}
{% endif %}

Just a regular block reuse with Twig - how to?

Imagine we have a block template which we want to use many times on a page. And every time we need to do three things:
set a class on the top level
set a title
add some content
How to achieve this on Twig?
I know about macro, but it doesn't take content.
I know about block, but it doesn't take parameters.
So... how to do this in a normal way?
Since I don't know how, I'll use an imaginary constructs 'blockdef' and 'blockuse' later on to demonstrate the task (which is absolutely ordinary).
So let's say we have this cute Twig block template:
{% blockdef myblock(class, title) %}
<div class="block {{class}}">
<div class="inner">
<div class="title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="content">{{content}}</div>
{% endgoodblock %}
And want to use it like this:
{% blockuse myblock('c1', 'Title1' %}
<p>Block 1 content</p>
{% endblockuse %}
{% blockuse myblock('c2', 'Title2' %}
<p>Block 2 content</p>
{% endblockuse %}
{% blockuse myblock('c3', 'Title3' %}
<p>Block 3 content</p>
{% endblockuse %}
Is there anything like this?
UPDATE. For example, this is how it's solved on Jade:
mixin myblock(cls, title)
.title= title
+myblock('c1', 'Title1')
p Block 1 content
+myblock('c2', 'Title2')
p Block 2 content
+myblock('c3', 'Title3')
p Block 3 content
You could use include with:
{% include 'template.html' with {'class': 'class', 'title': 'title', 'content: 'content'} %}

How to chop inside a for-loop in Twig

This is a refactoring question. The code works as is, I'm just not happy with it in an aesthetical sense.
I would like to know if the conditional inside the loop can be written in a shorter, more readable way or maybe can be stripped away?
{% set i = 0 %}
{% for element in list %}
{% if loop.first %}<div class="row">{% endif %} {# open first row #}
{% if i > 2 %} {# new row every 3 elements #}
{% set i = 0 %}
<div class="row">
<img src="{{ element.url }}">
{% else %}
{% set i = i+1 %}
<img src="{{ element.url }}">
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last %}</div>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
As user DarkBee said, have a look into batch.
{% for element in list|batch(3) %}
{% endfor %}
Just to have an example on this page.

Use loop.index as part of template name to include with Twig?

I have an array of 3 items so in the following I'm including sub-component.twig 3 times:
{% for i in array %}
<div class="my-class">
{% include "sub-component.twig" %}
{% endfor %}
However I actually have 3 slightly different templates and I would like to load a different one for each iteration over the array:
When I print loop.index in the template the result is "1", "2" and "3". Can I therefore use the index to form the template name?
{% for i in array %}
<div class="my-class">
{{ loop.index }}
{% include ["sub-component-" ~ loop.index ~ ".twig"] %}
Possibly because I'm using gulp twig I had to break things out into variables for this to work.
{% for i in array %}
<div class="my-class">
{% set sub-component_1 = "sub-component-" %}
{% set sub-component_2 = loop.index %}
{% set sub-component_3 = ".twig" %}
{% set sub-component_full = sub-component_1 ~ sub-component_2 ~ sub-component_3 %}
{% include sub-component_full %}
{% endfor %}

How to combine two string in twig?

I want to do something like this:
{% set c=a+b %}
Where a and b are strings.
How can I do it?
The way to do it is:
{% set c = a ~ b %}
Use the "~" operator. This will concatenate your two strings. The "+" operator cannot be used to combine strings.
You would get this:
{% set c=a~b %}
More info:
The "+" operator: Adds two objects together (the operands are casted to numbers).
You can use:
{{ "Hello " ~ name ~ "!" }}
A clearer example for the {% block page %}...{% endblock %}:
{% block page %}
{% set page = page | merge({
"title" : branchName,
"description" : "This description has "~branchName~" as its title"
}) %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
A clearer example for the {% block content %}...{% endblock %}:
{% block content %}
This is just a sample string for {{ branchName }} that needs no concatenation
{% endblock %}
