NSIS inetc download file with /CAPTION and /SILENT - nsis

I wonder if is there anyway to use Inetc plugin to download file with /SILENT & /CAPTION attribute?
I dont want to show the progressbar / download status but I want to put caption to let the user know that right now the installation is downloading file..


inno setup doesn't decompress each .bin file

I downloaded an iso which contains the files
It fails to install by executing the setup.exe so I analyzed it with innoextract, which opens just setup-1.bin but not setup-2.bin. Can I manually decompress the .bin files or modify the setup.exe? If yes, how can I do that?
I think the second bin file is just corrupted, so i'm unable to extract it.
That is the reason why Inno Setup cannot continue in installation.
I think this is an answer - you simply need to download the installer again.

Customize or remove NSIS uninstaller prompt

Is there a way to customize (call a custom plugin) or even completely remove the NSIS uninstaller prompt Would you like to proceed with uninstall? by adding a directive or any other piece of magic to the NSIS script?
I have also tried passing either of the /q or /s to the uninstall.exe with no effect.
This is not a normal NSIS message, did you use a generator or template to create your script?
You should be able to find the MessageBox in your script source and remove it (Or set a default for silent mode)

How can a zip-file via NSIS be unzipped and the NSIS-scriptfile into folder be executed automatically?

I am writting a NSIS-script for installs of the programs and put into folder. The folder is zipped via NSIS. I want, that someone clicks once the zip-file and it will be unzipped and executed the NSIS-script into folder. But how?
Update: I explain again. NSIS has the compiler for NSIS script and Installer based on ZIP! Firstly, I write a NSIS script to install some programs in a folder. Executing the NSIS script is working! I dont want to send the folder, but I want to send only one file. So I am using the Installer based on ZIP to zip the folder. But if I click the zipped file, it will be unzipped on desktop without executing the NSIS script into folder. So I have to click the NSIS script into folder. That I dont want! I want to click only on zipped file and it will be unzipped and executed automatically the NSIS script. Clearly?
.zip files cannot execute code.
NOTE: The ZIP2EXE NSIS tool uses makensis internally, it is just a helper application that creates simple installers.
Your question is confusing, but I believe that what you want to do is create a self extracting archive that contains multiple files and run and NSIS installer contained in that archive it is unpacked.
You can do this with 7zip.
It's easiest to do this with a dos batch file. Open notepad and create "selfinstall.bat"
Add the following;
ECHO ;!#Install#!UTF-8!
ECHO Title="My Installer"
ECHO BeginPrompt="Do you want to run the installer?"
ECHO ExecuteFile="Setup.exe"
ECHO ;!#InstallEnd#!
) > temp.$$$
This sets up the information that the self extracter needs such as it's title (My Installer) and the name of the executable to run (Setup.exe)
Then, add the lines to create your zip file
7z a -r files.7z myfolder
where myfolder is the name of the folder that has all the files.
Now, add the installer - Make sure that the installer (Setup.exe) is in the root of the .7z file
7z a files.7z Setup.exe
Then, copy the self extracter and the 7z to a single executable file
copy /b 7z.sfx + temp.$$$ + files.7z "Install.exe"
Then delete your temp files
del files.7z
del temp.$$$
I adapted this from a script I saw here; http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=18845
For more information on the .SFX modules see here; http://7zsfx.info/en/
There's also a sourceforge project for a GUI to accomplish this; http://sourceforge.net/projects/sfx-maker/

Not able to Delete file using NSIS

I have a question related to NSIS.
I have an installer created by NSIS in ("c:/Installer/Installer.exe" folder).
When I run the installer it creates a log file("c:/Installer/installlog.txt") in the installation folder. After I successfully run Installer.exe I want only the installlog.txt to be deleted from "c:/Installer" .
I have the following function
Function .onInstSuccess
call cleanUp
ifSilent 0 +2
${LogText} "INFO :: Application has been installed"
CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\${INSTALL_LOG}" "$Dir\LogFiles\"
IfFileExists "$Dir\LogFiles\{INSTALL_LOG}" DoNothing CopyAgain
CopyFiles "$DIR\${INSTALL_LOG}" "$Dir\LogFiles\"
Delete "$DIR\${INSTALL_LOG}"
goto DoNothing
SetOutPath $EXEDIR
Delete "$EXEDIR\*.log" ;....................**but the file does not get deleted**
can some one please tell me how can I make this work.
I need to fix this as soon as possible, help on this is greatly appreciated
I assume you are using these logging macros. You should call ${LogSetOff} after the last call to ${LogText} so the file handle is closed, you should then be able to delete the file.
Also, using Delete "$EXEDIR\*.log" is not a good idea, you already know the filename...

Is it possible to package an exe into an NSIS generated installer which runs first?

Is it possible to generate an NSIS installer (using a .nsi) which packages an exe (let's say foobar.exe) which is then run before the installer actually installs the program as normal? I assume it'd have to extract the exe to a temp dir before running it, which is fine. It must be run before the main install however.
File "/oname=$pluginsdir\myapp.exe" "c:\build\myapp.exe"
ExecWait '"$pluginsdir\myapp.exe"'
Delete "$pluginsdir\myapp.exe" ;delete is optional, $pluginsdir is auto-deleted when installer quits
Put before other code in your first section or in .onInit (Depending on what myapp.exe does etc)
