Object Initializer Formatting - resharper

Which setting(s) in Resharper 8 are reformatting my object initializer like this? (i.e. with the comma on it's own line).
var snowDepthProcessor = new DataProcessor<SnowDepthModel>
Name = "Snow Depth"
DataRetriever = snowReportRetriever
Parser = new SnowDepthParser()
I've tried every combination of settings I can find/think of; I do want the lines chopped but I don't want the comma to be on its own line.

I share your pain. I've to admit my solution is just partial because it needs change style from what you'd like to use to
List<string> demo = new List<string>
Then formatting is not changed. I'd also much rather use syntax you've described so I've created R# ticket https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-453704 but until it's resolved this is only way how suppress that (it behave in same way even in latest R#10)
EDIT: Good news. Seems to be fixed since R# 2017.1


Jetpack Compose - trying to mimic Intellij's code design into a Text block

I have a UI that I am creating that replicated Android Studio's (IntelliJ) design system for text as code. What I am trying to achieve is a text that changes it's color multiple times when certain words or patterns happen, such as Kotlin keywords (orange text), extension methods(yellowish text) and variables (purple text).
What do I mean? the following functions text design is what I want to achieve, and they are examples of using all 3 colors -
So I tried to implement it using a buildAnnotatedString { } block and things got A) very messy and B) didn't even reach my goal. Here is my current code of trying to implement keywords and extensions -
// A dummy function that represents only the text part of my entire screen, everything else is irrelevant for the question
fun TextAsIntellij(solution : String) {
Text(text = buildAnnotatedString {
val kotlinKeywords = mutableListOf("fun", "val", "var", "if", "return", "null", ",", "class", "while", "break", "continue")
val kotlinExtensions = mutableListOf("forEachIndexed") // will add more as needed
solution.split(" ", ".").forEach { string ->
if (kotlinKeywords.contains(string)) {
style = SpanStyle(
color = Orange
) {
append(' ')
} else if (kotlinExtensions.contains(string)) {
style = SpanStyle(
color = Yellow
) {
append(" ")
append(' ')
The results in the UI are the following -
As you can see, in the first question I have a problem that before an extension I put a redundant space because I used split() method to identify all words by spaces and dots. For the 2nd picture, I don't yet have a proper solution for identifying varibles from an "object", because I have already split my String using spaces and dots, so diving deeper into another split would make my code really inefficient and I though better can be done. 😁
Hopefully someone has a good idea...any Jetbrains spy in the crowd? ;)

How can I emphasize an impex macro if it is part of a string?

How can I emphasize an impex macro if it is part of a string?
We can do something like this:
... and $contentCatalog will return "alphaContentCatalog".
Can I make the macro more explicit with something like:
... so that I can immediately see that the macro is $prefix? Is there a syntax for this? (NOTE: The curly brace is just an example. This syntax/symbol doesn't exist for this purpose)
Another example: If I have something like below, it becomes confusing:
But it can be easier to understand if it can be written as:
Hhmmm, unfortunately I don't think there is anything for this. I only see some workarounds like special naming for macro variables:
there is an alternate way to customize the micro via injecting property in local.properties and using ConfigPropertyImportProcessor.
UPDATE GenericItem[processor = de.hybris.platform.commerceservices.impex.impl.ConfigPropertyImportProcessor]; pk[unique = true]
$contentCatalog = $config-ly.br.content.catalog
$contentCV = catalogVersion(CatalogVersion.catalog(Catalog.id[default = $contentCatalog]), CatalogVersion.version[default = Staged])[default = $contentCatalog:Staged]
and entries should be added in local.properties.
Note:This is useful when we have multi-country.

UITextView: how to set the AttributedText with an empty String?

I have an UItextView and i set the AttributedText at the starting of the app so with en empty text because user didn't yet fill anything. The problem is that with an empty String the AttributedText seam to not apply for the new text i will enter. how to do ?
As far as I know there is no straight solution for that. Setting AttributedText with "" doesn't work.
However you can do easy fix:
if let text = field.attributedText?.string {
//normal way
} else {
field.font = ...
field.fontColor = ...
//sorry, no shadow and other nice tricks
Of course you could implement delegate to text field and adjust attributes when textFieldDidChange, but that doesn't work well with typing in Chinese language where letter can be composed from multiple characters so I couldn't use that.

Playn text wrapping and style issue

As in Effect.shadow() is deprecated in PlayN1.3.So i had something like this before :
TextFormat textFormat = new TextFormat(myFont, textWidth, Alignment.LEFT, colorCode, Effect.shadow(-16777216, shadowX, shadowY));
So i changed it to this :
TextFormat textFormat = new TextFormat();
textFormat.withWrapping(textWidth, Alignment.LEFT);
I dont want shadow now.It's ok but i did not get previous like result.Hold on.dont think now.Then i changed this code to this:
TextFormat textFormat = new TextFormat().withFont(myFont).withWrapping(textWidth, Alignment.LEFT);
It gives me result as previous except shadow which i dont care now.If i am not wrong this is one line representation of above code.Is not it?
So why it worked and above code did not.Any conceptual difference is there? Anyone can explain please!
//note: dont worry about variables(textWidth,myFont)they are nothing to do with this.
TextFormat objects are immutable. When you call textFormat.withFont(myFont) that returns a new TextFormat instance, which the code above is throwing away. If you want the first code to work you need to write it like this:
TextFormat format = new TextFormat();
format = format.withFont(myFont);
format = format.withWrapping(textWidth, Alignment.LEFT);

IndexOf bug when string contains 'AA'

I've run into a strange problem. I have a string with a value containing 'AA'.
I'm trying to find IndexOf the first accouring A. When I ask if the string Contains("A") it returns true. When using IndexOf("A") I keeps getting the default value -1! (se the picture below)
So far i tested there is only a problem with 'A' and 'a'.
When putting 3 a's in the string I get the index of number 3, as if the first two doesn't exsist.
When adding an extra a to the string, I get the default value -1 again.
I don't know what is causing this, I have a suspision that it's somehow connected to some langauge setting. I'm from denmark, and the use of the letters aa is a synonym for å.
Have anyone else experinced a simular problem or have a suggestion how to avoid it?
System information:
Windows 7 Ultimate (English)
Visual Studio 10 Premium
'aa' is handled as an entity if the culture is da-DK. The question is sort of a duplicate, see String StartsWith() issue with Danish text.
Hmmm I have tried the same now. It works...
static void XYZ()
string a = "aaa";
string b = "AAA";
But wouldn't it be the best to seach for a "aa" and "AA"? I can speak danish and I know that there are single a's too ;-)
