install and execute cocos2dx project on windows 8 - visual-studio-2012

I am making a small basic game for multiple mobile platforms using cocos 2dx, I have done all the coding in c++ on xcode and the project is running fine for iOS and android.
But when porting to windows phone I am facing a lot of hurdles. I am using cocos2dx 2.1.3 on visual studio 2012 express on 64 bit windows 8 with windows 8 phone SDK.
Firstly i don't get templates for cocos2dx, then there is no option to run the project in simulator or device. I have been digging the internet alot for this and have found some tutorials but all of them have one or the other limitations.
can somebody guide me with this windows part or a totally new way round to implement cocos2dx on multiple platforms ?

Option 1
Your going to have to open a new Direct3D project and follow the directions from here
Option 2
There are a couple build scripts available to generate project types for all platforms in python, as seen here.
(this works with 2.1.2 or later)
Option 3
Newer versions of cocos2d-x have build scripts for all platforms that come with the latest git repos. Not sure if there are a lot of breaking changes but the newer versions also have build projects.(build-win32.bat)
About the project template.
The templates for windows 8, at least in the last stable release I looked at a month ago, still had some issues with the html in the c++ project wizard but, the current development branch should have that fixed for the windows 8 visual studio browser. If they haven't then there are a couple of html meta-data tags that will need to be removed as they are depreciated in order for the project wizard to be usable.


Does MtouchSdkVersion setting affect what version of iOS we can run on?

When deploying an existing Xamarin forms proj from Visual Studio I was getting errors like "Failed to load AOT module ‘System.Net.Http’ while running in aot-only mode". This had worked in the past, it seemed Xcode had recently updated before I hit the problem. I found I was able to get the project deploying by changing the csproj entry 10.0 to 10.3. It looks like I could change this setting and everyone would be ok if they also had updated xcode.
My concern is: Does this change what versions of iOS the application can support? Would it have any other surprises when deployed to the apple store?
One thing I don't understand is I am the only person seeing this issue. Another developer is able to deploy to an iOS device (iPad instead of an iPhone) that also has the latest version of iOS without problems. Running “xcodebuild -version” shows we have the same version of xcode installed (8.3.1) and running “xcodebuild -showsdks” shows we have the same iOS sdk available (iOS 10.3).
There is some good documentation on the iOS SDK version:
You can build against a higher version of the SDK and run against lower versions of iOS.
Building against different versions of the iOS SDK can cause differences in behavior, these may show as regressions in your application.

Compilation of Release configuration fails (ILT0005)

I've updated Visual Studio 2015 to Update 2 recently. Since then, I'm not able to compile my already published app anymore. Even a new blank UWP project does not compile. I get the following error message:
ILT0005: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.NetNative\x86\ilc\Tools\nutc_driver.exe #"C:\Users\locked\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\App1\App1\obj\x86\Release\ilc\intermediate\MDIL\App1.rsp"" Exitcode -1073740791
I completely uninstalled all Visual Studio relevant components and reinstalled them, which didn't solve the problem. Unfortunately, I'm not able to update my app at the moment.
I'm running Windows 10 Build 10586.218
It is a bug in .NET Native compiler, affecting German localization only (based on our current knowledge). We are looking into solutions (a fix with reasonable shipping vehicle, or better workaround). Stay tuned.
[Update] The fix shipped on 6th May as "Universal Windows App Development Tools - Tools (1.3.2)". Go to Control Panel - Programs - Programs and Features - Visual Studio ... - Modify, check Tools (1.3.2), then click Update. All languages now work (German, French, Italian, etc.).
-Karel Zikmund
(.NET Native team)
i had exactly this issue on french platform and found this solution :
compilation is ok after moved all ressources files nutcui.dll

Developing applications for Windows Embedded Compact 2013

Today I stumbled over the Application Builder for CE 2013 in Microsoft's download center. As of the description, with this pack I should be able to develop apps that target Windows Embedded Compact 2013 with Visual Studio 2012.
After downloading and installing the Application Builder I found the new framework assemblies in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\WindowsEmbeddedCompact\v3.9, but there are no project templates targeting Embedded Compact 2013 in Visual Studio 2012.
I tried to create a blank WinForms or WPF project and to retarget it to 3.9, but that doesn't seem to be possible as well. There are no online templates that could be installed.
How do I create a CF 3.9 application using Visual Studio 2012?
All I can do here is sigh. Here's the state of things as of this writing (Mid May, 2013) and it could change in the coming weeks and/or months.
The Application Builder does not ship with device templates. Templates, instead, are shipped with the device SDK. Yes, this is different than in the past. It means that to do any device development, you'll need an SDK.
Windows Embedded Compact 2013 is currently not publicly available, so no one can currently ship an SDK. The net effect of this is that, for now, for the general public, the Application Builder install is completely useless.
Once WEC 2013 is public, I don't believe Microsoft will be shipping any "generic" SDKs. I very likely will. Once we have SDKs in the wild, you'll have templates and be able to build projects.
I also downloaded the Application Builder, and found it quite useless, hey where are the compact project templates! (thanks for the confirmation ctacke) after reading this today and discovering the .net assembly folder posted by Gene, I figured I at least try to use the object browser - and found you can browse the objects by using the Windows Embedded Compact 3.9 filter - figure others might want to at least look at what's new like I am attempting to do..
It is possible to create new SDKs from OS Design projects.
Create one from CEPC.

Building on Windows XP, when development is on VS2012?

We're planning moving from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2012 (Visual-C++-11).
(We would very much like to skip 2010 if we can help it, since the newer version is already there and offers a better C++ experience.)
But we've hit a little roadblock:
Our build servers still run Windows 2003r2 (all inside dedicated virtual machines), and due to messy tool support/issues, we're in no position to upgrade the build servers to a newer OS.
Developers mostly have switched to Windows7 by now, so moving the remaining Windows XP developer boxes shouldn't pose a problem.
Since VS2012 only runs on Win7 we are wondering whether we can leverage it's tools (C++ compiler, C#) and still do a full equivalent build on the W2k3 build server - after all, we don't really need a VS GUI there, just build C++ and C# projects from VS2012.
What are our options?
Will the SDK (7.1? 8?) compilers + msbuild command line get me anywhere?
In Project Property Pages, there an option "Platform Toolset" that allow you to choose compatibility of your project. So, you can work in VS2012, but built it with "VS2008 compiler"
Here is what we do:
Use CMake
CMake allows you to create build systems for your operating system. Thus we are able to use the same code within VS2005, VS2010 and Eclipse, XCode etc.
You could do something similar: Install VS2005 on your old machines and let CMake create the projects for you from the sources. On your newer machines you can use CMake to generate VS2012 Solutions (I don't know if they have 2012 support yet, because we don't use 2012 yet too).
A big pro here is: If you plan to migrate to any other IDE or even Linux you just can re-run CMake and get your source code within these environment easily compilable.
A big con: You have to start reading about CMake and create CMakeLists.txt for all your projects (might be a lot of work depending on the amount of projects, amount of source code files within each project, specific compiler options, linker options etc.)
Our build servers still run Windows 2003r2 (all inside dedicated
virtual machines), and due to messy tool support/issues, we're in no
position to upgrade the build servers to a newer OS.
Well. Not much came out of this question. We recently re-evaluated this issue, and I see two options (I haven't tried any yet):
Just do a full VS installation on a supported OS (Win7), zip up the whole VS+WinSDK directories (as well as the neccesary runtme DLLs that live somewhere under %WINDR%), and try if you can get that thing working on an XP based OS. Might work. Not a great idea if you ask me.
Split up the build process to distribute the build across several OS, so that we can work with tools that are only supported on one of them. -- This actually sounds more complicated than it'll be. We already run our build spread over several Jenkins jobs, so I should be able to get that to work. (And all build nodes are already VMs anyway, so adding more VMs isn't that much of an issue.)

Designer collaboration with RTC

I'm a designer working in a software development shop that uses Rational Team Concert. Back when we were using SubVersion, I could use Dreamweaver to make my CSS edits and everything played nice.
I'm doing fine with Visual Studio's RTC client for our .NET projects, but I'm at a loss on how to effectively collaborate on our Java projects. There doesn't seem to be an RTC client for Dreamweaver and I'm beating my head against a wall trying to get MyEclipse to play nice.
How do your designers/developers collaborate in RTC?
Thank you in advance.
Regarding MyEclipse, check on which version of Eclipse it is based on:
the latest MyEclipse10 is based on Indigo (Eclipse 3.7).
but this thread mentions that "RTC 3.0.1 supports Eclipse SDK 3.5.2, 3.6 and 3.6.1"
So depending the version of MyEclipse you choose, you might have some issue making the integration of RTC works properly in it.
Another solution would be to choose an Eclipse distro with WST (web standard tools) in it, and browse the WTP (Web Tools Platform) project to make sure the CSS editor is added to your chosen Eclipse package.
And then, install the RTC plugin in it.
You should install RTC into MyEclipse. You can do that by grabbing the p2 download from the download page, then opening Help->"Install New Software..." and adding the zip file as a repository.
Starting with RTC 4.0 there will be integration with the Windows shell, so your life should get much easier.
