Manipulating a disabled attribute in client side; does JSF test properly if component is disabled? - security

Primefaces 3.5.10, Mojarra 2.1.21, Omnifaces 1.5
I am thinking about security issues.
I set the component attribute with the component.getAttributes() method. This method returns a HashMap with attributes. Is it safe to set the ("disabled", true)-pair in this map to disable the component (for example p:inputText-component)? I use it from an actionListener, (Phase 5 or 4) of jsf pipeline. So possibly it has implications for render phase only. But I could manipulate the disabled attribute from input method on the client and then post the manipulated values. Does the server make test if the component is disabled and rejects the changes ?
What is the best way to go ?
all components in panelGrid will be disabled:
<p:input value=#{mybean.value} />
for (UIComponent component : l) {
component.getAttributes().put("disabled", true);

But I could manipulate the disabled attribute from input method on the client and then post the manipulated values.
Yes, the enduser could.
Does the server make test if the component is disabled and rejects the changes ?
Yes, JSF does it based on component tree state, not on the submitted value. So that part is safe. It does that by the way also for readonly and rendered attribtues.
See also:
Why JSF saves the state of UI components on server?
Which properties in a JSF backing bean can be set by a user?
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated (point 5)


Will JSF binding cause memory leak and causing thousands of UI components in HTTP Session [duplicate]

There are lot of materials out there differentiating value attribute and binding attribute in JSF.
I'm interested in how both approaches differ from each other. Given:
public class User {
private String name;
private UICommand link;
// Getters and setters omitted.
<h:commandLink binding="#{}" value="#{}" />
It is pretty straight forward what happens when a value attribute is specified. The getter runs to return the name property value of the User bean. The value is printed to HTML output.
But I couldn't understand how binding works. How does the generated HTML maintain a binding with the link property of the User bean?
Below is the relevant part of the generated output after manual beautification and commenting (note that the id j_id_jsp_1847466274_1 was auto-generated and that there are two hidden input widgets).
I'm using Sun's JSF RI, version 1.2.
<form action="/TestJSF/main.jsf" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
id="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" method="post" name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
<input name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" type="hidden" value="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
<input autocomplete="off" id="javax.faces.ViewState" name="javax.faces.ViewState"
type="hidden" value="-908991273579182886:-7278326187282654551">
Where is the binding stored here?
How does it work?
When a JSF view (Facelets/JSP file) get built/restored, a JSF component tree will be produced. At that moment, the view build time, all binding attributes are evaluated (along with id attribtues and taghandlers like JSTL). When the JSF component needs to be created before being added to the component tree, JSF will check if the binding attribute returns a precreated component (i.e. non-null) and if so, then use it. If it's not precreated, then JSF will autocreate the component "the usual way" and invoke the setter behind binding attribute with the autocreated component instance as argument.
In effects, it binds a reference of the component instance in the component tree to a scoped variable. This information is in no way visible in the generated HTML representation of the component itself. This information is in no means relevant to the generated HTML output anyway. When the form is submitted and the view is restored, the JSF component tree is just rebuilt from scratch and all binding attributes will just be re-evaluated like described in above paragraph. After the component tree is recreated, JSF will restore the JSF view state into the component tree.
Component instances are request scoped!
Important to know and understand is that the concrete component instances are effectively request scoped. They're newly created on every request and their properties are filled with values from JSF view state during restore view phase. So, if you bind the component to a property of a backing bean, then the backing bean should absolutely not be in a broader scope than the request scope. See also JSF 2.0 specitication chapter 3.1.5:
3.1.5 Component Bindings
Component bindings are often used in conjunction with JavaBeans that are dynamically instantiated via the Managed
Bean Creation facility (see Section 5.8.1 “VariableResolver and the Default VariableResolver”). It is strongly
recommend that application developers place managed beans that are pointed at by component binding expressions in
“request” scope. This is because placing it in session or application scope would require thread-safety, since
UIComponent instances depends on running inside of a single thread. There are also potentially negative impacts on
memory management when placing a component binding in “session” scope.
Otherwise, component instances are shared among multiple requests, possibly resulting in "duplicate component ID" errors and "weird" behaviors because validators, converters and listeners declared in the view are re-attached to the existing component instance from previous request(s). The symptoms are clear: they are executed multiple times, one time more with each request within the same scope as the component is been bound to.
And, under heavy load (i.e. when multiple different HTTP requests (threads) access and manipulate the very same component instance at the same time), you may face sooner or later an application crash with e.g. Stuck thread at UIComponent.popComponentFromEL, or Threads stuck at 100% CPU utilization in HashMap during JSF saveState(), or even some "strange" IndexOutOfBoundsException or ConcurrentModificationException coming straight from JSF implementation source code while JSF is busy saving or restoring the view state (i.e. the stack trace indicates saveState() or restoreState() methods and like).
Also, as a single component basically references the rest of the entire component tree via getParent() and getChildren(), when binding a single component to a view or session scoped bean, you're essentially saving the entire JSF component tree in the HTTP session for nothing. This will get really costly in terms of available server memory when you have relatively a lot of components in the view.
Using binding on a bean property is bad practice
Regardless, using binding this way, binding a whole component instance to a bean property, even on a request scoped bean, is in JSF 2.x a rather rare use case and generally not the best practice. It indicates a design smell. You normally declare components in the view side and bind their runtime attributes like value, and perhaps others like styleClass, disabled, rendered, etc, to normal bean properties. Then, you just manipulate exactly that bean property you want instead of grabbing the whole component and calling the setter method associated with the attribute.
In cases when a component needs to be "dynamically built" based on a static model, better is to use view build time tags like JSTL, if necessary in a tag file, instead of createComponent(), new SomeComponent(), getChildren().add() and what not. See also How to refactor snippet of old JSP to some JSF equivalent?
Or, if a component needs to be "dynamically rendered" based on a dynamic model, then just use an iterator component (<ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable>, etc). See also How to dynamically add JSF components.
Composite components is a completely different story. It's completely legit to bind components inside a <cc:implementation> to the backing component (i.e. the component identified by <cc:interface componentType>. See also a.o. Split java.util.Date over two h:inputText fields representing hour and minute with f:convertDateTime and How to implement a dynamic list with a JSF 2.0 Composite Component?
Only use binding in local scope
However, sometimes you'd like to know about the state of a different component from inside a particular component, more than often in use cases related to action/value dependent validation. For that, the binding attribute can be used, but not in combination with a bean property. You can just specify an in the local EL scope unique variable name in the binding attribute like so binding="#{foo}" and the component is during render response elsewhere in the same view directly as UIComponent reference available by #{foo}. Here are several related questions where such a solution is been used in the answer:
Validate input as required only if certain command button is pressed
How to render a component only if another component is not rendered?
JSF 2 dataTable row index without dataModel
Primefaces dependent selectOneMenu and required="true"
Validate a group of fields as required when at least one of them is filled
How to change css class for the inputfield and label when validation fails?
Getting JSF-defined component with Javascript
Use an EL expression to pass a component ID to a composite component in JSF
(and that's only from the last month...)
See also:
How to use component binding in JSF right ? (request-scoped component in session scoped bean)
View scope: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText
Binding attribute causes duplicate component ID found in the view
each JSF component renders itself out to HTML and has complete control over what HTML it produces. There are many tricks that can be used by JSF, and exactly which of those tricks will be used depends on the JSF implementation you are using.
Ensure that every from input has a totaly unique name, so that when the form gets submitted back to to component tree that rendered it, it is easy to tell where each component can read its value form.
The JSF component can generate javascript that submitts back to the serer, the generated javascript knows where each component is bound too, because it was generated by the component.
For things like hlink you can include binding information in the url as query params or as part of the url itself or as matrx parameters. for examples.
http:..../somelink?componentId=123 would allow jsf to look in the component tree to see that link 123 was clicked. or it could e htp:..../jsf;LinkId=123
The easiest way to answer this question is to create a JSF page with only one link, then examine the html output it produces. That way you will know exactly how this happens using the version of JSF that you are using.

org.infinispan.commons.marshall.NotSerializableException while working with distributed Infinispan and JSF [duplicate]

There are lot of materials out there differentiating value attribute and binding attribute in JSF.
I'm interested in how both approaches differ from each other. Given:
public class User {
private String name;
private UICommand link;
// Getters and setters omitted.
<h:commandLink binding="#{}" value="#{}" />
It is pretty straight forward what happens when a value attribute is specified. The getter runs to return the name property value of the User bean. The value is printed to HTML output.
But I couldn't understand how binding works. How does the generated HTML maintain a binding with the link property of the User bean?
Below is the relevant part of the generated output after manual beautification and commenting (note that the id j_id_jsp_1847466274_1 was auto-generated and that there are two hidden input widgets).
I'm using Sun's JSF RI, version 1.2.
<form action="/TestJSF/main.jsf" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
id="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" method="post" name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
<input name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" type="hidden" value="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
<input autocomplete="off" id="javax.faces.ViewState" name="javax.faces.ViewState"
type="hidden" value="-908991273579182886:-7278326187282654551">
Where is the binding stored here?
How does it work?
When a JSF view (Facelets/JSP file) get built/restored, a JSF component tree will be produced. At that moment, the view build time, all binding attributes are evaluated (along with id attribtues and taghandlers like JSTL). When the JSF component needs to be created before being added to the component tree, JSF will check if the binding attribute returns a precreated component (i.e. non-null) and if so, then use it. If it's not precreated, then JSF will autocreate the component "the usual way" and invoke the setter behind binding attribute with the autocreated component instance as argument.
In effects, it binds a reference of the component instance in the component tree to a scoped variable. This information is in no way visible in the generated HTML representation of the component itself. This information is in no means relevant to the generated HTML output anyway. When the form is submitted and the view is restored, the JSF component tree is just rebuilt from scratch and all binding attributes will just be re-evaluated like described in above paragraph. After the component tree is recreated, JSF will restore the JSF view state into the component tree.
Component instances are request scoped!
Important to know and understand is that the concrete component instances are effectively request scoped. They're newly created on every request and their properties are filled with values from JSF view state during restore view phase. So, if you bind the component to a property of a backing bean, then the backing bean should absolutely not be in a broader scope than the request scope. See also JSF 2.0 specitication chapter 3.1.5:
3.1.5 Component Bindings
Component bindings are often used in conjunction with JavaBeans that are dynamically instantiated via the Managed
Bean Creation facility (see Section 5.8.1 “VariableResolver and the Default VariableResolver”). It is strongly
recommend that application developers place managed beans that are pointed at by component binding expressions in
“request” scope. This is because placing it in session or application scope would require thread-safety, since
UIComponent instances depends on running inside of a single thread. There are also potentially negative impacts on
memory management when placing a component binding in “session” scope.
Otherwise, component instances are shared among multiple requests, possibly resulting in "duplicate component ID" errors and "weird" behaviors because validators, converters and listeners declared in the view are re-attached to the existing component instance from previous request(s). The symptoms are clear: they are executed multiple times, one time more with each request within the same scope as the component is been bound to.
And, under heavy load (i.e. when multiple different HTTP requests (threads) access and manipulate the very same component instance at the same time), you may face sooner or later an application crash with e.g. Stuck thread at UIComponent.popComponentFromEL, or Threads stuck at 100% CPU utilization in HashMap during JSF saveState(), or even some "strange" IndexOutOfBoundsException or ConcurrentModificationException coming straight from JSF implementation source code while JSF is busy saving or restoring the view state (i.e. the stack trace indicates saveState() or restoreState() methods and like).
Also, as a single component basically references the rest of the entire component tree via getParent() and getChildren(), when binding a single component to a view or session scoped bean, you're essentially saving the entire JSF component tree in the HTTP session for nothing. This will get really costly in terms of available server memory when you have relatively a lot of components in the view.
Using binding on a bean property is bad practice
Regardless, using binding this way, binding a whole component instance to a bean property, even on a request scoped bean, is in JSF 2.x a rather rare use case and generally not the best practice. It indicates a design smell. You normally declare components in the view side and bind their runtime attributes like value, and perhaps others like styleClass, disabled, rendered, etc, to normal bean properties. Then, you just manipulate exactly that bean property you want instead of grabbing the whole component and calling the setter method associated with the attribute.
In cases when a component needs to be "dynamically built" based on a static model, better is to use view build time tags like JSTL, if necessary in a tag file, instead of createComponent(), new SomeComponent(), getChildren().add() and what not. See also How to refactor snippet of old JSP to some JSF equivalent?
Or, if a component needs to be "dynamically rendered" based on a dynamic model, then just use an iterator component (<ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable>, etc). See also How to dynamically add JSF components.
Composite components is a completely different story. It's completely legit to bind components inside a <cc:implementation> to the backing component (i.e. the component identified by <cc:interface componentType>. See also a.o. Split java.util.Date over two h:inputText fields representing hour and minute with f:convertDateTime and How to implement a dynamic list with a JSF 2.0 Composite Component?
Only use binding in local scope
However, sometimes you'd like to know about the state of a different component from inside a particular component, more than often in use cases related to action/value dependent validation. For that, the binding attribute can be used, but not in combination with a bean property. You can just specify an in the local EL scope unique variable name in the binding attribute like so binding="#{foo}" and the component is during render response elsewhere in the same view directly as UIComponent reference available by #{foo}. Here are several related questions where such a solution is been used in the answer:
Validate input as required only if certain command button is pressed
How to render a component only if another component is not rendered?
JSF 2 dataTable row index without dataModel
Primefaces dependent selectOneMenu and required="true"
Validate a group of fields as required when at least one of them is filled
How to change css class for the inputfield and label when validation fails?
Getting JSF-defined component with Javascript
Use an EL expression to pass a component ID to a composite component in JSF
(and that's only from the last month...)
See also:
How to use component binding in JSF right ? (request-scoped component in session scoped bean)
View scope: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText
Binding attribute causes duplicate component ID found in the view
each JSF component renders itself out to HTML and has complete control over what HTML it produces. There are many tricks that can be used by JSF, and exactly which of those tricks will be used depends on the JSF implementation you are using.
Ensure that every from input has a totaly unique name, so that when the form gets submitted back to to component tree that rendered it, it is easy to tell where each component can read its value form.
The JSF component can generate javascript that submitts back to the serer, the generated javascript knows where each component is bound too, because it was generated by the component.
For things like hlink you can include binding information in the url as query params or as part of the url itself or as matrx parameters. for examples.
http:..../somelink?componentId=123 would allow jsf to look in the component tree to see that link 123 was clicked. or it could e htp:..../jsf;LinkId=123
The easiest way to answer this question is to create a JSF page with only one link, then examine the html output it produces. That way you will know exactly how this happens using the version of JSF that you are using.

JSF binding doesn't work in the included facet [duplicate]

There are lot of materials out there differentiating value attribute and binding attribute in JSF.
I'm interested in how both approaches differ from each other. Given:
public class User {
private String name;
private UICommand link;
// Getters and setters omitted.
<h:commandLink binding="#{}" value="#{}" />
It is pretty straight forward what happens when a value attribute is specified. The getter runs to return the name property value of the User bean. The value is printed to HTML output.
But I couldn't understand how binding works. How does the generated HTML maintain a binding with the link property of the User bean?
Below is the relevant part of the generated output after manual beautification and commenting (note that the id j_id_jsp_1847466274_1 was auto-generated and that there are two hidden input widgets).
I'm using Sun's JSF RI, version 1.2.
<form action="/TestJSF/main.jsf" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
id="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" method="post" name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
<input name="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1" type="hidden" value="j_id_jsp_1847466274_1">
<input autocomplete="off" id="javax.faces.ViewState" name="javax.faces.ViewState"
type="hidden" value="-908991273579182886:-7278326187282654551">
Where is the binding stored here?
How does it work?
When a JSF view (Facelets/JSP file) get built/restored, a JSF component tree will be produced. At that moment, the view build time, all binding attributes are evaluated (along with id attribtues and taghandlers like JSTL). When the JSF component needs to be created before being added to the component tree, JSF will check if the binding attribute returns a precreated component (i.e. non-null) and if so, then use it. If it's not precreated, then JSF will autocreate the component "the usual way" and invoke the setter behind binding attribute with the autocreated component instance as argument.
In effects, it binds a reference of the component instance in the component tree to a scoped variable. This information is in no way visible in the generated HTML representation of the component itself. This information is in no means relevant to the generated HTML output anyway. When the form is submitted and the view is restored, the JSF component tree is just rebuilt from scratch and all binding attributes will just be re-evaluated like described in above paragraph. After the component tree is recreated, JSF will restore the JSF view state into the component tree.
Component instances are request scoped!
Important to know and understand is that the concrete component instances are effectively request scoped. They're newly created on every request and their properties are filled with values from JSF view state during restore view phase. So, if you bind the component to a property of a backing bean, then the backing bean should absolutely not be in a broader scope than the request scope. See also JSF 2.0 specitication chapter 3.1.5:
3.1.5 Component Bindings
Component bindings are often used in conjunction with JavaBeans that are dynamically instantiated via the Managed
Bean Creation facility (see Section 5.8.1 “VariableResolver and the Default VariableResolver”). It is strongly
recommend that application developers place managed beans that are pointed at by component binding expressions in
“request” scope. This is because placing it in session or application scope would require thread-safety, since
UIComponent instances depends on running inside of a single thread. There are also potentially negative impacts on
memory management when placing a component binding in “session” scope.
Otherwise, component instances are shared among multiple requests, possibly resulting in "duplicate component ID" errors and "weird" behaviors because validators, converters and listeners declared in the view are re-attached to the existing component instance from previous request(s). The symptoms are clear: they are executed multiple times, one time more with each request within the same scope as the component is been bound to.
And, under heavy load (i.e. when multiple different HTTP requests (threads) access and manipulate the very same component instance at the same time), you may face sooner or later an application crash with e.g. Stuck thread at UIComponent.popComponentFromEL, or Threads stuck at 100% CPU utilization in HashMap during JSF saveState(), or even some "strange" IndexOutOfBoundsException or ConcurrentModificationException coming straight from JSF implementation source code while JSF is busy saving or restoring the view state (i.e. the stack trace indicates saveState() or restoreState() methods and like).
Also, as a single component basically references the rest of the entire component tree via getParent() and getChildren(), when binding a single component to a view or session scoped bean, you're essentially saving the entire JSF component tree in the HTTP session for nothing. This will get really costly in terms of available server memory when you have relatively a lot of components in the view.
Using binding on a bean property is bad practice
Regardless, using binding this way, binding a whole component instance to a bean property, even on a request scoped bean, is in JSF 2.x a rather rare use case and generally not the best practice. It indicates a design smell. You normally declare components in the view side and bind their runtime attributes like value, and perhaps others like styleClass, disabled, rendered, etc, to normal bean properties. Then, you just manipulate exactly that bean property you want instead of grabbing the whole component and calling the setter method associated with the attribute.
In cases when a component needs to be "dynamically built" based on a static model, better is to use view build time tags like JSTL, if necessary in a tag file, instead of createComponent(), new SomeComponent(), getChildren().add() and what not. See also How to refactor snippet of old JSP to some JSF equivalent?
Or, if a component needs to be "dynamically rendered" based on a dynamic model, then just use an iterator component (<ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable>, etc). See also How to dynamically add JSF components.
Composite components is a completely different story. It's completely legit to bind components inside a <cc:implementation> to the backing component (i.e. the component identified by <cc:interface componentType>. See also a.o. Split java.util.Date over two h:inputText fields representing hour and minute with f:convertDateTime and How to implement a dynamic list with a JSF 2.0 Composite Component?
Only use binding in local scope
However, sometimes you'd like to know about the state of a different component from inside a particular component, more than often in use cases related to action/value dependent validation. For that, the binding attribute can be used, but not in combination with a bean property. You can just specify an in the local EL scope unique variable name in the binding attribute like so binding="#{foo}" and the component is during render response elsewhere in the same view directly as UIComponent reference available by #{foo}. Here are several related questions where such a solution is been used in the answer:
Validate input as required only if certain command button is pressed
How to render a component only if another component is not rendered?
JSF 2 dataTable row index without dataModel
Primefaces dependent selectOneMenu and required="true"
Validate a group of fields as required when at least one of them is filled
How to change css class for the inputfield and label when validation fails?
Getting JSF-defined component with Javascript
Use an EL expression to pass a component ID to a composite component in JSF
(and that's only from the last month...)
See also:
How to use component binding in JSF right ? (request-scoped component in session scoped bean)
View scope: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText
Binding attribute causes duplicate component ID found in the view
each JSF component renders itself out to HTML and has complete control over what HTML it produces. There are many tricks that can be used by JSF, and exactly which of those tricks will be used depends on the JSF implementation you are using.
Ensure that every from input has a totaly unique name, so that when the form gets submitted back to to component tree that rendered it, it is easy to tell where each component can read its value form.
The JSF component can generate javascript that submitts back to the serer, the generated javascript knows where each component is bound too, because it was generated by the component.
For things like hlink you can include binding information in the url as query params or as part of the url itself or as matrx parameters. for examples.
http:..../somelink?componentId=123 would allow jsf to look in the component tree to see that link 123 was clicked. or it could e htp:..../jsf;LinkId=123
The easiest way to answer this question is to create a JSF page with only one link, then examine the html output it produces. That way you will know exactly how this happens using the version of JSF that you are using.

Does JSF prevent calls to unrendered managed bean actions by tampered requests

A method in a managed bean is protected by JSF? See the code:
Managed Bean
public class My {
public void test() {
<h:commandButton rendered="true" action="#{my.test}" value="Teste" />
If the button is not rendered (rendered="false"), a HTTP POST request (as the button would do) can be done and call the test() method?
In other words, JSF prevents calls to managed beans methods by tampered requests?
In other words, JSF prevents calls to managed beans methods by tampered requests?
JSF re-evaluates the component's rendered attribute during apply request values phase. If it's false, then in case of UICommand components the ActionEvent simply won't be queued, regardless of whether the (tampered) HTTP request parameter indicates that the button is being pressed.
JSF has similar safeguard against tampered requests on the disabled and readonly attributes, also those of UIInput components. And, in UISelectOne/UISelectMany components, JSF will validate if the submitted value is indeed part of the provided available options.
JSF does this all also with help of the view state. If JSF were stateless, there would be more risk that one or other may fail if those attributes suddenly become request scoped instead of view scoped.
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - point 5
Validation Error: Value is not valid
How to disable/enable JSF input field in JavaScript?
What is the usefulness of statelessness in JSF?

View-scoped bean recreated on POST when URL parameters not used

I have a view-scoped JSF-managed bean that's backing an xhtml view where I read one parameter from the URL using f:viewParam.
The view presents a form to the user. However, when the user submits the form by pressing the p:commandButton it seems that the view-scoped bean is recreated (I added a #PostConstruct annotation to verify this) and so doesn't remember the instance variable read from the f:viewParam (invId in the code below).
I originally navigate to the view with a GET that includes a URL parameter but the POST message that's send when the user presses the p:commandButton doesn't include the URL parameter. So I am thinking that when the JSF runtime doesn't see the URL parameter on the POST it considers this to be a different view and is recreating the JSF-managed bean. When I change the view scope to session-scoped the code works.
Here's the code:
<f:viewParam name="invId" value="#{registerBean.invId}"/>
<h:form id="registrationForm">
<p:commandButton value="register" action="#{registerBean.register}"
icon="ui-icon ui-icon-newwin" ajax="false"/>
backing bean
public class RegisterBean implements Serializable {
private String invId;
It turns out that this wasn't related to the URL parameters at all. Following BalusC advice below I removed the c:when tags my view was using (relying on rendered attributes instead for the same effect), and now the view-scoped bean is no longer recreated and the invId field is properly retained.
The problem is not visible in the code posted so far, but it's for JSF 2.0/2.1 a known issue that a view scoped bean will be recreated when one of its properties is been bound to an attribute of a taghandler like JSTL <c:if> or Facelets <ui:include> or a view build time attribute of JSF component, such as id and binding, while partial state saving is enabled (as by default).
The background explanation is that any EL expressions in those attributes are executed during building and restoring the view. As view scoped beans are stored in the view and thus only available after restoring the view, such an EL expression evaluation would cause a brand new and separate view scoped bean to be created. This is basically a chicken-egg issue. It's fixed in the upcoming JSF 2.2.
There are basically 3 solutions:
Change the view accordingly so that those EL expressions are only evaluated during view render time. E.g. replace <c:if>/<c:choose> by rendered.
Or bind those attributes to a request scoped bean (design notice: you can just inject a view scoped bean as a managed property of a request scoped bean).
Turn off partial state saving, if necessary only for the particular view.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
#ViewScoped fails in taghandlers
