Does JSF prevent calls to unrendered managed bean actions by tampered requests - security

A method in a managed bean is protected by JSF? See the code:
Managed Bean
public class My {
public void test() {
<h:commandButton rendered="true" action="#{my.test}" value="Teste" />
If the button is not rendered (rendered="false"), a HTTP POST request (as the button would do) can be done and call the test() method?
In other words, JSF prevents calls to managed beans methods by tampered requests?

In other words, JSF prevents calls to managed beans methods by tampered requests?
JSF re-evaluates the component's rendered attribute during apply request values phase. If it's false, then in case of UICommand components the ActionEvent simply won't be queued, regardless of whether the (tampered) HTTP request parameter indicates that the button is being pressed.
JSF has similar safeguard against tampered requests on the disabled and readonly attributes, also those of UIInput components. And, in UISelectOne/UISelectMany components, JSF will validate if the submitted value is indeed part of the provided available options.
JSF does this all also with help of the view state. If JSF were stateless, there would be more risk that one or other may fail if those attributes suddenly become request scoped instead of view scoped.
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - point 5
Validation Error: Value is not valid
How to disable/enable JSF input field in JavaScript?
What is the usefulness of statelessness in JSF?


Rendering Condition in JSF 1.2 [duplicate]

I know this type of question has been asked million times here, but I couldn't find a solution for my problem in relevant posts.
JSF 1.2
I have a request-scoped bean with a method used as valueChangeListener:
class DoStuff{
public void step1ChkStuffIncluded_CheckedChanged(ValueChangeEvent event){
StuffDocument cd = (StuffDocument)getInfo("StuffDocument");
if(cd == null){
Logger.Error("DoStuff", "step1ChkStuffIncluded_CheckedChanged", "No stuff document (null)");
if (step1ChkStuffIncludedChecked){
by a selectBooleanCheckbox component as follows (.jspx):
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{DoStuff.pnlStep1}">
<label for="step1ChkStuffIncluded">#{DoStuff.step1ChkStuffIncludedText}</label>
<div id="someDiv">
Whenever the bean's scope is session, both setter and the listener for the checkbox are executed, but not in request scope. Unfortunately I can't find any clues other than that.
Any advise is greatly appreciated. Requests for further clarifications are welcome.
You've there a rendered="#{DoStuff.pnlStep1}" on a parent component. During processing of the form submit, JSF will as part of attack safeguard determine if the input component (and all of its parents) is rendered according to the server side conditions. If it's not rendered, then it will simply be skipped altogether during the processing.
That it works in a session scoped bean but fails in a request scoped bean indicates that the value behind rendered="#{DoStuff.pnlStep1}" is determined based on some request based variable/condition which was present during the request of displaying the form, but is absent during the request of processing the form submit.
To fix this, you need to make sure that you preserve exactly the same variable/condition for the value behind rendered="#{DoStuff.pnlStep1}" during the request of processing the form submit. There are several ways to achieve this, depending on the nature of the condition and how you're submitting the form. One of the ways is to pass the request based variable/condition back as a request parameter by <f:param> or <h:inputHidden>.
The canonical JSF 2.0 fix would be to put the bean in the view scope which is not available in JSF 1.2, but can be simulated using Tomahawk's <t:saveState> component.
See also:
JSF 1.2: How to keep request scoped managed bean alive across postbacks on same view?
How to call an action method of a UICommand Component which was rendered conditionally?

Manipulating a disabled attribute in client side; does JSF test properly if component is disabled?

Primefaces 3.5.10, Mojarra 2.1.21, Omnifaces 1.5
I am thinking about security issues.
I set the component attribute with the component.getAttributes() method. This method returns a HashMap with attributes. Is it safe to set the ("disabled", true)-pair in this map to disable the component (for example p:inputText-component)? I use it from an actionListener, (Phase 5 or 4) of jsf pipeline. So possibly it has implications for render phase only. But I could manipulate the disabled attribute from input method on the client and then post the manipulated values. Does the server make test if the component is disabled and rejects the changes ?
What is the best way to go ?
all components in panelGrid will be disabled:
<p:input value=#{mybean.value} />
for (UIComponent component : l) {
component.getAttributes().put("disabled", true);
But I could manipulate the disabled attribute from input method on the client and then post the manipulated values.
Yes, the enduser could.
Does the server make test if the component is disabled and rejects the changes ?
Yes, JSF does it based on component tree state, not on the submitted value. So that part is safe. It does that by the way also for readonly and rendered attribtues.
See also:
Why JSF saves the state of UI components on server?
Which properties in a JSF backing bean can be set by a user?
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated (point 5)

View-scoped bean recreated on POST when URL parameters not used

I have a view-scoped JSF-managed bean that's backing an xhtml view where I read one parameter from the URL using f:viewParam.
The view presents a form to the user. However, when the user submits the form by pressing the p:commandButton it seems that the view-scoped bean is recreated (I added a #PostConstruct annotation to verify this) and so doesn't remember the instance variable read from the f:viewParam (invId in the code below).
I originally navigate to the view with a GET that includes a URL parameter but the POST message that's send when the user presses the p:commandButton doesn't include the URL parameter. So I am thinking that when the JSF runtime doesn't see the URL parameter on the POST it considers this to be a different view and is recreating the JSF-managed bean. When I change the view scope to session-scoped the code works.
Here's the code:
<f:viewParam name="invId" value="#{registerBean.invId}"/>
<h:form id="registrationForm">
<p:commandButton value="register" action="#{registerBean.register}"
icon="ui-icon ui-icon-newwin" ajax="false"/>
backing bean
public class RegisterBean implements Serializable {
private String invId;
It turns out that this wasn't related to the URL parameters at all. Following BalusC advice below I removed the c:when tags my view was using (relying on rendered attributes instead for the same effect), and now the view-scoped bean is no longer recreated and the invId field is properly retained.
The problem is not visible in the code posted so far, but it's for JSF 2.0/2.1 a known issue that a view scoped bean will be recreated when one of its properties is been bound to an attribute of a taghandler like JSTL <c:if> or Facelets <ui:include> or a view build time attribute of JSF component, such as id and binding, while partial state saving is enabled (as by default).
The background explanation is that any EL expressions in those attributes are executed during building and restoring the view. As view scoped beans are stored in the view and thus only available after restoring the view, such an EL expression evaluation would cause a brand new and separate view scoped bean to be created. This is basically a chicken-egg issue. It's fixed in the upcoming JSF 2.2.
There are basically 3 solutions:
Change the view accordingly so that those EL expressions are only evaluated during view render time. E.g. replace <c:if>/<c:choose> by rendered.
Or bind those attributes to a request scoped bean (design notice: you can just inject a view scoped bean as a managed property of a request scoped bean).
Turn off partial state saving, if necessary only for the particular view.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
#ViewScoped fails in taghandlers

JSF 2.0 Managed Property object has two different instances, when I to open page and to do ajax request

I novice in JSF2 (used Mojarra + primeFaces on tomcat7) and I get strange behavior of ManagedProperty object:
public class CreateFactMB implements Serializable{
private CollectionFactTable collectionFactTable; //SessionBean
I printed object when I open page (refresh brouser) I see one instance of collectionTree
But when I do ajax request
<p:commandButton id="btn1" value="Save" update="growl"
actionListener="#{createFactMB.doUpdate}" />
In doUpdate I see another instance of my collectionTree
It's problem because I can not do change while ajax action (because I have just copy)
Anybody can help me? What I'M doing not right?
I think you have a misunderstanding of how SessionScoped persistence works in JSF. This behavior is expected and normal.
At the beginning of the request all of the managed beans are instantiated regardless of scope. In the Restore View phase, the session based persistence values are set to the new managed bean object, effectively restoring the SessionScoped bean back to its last state before the last Response was sent.
Once the Response is complete and has been sent the data in these managed bean instances is persisted and the objects dereferenced for garbage collection. The process begins anew at the next request, regardless if it is Ajax or not.

JSF 1.2: How to keep request scoped managed bean alive across postbacks on same view?

Is it possible to keep a request scoped bean alive across postbacks on the same page?
The general problem is, as the bean gets trashed on end of request and recreated on every form submit, for example the booleans behind dynamically manipulated disabled, readonly and rendered get reset to their default values and cause the forms to not work as intented anymore.
I'll assume that the session scope is not an option, otherwise this question makes little sense.
You can do it using Tomahawk <t:saveState>. Add the following line somewhere to the page:
<t:saveState value="#{bean}" />
RichFaces <a4j:keepAlive> does also the same:
<a4j:keepAlive beanName="#{bean}" />
Or if there is room, upgrade to at least JSF 2.x and put the bean in view scope:
public class Bean implements Serializable {
// ...
Regardless of the way, the same bean will be there when you postback to the same view and keep returning null or void from action methods.
See also:
How to choose the right bean scope?
Difference between View and Request scope in managed beans
Not really, unless you store the Bean somewhere e.g. a Map in application scope, to retrieve it later.
Why not just make it Session scoped? This is what Session scope is there for, so multiple Requests during the same Session can hit the same state.
