Magento - Multi Website Setup - .htaccess

I am having configuration settings with my multi website magento setup.
I have a website running at . Now for international storefront I have created another website, store view and store with abc_international as the website code.
In my configuration, I have configured Base URL as
However, when I access the URL it generates a 404 error.
Another important point is even if I specifically make changes in index.php as follows -
$mageRunCode = "abc_international";
$mageRunType = "website";
Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType);
Any ideas as to what might be the problem.

You need to copy index.php and .htaccess files to at server and provide particular path to Mage.php file at index.php which is inside and in that index.php file you need to modify Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType); to Mage::run("abc_international", "website"); then it will work if you properly configured multi-website setup.


Troubleshooting htacess edits to whitelist .well-known folder for let's encrypt challenge Drupal 7

I need to prove ownership of SSL in order to switch hosts and reroute DNS. I have the file in the .well-known/acme-challenge/ folder, but the folder is 403 forbidden so the test fails. The site is running Drupal 7 and I have the lets encrypt challenge module installed as well
I have tried editing the .htaccess to add RewriteRule "(^|/)\.(?!well-known)" - [F] but this has no effect. I have tested the .htaccess file by adding junk text and did get the 500 error, so I know it is being used. What could be getting in the way of this edit? Do I need to restart a process on the server?
I solved this by finding the .httpdconf for the domain on the server (not the main one for the server) and adding a clause to allow specific access to that directory.
The verification files were then able to be found and site is launched now on new host and server.

.htaccess to limit access to directory not working properly

I'm trying to limit access to a directory based on the results of a php script. I have the following in my .htaccess folder where the files are located:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=league_access.php
RewriteRule .* league_access.php
I have also tried:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* league_access.php
If you go to the directory you will note that it is firing the league_access.php script (as it currently only types "Running the Test Script
Restricted access" to the page.
So that is acting correctly. you will see that you're granted access to the page (rather than it going to the league_access.php script).
This website is on FastComet (public hosting company) so I cannot change server settings or files except the .htaccess file.
Any help to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
FastComet Team here! Part of our shared hosting environment is utilizing NginX as a reverse proxy to the Apache web service. This configuration gets the advantages of both services at the same time and ensures a better performance of your project. NginX is processing all requests for static content, such as PDF files or HTML pages. Here's a list of all file types that will be processed by the NginX service:
However, if the request is for dynamic content, such as a PHP script, it will be passed from the NginX to the Apache service. You are correctly setting the rule in question in the .htaccess file of your website, but this file is only read by the Apache service, not NginX. In other words, if there is a request for a static content, such as a PDF file here:
or an HTML page here:
it will be processed by NginX without considering the .htaccess rules that you have set. There is an easy way of resolving that by excluding the processing of HTML, HTM and PDF types files for your domain or even your entire hosting account. This way, those requests will be processed by the Apache web server, instead of NginX. In this case, the .htaccess rules that you apply will be taken into consideration by the system and they will work without any issues.

How to remove default code from url in magento

In my Magento I've created two store so we have now these stores:-
commercial and url :-
default and url
retail. and url
My commercial url looking good but I want to remove default from these stores :-
deault and url
retail. and url
If I disable :"Add Store Codes" to Url = no then commercial stores stops working.
Here's an explanation for how to do it:
Basically you need to manually create the subdirectories and put modified copies of the files index.php and .htaccess inside.
But this assumes that you run the 'default' shop directly on the domain top level directory. Another Stackoverflow post that could give insight into the settings:
Multiple magento stores on single domain

Changing Outgoing Links via HtAccess but with exceptions

Hi there on my site i link to a site that has changed the url of the site but uses the original domain to host the images. Is this possible to catch the links via htaccess but no change any of that domain with an image file detected?
So change outgoing link from to but if images detected leave url.
I have too many links to change manually, is this even possible ?
It can't be done using .htaccess . .htaccess is directory level Apache configuration file!

How to restrict access to views in Codeigniter?

Using Codeigniter I want to make my home.php restricted to only registered users but when I try following
I get access to home.php(which is in views).
I thought that CI has some restriction for this type of request but its not.So now how can I solve this.
Should I do this in .htaccess?
I should add php code at the top of home.php which will check for valid session data etc.
For the best security, both the system and any application folders
should be placed above web root so that they are not directly
accessible via a browser. By default, .htaccess files are included in
each folder to help prevent direct access, but it is best to remove
them from public access entirely in case the web server configuration
changes or doesn't abide by the .htaccess.
In your application folder make .htaccess with this:
Deny from all
