I am building a 3D flower mesh through a series of extrusions (Working in Unity 4 environment). For each flower there are splines that define each branch, petals, leaves etc. Around each spline there is a shape that is being extruded along that spline. And a thickness curve that defines at each point in the spline, how thick the shape could be.
I am trying to animate this mesh using parameters (i.e. look towards sun, bend with the wind).
I have been working on this for nearly two months and my algorithm boiled down to basically reconstructing the flower 'every frame', by iterating over the shape for each spline point, transforming it into the the current space and calculating new vertex positions out of it, a version of parallel transport frames.
for each vertex:
v = p + q * e * w
p = point on the path
e = vertex position in the local space of shape being extruded
q = quaternion to transform into the local space of the p (by its direction towards next path point)
w = width at point p
I believe this is as small of a step as it gets to extrude the model. I need to do this once for each vertex in the model basically.
I hit the point where this is too slow for my current scene. I need to have 5-6 flowers with total around 60k vertices and I concluded that this is the bottleneck.
I can see that this is a similar problem to skeletal animation, where each joint would control a cross-section of the extruded shape. It is not a direct question but I'm wondering if someone can elaborate on whether I can steal some techniques from skeletal animation to speed up the process. In my current perspective, I just don't see how I can avoid at least one calculation per vertex, and in that case, I just choose to rebuild the mesh every frame.
I am currently experimenting with openGL, and I'm drawing a lot of circles that I have to break down to triangles (triangulate a circle).
I've been calculating the vertices of the triangles by having an angle that is incremented, and using cos() and sin() to get the x and y values for one vertex.
I searched a bit on the internet about the best and most efficient way of doing this, and even though there's not much information avaliable realized that thin and long triangles (my approach) are not very good. A better approach would be to start with an equilateral triangle and then repeatedly add triangles that cover the larges possible area that's not yet covered.
left - my method; right - new method
I am wondering if this is the most efficient way of doing this, and if yes, how would that be implemented in actual code.
The website where I found the method: link
both triangulations has their pros and cons
The Triangle FAN has equal sized triangles which sometimes looks better with textures (and other interpolated stuff) and the code to generate is simple for loop with parametric circle equation.
The increasing detail mesh has less triangles and can easily support LOD which might be faster. However number of points is not arbitrary (3,6,12,24,48,...). The code is slightly more complicated you could:
start with equilateral triangle remembering circumference edges
so add triangle (p0,p1,p2) to mesh and edges (p0,p1),(p1,p2),(p2,p0) to circumference.
for each edge (p0,p1) of circumference
p2 = 0.5*(p0+p1); // mid point
p2 = r*p2/|p2|; // normalize it to circle circumference assuming (0,0) is center
add triangle (p0,p1,p2) to mesh and replace p0,p1 edge with (p0,p2),(p2,p1) edges
note that r/|p2| will be the same for all edges in current detail level so no need to compute expensive |p2| over and over again.
goto #2 until you have enough dense triangulation
so 2 for loops and few dynamic lists (points,triangles,circumference_edges,and some temps if not doing this inplace). Also this method does not need goniometrics at all (can be modified to generate the triangle fan too).
Here similar stuff:
sphere triangulation using similar technique
The goal is to live detect the walls and export the distacne to wall .There is a setup , A closed 4 wall , one set of unique & ideal shape in each wall ( Triangle , Square .....) A robot with camera will roam inside the walls and have computer vision. Robot should detect the shape and export the distance between camera and wall( or that shape ).
I have implemented this goal by Opencv and the shape detection ( cv2.approxPolyDP ) and distance calculation ( perimeter calculation and edge counting then conversion of pixel length to real distance ).
It perfectly works in 90 degree angle , but not effective when happening in other angles.
Any better way of doing it.
for cnt in contours[1:]:
# considering countours from 1 because from practical experience whole frame is often considered as a contour
area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
# area of detected contour
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.02*cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True)
#It predicts and makes pixel connected contour to a shape
x = approx.ravel()[0]
y = approx.ravel()[1]
# detected shape type label text placement
perimeter = cv2.arcLength(cnt,True)
# find perimeter
in other degrees you have the perspective view of the shapes.
you must use Geometric Transformations to neutralize perspective effect (using a known-shape object or angle of the camera).
also consider that using rectified images is highly recommended Camera Calibration.
lets assume you have a square on the wall. when camera capture an image from non-90-degree straight-on view of the object. the square is not align and looks out of shape, this causes measurement error.
but you can use cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() .the function calculates the 3x3 matrix of a perspective transform M.
after that use warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, (w,h)) and apply perspective transformation to the image. now the square (in warped image) looks like 90-degree straight-on view and your current code works well on the output image (warped image).
and excuse me for bad explanation. maybe this blog posts can help you:
4 Point OpenCV getPerspective Transform Example
Find distance from camera to object/marker using Python and OpenCV
Many questions deal with generating normal from depth or depth from normal, but I want to ask about a simple way to generate all the planar surfaces given the depth and normal of an image.
I already have depth and normal of each pixel in the image. For each pixel (ui, vi), assume that we can get its 3D coordinates (xi, yi, zi) with zi as the depth and normal vector (nix, niy, niz). Thus, a unique tangent plane is defined by: nix(x - xi) + niy(y - yi) + niz(z - zi) = 0. Then, for each pixel we can define a unique planar surface by the above equation.
What is a common practice in finding the function f such that f(u, v) = (x, y, z) (from pixel to 3D coordinates)? Is pinhole model (plus the depth data) an effective and accurate one?
How does one generate all the planar surfaces effectively? One way is to iterate through all the pixels in the image and find all the planes, but this seems like an ineffective method.
If its pinhole model
make sure your 3D data is not distorted by projection.
group your points by normal
this is easy or hard depending on the points/normal accuracy. Simply sort the points by normals which leads to O(n.log(n)) where n is number of points.
test/group by planes in single normal group
The idea is to pick 3 points from a group compute plane from it and test which points of the group belongs to it. If too low count you got wrong points picked (not belonging to the same plane) and need to pick different ones. Also if the picked points are too close to each or on the same line you can not get correct plane from it.
The math function for plane is:
x*nx + y*ny + z*nz + d = 0
where (nx,ny,nz) is your normal of the group (unit vector) and (x,y,z) is your point position. So you just compute d from a known point (one of the picked ones (x0,y0,z0) ) ...
d = -x0*nx -y0*ny -z0*nz
and then just test which points are sattisfying this condition:
threshod=1e-20; // just accuracy margin
fabs(x*nx + y*ny + z*nz + d) <= threshod
now remove matched points from the group (move them into found plane object) and apply this bullet again on the remaining points until they count is low or no valid plane is found...
then test another group until no groups are left...
I think RANSAC can speed things up to avoid brute force in this case but never used it myself so google ...
A possible approach for the planes is to consider the set of normal vectors and perform clustering on them (for instance by k-means). Then every cluster can correspond to several parallel surfaces. By evaluating the distance from the origin (a scalar function), you can form sub-clusters which will separate those surfaces. Finally, points at constant distance can belong to different coplanar patches, which you can separate by connected component labelling.
It is likely that clustering on the normal vectors and distance simultaneously (hence in a 4D space) will yield better results and be simpler. Be sure to normalize the vectors. Another option is to represent the vectors by just two parameters (such as spherical angles), but this will lead to a quite non-uniform mapping, and create phase wrapping issues.
I recently downloaded a 3d triangle mesh (.obj format) off of Turbosquid that came with a 2D jpeg image as a texture. I plan on using this mesh in a program I am developing where I am writing my own code from scratch to parse the .obj file and then texture and render the mesh.
My program can currently handle doing this just fine in most cases but there are a couple of things off with this particular .obj file that I don't know how to handle.
1) The UV coordinates are not in the range [0,1]. 0 is still the minimum value but there seems to be no upper bound. I assume this is meant to indicate that the texture wraps around the mesh more than once, so I've decided to extract the decimal value for each coordinate and use that. So for each coordinate I'm currently doing the following:
double u = ReadInValue();
double v = ReadInValue();
u = u - (int)u;
v = v - (int)v;
So a UV coord that's [1.35, 3.29] becomes [0.35, 0.29]. The texture still looks a bit off when applied so I'm not sure if this is the right thing to be doing.
2) There is an extra W coordinate. I realize that if I was dealing with a 3D volumetric texture file, the W coordinate would function in the same way as the UV coordinates and would simply be used to look up the value in the 3rd dimension. However the texture file I am given is two dimensional. So what do I do with this extra W coordinate? Can I simply ignore it? Do I have to divide the UV coordinates by the W term (as if its a homogenous coordinate?) I'm not quite sure what to do.
1) You can't extract just a fractional part of texture coordinates and expect it to work. This will break for triangles that goes over [1,1] or below [0,0]. For example a line with vertices UVs [0,0] and [5,5] - this should mean that texture will be wrapped 5 times, but in your computations both vertices get [0,0]. GPU don't have problems with using UVs bigger than 1.0 or even negative so just use what you have.
2) We don't know what is exactly in your model, it could be done for 3D texture so it has 3D coords but since you said it came with 2D texture then I don't think it's the case. I'd suggest to use first answer, with just u,v coords and see what you get.
I'm trying to implement graphic pipeline in software level. I have some problems with clipping and culling now.
Basically, there are two main concerns:
When should back-face culling take place? Eye coordinate, clipping coordinate or window coordinate? I initially made culling process in eye coordinate, thinking this way could relieve the burden of clipping process since many back-facing vertices have already been discarded. But later I realized that in this way vertices need to take 2 matrix multiplications , namely left multiply model-view matrix --> culling --> left multiply perspective matrix, which increases the overhead to some extent.
How do I do clipping and reconstruct triangle? As far as I know, clipping happens in clipping coordinate(after perspective transformation), in another word homogeneous coordinate in which every vertex is being determined whether no not it should be discarded by comparing its x, y, z components with w component. So far so good, right? But after that I need to reconstruct those triangles which have one or two vertices been discarded. I googled that Liang-Barsky algorithm would be helpful in this case, but in clipping coordinate what clipping plane should I use? Should I just record clipped triangles and reconstruct them in NDC?
Any idea will be helpful. Thanks.
Back-face culling can occur wherever you want.
On the 3dfx hardware, and probably the other cards that rasterised only, it was implemented in window coordinates. As you say that leaves you processing some vertices you don't ever use but you need to weigh that up against your other costs.
You can also cull in world coordinates; you know the location of the camera so you know a vector from the camera to the face — just go to any of the edge vertices. So you can test the dot product of that against the normal.
When I was implementing a software rasteriser for a z80-based micro I went a step beyond that and transformed the camera into model space. So you get the inverse of the model matrix (which was cheap in this case because they were guaranteed to be orthonormal, so the transpose would do), apply that to the camera and then cull from there. It's still a vector difference and a dot product but if you're using the surface normals only for culling then it saves having to transform each and every one of them for the benefit of the camera. For that particular renderer I was then able to work forward from which faces are visible to determine which vertices are visible and transform only those to window coordinates.
A variant on Sutherland-Cohen is the thing I remember seeing most often. You'd do a forward scan around the outside of the polygon checking each edge in turn and adjusting appropriately.
So e.g. you start with the convex polygon between points (V1, V2, V3). For each clipping plane in turn you'd do something like:
for(Vn in input vertices)
if(Vn is on the good side of the plane)
add Vn to output vertices
if(edge from Vn to Vn+1 intersects plane) // or from Vn to 0 if this is the last edge
find point of intersection, I
add I to output vertices
And repeat for each plane. If you're worried about repeated costs then you either need to adopt a structure with an extra level of indirection between faces and edges or just keep a cache. You'd probably do something like dash round the vertices once marking them as in or out, then cache the point of intersection per edge, looked up via the key (v1, v2). If you've set yourself up with the extra level of indirection then store the result in the edge object.