Perl Tk error "Invalid value for shared scalar" - multithreading

I got problem with scalars in my program.
I got code like this:
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Tk;
$mw = new MainWindow;
my $label = undef;
share($label) my $ok = undef;
HERE IS BUTTON WITH OPTION -command => \&sub1
sub sub1 {
$top = $mw->TopLevel();
$label = $top->Label( -text => 'something' )->pack();
$ok = 1;
sub sub2 {
while (1) {
if ($ok) {
$label->configure( -text => 'i need this' );
I got error in $label->configure(-text => 'i need this'); like this :
Invalid value for shared scalar at
I need to update my label text only from threads and i can't do this.
Thanks for advices.

That error suggests that Tk Label objects simply weren't written to support being shared under ithreads, a circumstance which I'd guess is very arduous to remedy.
I'd suggest instead you make a thread responsible for updating the UI widgets and have that thread receive update instructions from other threads. Awkward, but workable.


Why are these values sometimes undefined?

I'm fairly new to Perl and am working on a project to further my learning. It's a little console word game (translated from a python project of mine), and part of the logic requires to draw a random letter from a pool that is 98 characters long.
Running the functions individually, I've never had an issue, but when I try to loop it into a list it occasionally fails. Running with warnings on tells me that some of these are undefined, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Here's an MRE:
package Random;
sub choice {
my ($str) = #_;
my $random_index = int(rand(length($str)));
return substr($str,$random_index,1); #fixed variable name
package Player;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { "name" => shift, "letters" => {fillList()} };
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub drawCharacter {
my $freq = "aaaaaaaaabbccddddeeeeeeeeeeeeffggghhiiiiiiiiijkllllmmnnnnnnooooooooppqrrrrrrssssttttttuuuuvvwwxyyz";
my $choice = Random -> choice($freq);
return $choice;
sub fillList {
my #ls = ();
for (0..6) {
push #ls, drawCharacter();
return #ls;
sub getLetters {
my ($self) = #_;
my $arr = $self -> {letters};
return %$arr;
package Main;
my #players = ();
for (0..12){
my $player = Player -> new("Foo");
BIG EDIT: Adding the object I'm using. This is verifiably not working. Warnings:
"Use of uninitialized value in print" and "Odd number of elements in anonymous hash". This is where I think the issue lies.
The list returned by fillList sometimes is missing an item or 2, and in some circumstances even 3 or 4 items are missing. Does anybody know what's going on here? The python one hasn't failed once.
If the python analogue would be helpful, I can include that here too.
The error comes from using a hash ref where you should have an array ref:
my $self = { "name" => shift, "letters" => {fillList()} };
# ^ ^-- wrong brackets
This is what the warning talks about:
Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at line 22.
You want to change that to:
my $self = { "name" => shift, "letters" => [fillList()] };
# ^ ^--- creates array ref
And also the line which uses this array
return %$arr;
Where you need to change % to #.
return #$arr;
After those fixes, the code runs without errors for me.

Why does a shared perl hash not share updates with other threads?

I'm trying to make a web server whose requests are farmed out to a set of interpreters hidden behind open2(), based on which 'device' is indicated in the cgi parameters.
The trouble is, I want it multi-threaded but the hash I'm using to try to keep track of the event queue relating to each device doesn't remember the new device created for each request: the server below only prints this sort of thing:
Did not find default-device in (alreadyThere)...
Added default-device with Sun Oct 27 20:43:35 2013 to alreadyThere, default-device
Now... does (alreadyThere, default-device) persist for the next request?
Here is the script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP);
our $monkeys = shared_clone({ alreadyThere => { 'a' => 'b' } });
sub process_http_request {
require CGI;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $device = $cgi->param('device') || 'default-device';
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<pre>";
unless (exists $monkeys->{$device}) {
print "Did not find $device in (".join(", ", sort keys %$monkeys).")...\n";
lock $monkeys;
unless (exists $monkeys->{$device}) {
my $t = localtime;
$monkeys->{$device} = $t;
print "\nAdded $device with ".$t." to ".join(", ", sort keys %$monkeys);
} else {
print "\nSurprise device... ".$device;
} else {
print "\nFound device... ".$device;
print "\nNow... does (".join(", ", sort keys %$monkeys).") persist for the next request?</pre>";
__PACKAGE__->run(port => 8080);
It's not the $t bit - that was previously shared_clone({ id => $t }), but I'm darned if I can see why $monkeys never seems to update.
The different requests are served by different processes, not threads.
Net::Server doesn't have a multi-threaded "personality"[1], so you're going to have to use a different sharing mechanism.
"in the near future, we would like to add a 'Thread' personality"
Building on Ikegami's answer, I'm trying with this additional code to fake a 'threaded' personality with some success (and some problems with 'open3' misbehaving):
sub default_server_type { 'Single' }
sub loop {
my $self = shift;
while( $self->accept ){
async {
last if $self->done;
a) Is there any reason to use Net::Server::HTTP instead of the higher level and easier to use Plack?
b) I've had to solve a problem not unlike this one recently, and settled on using event-based httpd with AnyEvent (or higher abstraction, Coro). There's Net::Server::Coro if you need a drop-in replacement for your code, or even a plethora of canned AnyEvent-based httpds like Twiggy, Feersum, etc.

Perl Error: thread failed to start: Invalid value for shared scalar

I get the following error when trying to run my test code:
thread failed to start: Invalid value for shared scalar at ./ line 47.
Line 47 is:
%hoh = hoh(#new_array);
My observations:
If I remove line 47 and other lines referencing %hoh, then the script runs without errors
I can create a new hash %new_hash = (itchy => "Scratchy"); without errors, but when I try to "return" a hash from another sub (line 47), it results in the error above.
Unfortunately, I cannot use a in/out Queue because the version of Thread::Queue that I use is too old (and installed on a system I have no control over) and doesn't support hash and hash-ref types to be returned via a Queue (according to this). Apparently, my version only support strings to be returned via queues.
Is there a way to successfully do this: $hash{$string}{"jc"} = \%hoh;
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use constant NUM_WORKERS => 10;
my #out_array : shared = ();
sub main
my #results = test1();
foreach my $item (#results) {
print "item: $item\n";
sub test1
my $my_queue = Thread::Queue->new();
foreach (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
async {
while (my $job = $my_queue->dequeue()) {
my #sentiments = ("Axe Murderer", "Mauler", "Babyface", "Dragon");
$my_queue->enqueue(undef) for 1..NUM_WORKERS;
$_->join() for threads->list();
my #return_array = #out_array;
return #return_array;
sub test2
my $string = $_[0];
my %hash : shared;
my #new_array : shared;
my %new_hash : shared;
my %hoh : shared;
#new_array = ("tom", "jerry");
%new_hash = (itchy => "Scratchy");
%hoh = hoh(#new_array);
my %anon : shared;
$hash{$string} = \%anon;
$hash{$string}{"Grenade"} = \#new_array;
$hash{$string}{"Pipe bomb"} = \%new_hash;
$hash{$string}{"jc"} = \%hoh;
push #out_array, \%hash;
sub hoh
my %hoh;
foreach my $item (#_) {
$hoh{"jeepers"}{"creepers"} = $item;
return %hoh;
The problem is that your trying to store a reference to something that isn't shared in a shared variable. You need to use share as previously mentioned, or you need to serialise the data structure.
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my %hm_n2g:shared = ();
my $row = &share([]);
my #arr = #{$hm_n2g{"aa"}};
print #arr[0]." ".#arr[1]."\n";
#If you want to lock the hash in a thread-subroutine

perl threads create - how to correctly specify class instance method?

Having problems with threads. Keep getting error when creating a thread using a class instance method as the subroutine. The method and params variables are set based on other stuff, so I have to call the class instance method this way. Without the threads, it works just fine. Can't figure out the correct way to specify it for threads create:
my $instance = someclass->new();
my $method = 'get';
my $params = { 'abc' => 123 };
my $thread = threads->create($instance->$method,$params);
This gives me the error "Not a CODE reference". I think this may be actually calling the method, and using the return as the argument. Okay, tried this:
my $thread = threads->create(\&{$instance->$method},$params);
This gives me the error "Not a subroutine reference". I would appreciate any help on this.
my $thread = threads->create(sub { $instance->$method(#_) }, $params);
Or, you could just pass the instance and the method to the first argument as well:
package SomeClass;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless { args => [ #_ ] };
sub get {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
return join(" ", #{ $self->{args} }, $args->{abc});
package main;
use 5.012;
use threads;
my $x = SomeClass->new("An instance");
threads->create(sub { say $x->get(#_) }, {'abc' => 123 })->join;
sub {
my $instance = shift;
my $method = shift;
say $instance->$method(#_);
}, $x, 'get', { 'abc' => 123 }
In fact, I would prefer the latter, to avoid closing on $instance.
Calling a method without parens is the same thing as calling the method without arguments:
$foo->bar eq $foo->bar()
To create a coderef, you can either specify a lambda that wraps the method call, e.g.
threads->create(sub{ $instance->get($params) })
(see Sinan Ünürs answer), or you can use the universal can function.
The can method resolves a method in the same way a method would be resolved if it were called, and returns the coderef for that method if it was found, or returns undef. This makes it usable as a boolean test.
Do note that methods are just subroutines with the first argument being the invocant (the object):
my $code = $instance->can($method) or die "Can't resolve $method";
threads->create($code, $instance, $params);
However, can may fail for poorly written classes that make use of AUTOLOAD.

Perl Qt 3.1 and threads

I have a class which isa Qt::Object and has a method that creates a thread.
Whenever I attempt to detach or join the thread it seg faults.
Also the emit signal is not working.
Sample code is:
package MyThread;
use threads;
use Qt;
use Qt::isa qw(Qt::Object);
use Qt::signals
imageResRecieved => ['int', 'int'];
sub NEW
if ( name() eq "unnamed" ) {
setName("MyThread" );
sub getWidthHeight{
my ($seq, $frameNum) = #_;
my ($width, $height) = (1920, 1080);
print "Emitting\n";
emit imageResRecieved($width, $height);
print "AFTER Emit\n";
sub getImageWidthThread{
my $thr = threads->create('getWidthHeight', #_);
$thr->detach(); # This causes seg faults
use MyThread;
use Qt::slots
handleImageResSignal => ['int', 'int'];
my $mythread = MyThread();
Qt::Object::connect($irt, SIGNAL "imageResRecieved(int, int)", this, SLOT "handleImageResSignal(int, int)");
$mythread->getImageWidthThread("$GLOBAL{DIR}/$GLOBAL{PAT}", $seq_start);
sub handleImageResSignal{
my ($width, $height) = #_;
print "\n Emitted ${width} ${height} \n";
The errors I get are like:
Attempt to free non-existent shared string '39631808', Perl interpreter: 0x2879910.
[1] Segmentation fault
Try involving QThread ... too bad the distribution doesn't come with example, you should request one, in the meantime, try adapting
