My goal is to periodically update a position of a track, rendered in Google Earth Plugin. I am using a GWT-based web app and a servlet that produces KML updates. First I create a Placemark with a <gx:Track/> and a specific ID, then I push <Create/> elements with new <when/> and <gx:coord/> - similar to how it is done here. The updates are fetched by GE plugin and I see that the time slider is updated - the time span is longer each time an update occurs. However, GE does not show the latest position, I have to move the slider manually to see the most recent position. Is there a way to force GE to do it automatically? I was thinking of using <gx:Multitrack/>, but then read somewhere that it's not supported by the plugin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. I wish there was more documentation on using NetworkLinkControl updates with <gx:Track/>, but all I've been able to find are random forum posts.
Why don't you also update the time using something like this
var newTime = // the time/date of the update
var timeStamp = ge.createTimeStamp('');
1、I want to create a circle and set an image that customized to fill the circle,use this as a marker on the map, not only could change the image but also the color of circle anytime,what can I do to implements this function? Please look at the picture below!
2、Like your CityMaps app show,when I enlarge the map, some business icon that hide are show on the map,which are hide again while shrink the map, How to achieve this effect?
3、After I initialization the Object Marker and called the method marker.setFadeTime(3000),the software give my tips the method is no exist and I see the class but really not find the method,Why is it so?
4、I want to add some stars beside the marker like this:
What can I do to add the stars?the label only can set the text beside the marker.
5、I want to load your maps at the fragment,not the activity that extends FragmentActivity,I found the SupportCitymapsMapFragment is no use,What I can do to complete this requirement?
6、In your apps,it is locate that place after input New York in the search box,What can i do to complete this function whatever i input?
7、During I develop the apps about the Citymaps,I found a serious problem so that your apps had happend too. When I run the apps, the program force flash back all of a sudden and I run your apps Citymaps at this time,the problems are same of the front,I found some error in logical view that is follows:15327-15374/ A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 15374 (Thread-1819).
To solve the problem,I must restart my device. Why is it so?
I am a developer on the Citymaps SDK, I will do my best to answer your questions.
1) I recommend using the Android Canvas API to construct the images, and then use a Marker to display it on the map. See the documentation for details:
2) This is built into the Citymaps BusinessLayer. This functionality is not exposed through an API. If you wish to use the Citymaps BusinessLayer, you should create a CitymapsMapView or CitymapsMapFragment/SupportCitymapsMapFragment and it will automatically be added to your map.
3) At this time, there appears to be a known issue with the fadeTime API. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will fix it in an upcoming release. For now, you can animate the alpha property of the Marker.
4) Once again, the functionality of the BusinessLayer is not directly exposed. If you wish to create similar markers, I recommend you construct the image using Android's Canvas and then adding it as a Marker to the map.
5) If you wish to load the map inside of a fragment, you can accomplish this using child fragments (check Android documentation for more details). You can also accomplish this by instantiating CitymapsMapView or MapView directly and adding it to your view hierarchy either in XML or in code. However if you do this, remember to call the lifecycle methods on your map instance, or else the map will not behave properly.
6) If you wish to have a search in your app, it is up to you to implement this feature. We do not currently provide a search API out of the box.
7) Thank you for the bug report. We will investigate this issue and fix it in a future release.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and thank you for using the Citymaps SDK.
I am building an application that has very large documents, and many documents in the views. In my testing environment, these views take a view seconds to load, but for the customer, these views (shown in the dynamicViewPanel) are taking upwards of 12 seconds (or up to a minute the first time it is being loaded on a given day) to load. No update is made on the browser until add data becomes available. My question is not about performance however.
How can I go about immediately loading the xpage so that the user sees "something is happening and the browser did not swallow my request", yet load the view when the data eventually becomes available while using the dynamic view panel control?
Regarding partial refreshs Fredrik Norling made a neat control called "Standby Custom Control" that displays a "wait" icon when partial refreshs happen. Not sure if it will work when loading the whole page though...
If you are using Dojo modules there is a simple way to implement such a stand by for Partial Update and for opening new pages.
I found it in a blog by Vikas Tiwari
This is a two step process:
Add following Dojo modules to your XPage.
< xp:this.resources>
< xp:dojoModule name="extlib.dijit.ExtLib">< /xp:dojoModule>
< xp:dojoModule name="extlib.dijit.Loading">< /xp:dojoModule>
< /xp:this.resources>
Add following lines to the EventHandler of your button/link which is going to be used for Partial Update:
< xp:this.onStart>< /xp:this.onStart>
< xp:this.onComplete>< /xp:this.onComplete>
< xp:this.onError>< /xp:this.onError>
Not an answer to your question but you could try my ViewGrid plugin from here OpenNTF ViewGrid. If the view indexes are being build, the control 'waits' until that process is done (with a loading indicator)
I work with ExtJS 4.1, MVC. For the first time, after page is loaded I download data to grid and then I want to work with it locally. I can add records to the grid and manually delete them.
When I try to delete one record, I manually delete it from store (I checked store), but text in pagination is previous. I can see changes on store and on grid, but text in pagination tool is like it was before deleting.
So how can I refresh that text manually?
it should be automatic but you can fix it with pagingtoolbar.doRefresh( ) , or firing the change event of the binding store.fireEvent("change")
I'm trying to play a song from a position other than the beginning of the track.
I've found that player.position = X will work as a standalone function, such as triggered by a button, but triggering it on player.observe(models.EVENT.CHANGE... results in a crash.
I figure this is because the track hasn't actually started playing once the event occurs as the player.position may still be at the previous song's position.
I've also experimented with which seems to give the same results.
So has anyone got a song to start playing at another position than 0? (Or made the playhead jump ahead after the event of playing a new song?)
Add the position after the uri, for example:
var uri= 'spotify:track:xxxxxx#02:04'
See this sourcecode if you want inspiration:
Is it possible to have Year view for primefaces schedule? By default month/week/day view are values, how can I have a year view for schedule?
You cannot achieve it by using the original Primefaces schedule only...
Quote from the primefaces showcase :
Schedule is highly customizable featuring various views (month, day, week),
Also, the official full calendar jQuery plugin (on which the Primefaces schedule is actually based) does not support this out of the box FullCalendar
BUT... you can take a look at this : Year View with 12 Mini-Calendars there is an unofficial way to achieve what you are looking for look at the attached .rar file (demos/agenda-views.html)
So you first need to integrate the full calendar jQuery plugin in your web app, then look at the patch...
So eventually it is possible...